璃 lí
bound form
colored glaze; glass
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: Part of 玻璃 (CC-CEDICT '璃'; Guoyu '璃'; Unihan '璃')
Contained in
- 钢化玻璃(鋼化玻璃) reinforced glass
- 窗玻璃 window pane
- 毛玻璃 frosted glass
- 结晶玻璃(結晶玻璃) crystal glass
- 玻璃钢(玻璃鋼) glass-reinforced plastic; fiberglass
- 玻璃体(玻璃體) vitreous humor
- 琉璃蓝鹟(琉璃藍鶲) Zappey's flycatcher (Cyanoptila cumatilis)
- 玻璃砂 siliceous sand
- 玻璃纤维(玻璃纖維) fiberglass; glass fiber
- 玻璃管 glass tube
- 玻璃 glass ; crystal
- 玻璃杯 drinking glass
- 琉璃苣 borage (Borago officinalis)
- 玻璃化 vitrification
- 挡风玻璃(擋風玻璃) windshield; wind screen
- 玻璃心 overly sensitive
- 中空玻璃 double glazing
- 琉璃塔 glazed tile pagoda; glazed tower of minaret
- 彩色玻璃 stained glass
- 花窗玻璃 stained glass
- 玻璃罩 glass cover; bell glass
- 瑠璃 lapis lazuli; lazurite
- 琉璃瓦 a glazed roof tile
- 玻璃球 marbles
- 有机玻璃(有機玻璃) plexiglass
- 风档玻璃(風檔玻璃) windscreen (car window)
- 不碎玻璃 shatterproof or safety glass
- 琉璃 lapis lazuli; lazurite; a blue gem ; ceramic glaze
- 铅玻璃(鉛玻璃) lead glass; crystal
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷七十八 列傳第八: 耶律夷臘葛 蕭海璃 蕭護思 蕭思溫 蕭繼先 Volume 78 Biographies 8: Yelu Yilage, Xiao Haili, Xiao Husi, Xiao Siwen, Xiao Jixian History of Liao 遼史 — count: 5
- 卷四百八十九 列傳第二百四十八 外國五 占城 眞臘 蒲甘 邈黎 三佛齊 闍婆南毗 勃泥 注輦 丹眉流 Volume 489 Biographies 248: Foreign States 5 - Champa, Siem Reap, Bagan, Miaoli, Srivijaya, Sheponanpi, Brunei, Chola, Nakhon Si Thammarat History of Song 宋史 — count: 2
- 卷九十三 列傳第二十三: 蕭惠 蕭迂魯 蕭圖玉 耶律鐸軫 Volume 93 Biographies 23: Xiao Hui, Xiao Yulu, Xiao Tuyu, Yelu Duozhen History of Liao 遼史 — count: 1
- 卷七 本紀第七: 穆宗下 Volume 7 Annals 7: Muzong 2 History of Liao 遼史 — count: 1
- 卷二百一十四 列傳第一百三十九 藩鎮宣武彰義澤潞 Volume 214 Biographies 139: Buffer Regions - Xuanwu's Zhangyize Road New Book of Tang 新唐書 — count: 1
- 卷五十八 列傳第三十九 蠻 東南夷 Volume 58 Biographies 39: Other Peoples from the Southeast Book of Southern Qi 南齊書 — count: 1
- 卷六十五 表第三: 公主表 Volume 65 Tables 3: Princesses History of Liao 遼史 — count: 1
- 卷六 本紀第六: 穆宗上 Volume 6 Annals 6: Muzong 1 History of Liao 遼史 — count: 1
- 卷一百〇四 載記第四 石勒上 Volume 104 Records 4: Shi Le Part One Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 1
- 卷六十七 表第五: 外戚表 Volume 67 Tables 5: Families of Imperial Consorts History of Liao 遼史 — count: 1
- 海璃 (海璃) 命郎君蕭海璃世為北府宰相 — History of Liao 遼史, 卷六 本紀第六: 穆宗上 Volume 6 Annals 6: Muzong 1 — count: 10
- 璢璃 (璢璃) 璢璃蘇鉝二口 — Book of Southern Qi 南齊書, 卷五十八 列傳第三十九 蠻 東南夷 Volume 58 Biographies 39: Other Peoples from the Southeast — count: 3