罗织 (羅織) luózhī
to frame somebody; to cook up imaginary charges against sb
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '羅織')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷四十三 志第二十四: 輿服上 天子車輅、皇后妃嬪車輦、皇太子車制、王公以下車制及鞍勒飾 輿服中 天子袞冕 視朝之服 皇后冠服 皇太子冠服 宗室及外戚並一品命婦 臣下朝服 祭服 公服 輿服下 衣服通制 Volume 43 Treatises 24: Carriages and Clothing 1 - Emperor's Carriages, Empress' and Consorts' Carriages; Crown Prince's Carriages; Princes, Dukes, and below Carriages and Saddlery; Carriages and Clothing 2 - Emperors' Robes and Crowns; Clothing for those Accompanying the Emperor; Empresses' Crown and Clothing; Crown Princes' Crown and Clothing; Dress for the Imperial Clan, Families of Imperial Consorts, and Titled Nobility; Court Dress for Officials; Ceremonial Clothing; Official Clothing; Carriages and Clothing 3 - Tailoring History of Jin 金史 — count: 5
- 卷五十 志第三十: 刑法 Volume 50 Treatises 30: Punishment and Law Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 5
- 卷一百八十六上 列傳第一百三十六上: 酷吏上 Volume 186 Biographies 136: Cruel Officials 1 Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 4
- 卷二百四十五 列傳第一百三十三 周起元 繆昌期 周順昌 周宗建 黃尊素 李應昇 萬燝 Volume 245 Biographies 133: Zhou Qiyuan, Miao Changqi, Zhou Shunchang, Zhou Zongjian, Huang Zunsu, Li Yingsheng, Wan Jing History of Ming 明史 — count: 4
- 卷九十 列傳第四十: 王及善 杜景儉 朱敬則 楊再思 李懷遠 豆盧欽望 Volume 90 Biographies 40: Wang Jishan, Du Jingjian, Zhu Jingze, Yang Zaisi, Li Huaiyuan, Doulu Qinwang Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 3
- 卷一百一十五 列傳第四十 狄仁傑子:光嗣 族孫:兼謨 郝處俊孫:象賢 朱敬則兄:仁軌 Volume 115 Biographies 40: Di Renjie and son: Guang Si, descendent: Jia Mo, Hao Chujun and grandson: Xiang Xian, Zhu Jingze and brother Ren Gui New Book of Tang 新唐書 — count: 3
- 卷九十二 列傳第四十二: 魏元忠 韋安石 蕭至忠 宗楚客 紀處訥 Volume 92 Biographies 42: Wei Yuanzhong, Wei Anshi, Ziao Zhizhong, Zong Chuke, Ji Chune Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 3
- 卷一百三十九 列傳第二十七 錢唐 韓宜可 蕭岐 馮堅 茹太素 李仕魯 葉伯巨 鄭士利 周敬心 王朴 張衡 Volume 139 Biographies 27: Qian Tang, Han Yike, Xiao Qi, Feng Jian, Ru Taisu, Li Shilu, Ye Boju, Zheng Shili, Zhou Jingxin, Wang Pu, Zhang Heng History of Ming 明史 — count: 2
- 卷一百〇五 志第五十三: 刑法四 Volume 105 Treatises 58: Punishment and Law 4 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 2
- 卷二百三十七 列傳第一百二十五 傅好禮 姜志禮 包見捷 田大益 馮應京 吳宗堯 吳寶秀 華鈺 Volume 237 Biographies 125: Fu Haoli, Jiang Zhili, Bao Jianjie, Tian Dayi, Feng Yingjing, Wu Zongyao, Wu Baoxiu, Hua Yu History of Ming 明史 — count: 2
- 罗织成 (羅織成) 深青羅織成翬翟之形 — History of Jin 金史, 卷四十三 志第二十四: 輿服上 天子車輅、皇后妃嬪車輦、皇太子車制、王公以下車制及鞍勒飾 輿服中 天子袞冕 視朝之服 皇后冠服 皇太子冠服 宗室及外戚並一品命婦 臣下朝服 祭服 公服 輿服下 衣服通制 Volume 43 Treatises 24: Carriages and Clothing 1 - Emperor's Carriages, Empress' and Consorts' Carriages; Crown Prince's Carriages; Princes, Dukes, and below Carriages and Saddlery; Carriages and Clothing 2 - Emperors' Robes and Crowns; Clothing for those Accompanying the Emperor; Empresses' Crown and Clothing; Crown Princes' Crown and Clothing; Dress for the Imperial Clan, Families of Imperial Consorts, and Titled Nobility; Court Dress for Officials; Ceremonial Clothing; Official Clothing; Carriages and Clothing 3 - Tailoring — count: 7
