辩 (辯) biàn
to dispute; to debate; to argue; to discuss
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: For example, 辩驳 'dispute' (Guoyu '辯' v 1; Kroll 2015 '辯' 1, p. 22; Unihan '辯') -
to differentiate; to distinguish; to discriminate
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 判别 or 分别 (Guoyu '辯' v 2) -
to change
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As a variant of 变 (Guoyu '辯' v 3; Kroll 2015 '辯' 3, p. 22) -
eloquent; good at
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: For example, 辩才无碍 'able to speak eloquently' (Guoyu '辯' v 3; Kroll 2015 '辯' 2, p. 22) -
pleasant but unrealistic speech
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 巧言 (Guoyu '辯' n 1) -
Domain: Literature 文学 , Subdomain: China
Notes: As a literary genre (Guoyu '辯' n 2)
Contained in
- 惩辩(懲辯) to punish strictly
- 狡辩(狡辯) to quibble
- 辩说(辯說) to debate; to argue
- 激辩(激辯) to debate
- 巧辩(巧辯) to argue skillfully ; to argue tenaciously
- 辩别(辯別) to differentiate; to distinguish; to discriminate
- 辩人(辯人) an orator
- 答辩(答辯) to reply ; to reply to an accusation
- 辩明(辯明) to explain clearly; to elucidate
- 辩解(辯解) to explain; to justify
- 事实胜于雄辩(事實勝於雄辯) Facts speak louder than words.
- 雄辩家(雄辯家) orator
- 辩证唯物主义(辯證唯物主義) dialectical materialism
- 辩驳(辯駁) to dispute; to refute
- 辩难(辯難) to debate; to retort; to refute
- 善辩(善辯) eloquent; good at arguing
- 论辩(論辯) to debate; to dispute
- 辩称(辯稱) to argue (that); to allege; to dispute; to plead (e.g. not guilty)
- 辩争(辯爭) to argue; to dispute
- 辩论会(辯論會) a debate
- 剖辩(剖辯) to analyze; to explain
- 诡辩家(詭辯家) sophist; one who relies on specious arguments
- 自然辩证法(自然辯證法) Dialectics of Nature
- 辩士(辯士) an orator; a rhetorician
- 控辩交易(控辯交易) plea bargaining; plea agreement
- 强辩(強辯) to strenuously debate; to obstinately argue
- 辩认(辯認) to distinguish; to identify
- 辩答(辯答) a reply (in debate)
- 辩证(辯證) to investigate; to discriminate ; dialectical; investigation
- 辩护(辯護) to speak in defense of ; to defend [in a law case]
- 辩证思惟(辯證思惟) dialectical thinking
- 辩才无碍(辯才無礙) able to speak eloquently
- 分辩(分辯) to explain; to defend oneself; to distinguish
- 辩护士(辯護士) defender; apologist
- 辩证法(辯證法) Socratic method of debate ; dialectics
- 伏辩(伏辯) a written confession; a letter of repentance
- 无罪抗辩(無罪抗辯) plea of not guilty
- 控辩协议(控辯協議) plea bargain
- 辩辞(辯辭) an excuse
- 申辩(申辯) to defend oneself; to rebut a charge
- 辩才(辯才) eloquence
- 诡辩术(詭辯術) specious arguments; sophistry
- 抗辩(抗辯) to protest; to remonstrate; to retort ; to counter accusations; to plead not guilty
- 好辩(好辯) argumentative; quarrelsome
- 辩白(辯白) to offer an explanation; to plead innocence; to try to defend oneself
- 诡辩(詭辯) specious arguments; sophistry
- 服辩(服辯) a written confession; a letter of repentance
