涨 (漲) zhǎng
to increase in price
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Unihan '漲'; Mathews 1931 '涨', p. 20; XHZD '涨' zhǎng 2) -
to rise; to go up
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: As in water level (CCD '涨' zhǎng, p. 2417; FE '涨' zhǎng, p. 808; Guoyu '涨' zhǎng v 2; Mathews 1931 '涨', p. 20; XHZD '涨' zhǎng 1) -
to swell; to distend
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Medicine
Notes: (CCD '涨' zhàng 2, p. 2420; FE '涨' zhàng, p. 808; Guoyu '涨' zhàng v 1; Mathews 1931 '涨', p. 20; XHZD '涨' zhàng 4) -
to swell after absorbing water
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CCD '涨' zhàng 1, p. 2420; XHZD '涨' zhàng 1) -
to permeate; to pervade
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As in 弥漫 (Guoyu '涨' zhàng v 2; XHZD '涨' zhàng 2) -
to be more than
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CCD '涨' zhàng 3, p. 2420; XHZD '涨' zhàng 3)
Contained in
- 涨到(漲到) to go up; to rise
- 水涨(水漲) water rising
- 涨发(漲發) to rise
- 涨停板(漲停板) daily upper limit on the price of a stock
- 脸红筋涨(臉紅筋漲) red and tense with anger
- 涨跌(漲跌) rise or fall in price
- 涨价(漲價) to rise the price
- 涨势(漲勢) rising trend; upward momentum (e.g. in prices)
- 水涨船高(水漲船高) the tide rises, the boat floats; to change with the overall trend
- 情绪高涨(情緒高漲) in high spirits
- 涨潮(漲潮) rising tide
- 涨落(漲落) (of water, prices etc) to rise and fall
- 飞涨(飛漲) soaring inflation; rocketing prices
- 涨钱(漲錢) inflation; salary raise
- 上涨(上漲) to rise; go upward; to increase
- 涨水(漲水) rise of water level
- 飙涨(飆漲) soaring inflation; rocketing prices
- 涨跌幅限制(漲跌幅限制) limit up, limit down; limit on daily price variation
- 涨红(漲紅) to turn red (in the face); to flush (with embarrassment or anger)
- 涨幅(漲幅) rise and fall of prices in one day
- 冻涨(凍漲) to freeze
- 涨满(漲滿) filled and spilling over
- 涨姿势(漲姿勢) to acquire knowledge
- 涨湓(漲湓) filled and spilling over
- 猛涨(猛漲) (of water) to soar; (of prices) to skyrocket
- 暴涨(暴漲) to increase sharply; to rise dramatically ; to to rise suddenly
- 高涨(高漲) to rise
- 看涨(看漲) bull market
- 涨风(漲風) upward trend (in prices)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷六十一 志第十四 五行一上 Volume 61 Treatises 14: Five Elements 1a History of Song 宋史 — count: 72
- 卷二十八 志第四 五行一 Volume 28 Treatises 4: Five Elements 1 History of Ming 明史 — count: 25
- 卷八十五 志第六十一 河渠三 Volume 85 Treatises 61: Rivers and Canals 3 History of Ming 明史 — count: 13
- 卷六十五 志第十七上: 河渠二 Volume 65 Treatises 18: Rivers and Canals 2 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 12
- 卷九十三 志第四十六 河渠三 Volume 93 Treatises 46: Rivers and Canals 3 History of Song 宋史 — count: 11
- 卷八十八 志第六十四 河渠六 Volume 88 Treatises 64: Rivers and Canals 6 History of Ming 明史 — count: 10
- 卷八十四 志第六十 河渠二 Volume 84 Treatises 60: Rivers and Canals 2 History of Ming 明史 — count: 9
- 卷九十七 志第五十 河渠七 Volume 97 Treatises 50: Rivers and Canals 7 History of Song 宋史 — count: 8
- 卷八十七 志第六十三 河渠五 Volume 87 Treatises 63: Rivers and Canals 5 History of Ming 明史 — count: 7
- 卷三十七 志第十七: 五行 Volume 37 Treatises 17: Five Elements Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 7
- 涨溢 (漲溢) 溝渠漲溢 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷十一 本紀第十一: 代宗 Volume 11 Annals 11: Daizong — count: 24
- 泛涨 (泛漲) 又秋水泛漲 — History of the Northern Dynasties 北史, 卷十五 列傳第三: 魏諸宗室 Volume 15 Biographies 3: The Wei Imperial Family — count: 23
- 河涨 (河漲) 溝河漲溢 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷十九下 本紀第十九下: 僖宗 Volume 19 Annals 19: Xizong — count: 21
- 江水涨 (江水漲) 玄武江水漲二丈 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷十七下 本紀第十七下: 文宗下 Volume 17 Annals 17: Wenzong 2 — count: 15
- 江涨 (江漲) 玄武江漲 — New Book of Tang 新唐書, 卷三十六 志第二十六 五行三 Volume 36 Treatises 30: Five Elements 3 — count: 14
- 涨天 (漲天) 煙焰漲天 — Book of Wei 魏書, 卷71 裴叔業 夏侯道遷 李元護 席法友 王世弼 江悦之 淳于誕 李苗 Volume 71: Pei Shuye, Xiahou Daoqian, Li Yuanhu, Xi Fayou, Wang Shibi, Jiang Yuezhi, Chun Yudan, Li Miao — count: 13
- 大涨 (大漲) 遼水大漲 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷三 魏書三 明帝紀 Volume 3: Book of Wei 3 - Annals of Emperor Ming — count: 12
- 洛水涨 (洛水漲) 洛水漲 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷三十七 志第十七: 五行 Volume 37 Treatises 17: Five Elements — count: 6
- 涨二 (漲二) 玄武江水漲二丈 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷十七下 本紀第十七下: 文宗下 Volume 17 Annals 17: Wenzong 2 — count: 5
- 烟尘涨 (煙塵漲) 煙塵漲天 — History of the Southern Dynasties 南史, 卷九 陳本紀上第九 武帝 文帝 廢帝 Volume 9 Chen Annals 1: Emperor Wu, Emperor Wen, Deposed Emperor — count: 5