颇 (頗)

  1. adverb slightly; rather; quite
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: In the sense of 略微 (Guoyu '頗' pǒ adv 1; Kroll 2015 '頗' 1, p. 348; Unihan '頗'; XHZD '颇' 2, p. 573)
  2. adverb perhaps
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: In the sense of 可 or 'could it be that?' (Guoyu '頗' pǒ adv 3; Kroll 2015 '頗' 2, p. 348)
  3. adjective oblique; inclined; slanting; biased
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '頗'; Guoyu '頗' pō adj; Kroll 2015 '頗' 3, p. 348; Unihan '頗'; XHZD '颇' 1, p. 573)
  4. adverb very; extremely
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: In the sense of 甚 or 很 (Guoyu '頗' pǒ adv 2)
  5. adverb should not
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: In the sense of 不可 (Guoyu '頗' pǒ adv 4)
  6. proper noun Po
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Names , Concept: Surname 姓氏
    Notes: (Guoyu '頗' pǒ n)

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