收 shōu
to receive; to accept
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: In the sense of 接到 or 接受 (Guoyu '收' v 4) -
to harvest
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '收' v 1; Unihan '收') -
to gather together; to collect
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 聚敛 (Guoyu '收' v 7; Unihan '收') -
to arrest; to take into custody
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 拘押 or 捉拿 (Guoyu '收' v 1) -
to finish
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 结束 or 停止 (Guoyu '收' v 12) -
to regain; to retake; to take back
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 收回 or 取回 (Guoyu '收' v 2) -
to obtain
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 获得 or 索取 (Guoyu '收' v 3) -
to conserve; to preserve; to keep
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 保存 or 储藏 (Guoyu '收' v 6) -
to tolerate; to admit
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 容纳 or 接纳 (Guoyu '收' v 8) -
to arrange; to tidy up
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 整理 (Guoyu '收' v 9) -
to bury
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 埋葬 (Guoyu '收' v 10) -
to purchase
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 购买 (Guoyu '收' v 11) -
to control; to restrict
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 控制 or 约束 (Guoyu '收' v 13)
Contained in
- 美不胜收(美不勝收) nothing more beautiful can be imagined
- 杠杆收购(杠杆收購) leveraged buyout (LBO)
- 鸣金收军(鳴金收軍) to beat the gong to recall troops; to order a retreat
- 总收益(總收益) total profit; aggregate return
- 收监(收監) to imprison
- 到期收益率 yield to maturity (YTM)
- 收紧(收緊) to tighten up (restrictions etc)
- 收获节(收穫節) harvest festival
- 征收官使(徵收官使) a tax collector
- 收买(收買) to purchase
- 收废站(收廢站) garbage collection point; trash dump
- 收货人(收貨人) consignee
- 收假 (of holidays) to come to an end; end of a vacation
- 心脏收缩压(心臟收縮壓) systolic blood pressure
- 领收(領收) to accept (a favor); to receive
- 计时收费(計時收費) time charge
- 收报人(收報人) recipient (of mail or a message)
- 查收 check and receive
- 收残缀轶(收殘綴軼) to gather and patch up something that is badly damaged
- 收场(收場) the end; an ending; to wind down; to conclude
- 征收(徵收) to levy; to impose; to collect tax ; to solicit a donation
- 创收(創收) to generate revenue; extra income
- 收支相抵 to break even; balance between income and expenditure
- 收报员(收報員) telegraph operator
- 收冬 harvest season; autumn
- 兼收并蓄(兼收並蓄) incorporating diverse things; eclectic; all-embracing
- 收束 to constrict; to draw tight; to gather (one's thoughts); to bring to a close
- 回收 to recycle; to retrieve
- 月收入 monthly income
- 收支平衡点(收支平衡點) break-even point
- 收容所 temporary shelter; hospice; refuge ( for animals); detention center
- 不求收获(不求收獲) not expecting any reward; not asking for favors
- 无线电接收机(無線電接收機) receiver (radio)
- 净收入(淨收入) net income; net profit
- 早动手,早收获(早動手,早收穫) The sooner you set to work, the sooner you'll reap the rewards.
- 收敛锋芒(收斂鋒芒) to draw in one's claws; to show some modesty
- 名利双收(名利雙收) to receive both fame and profit
- 收报室(收報室) mail room; radio reception room
- 丰收(豐收) bumper harvest
- 收容 to provide a place to stay; to house; to accommodate; (of an institution etc) to take in; to accept
- 收购要约(收購要約) takeover bid
- 收取 to receive; to collect
- 收到 to receive
- 收官 final part of a go game; endgame; to finish up; to come to the final stage
- 收票员(收票員) ticket collector
- 收件匣 inbox (email)
- 平均收入 average income
- 可支配收入 disposable income
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷五十六 列傳第四十四: 魏收 魏長賢 魏季景 魏蘭根 Volume 56 Biographies 44: Wei Shou, Wei Zhangxian, Wei Jijing, Wei Langen History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 137
- 卷三七 補列傳第二九 魏收 Volume 37 Biographies 29: Wei Shou Book of Northern Qi 北齊書 — count: 129
- 卷七十 志第二十一: 禮樂四 Volume 70 Treatises 23: Rites and Music 4 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 114
- 卷九十三 志第六十九 刑法一 Volume 93 Treatises 69: Punishment and Law 1 History of Ming 明史 — count: 48
- 卷一百七十七 列傳第一百二十七: 崔慎由 崔珙 盧鈞 裴休 楊收 韋保衡 路巖 夏侯孜 劉瞻 劉瑑 曹確 畢諴 杜審權 劉鄴 豆盧瑑 Volume 177 Biographies 127: Cui Shenyou, Cui Gong, Lu Jun, Pei Xiu, Yang Shou, Wei Baoheng, Lu Yan, Xiao Houzi, Liu Zhan, Liu Zhuan, Cao Que, Bi Xian, Du Shenquan, Liu Ye, Dou Luzhan Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 43
- 卷104 自序 Volume 104: Author's Preface Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 40
- 卷一百八十一 志第一百三十四 食貨下三 Volume 181 Treatises 134: Finance and Economics 2c History of Song 宋史 — count: 40
- 卷八十一 志第五十七 食貨五 Volume 81 Treatises 57: Finance and Economics 5 History of Ming 明史 — count: 38
- 卷一百八十四 列傳第一百零九 馬楊路盧 Volume 184 Biographies 109: Ma, Yang, Lu, Lu New Book of Tang 新唐書 — count: 30
- 卷一百七十六 志第一百二十九 食貨上四 Volume 176 Treatises 129: Finance and Economics 1d History of Song 宋史 — count: 29
- 收聚 (收聚) 收聚 — Guanzi 管子, 幼官第八 Chapter 8: Young Officials — count: 8
- 蓐收 (蓐收) 金正曰蓐收 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 昭公 Lord Zhao — count: 7
- 收谓 (收謂) 一谷不收謂之饉 — Mozi 墨子, 卷一 七患 Book 1 - The Seven Worries — count: 5
- 能收 (能收) 我能收用我衆 — Mozi 墨子, 卷五 非攻中 Book 5 - Condemnation of Offensive War II — count: 4
- 收天下 (收天下) 所連收天下之百姓不尚同其上者也 — Mozi 墨子, 卷三 尚同上 Book 3 - Identification with the Superior I — count: 4
- 聚收 (聚收) 秋聚收 — Guanzi 管子, 四時第四十 Chapter 40: The Four Seasons — count: 3
- 收用 (收用) 彼不能收用彼衆 — Mozi 墨子, 卷五 非攻中 Book 5 - Condemnation of Offensive War II — count: 3
- 尽收 (儘收) 五穀盡收則五味盡御於主 — Mozi 墨子, 卷一 七患 Book 1 - The Seven Worries — count: 2
- 收孤寡 (收孤寡) 收孤寡 — Guanzi 管子, 幼官第八 Chapter 8: Young Officials — count: 2
- 收水 (收水) 收水泉池澤之賦 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《月令》 Proceedings of Government in the Different Months — count: 2