太子丹 tàizǐdān
proper noun
Prince Dan of Yan
Domain: History 历史
, Subdomain: China
, Concept: Person 人
Notes: (-226 BC), commissioned the attempted assassination of King Ying Zheng of Qin 秦嬴政 (later the First Emperor 秦始皇) by Jing Ke 荆轲 in 227 BCE (CC-CEDICT '太子丹')
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 《刺客列傳》 Biographies of Assassins Records of the Grand Historian 史記 — count: 7
- 卷三十一 燕三 Chapter 31: Yan III Stratagems of the Warring States 戰國策 — count: 6
- 《六國年表》 Yearly Chronicle of the Six States Records of the Grand Historian 史記 — count: 3
- 卷四十五 蒯伍江息夫傳 Volume 45: Kuai , Wu, Jiang and Xifu Book of Han 漢書 — count: 3
- 卷二十八下 地理志 Volume 28b: Treatise on Geography 2 Book of Han 漢書 — count: 2
- 《秦始皇本紀》 Annals of Qin Shi Huang Records of the Grand Historian 史記 — count: 2
- 《燕召公世家》 House of Yan Shaogong Records of the Grand Historian 史記 — count: 2
- 《趙世家》 House of Zhao Records of the Grand Historian 史記 — count: 1
- 卷一百二十五 列傳第六十三: 文藝上 韓昉 蔡松年子:珪 吳激 馬定國 任詢 趙可 郭長倩 蕭永祺 胡礪 王競 楊伯仁 鄭子聃 党懷英 Volume 125 Biographies 63: Wen Yishang, Han Fang, Cai Songnian son: Gui, Wu Ji, Ma Dingguo, Ren Xun, Zhao Ke, Guo Zhangqian, Xiao Yongqi, Hu Li, Wang Jing, Yang Boren, Zheng Zidan, Dang Huaiying History of Jin 金史 — count: 1
- 卷三 越絕吳內傳第四 Scroll 3 Yue Jue Shu 越絕書 — count: 1
- 太子丹入 (太子丹入) 三年而燕王喜使太子丹入質於秦 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《樗里子甘茂列傳》 Biographies of Shu Lizi and Gan Mao — count: 3
- 使太子丹 (使太子丹) 三年而燕王喜使太子丹入質於秦 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《樗里子甘茂列傳》 Biographies of Shu Lizi and Gan Mao — count: 3
- 太子丹质 (太子丹質) 太子丹質於秦 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《六國年表》 Yearly Chronicle of the Six States — count: 2
- 太子丹患 (太子丹患) 太子丹患之 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《刺客列傳》 Biographies of Assassins — count: 2
- 太子丹恐惧 (太子丹恐懼) 太子丹恐懼 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《刺客列傳》 Biographies of Assassins — count: 2
- 太子丹等 (太子丹等) 太子丹等盡率其精兵東保於遼東 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《刺客列傳》 Biographies of Assassins — count: 2