胞 bāo
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '胞' 1, p. 10; Unihan '胞') -
placenta; afterbirth
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '胞'; Guoyu '胞' n 1; Kroll 2015 '胞' 1a, p. 10; Unihan '胞'; XHZD '胞' 1, p. 23) -
fetal membrane
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 胞衣 (Guoyu '胞' n 1; Unihan '胞') -
having the same parents
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '胞' n 2; Kroll 2015 '胞' 2, p. 10; XHZD '胞' 2, p. 23) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As a variant of 脬 (Kroll 2015 '胞' 3, p. 10) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '胞' n 3) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '胞' n 4)
Contained in
- 刺胞动物(刺胞動物) Cnidaria (animal phylum including jellyfish and sessile polyps)
- 同胞 a fellow citizen; a countryman ; siblings
- 性细胞(性細胞) sexual cell; germline cell; gamete
- 嗜酸性粒细胞(嗜酸性粒細胞) eosinophil (type of white blood cell)
- 单细胞生物(單細胞生物) single-celled organism
- 单细胞(單細胞) single-celled (organism); unicellular
- 树突状细胞(樹突狀細胞) dendritic cell
- 刺胞动物门(刺胞動物門) Cnidaria
- 胞衣 afterbirth
- 小吞噬细胞(小吞噬細胞) microphage (a type of white blood cell)
- 鳞状细胞癌(鱗狀細胞癌) squamous cell carcinoma
- 造血干细胞(造血幹細胞) blood generating stem cells (in bone marrow)
- 细胞毒(細胞毒) cytotoxin
- 同胞兄妹 sibling
- 镰状细胞血症(鐮狀細胞血症) sickle cell anemia
- 细胞外液(細胞外液) extracellular fluid
- 红细胞(紅細胞) erythrocyte; red blood cell
- 细胞(細胞) cell
- 视杆细胞(視桿細胞) rod cell
- 细胞骨架(細胞骨架) cytoskeleton (of a cell)
- 细胞培养(細胞培養) cell culture
- 胞浆(胞漿) cytoplasm
- 细胞因子(細胞因子) cytokine
- 单核细胞增多症(單核細胞增多症) mononucleosis
- 中性粒细胞(中性粒細胞) neutrophil (the most common type of white blood cell)
- 子细胞(子細胞) daughter cell
- 类鼻疽单细胞(類鼻疽單細胞) Pseudomonas pseudomallei
- 盲胞 visually impaired person
- 细胞周期(細胞周期) cell cycle
- 多胞形 polytope
- 细胞生物学(細胞生物學) cell biology
- 癌细胞(癌細胞) cancer cell
- 管胞 tracheid
- 基底细胞癌(基底細胞癌) basal cell carcinoma
- 单细胞的微生物(單細胞的微生物) a single-celled microorganism
- 凸多胞形 convex polytope
- 多形核白细胞(多形核白細胞) polymorphonuclear leukocyte
- 女同胞 woman; female; female compatriot
- 侨胞(僑胞) overseas compatriots
- 台胞(臺胞) Taiwan compatriot
- 三胞胎 triplets
- 细胞融合(細胞融合) cell fusion
- 男同胞 man; male; male compatriot
- 台胞证(台胞證) Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents / Taiwan Compatriot Entry Permit
- 粒白细胞(粒白細胞) white granulocyte (blood cell)
- 嗜碱性粒细胞(嗜鹼性粒細胞) basophil granulocytes (rarest type of white blood cell)
- 多细胞(多細胞) multicellular
- 细胞毒性(細胞毒性) cytotoxicity
- 聋胞(聾胞) hearing impaired person
- 体细胞(體細胞) somatic cell
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 第二回 Chapter 2 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 3
- 第一回 Chapter 1 Journey to the West 西遊記 — count: 2
- 卷十七 楚四 Chapter 17: Chu IV Stratagems of the Warring States 戰國策 — count: 2
- 第二回 Chapter 75 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 2
- 《祭統》 A Summary Account of Sacrifices The Book of Rites 禮記 — count: 2
- 卷四百六十二 列傳第二百二十一 方技下 賀蘭棲眞 柴通玄 甄棲眞 楚衍 僧志言 僧懷丙 許希 龐安時 錢乙 僧智緣 郭天信 魏漢津 王老志 王仔昔 林靈素 皇甫坦 王克明 莎衣道人 孫守榮 Volume 462 Biographies 221: Medicine and Divination 2 - He Lanqizhen, Chai Tongxuan, Zhen Qizhen, Chu Yan, Seng Zhiyan, Seng Huaibing, Xu Xi, Pang Anshi, Qian Yi, Seng Zhiyuan, Guo Tianxin, Wei Hanjin, Wang Laozhi, Wang Zixi, Lin Lingsu, Huang Futan, Wang Keming, Sha Yidaoren, Sun Shourong History of Song 宋史 — count: 1
- 《雜篇‧庚桑楚》 Miscellaneous Chapters - Geng-sang Chu Zhuangzi 莊子 — count: 1
- 《包部》 Bāo Radical Shuo Wen Jie Zi 說文解字 — count: 1
- 第七十一回 Chapter 71 Journey to the West 西遊記 — count: 1
- 卷九十七下 外戚傳 Volume 97a: The Empresses and Imperial Affines 2 Book of Han 漢書 — count: 1
- 胞妹 (胞妹) 四小姐乃宁府珍爺之胞妹 — Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢, 第二回 Chapter 2 — count: 3
- 胞兄 (胞兄) 又有胞兄王仁連家眷回南 — Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢, 第二回 Chapter 14 — count: 3
- 胞人 (胞人) 又胞人 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷十九 百官公卿表 Volume 19: Table of nobility ranks and government offices — count: 3
- 胞弟 (胞弟) 近日邢夫人之胞弟邢德全也酷好如此 — Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢, 第二回 Chapter 75 — count: 2
- 紫胞 (紫胞) 有紫胞之異 — History of the Southern Dynasties 南史, 卷八 梁本紀下第八 簡文帝 元帝 敬帝 Volume 8 :Liang Annals 3: Emperor Jianwen, Emperor Yuan, Emperor Jing — count: 2
- 胎胞 (胎胞) 脫卻胎胞骨肉身 — Journey to the West 西遊記, 第九十八回 Chapter 98 — count: 2