- 辩护人(辯護人) defender; defending counsel
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷四十五 列傳第三十九 王僧辯 Volume 45: Wang Sengbian Book of Liang 梁書 — count: 109
- 卷六十三 列傳第五十三 王神念 羊侃 羊鴉仁 Volume 63 Biographies 53: Wang Shennian, Yang Kan, Yang Ren History of the Southern Dynasties 南史 — count: 80
- 卷一百三十二 列傳第七十: 逆臣 秉德本名乙辛 唐括辯 烏帶 大興國 徒單阿里出虎 僕散師恭本名忽土 徒單貞 李老僧 完顏元宜 紇石烈執中本名胡沙虎 Volume 132 Biographies 70: Ni Chen, Bingdebenmingyixin, Tang Kuobian, Wu Dai, Da Xingguo, Tudanalichuhu, Pusanshigongbenminghutu, Tu Danzhen, Li Laoseng, Wan Yanyuanyi, Geshiliezhizhongbenminghushahu History of Jin 金史 — count: 35
- 卷五 本紀第五 元帝 Volume 5: Emperor Yuan Book of Liang 梁書 — count: 26
- 卷三十 列傳第十八: 盧玄 盧柔 盧觀 盧同 盧誕 Volume 30 Biographies 18: Lu Xuan, Lu Rou, Lu Guan, Lu Tong, Lu Dan History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 26
- 卷八 梁本紀下第八 簡文帝 元帝 敬帝 Volume 8 :Liang Annals 3: Emperor Jianwen, Emperor Yuan, Emperor Jing History of the Southern Dynasties 南史 — count: 25
- 卷六十七 列傳第五十七 胡穎 徐度 杜稜 周鐵武 程靈洗 沈恪 陸子隆 錢道戢 駱文牙 孫瑒 徐世譜 周敷 荀朗 周炅 魯悉達 蕭摩訶 任忠 樊毅 Volume 67 Biographies 57: Hu Ying, Xu Du, Du Leng, Zhou Tiewu, Cheng Lingxi, Shen Ke, Lu Zilong, Qian Daoji, Luo Wenya, Sun Yang, Xu Shipu, Zhou Fu, Xun Lang, Zhou Jiong, Lu Xida, Xiao Mohe, Ren Zhong, Fan Yi History of the Southern Dynasties 南史 — count: 23
- 卷六十四 列傳第五十四 江子一 胡僧祐 徐文盛 陰子春 杜崱 王琳 張彪 Volume 64 Biographies 54: Jiang Ziyi, Hu Sengyou, Xu Wencheng, Yin Zichun, Du Zewang, Lin Zhangbiao History of the Southern Dynasties 南史 — count: 23
- 卷八十 列傳第七十 賊臣 Volume 80 Biographies 70: Treacherous Officials History of the Southern Dynasties 南史 — count: 23
- 非相篇第五 Chapter 5: Do not Judge by Appearances Xunzi 荀子 — count: 20
- 辩献 (辯獻) 辯獻卿 — The Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial 儀禮, 燕禮 第六 6. Banquet rites — count: 7
- 辩受 (辯受) 大夫辯受酬 — The Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial 儀禮, 燕禮 第六 6. Banquet rites — count: 4
- 辩智 (辯智) 辯智 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 內儲說下六微第三十一 Chapter 31: A Collection of Sayings II — count: 4
- 辩慧 (辯慧) 辯慧之人 — Mozi 墨子, 卷三 尚同中 Book 3 - Identification with the Superior II — count: 4
- 治辩 (治辯) 其治辯者其禮具 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《樂記》 Record of Music — count: 3
- 小辩 (小辯) 圉小辯 — Guanzi 管子, 四時第四十 Chapter 40: The Four Seasons — count: 3
- 爵辩 (爵辯) 司正命執爵者爵辯 — The Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial 儀禮, 燕禮 第六 6. Banquet rites — count: 3
- 辩义 (辯義) 辯義與不義之亂也 — Mozi 墨子, 卷五 非攻上 Book 5 - Condemnation of Offensive War I — count: 2
- 辩事 (辯事) 大夫任官辯事 — Guanzi 管子, 五輔第十 Chapter 10: Wu Fu — count: 2
- 辩告 (辯告) 子師辯告諸婦諸母名 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《內則》 The Pattern of the Family — count: 2