- 罗织经 (羅織經) 告密羅織經 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷五十 志第三十: 刑法 Volume 50 Treatises 30: Punishment and Law — count: 4
- 告密罗织 (告密羅織) 告密羅織經 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷五十 志第三十: 刑法 Volume 50 Treatises 30: Punishment and Law — count: 4
- 青罗织 (青羅織) 深青羅織成翬翟之形 — History of Jin 金史, 卷四十三 志第二十四: 輿服上 天子車輅、皇后妃嬪車輦、皇太子車制、王公以下車制及鞍勒飾 輿服中 天子袞冕 視朝之服 皇后冠服 皇太子冠服 宗室及外戚並一品命婦 臣下朝服 祭服 公服 輿服下 衣服通制 Volume 43 Treatises 24: Carriages and Clothing 1 - Emperor's Carriages, Empress' and Consorts' Carriages; Crown Prince's Carriages; Princes, Dukes, and below Carriages and Saddlery; Carriages and Clothing 2 - Emperors' Robes and Crowns; Clothing for those Accompanying the Emperor; Empresses' Crown and Clothing; Crown Princes' Crown and Clothing; Dress for the Imperial Clan, Families of Imperial Consorts, and Titled Nobility; Court Dress for Officials; Ceremonial Clothing; Official Clothing; Carriages and Clothing 3 - Tailoring — count: 3
- 罗织事 (羅織事) 既羅織事起 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷九十八 列傳第四十八: 魏知古 盧懷慎 源乾曜 李元纮 杜暹 韓休 裴耀卿 Volume 98 Biographies 48: Wei Zhigu, Lu Huaishen, Yuan Ganyao, Li Yuanhong, Du Xian, Han Xiu, Pei Yaoqing — count: 2
- 罗织狱 (羅織獄) 見羅織獄興 — New Book of Tang 新唐書, 卷一百二十六 列傳第五十一 魏盧李杜張韓 Volume 126 Biographies 51: Wei, Lu, Li, Du, Zhang, Han — count: 2
- 罗织朝 (羅織朝) 屬巡撫都御史勞堪羅織朝選 — History of Ming 明史, 卷一百十七 列傳第五 諸王二 Volume 117 Biographies 5: Princes 2 — count: 2
- 罗织平民 (羅織平民) 羅織平民而囚殺之 — History of Song 宋史, 卷二百 志第一百五十三 刑法二 Volume 200 Treatises 153: Punishment and Law 2 — count: 2
- 罗织虚 (羅織虛) 乃羅織虛中家圖書為反具 — History of Song 宋史, 卷三百七十一 列傳第一百三十 白時中 徐處仁 馮澥 王倫 宇文虛中 湯思退 Volume 371 Biographies 130: Bai Shizhong, Xu Churen, Feng Xie, Wang Lun, Yu Wenxuzhong, Tang Situi — count: 2
- 红罗织 (紅羅織) 襈並紅羅織成雲龍 — History of Jin 金史, 卷四十三 志第二十四: 輿服上 天子車輅、皇后妃嬪車輦、皇太子車制、王公以下車制及鞍勒飾 輿服中 天子袞冕 視朝之服 皇后冠服 皇太子冠服 宗室及外戚並一品命婦 臣下朝服 祭服 公服 輿服下 衣服通制 Volume 43 Treatises 24: Carriages and Clothing 1 - Emperor's Carriages, Empress' and Consorts' Carriages; Crown Prince's Carriages; Princes, Dukes, and below Carriages and Saddlery; Carriages and Clothing 2 - Emperors' Robes and Crowns; Clothing for those Accompanying the Emperor; Empresses' Crown and Clothing; Crown Princes' Crown and Clothing; Dress for the Imperial Clan, Families of Imperial Consorts, and Titled Nobility; Court Dress for Officials; Ceremonial Clothing; Official Clothing; Carriages and Clothing 3 - Tailoring — count: 2