1. noun channel; canal; drain; ditch
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: In the sense of 水道, as in 沟渠; especially a man-made structure (ABC 'qú' 渠 n, p. 749; Guoyu '渠' n 1; Kroll 2015 '渠' 1, p. 377; Unihan '渠'; XHZD '渠' 1, p. 619)
  2. adjective big
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: In the sense of 大 (ABC 'qú' 渠 sv, p. 749; Guoyu '渠' adj; Kroll 2015 '渠' 3a, p. 377; XHZD '渠' 2, p. 619)
  3. pronoun he; she
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: 渠 was used as a third person pronoun in postclassical Chinese (ABC 'qú' 渠 pr, p. 749; Guoyu '渠' pronoun; Kroll 2015 '渠' 4, p. 377; Pulleyblank 1995, p. 80; XHZD '渠' 3, p. 619)
  4. particle interrogative particle
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: 渠 may be used to from questions, like simplified 岂, traditional 豈, in Classical Chinese (Pulleyblank 1995, p. 144).
  5. noun the part of a wheel that spokes are fitted into
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: (Kroll 2015 '渠' 2, p. 377)
  6. noun a shield
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: (Kroll 2015 '渠' 3, p. 377)
  7. proper noun Qu
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Names , Concept: Surname 姓氏
    Notes: (Guoyu '渠' n 2)

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Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words
