超 chāo
to exceed; overtake; to surpass; to pass; to cross
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: In the sense of 越过 (ABC 'chāo' 超 v 1, p. 98; Guoyu '超' v 2; Kroll 2015 '超' 2, p. 44; Mathews 1931 '超', p. 30; NCCED '超' 1, p. 186; Unihan '超'; XHZD '超' 1, p. 79) -
to transcend
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (ABC 'chāo' 超 v 2, p. 98; Kroll 2015 '超' 1a, p. 44; NCCED '超' 4, p. 186; Unihan '超'; XHZD '超' 2, p. 79) -
to jump over; to leap over
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 跳 (Guoyu '超' v 1; Kroll 2015 '超' 1, p. 44; Mathews 1931 '超', p. 30; NCCED '超' 5, p. 186; Unihan '超') -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 遥远 (Guoyu '超' adj; Kroll 2015 '超' 3, p. 44) -
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (ABC 'chāo' 超 pref, p. 98; Guoyu '超' v 3; NCCED '超' 4, p. 186) -
to save
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 救度 (Guoyu '超' v 4; Mathews 1931 '超', p. 30)
Contained in
- 超重 overweight
- 超足球 premier soccer league; superleague
- 超维空间(超維空間) hyperspace; superspace; higher dimensional space
- 超马(超馬) ultramarathon
- 超乘 to jump into a carriage
- 极超(極超) hyper-; ultra-
- 超常 better than average
- 超脱(超脫) to stand aloof; to be detached from; to transcend worldliness ; outstanding
- 超度 to surpass; to transcend ; to perform religious ceremonies to help the soul find peace
- 超短波 ultra short wave (radio); UHF
- 弯道超车(彎道超車) to overtake on a bend (driving)
- 超级计算机(超級計算機) supercomputer
- 超遥(超遙) high and far; remote
- 远远超过(遠遠超過) surpassing by far
- 超加工食品 ultra-processed food
- 超联(超聯) hyperlink ; superleague (e.g. soccer)
- 超额(超額) to exceed quota
- 超标(超標) to exceed the norm; to be over the limit
- 挟山超海(挾山超海) hold up a mountain and cross the sea; something impossible to do
- 超忽 remote ; at peace; carefree ; sudden
- 超物理 surpassing the physical world; metaphysical
- 超能力 superpower; extrasensory perception
- 高温超导(高溫超導) high-temperature superconductivity
- 超基性岩 ultrabasic rock (geology, rock containing less than 45 percent silicates)
- 超前 to be ahead of one's time; to surpass or outdo one's predecessors; to be ahead of the pack; to take the lead; advanced
- 超载(超載) to overload
- 超拔 outstanding; to fast-track; to elevate; to free oneself from ; to save; to free from
- 超平面 hyperplane
- 超负荷(超負荷) excess load; an overload; overloaded
- 超级市场(超級市場) supermarket
- 超过(超過) to surpass; to exceed
- 超高速 ultra high speed
- 超售 overbooking
- 超纲(超綱) beyond the scope of the syllabus
- 赶英超美(趕英超美) to catch up with England and surpass the USA (economic goal)
- 超卓 outstanding
- 超新星 supernova
- 超越数(超越數) transcendental number
- 超泛神论(超泛神論) panentheism, theological theory of God as equal to the Universe while transcending it
- 超心理学(超心理學) parapsychology
- 超弦 superstring
- 超渡 to release a soul from suffering
- 超声波(超聲波) ultrasound (scan)
Also contained in
梁啓超 、 梁启超 、 超级碗 、 超链接 、 超文本传输协议 、 英超 、 林超贤 、 英超赛
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷四十七 班梁列傳 Volume 47: Biographies of Ban, Liang Book of Later Han 後漢書 — count: 140
- 卷一百二十八 載記第二十八 慕容超 Volume 128 Records 28: Murong Chao Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 72
- 卷三十六 蜀書六 關張馬黃趙傳 Volume 36: Book of Shu 6 - Biographies of Guan, Zhang, Ma, Huang, and Zhao Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志 — count: 47
- 卷一百二十二 載記第二十二 呂光 呂纂 呂隆 Volume 122 Records 22: Lü Guang; Lü Zuan; Lü Long Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 44
- 卷二十五 魏書二十五 辛毗楊阜高堂隆傳 Volume 25: Book of Wei 25 - Biographies of Xin Pi, Yang Fu, and Gaotang Long Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志 — count: 43
- 第五十九回 Chapter 59 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義 — count: 43
- 卷五十三 雜傳第四十一: 王景崇 趙思綰 慕容彥超 Volume 53 Miscellaneous Biographies 33: Wang Jinchong, Zhao Suwan, Murong Yanchao New History of the Five Dynasties 新五代史 — count: 40
- 卷二百五十五 列傳第十四 郭崇 楊廷璋 宋偓 向拱 王彥超 張永德 王全斌 康延澤 王繼濤 高彥暉 Volume 255 Biographies 14: Guo Chong, Yang Tingzhang, Song Wo, Xiang Gong, Wang Yanchao, Zhang Yongde, Wang Quanbin, Kang Yanze, Wang Jitao, Gao Yanhui History of Song 宋史 — count: 39
- 卷十九 列傳第九 謝晦 謝裕 謝方明 謝靈運 Volume 19 Biographies 9: Xie Hui, Xie Yu, Xie Fangming, Xie Lingyun History of the Southern Dynasties 南史 — count: 36
- 卷三十六 列傳第十七 謝超宗 劉祥 Volume 36 Biographies 17: Xie Chaozong, Liu Xiang Book of Southern Qi 南齊書 — count: 35
- 单超 (單超) 及中常侍單超 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷七 孝桓帝紀 Volume 7: Annals of Emperor Xiaohuan — count: 8
- 谓超 (謂超) 徐干謂超曰 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷四十七 班梁列傳 Volume 47: Biographies of Ban, Liang — count: 4
- 诣超 (詣超) 令邑詣超受節度 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷四十七 班梁列傳 Volume 47: Biographies of Ban, Liang — count: 4
- 超江 (超江) 猶挈泰山以超江 — Mozi 墨子, 卷四 兼愛下 Book 4 - Universal Love III — count: 3
- 超遂 (超遂) 超遂與干擊番辰 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷四十七 班梁列傳 Volume 47: Biographies of Ban, Liang — count: 3
- 超守 (超守) 超守盤橐城 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷四十七 班梁列傳 Volume 47: Biographies of Ban, Liang — count: 2
- 超拜 (超拜) 天子乃超拜式為中郎 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷二十四下 食貨志 Volume 24b: Treatise on Trade 2 — count: 2
- 超令 (超令) 超令上馬 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷十五 李王鄧來列傳 Volume 15: Biographies of Li, Wang, Deng, Lai — count: 2
- 超密 (超密) 超密知其狀 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷四十七 班梁列傳 Volume 47: Biographies of Ban, Liang — count: 2
- 征超 (徵超) 下詔征超 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷四十七 班梁列傳 Volume 47: Biographies of Ban, Liang — count: 2