撒 sǎ
to scatter; to disperse
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '撒'; Guoyu '撒' sǎ v 1; Kroll 2015 '撒', p. 394; Unihan '撒'; XHZD '撒' sǎ 1, p. 643) -
to let go
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '撒'; Guoyu '撒' v 1; Unihan '撒'; XHZD '撒' sā 1, p. 643) -
to force out; to cast away; to discharge
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '撒'; Guoyu '撒' v 2; Unihan '撒') -
to spill
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '撒' sǎ v 2; XHZD '撒' sǎ 2, p. 643) -
to be unrestrained
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (XHZD '撒' sā 2, p. 643) -
to manifest
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '撒'; Guoyu '撒' sā v 3) -
proper noun
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Names , Concept: Surname 姓氏
Notes: (Guoyu '撒' sā n)
Contained in
- 抛撒(拋撒) to sprinkle
- 撒呓挣(撒囈掙) somniloquy; to talk or act in one's sleep; sleep-walking
- 撒丫子 to rush off; to scamper off double-quick; to take to one's heels; to make oneself scarce
- 撒种(撒種) to sow seeds
- 撒门(撒門) Salmon (son of Nashon)
- 撒哈拉以南 sub-Saharan
- 魔王撒旦 Satan, Devil king
- 撒哈拉人 Sahrawi (person)
- 撒丁岛(撒丁島) Sardinia
- 撒拉族 Salar People
- 西撒哈拉 Western Sahara
- 撒脚(撒腳) to run off; to beat it
- 裘力斯·恺撒(裘力斯·愷撒) Julius Caesar
- 撒哈拉以南非洲 sub-Saharan Africa
- 撒旦 Satan; Shaitan
- 撒迦利亚(撒迦利亞) Zechariah (name) / Zechariah (Old Testament prophet)
- 撒然 sudden
- 撒手人寰 to leave one's mortal frame; to die
- 撒手 to let go of something; to give up
- 撒腿 to take to one's heels; to scram
- 撒泼(撒潑) to make an unreasonable scene
- 撒手锏(撒手鐧) (fig.) trump card
- 不见兔子不撒鹰(不見兔子不撒鷹) you don't release the hawk until you've seen the hare; one doesn't act without some incentive
- 撒网捕风(撒網捕風) the wind cannot be caught in a net; to waste one's effort
- 撒母耳记下(撒母耳記下) Second book of Samuel
- 亚撒(亞撒) Asa (?-870 BC), third king of Judah and fifth king of the House of David (Judaism)
- 撒野 to display shockingly bad behavior; to behave atrociously
- 撒娇(撒嬌) to act like a spoiled child; to throw a tantrum; to act coquettishly
- 撒谎(撒謊) to lie
- 耶路撒冷 Jerusalem
- 撒拉铁(撒拉鐵) Shealtiel (son of Jeconiah)
- 撒播 to sow (seeds by scattering); scatter sowing
- 以利亚撒(以利亞撒) Eleazar (son of Eluid)
- 撒手不管 to stand aside and do nothing; to take no part in
- 撒都该人(撒都該人) Sadducees
- 撒网(撒網) to throw a net
- 撒酒疯(撒酒瘋) to get drunk and act crazy; roaring drunk
- 帖撒罗尼迦前书(帖撒羅尼迦前書) First epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians
- 帖撒罗尼迦后书(帖撒羅尼迦後書) Second epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians
- 撒尔孟(撒爾孟) Salmon (name)
Also contained in
撒哈拉 、 撒克逊人 、 恺撒 、 西属撒哈拉 、 伯罗奔尼撒 、 撒马尔干 、 纳撒尼尔·霍桑 、 撒马尔罕 、 循化撒拉族自治县 、 撒切尔 、 积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷三百十一 列傳第一百九十九 四川土司一 Volume 311 Biographies 199: Sichuan Tribal Headmen 1 History of Ming 明史 — count: 69
