可喜 kěxǐ
gratifying; heartening
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '可喜'; Guoyu '可喜' 1) -
to have a fondness for
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '可喜' 2)
Contained in
- 可喜可贺(可喜可賀) worthy of celebration; gratifying; Congratulations!
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷六十九 列傳第七: 太祖諸子 宗雋本名訛魯觀 宗傑本名沒里野 宗強本名阿魯,子:爽(本名阿鄰)可喜 阿瑣 宗敏本名阿魯補 元本名常勝 Volume 69 Biographies 7: Taizu sons - Zong Jun formerly named Eluguan, Zong Jie formerly named Meiliye, Zong Qiang formerly named Alu, son: Shuang (formerly named Alin) kexi, A Suo, Zong Min formerly named Alubu, Yuan formerly named Changsheng History of Jin 金史 — count: 15
- 卷六十五 列傳第三: 始祖以下諸子 斡魯 輩魯 謝庫德孫:拔達 謝夷保子:盆納 謝里忽 烏古出 跋黑 崇成本名僕灰 劾孫子:浦家奴 麻頗子:謾都本 弟:謾都訶 子:蠻睹(蠻睹曾孫惟鎔,本名沒烈) 斡帶 斡賽子:宗永 斡者孫:璋 昂本名吾都補,子:鄭家 Volume 65 Biographies 3: Sons and descendants of Shizu - Wo Lu, Bei Lu, Xie Kude and grandson: Bada, Xie Yibao and son: Penna, Xie Lihu, Wu Guchu, Ba Hei, Chong Cheng formerly named Puhui, He Sun and son: Pu Jianu, Ma Po and son: Man Douben, younger brother: Man Douhe, son: Man Du (Mandu nephew Weirong, formerly named Meilie), Wo Dai, Wo Sai and son: Zongyong, Wo Zhe and grandson: Zhang, Ang formerly named Wu Doubu and son: Zhengjia History of Jin 金史 — count: 4
- 卷六十六 列傳第四: 始祖以下諸子 勗本名烏野,子:宗秀 隈可 宗室 胡十門 合住曾孙:布輝 摑保 衷本名醜漢 齊本名掃合 朮魯 胡石改 宗賢本名阿魯 撻懶 卞本名吾母 膏本名阿里刺 弈本名三寶 阿喜 Volume 66 Biographies 4: Sons and descendants of Shizu - Xu formerly named , son: Zongxiu, Wei Ke, Zong Shi, Hu Shimen, He Zhu and great-grandson: Buhui, Guai Bao, Zhong formerly called Chouhan, Qi formerly named Saohe, Pai Lu, Hu Shigai, Zong Xian formerly called Alu, Ta Lan, Bian formerly called Wumu, Gao formerly called Alici, Yi formerly named Sanbao, A Xi History of Jin 金史 — count: 4
- 第三十九回 Chapter 39 The Scholars 儒林外史 — count: 2
- 卷二十六 Scroll 26 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 2
- 卷第四 九章 Chapter 4: Nine Pieces Songs of Chu 楚辭 — count: 2
- 卷三十三 中山 Chapter 33: Zhong Shan Stratagems of the Warring States 戰國策 — count: 2
- 卷七十六 列傳第十四: 太宗諸子 宗磐(本名蒲魯虎) 宗固(本名胡魯) 宗本(本名阿魯,附:蕭玉) 杲本名斜也 子:宗義(本名孛吉) 阿虎里 宗幹本名斡本 子:充(本名神土懣 子:永元(本名元奴)) 兗(本名梧桐) 襄(本名永慶) 袞(本名蒲甲) Volume 76 Biographies 14: Tai Zong sons - Zong Pan (formerly named Puluhu), Zong Gu (formerly named Hulu), Zong Ben (formerly named Alu, relative: Xiaoyu), Gao formerly named Xieye, son: Zongyi (formerly named Beiji), A Huli, Zong Gan formerly named Woben, son: Chong (formerly named Shentumen, son: yongyuan (formerly named Yuannu), Yan (formerly named Wutong), Xiang (formerly named Yongqing), Gun (formerly named pujia) History of Jin 金史 — count: 2
