花 huā
proper noun
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Names , Concept: Name 名字
Notes: (Han Dian '花' n 19) -
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Botany
Notes: (Barnes 2007, p. 31; Guoyu '花' n 1; Unihan '花') -
to spend (money, time)
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: In the sense of 耗费 (Guoyu '花' v 2) -
a flower shaped object
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '花' n 2) -
a beautiful female
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '花' n 3) -
having flowers
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '花' adj 1) -
having a decorative pattern
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '花' adj 2) -
having a a variety
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '花' adj 3) -
false; empty
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 虛假的 (Guoyu '花' adj 4) -
indistinct; fuzzy
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '花' adj 5) -
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '花' adj 6) -
to flower
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Botany
Notes: (Guoyu '花' v 1)
Contained in
- 黄腹花蜜鸟(黃腹花蜜鳥) olive-backed sunbird (Cinnyris jugularis)
- 花边新闻(花邊新聞) media gossip; sensational news
- 心花怒放 bursting with joy
- 花枝招展 lovely scene of blossoming plants swaying in the breeze; gorgeously dressed (woman)
- 残花败柳(殘花敗柳) spoiled flower, withered willow; a fallen woman
- 爆菊花 to stick up the anus
- 黄肛啄花鸟(黃肛啄花鳥) yellow-vented flowerpecker (Dicaeum chrysorrheum)
- 风花雪月(風花雪月) wind, flower, snow, and moon, trite poetry subject; effete language without substance ; love affair; romance is in the air
- 鸢尾花(鳶尾花) iris (family Iridaceae)
- 泼烟花(潑煙花) low-class prostitute
- 五花肉 streaky pork
- 花灯(花燈) colored lantern
- 眼花了乱(眼花瞭亂) dazzling and chaotic
- 蓝枕花蜜鸟(藍枕花蜜鳥) purple-naped sunbird (Hypogramma hypogrammicum)
- 芦花荡(蘆花蕩) lily pond
- 花旗 the Stars and Stripes ; Citibank
- 柳巷花街 red-light district
- 瑶草琪花(瑤草琪花) plants and flowers in a fairyland
- 玉米花 popcorn
- 石南花 heather (Ericaceae)
- 胸花 corsage; boutonnière
- 金针花(金針花) orange day-lily (Hemerocallis fulva)
- 采花大盗(採花大盜) lit. flower thief; fig. rapist
- 剪烛花(剪燭花) put out a candle
- 折花 to pick flowers
- 补花(補花) applique
- 杜鹃花(杜鵑花) rhododendron
- 青花椰菜 broccoli
- 花好月圆(花好月圓) flowers are beautiful, moon is round; everything is wonderful
- 素方花 jasmine
- 败柳残花(敗柳殘花) broken flower, withered willow; fallen woman
- 花巧 fancy
- 踏青赏花(踏青賞花) to enjoy the flowers on a spring outing
- 太阳花(太陽花) sunflower ; rose moss
- 银莲花(銀蓮花) poppy anemone; Spanish marigold; windflower
- 花墙头(花牆頭) an open screen window
- 烛花(燭花) the flame of a candle ; the stub of a burned out candle
- 花哨 brightly colored; garish; gaudy
- 花旗国(花旗國) USA (land of the stars and stripes)
- 琪花瑶草(琪花瑤草) gems and flowers in a fairyland
- 轧花机(軋花機) cotton gin
- 花招 trick; maneuver; razzle-dazzle; (martial arts) fancy move; flourish
- 蝴蝶花 iris
- 冰叶日中花(冰葉日中花) ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum)
- 木兰花(木蘭花) magnolia
Also contained in
王小花 、 攀枝花市 、 花溪区 、 花垣县 、 雨花 、 花都
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 第三十三回 Chapter 33 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 93
- 卷六十七 志第四十三 輿服三 Volume 67 Treatises 43: Carriages and Clothing 3 History of Ming 明史 — count: 73
- 卷一百十三 表第六下: 宰相年表二 Volume 113 Tables 8: Chancellors 2 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 54
- 卷二十二 本紀第二十二: 武宗一 Volume 22 Annals 22: Wuzong 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 45
- 第三十四回 Chapter 34 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 44
- 卷一百四十一 列傳第二十八: 太不花 察罕帖木兒 Volume 141 Biographies 28: Taibuhua, Chaghan Temur History of Yuan 元史 — count: 42
- 卷六十六 志第四十二 輿服二 Volume 66 Treatises 42: Carriages and Clothing 2 History of Ming 明史 — count: 41
- 第三十五回 Chapter 35 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 39
- 卷三十二 本紀第三十二: 文宗一 Volume 32 Annals 32: Wenzong 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 37
- 卷七十九 志第二十九: 輿服二 Volume 79 Treatises 32: Carriages and Clothes 2 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 36
- 二花 (二花) 廬陵郡池芙蓉二花一蒂 — Book of Song 宋書, 卷二十九 志第十九 符瑞下 Volume 29 Treatises 19: Auspicious Signs 3 — count: 9
- 花一 (花一) 廬陵郡池芙蓉二花一蒂 — Book of Song 宋書, 卷二十九 志第十九 符瑞下 Volume 29 Treatises 19: Auspicious Signs 3 — count: 8
- 金花 (金花) 婦人以金花爲首飾 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷九十七 列傳第六十七 四夷 Volume 97 Biographies 67: Four Barbarian Tribes — count: 7
- 生花 (生花) 巴西郡界竹生花 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷二十八 志第十八 五行中 Volume 28 Treatises 18: Five Elements Part Two — count: 7
- 花雪 (花雪) 花雪表年 — Book of Song 宋書, 卷二十二 志第十二 樂四 Volume 22 Treatises 12: Music 4 — count: 5
- 支子花 (支子花) 二十八爪支子花 — Book of Southern Qi 南齊書, 卷十七 志第九 輿服 Volume 17 Treatises 9: Caraiges and Dress — count: 5
- 花叶 (花葉) 並花葉貌 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷六十上 馬融列傳 Volume 60a: Biography of Ma Rong — count: 5
- 王花 (王花) 斬其輔國將軍王花 — Book of Wei 魏書, 卷8 世宗紀 Volum 8 Annals: Shizong (Emperor Xuanwu) — count: 4
- 桃李花 (桃李花) 桃李花 — Book of Wei 魏書, 卷112上 靈徵志八上 Volume 112a Treatise 8: The Spiritual World 1 — count: 4
- 龙花 (龍花) 居於龍花寺 — Book of Wei 魏書, 卷11 廢出三帝紀 前廢帝廣陵王 Volume 11 Annals: Three Emperors that Fled - Emperor Qianfei, Prince of Guangling (also Emperor Houfei and Emperor Xiaowu) — count: 3