- 卷三百三十二 列傳第二百二十 西域四 Volume 332 Biographies 220: Western Regions 4 History of Ming 明史 — count: 53
- 卷一百十三 列傳第五十一: 完顏賽不 內族:完顏白撒一名承裔 赤盞合喜 Volume 113 Biographies 51: Wanyan Saibu, same clan: Wanyanbaisayimingchengyi, Chizhan Hexi History of Jin 金史 — count: 52
- 卷七十 列傳第八: 撒改子:宗憲(本名阿懶) 習不失孫:宗亨(本名撻不也) 宗賢(本名賽里) 石土門弟:忠(本名迪古乃) 子:習室 思敬(本名撒改) Volume 70 Biographies 8: Sa Gai and son: Zongxian (formerly named Alan), Xi Bushi and grandson: Zongheng (formerly named Tabuye), Zong Xian (formerly named Saili), Shi Tumen and younger brother: Zhong (formerly named Di Gunai), son: Xishi, Si Jing (formerly named Sagai) History of Jin 金史 — count: 35
- 卷八十四 列傳第二十二: 杲本名撒離喝 耨碗溫敦思忠子:謙,侄:兀帶 昂 高楨 白彥敬 張景仁 Volume 84 Biographies 22: Gao former name Salihe, Nouwanwendunsizhong son: Qian, nephew: Wudai, Ang, Gao Zhen, Bai Yanjing, Zhang Jingren History of Jin 金史 — count: 34
- 卷三十五 本紀第三十五: 文宗四 Volume 35 Annals 35: Wenzong 4 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 24
- 卷一百三十八 列傳第二十五: 康里脫脫 燕鐵木兒 伯顏 馬札兒台 脫脫 Volume 138 Biographies 25: Kanglituotuo, El Temür, Bayan, Mazhaertai, Toqto'a History of Yuan 元史 — count: 21
- 卷三十二 本紀第三十二: 文宗一 Volume 32 Annals 32: Wenzong 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 20
- 卷三十四 本紀第三十四: 文宗三 Volume 34 Annals 34: Wenzong 3 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 20
- 卷七十二 列傳第十: 婁室子:活女 謀衍 仲(本名石古乃),族子:海里 銀朮可子:彀英(本名撻懶) 母弟:麻吉(子:沃側) 弟:拔離速 習古乃 Volume 72 Biographies 10: Lou Shi and son: Huonu, Mou Yan, Zhong (formerly named Shigunai),descendant: Haili, Yin Paike and son: Gou Ying (formerly named Talan), Mu younger brother: Maji (son: Woce), younger brother: Ba Lisu, Xi Gunai History of Jin 金史 — count: 19
- 撒离 (撒離) 勃堇撒離栂來 — History of Song 宋史, 卷二十三 本紀第二十三 欽宗 Volume 23 Annals 23: Qinzong — count: 29
- 速撒 (速撒) 耶律速撒等獻党項俘 — History of Liao 遼史, 卷八 本紀第八: 景宗上 Volume 8 Annals 8: Jingzong 1 — count: 18
- 撒葛 (撒葛) 次撒葛山 — History of Liao 遼史, 卷二 本紀第二: 太祖下 Volume 2 Annals 2: Taizu 2 — count: 15
- 罗撒 (羅撒) 以西蕃賒羅撒為西平軍節度使 — History of Song 宋史, 卷十九 本紀第十九 徽宗一 Volume 19 Annals 19: Huizong 1 — count: 15
- 撒剌 (撒剌) 李振及契丹撒剌阿撥等 — Old History of the Five Dynasties 舊五代史, 卷三十 唐書6: 莊宗本紀四 Volume 30 Book of Later Tang 6: Zhuangzong Annals 4 — count: 10
- 罨撒 (罨撒) 罨撒葛為太平王 — History of Liao 遼史, 卷四 本紀第四: 太宗下 Volume 4 Annals 4: Taizong 2 — count: 8
- 撒八 (撒八) 及萬戶撒八孛堇 — History of Song 宋史, 卷三百六十八 列傳第一百二十七 王德 王彥 魏勝 張憲 楊再興 牛皋 胡閎休 Volume 368 Biographies 127: Wang De, Wang Yan, Wei Sheng, Zhang Xian, Yang Zaixing, Niu Gao, Hu Hongxiu — count: 7
- 撒等 (撒等) 耶律速撒等獻党項俘 — History of Liao 遼史, 卷八 本紀第八: 景宗上 Volume 8 Annals 8: Jingzong 1 — count: 6
- 撒里 (撒裡) 元帥撒里曷來同州 — History of Song 宋史, 卷三百六十七 列傳第一百二十六 李顯忠 楊存中 郭浩 楊政 Volume 367 Biographies 126: Li Xianzhong, Yang Cunzhong, Guo Hao, Yang Zheng — count: 6
- 撒殿 (撒殿) 撒殿 — History of Song 宋史, 卷一百十九 志第七十二 禮二十二 Volume 119 Treatises 72: Rites 22 — count: 4