味 wèi
taste; flavor
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Food and Drink , Concept: Flavor 味道
Notes: In the sense of 味道; for example, the idiom 食不知味 'eat without tasting the food [downhearted]' (Guoyu '味' n 1; Kroll 2015 '味' 1, p. 474; Unihan '味'; XHZD '味' 1) -
measure word
measure word for ingredients in Chinese medicine
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Quantity
Notes: (Guoyu '味' n 4; XHZD '味' 5) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As in 意味 (Guoyu '味' n 3; Kroll 2015 '味' 1a, p. 474; XHZD '味' 3) -
to taste
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 品尝 (Guoyu '味' v 1) -
to ruminate; to mull over
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 研究 (CC-CEDICT '味'; Guoyu '味' v 2; XHZD '味' 3) -
smell; odor
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Smell
Notes: In the sense of 气味; for example, 臭味 'bad smell' (Guoyu '味' n 2; Unihan '味'; XHZD '味' 2) -
a delicacy
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 菜肴 (Guoyu '味' n 5; Unihan '味')
Contained in
- 骚味(騷味) foul smell
- 调味料(調味料) seasoning; condiment; flavoring; dressing; essences
- 有味 tasty
- 索然寡味 dull and insipid
- 淡泊寡味 insipid and tasteless
- 美味可口 delicious; tasty
- 五味俱全 a complete gamut of all five flavors; every flavor under the sun
- 一味 with single-mindedness ; always
- 开味(開味) whet the appetite
- 甜味剂(甜味劑) sweetener (food additive)
- 食之无味,弃之可惜(食之無味,棄之可惜) to be hardly worth eating, but it would still be a pity to discard it
- 后味(後味) aftertaste
- 原汁原味 original; authentic
- 土味情话(土味情話) cheesy pick-up lines
- 五味 five flavors
- 味儿(味兒) taste; flavor ; an odor; a scent; a smell ; interest ; significance
- 甜味 sweetness
- 涩味(澀味) acerbic (taste); astringent
- 其味无穷(其味無窮) its flavors are inexhaustible; its implications are inexhaustible
- 入味 tasty; to be absorbed in something; interesting
- 果味胶糖(果味膠糖) jujube
- 臭味相投 to share vile habits; partners in notoriety; birds of a feather
- 臭味 a bad smell; stink; fumes
- 味觉迟钝(味覺遲鈍) amblygeustia; loss of food taste
- 回味无穷(回味無窮) leaving a rich aftertaste; memorable; lingering in memory
- 佳味 fine food
- 调味汁(調味汁) dressing; sauce
- 没人味儿(沒人味兒) to be lacking in human character
- 味噌 miso
- 意味 significance; implication ; an interest
- 值得品味 worth tasting; you should try it
- 食不终味(食不終味) unable to appreciating the taste
- 三味线(三味線) shamisen, three-stringed Japanese musical instrument
- 海味 seafood
- 味精 monosodium glutamate (MSG)
- 品味生活 to appreciate life
- 芝兰气味(芝蘭氣味) the sweet fragrance of lingzhi and orchids; pleasant company
- 京味 Beijing flavor; Beijing style
- 洋味 Western taste; Western style
- 寻味(尋味) to think something over
- 乏味 tedious
- 别有韵味(別有韻味) to have quite a lasting charm
- 津津有味 with keen interest; with gusto
- 吃味 to be jealous; to envy
- 甘味剂(甘味劑) sweetener
- 腻味(膩味) tired of; fed up; sick; (of a person) to annoy; tiresome
- 品味 to sample; to taste; to appreciate
- 对味儿(對味兒) tasty; to one's liking
- 调味(調味) seasoning; condiment; flavoring; dressing; essences
- 玩味 to ruminate; to ponder subtleties
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 第六十九回 Chapter 69 Journey to the West 西遊記 — count: 17
- 卷下:五之煮、六之飲、七之事、八之出、九之略、十之圖 Final Scroll: 5. Boiling, 6. Drinking, 7. History, 8. Growing Regions, 9. Simplify, 10. Pictorialize The Classic of Tea 茶經 — count: 16
- 卷五 Scroll 5 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 14
- 《月令》 Proceedings of Government in the Different Months The Book of Rites 禮記 — count: 13
- 卷五 時則訓 Chapter 5: Seasonal Standards Huainanzi 淮南子 — count: 12
- 卷三十五 Scroll 35 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 11
- 卷三十四 Scroll 34 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 9
- 《告子章句上》 Commentary on Gaozi I Commentaries on the Four Books by Zhu Xi 朱熹四書章句集注 — count: 9
- 幼官第八 Chapter 8: Young Officials Guanzi 管子 — count: 8
- 幼官圖第九 Chapter 9: You Guan Tu Guanzi 管子 — count: 8
- 不重味 (不重味) 食不重味 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷九 主術訓 Chapter 9: The Sovereign's Methods — count: 10
- 好味 (好味) 昔者齊桓公好味 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷九 主術訓 Chapter 9: The Sovereign's Methods — count: 8
- 味咸 (味鹹) 其味咸 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《月令》 Proceedings of Government in the Different Months — count: 8
- 味辛 (味辛) 其味辛 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《月令》 Proceedings of Government in the Different Months — count: 8
- 味酸 (味酸) 其味酸 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《月令》 Proceedings of Government in the Different Months — count: 8
- 肉味 (肉味) 三月不知肉味 — The Analects of Confucius 論語, 7. 《述而》 Shu Er — count: 7
- 味苦 (味苦) 其味苦 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《月令》 Proceedings of Government in the Different Months — count: 6
- 不二味 (不二味) 昔闔廬食不二味 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 哀公 Lord Ai — count: 4
- 人味 (人味) 故使人味食然後食者 — Garden of Stories 說苑, 卷一 君道 Chapter 1: The Way of the Ruler — count: 4
- 知味 (知味) 鮮能知味也 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《中庸》 The State of Equilibrium and Harmony, also known as the Doctrine of the Mean — count: 4