隔 gé
to partition; to separate
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: As in 分隔 (Guoyu '隔' v 1; Kroll 2015 '隔' 1, p. 131; Unihan '隔'; XHZD '隔' 1, p. 225) -
some distance from
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '隔' v 2; Kroll 2015 '隔' 1b, p. 131; XHZD '隔' 2, p. 225) -
to be isolated from
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '隔' 1a, p. 131) -
in between
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '隔' 2, p. 132) -
different; divergent; discordant
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 变异 (Guoyu '隔' v 3; Kroll 2015 '隔' 3, p. 132) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As a variant of 膈 (Kroll 2015 '隔' 4, p. 132) -
a lattice pattern
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '隔' 5, p. 132)
Contained in
- 隔绝(隔絕) to cut off; to be isolated; to disconnected
- 碳隔离(碳隔離) carbon sequestration
- 隔墙有耳(隔牆有耳) the walls have ears
- 隔壁老王 Mr Wang from next door
- 隔扇 partition; partition board
- 隔离霜(隔離霜) pre-makeup cream; makeup base; foundation primer
- 屏风隔断(屏風隔斷) a screen partition
- 中隔 septum
- 隔海 separated by sea
- 时隔(時隔) to be separated in time
- 隔夜 overnight; of the previous day
- 一线之隔(一線之隔) a fine line; a fine distinction
- 隔断(隔斷) a partition
- 纵隔(縱隔) mediastinum
- 隔年 last year
- 恍如隔世 like a thing of the previous generation; as if it were a lifetime ago
- 鼻中隔 nasal septum
- 与世隔绝(與世隔絕) to be cut off from the rest of the world
- 隔行如隔山 different trades; worlds apart
- 横隔(橫隔) tabula (horizontal floor of polyp)
- 人心隔肚皮 there is no knowing what is in a man's heart
- 隔是 it is the case that
- 隔靴搔痒(隔靴搔癢) to scratch the outside of a boot; beside the point
- 隔岸观火(隔岸觀火) to watch the fires burning across the river
- 世隔绝(世隔絕) isolated from the world; disconnected
- 种族隔离(種族隔離) apartheid; racial segregation
- 隔热材料(隔熱材料) insulation
- 隔壁 next door ; neighbor
- 隔间(隔間) compartment; booth; cubicle; partitioned-off area
- 间隔号(間隔號) centred dot mark
- 光隔离器(光隔離器) opto-isolator
- 隔宿 from the previous night; from a previous time
- 二氧化碳隔离(二氧化碳隔離) carbon sequestration; carbon dioxide sequestration
- 隔行 to interlace; to interleave
- 伏隔核 nucleus accumbens (anatomy)
- 隔膜 diaphragm ; distant; dissimilar ; nonexpert
- 远隔千里(遠隔千里) thousands of miles away; far away
- 隔天 the next day; on alternate days
- 隔离牆(隔离牆) separation barrier
- 阻隔 to separate; to cut off
- 隔三差五 every few days
- 分隔 to divide; to separate
- 隔开(隔開) to separate; to divide
- 隔行扫描(隔行掃描) interlaced scanning
- 严格隔离(嚴格隔離) rigorous isolation
- 隔热(隔熱) to insulate thermally
- 相隔 to be separated by
- 睽隔 to be separated; to be parted
- 天地悬隔(天地懸隔) a gulf between heaven and earth; a wide difference of opinion
- 隔音 soundproofing
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷七十八 志第二十八: 輿服一 Volume 78 Treatises 31: Carriages and Clothes 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 10
- 卷一百四十二 志第九十五 樂十七 Volume 142 Treatises 95: Music 17 History of Song 宋史 — count: 9
- 卷二十九 志第九: 音樂二 Volume 29 Treatises 9: Music 2 Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 9
- 卷九 Scroll 9 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 8
- 卷四十二 列傳第二 劉穆之 王弘 Volume 42 Biographies 2: Liu Muzhi, Wang Hong Book of Song 宋書 — count: 7
- 卷四百九十 列傳第二百四十九 外國六 天竺 于闐 高昌 回鶻 大食 層檀 龜茲 沙州 拂菻 Volume 490 Biographies 249: Foreign States 6 - India, Yutian, Gaochang, Huihu, Dashi, Cengtan, Kezil, Dunhuang, Byzantine Empire History of Song 宋史 — count: 6
- 卷一百十八 志第七十一 禮二十一 Volume 118 Treatises 71: Rites 21 History of Song 宋史 — count: 6
- 卷九十四 列傳第八十二: 高麗 百濟 新羅 勿吉 奚 契丹 室韋 豆莫婁 地豆干 烏洛侯 流求 倭 Volume 94 Biographies 82: Goryeo, Baekje, Silla, Wuji, Xi, Khitan, Shiwei, Doumolou, Didouyu, Wuluohou, Liuqiu, Japan History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 5
- 卷十一 Scroll 11 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 5
- 卷九十七 列傳第五十七 夷蠻 Volume 97 Biographies 57: Yi Man Book of Song 宋書 — count: 5
- 隔塞 (隔塞) 故明主之言隔塞而不通 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 八經第四十八 Chapter 48: Eight Classics — count: 19
- 县隔 (縣隔) 則其中不容分別而縣隔君臣也 — Xunzi 荀子, 非十二子篇第六 Chapter 6: Against the Twelve Masters — count: 6
- 壅隔 (壅隔) 上下壅隔之故也 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷三十四 梁統列傳 Volume 34: Biography of Liang Tong — count: 6
- 隔在 (隔在) 鮮卑隔在漠北 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷四十八 楊李翟應霍爰徐列傳 Volume 48: Biographies of Yang, Li, Di, Ying, Huo, Yuan, Xu — count: 5
- 乖隔 (乖隔) 存亡永乖隔 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷八十四 列女傳 Volume 84: Biographies of Exemplary Women — count: 4
- 道路隔 (道路隔) 一年間道路隔塞 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷二十二 朱景王杜馬劉傅堅馬列傳 Volume 22: Biographies of Zhu, Jing, Wang, Du, Ma, Liu, Fu, Jian, Ma — count: 4
- 隔远 (隔遠) 隔遠眾妾 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷二十七下之下 五行志 Volume 27e: Treatise on the Five Elements 5 — count: 4
- 隔千里之外 (隔千里之外) 縣隔千里之外 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《高祖本紀》 Annals of Gao Zu — count: 3
- 幽隔 (幽隔) 以抒幽隔鬱滯之情 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷四 孝和孝殤帝紀 Volume 4: Annals of Emperor Xiaohe; Emperor Xiaoshang — count: 3
- 殊隔 (殊隔) 與王氏殊隔 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷四十二 蜀書十二 杜周杜許孟來尹李譙郤傳 Volume 42: Book of Shu 12 - Biographies of Du, Zhou, Du, Xu, Meng, Lai, Yin, Li, Qiao, and Xi — count: 3