- 卷八十二 列傳第二十: 郭藥師子:安國 耶律塗山 烏延胡里改 烏延吾里補 蕭恭 完顏習不主 紇石烈胡剌 耶律恕 郭企忠 烏孫訛論 顏盞門都 僕散渾坦 鄭建充 烏古論三合 移剌溫 蕭仲恭子:拱 蕭仲宣 高松 海陵諸子光英 元壽 矧思阿補 廣陽 Volume 82 Biographies 20: Guo Yaoshi son: Anguo, Yelu Tushan, Wuyanhuligai, Wuyanwulibu, Xiao Gong, Wanyanxibuzhu, Geshiliehula, Yelu Shu, Guo Qizhong, Wusunelun, Yanzhanmendou, Pusanhuntan, Zheng Jianchong, Wugulunsanhe, Yi Lawen, Xiao Zhonggong son: Gong, Xiao Zhongxuan, Gao Song, Hailingzhuziguangying, Yuan Shou, Shen Siabu, Guang Yang History of Jin 金史 — count: 2
- 卷十八 Scroll 18 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 2
- 尚书可喜 (尚書可喜) 以兵部尚書可喜等謀反 — History of Jin 金史, 卷六 本紀第六: 世宗上 Volume 6 Annals 6: Shizong 1 — count: 5
- 可喜事 (可喜事) 爭為可喜事 — New Book of Tang 新唐書, 卷八十三 列傳第八 諸帝公主 Volume 83 Biographies 8: The Princesses of all Emperors — count: 3
- 可喜等 (可喜等) 以兵部尚書可喜等謀反 — History of Jin 金史, 卷六 本紀第六: 世宗上 Volume 6 Annals 6: Shizong 1 — count: 3
- 可喜不肯 (可喜不肯) 可喜不肯以始謀盡首 — History of Jin 金史, 卷六十六 列傳第四: 始祖以下諸子 勗本名烏野,子:宗秀 隈可 宗室 胡十門 合住曾孙:布輝 摑保 衷本名醜漢 齊本名掃合 朮魯 胡石改 宗賢本名阿魯 撻懶 卞本名吾母 膏本名阿里刺 弈本名三寶 阿喜 Volume 66 Biographies 4: Sons and descendants of Shizu - Xu formerly named , son: Zongxiu, Wei Ke, Zong Shi, Hu Shimen, He Zhu and great-grandson: Buhui, Guai Bao, Zhong formerly called Chouhan, Qi formerly named Saohe, Pai Lu, Hu Shigai, Zong Xian formerly called Alu, Ta Lan, Bian formerly called Wumu, Gao formerly called Alici, Yi formerly named Sanbao, A Xi — count: 2
- 可喜谋反 (可喜謀反) 兵部尚書可喜謀反 — History of Jin 金史, 卷八十二 列傳第二十: 郭藥師子:安國 耶律塗山 烏延胡里改 烏延吾里補 蕭恭 完顏習不主 紇石烈胡剌 耶律恕 郭企忠 烏孫訛論 顏盞門都 僕散渾坦 鄭建充 烏古論三合 移剌溫 蕭仲恭子:拱 蕭仲宣 高松 海陵諸子光英 元壽 矧思阿補 廣陽 Volume 82 Biographies 20: Guo Yaoshi son: Anguo, Yelu Tushan, Wuyanhuligai, Wuyanwulibu, Xiao Gong, Wanyanxibuzhu, Geshiliehula, Yelu Shu, Guo Qizhong, Wusunelun, Yanzhanmendou, Pusanhuntan, Zheng Jianchong, Wugulunsanhe, Yi Lawen, Xiao Zhonggong son: Gong, Xiao Zhongxuan, Gao Song, Hailingzhuziguangying, Yuan Shou, Shen Siabu, Guang Yang — count: 2
- 撒可喜 (撒可喜) 延州刺史溫撒可喜上疏言 — History of Jin 金史, 卷十四 本紀第十四: 宣宗上 Volume 14 Annals 14: Xuanzong 1 — count: 2
- 诚可喜 (誠可喜) 得官誠可喜 — History of Song 宋史, 卷四百一十 列傳第一百六十九 婁機 沈煥 舒璘 曹彥約 范應鈴 徐經孫 Volume 410 Biographies 169: Lou Ji, Shen Huan, Shu Lin, Cao Yanyue, Fan Yingling, Xu Jingsun — count: 2
- 真可喜 (真可喜) 真可喜 — Journey to the West 西遊記, 第十三回 Chapter 13 — count: 2