金牌 jīnpái
gold medal
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Sport
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '金牌'; Guoyu '金牌' 2) -
sign with gold lettering
Domain: History 历史 , Subdomain: China
Notes: Especially at historic relay posts (Guoyu '金牌' 1)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷三百十五 列傳第二百〇三 雲南土司三 Volume 315 Biographies 203: Yunnan Tribal Headmen 3 History of Ming 明史 — count: 12
- 卷九十一 志第四十一上: 百官七 Volume 91 Treatises 44: Official Posts 7 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 8
- 卷八十 志第五十六 食貨四 Volume 80 Treatises 56: Finance and Economics 4 History of Ming 明史 — count: 8
- 卷六十八 志第四十四 輿服四 Volume 68 Treatises 44: Carriages and Clothing 4 History of Ming 明史 — count: 8
- 卷八十七 列傳第二十五: 紇石烈志寧 僕散忠義 徒單合喜 Volume 87 Biographies 25: Geshiliezhining, Pusan Zhongyi, Tu Danhexi History of Jin 金史 — count: 6
- 卷三百十四 列傳第二百〇二 雲南土司二 Volume 314 Biographies 202: Yunnan Tribal Headmen 2 History of Ming 明史 — count: 6
- 卷七十四 志第二十五: 祭祀三 Volume 74 Treatises 27: Offerings 3 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 5
- 第八十二回 Chapter 82 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 4
- 卷八十四 列傳第二十二: 杲本名撒離喝 耨碗溫敦思忠子:謙,侄:兀帶 昂 高楨 白彥敬 張景仁 Volume 84 Biographies 22: Gao former name Salihe, Nouwanwendunsizhong son: Qian, nephew: Wudai, Ang, Gao Zhen, Bai Yanjing, Zhang Jingren History of Jin 金史 — count: 4
- 卷九十二 志第六十八 兵四 Volume 92 Treatises 68: Military 4 History of Ming 明史 — count: 4
- 佩金牌 (佩金牌) 佩金牌護親軍家屬遷汴 — History of Jin 金史, 卷六十五 列傳第三: 始祖以下諸子 斡魯 輩魯 謝庫德孫:拔達 謝夷保子:盆納 謝里忽 烏古出 跋黑 崇成本名僕灰 劾孫子:浦家奴 麻頗子:謾都本 弟:謾都訶 子:蠻睹(蠻睹曾孫惟鎔,本名沒烈) 斡帶 斡賽子:宗永 斡者孫:璋 昂本名吾都補,子:鄭家 Volume 65 Biographies 3: Sons and descendants of Shizu - Wo Lu, Bei Lu, Xie Kude and grandson: Bada, Xie Yibao and son: Penna, Xie Lihu, Wu Guchu, Ba Hei, Chong Cheng formerly named Puhui, He Sun and son: Pu Jianu, Ma Po and son: Man Douben, younger brother: Man Douhe, son: Man Du (Mandu nephew Weirong, formerly named Meilie), Wo Dai, Wo Sai and son: Zongyong, Wo Zhe and grandson: Zhang, Ang formerly named Wu Doubu and son: Zhengjia — count: 22
- 赐金牌 (賜金牌) 賜金牌 — History of Jin 金史, 卷八十 列傳第十八: 熙宗二子濟安 道濟 斜卯阿里 突合速 烏延蒲盧渾 赤盞暉 大㚖本名撻不野 磐本名蒲速越 阿離補子:方 Volume 80 Biographies 18: Xi Zong and two sons jian, Dao Ji, Xie Maoali, Tu Hesu, Wuyan Puluhun, Chi Zhanhui, Da Gao formerly named Tabuye, Pan formerly named Pusuyue, A Libu son: Fang — count: 14
- 金牌一 (金牌一) 授金牌一 — History of Jin 金史, 卷七十三 列傳第十一: 阿離合懣子:晏(本名斡論),孫:宗尹(本名阿里罕) 宗甯(本名阿土古) 宗道本名八十 宗雄本名謀良虎,子:阿鄰 按荅海 希尹本名穀神,孫:守貞(本名左靨) 守能(本名胡刺) Volume 73 Biographies 11: Ali Hemen and son: Yan (formerly named Wolun), grandson: Zongyin (formerly named Alihan), Zong Ning (formerly named Atugu), Zong Dao formerly named bashi, Zong Xiong formerly named Mou Lianghu, son: Alin, An Dahai, Xi Yin formerly named Gushen, son: Shouzhen (formerly named Zuoye), Shou Neng (formerly named Huci) — count: 7
- 金牌信 (金牌信) 又制金牌信符 — History of Ming 明史, 卷八十 志第五十六 食貨四 Volume 80 Treatises 56: Finance and Economics 4 — count: 6
- 降金牌 (降金牌) 仍降金牌俾領其事 — History of Jin 金史, 卷九十六 列傳第三十四: 黃久約 李晏子:仲略 李愈 王賁 許安仁 梁襄 路伯達 Volume 96 Biographies 34: Huang Jiuyue, Li Yan son: Zhonglüe, Li Yu, Wang Ben, Xu Anren, Liang Xiang, Lu Boda — count: 4
- 及金牌 (及金牌) 乃獲偽都元帥醜哥及金牌一 — History of Jin 金史, 卷一百三十三 列傳第七十一: 叛臣 張覺子:僅言 耶律餘睹 窩斡 Volume 133 Biographies 71: Pan Chen, Zhang Jue son: Jinyan, Ye Luyudu, Wo Wo — count: 4
- 受金牌 (受金牌) 受金牌 — History of Jin 金史, 卷十九 本紀第十九: 世紀補 景宣帝宗峻 睿宗宗堯 顯宗允恭 Volume 19 Annals 19: Ancenstral Records - Emperor Jingxuan Zongjun, Ruizong, Zongyao, Xianzong, Yungong — count: 4
- 金牌三十六 (金牌三十六) 教取金牌三十六面 — Water Margin 水滸傳, 第八十二回 Chapter 82 — count: 3
- 金牌位 (金牌位) 奉遷栗主金牌位與舊神主於饌幕殿 — History of Yuan 元史, 卷七十四 志第二十五: 祭祀三 Volume 74 Treatises 27: Offerings 3 — count: 3
- 金牌黄 (金牌黃) 清水江蠻金牌黃作亂 — History of Ming 明史, 卷三百十六 列傳第二百〇四 貴州土司 Volume 316 Biographies 204: Guizhou Tribal Headmen — count: 3