玄 xuán
profound; mysterious; subtle
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 微妙 (CCD '玄' 2; FE '玄' 3; GHDC '玄' 2) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 黑色; for example, 天地玄黃 'The sky was black and earth yellow.' (CCD '玄' 1; FE '玄' 2; GHDC '玄' 1; QZW) -
Kangxi radical 95
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Radicals
Notes: Black (ABC back cover; GHC p. 7) -
incredible; unreliable
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CCD '玄' 3) -
occult; mystical
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (FE '玄' 1; GHDC '玄' 3) -
meditative and silent
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (FE '玄' 4) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (FE '玄' 5) -
proper noun
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Names , Concept: Surname 姓氏
Notes: (FE '玄' 6)
Contained in
- 玄鸟(玄鳥) a swallow ; a crane
- 北帝玄珠 niter; nitre; saltpeter; saltpetre
- 玄理 profound theory; philosophical theory of Wei and Jin 玄學|玄学 sect
- 玄孙(玄孫) great great grandson
- 故弄玄虚(故弄玄虛) deliberately mystifying; to make something unnecessarily complicated
- 玄色 black (without gloss); black with a hint of red in it
- 玄米茶 genmaicha
- 玄参(玄參) Ningpo figwort
- 玄远(玄遠) abstruse; profound
- 玄圃 Xuanpu
- 玄乎 unreliable; incredible
- 玄石 magnetite
- 玄狐 a silver or black fox
- 枕状玄武岩(枕狀玄武岩) pillow lava ; pillow basalt
- 玄秘 mystery; mysterious; occult; abstruse doctrine (e.g. religious)
- 谈玄說妙(談玄说妙) to talk about mysticism
- 玄武岩 basalt ; lava
- 玄奥(玄奧) abstruse; profound mystery; the mysteries of the universe
- 玄黄(玄黃) black and yellow ; heaven and earth ; silk ; to be sick
- 九天玄女 Xuan Nü
- 玄之又玄 mystery within a mystery; the mysteries of the Dao according to Laozi 老子
- 玄妙 mysterious; profound; abstruse
- 玄武质熔岩(玄武質熔岩) basalt
- 天地玄黄(天地玄黃) the sky was dark and the earth was yellow
- 玄玄 profound ; mystery of mysteries
- 玄教 Taoism
- 渊玄(淵玄) profundity; depth
- 玄青 deep black
- 玄门(玄門) Taoism; Daoism
Also contained in
玄经 、 欧阳玄 、 太玄 、 太玄经 、 王玄谟 、 魏晋玄学 、 玄奘 、 玄宗 、 房玄龄 、 葛玄 、 玄菟郡 、 林清玄 、 玄学 、 成玄英 、 玄武区 、 玄言 、 唐玄宗 、 刘玄 、 玄怪录 、 玄武门之变 、 玄始 、 玄沙三种病人
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷九十九 列傳第六十九 桓玄 卞範之 殷仲文 Volume 99 Biographies 69: Huan Xuan; Bian Fanzhi; Duan Zhongwen Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 189
- 卷97 島夷桓玄 海夷馮跋 島夷劉裕 Volume 97: Huan Xuan of the Daoyi People, Feng Ba of the Haiyi, Liu Yu of the Daoyi Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 119
- 卷70 列傳第35 楊玄感 李子雄 趙元淑 斛斯政 劉元進 李密 裴仁基 Volume 70 Biographies 35: Yang Xuangan, Li Zixiong, Zhao Yuanshu, Hu Shizheng, Liu Yuanjin, Li Mi, Pei Renji Book of Sui 隋書 — count: 93
- 第二十一回 Chapter 21 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義 — count: 85
- 第三十四回 Chapter 34 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義 — count: 84
- 卷八十四 列傳第五十四 王恭 庾楷 劉牢之 殷仲堪 楊佺期 Volume 84 Biographies 54: Wang Gong; Yu Kai; Liu Laozhi; Yin Zhongkan; Yang Quanqi Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 77
- 卷四十一 列傳第二十九: 楊播 楊敷 Volume 41 Biographies 29: Yangbo, Yang Fu History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 75
- 卷17 志第12 律曆中 Volume 17 Treatises 12: Measures and the Calendar 2 Book of Sui 隋書 — count: 72
- 卷九 魏書十 荀彧荀攸賈詡傳 Volume 9: Book of Wei 9 - Biographies of the Xiahous and Caos Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志 — count: 66
- 卷七十九 列傳第四十九 謝尚 謝安 Volume 79 Biographies 49: Xie Shang; Xie An Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 66
- 玄端 (玄端) 有司玄端奉送 — Gongyang's Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋公羊傳, 僖公 Lord Xi — count: 21
- 玄酒 (玄酒) 無玄酒 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《曾子問》 The Questions of Zeng-zi — count: 18
- 玄冠 (玄冠) 羔裘玄冠不以弔 — The Analects of Confucius 論語, 10. 《鄉黨》 Xiang Dang — count: 11
- 玄纁 (玄纁) 厥篚玄纁璣組 — Book of Documents 尚書, 夏書 禹貢 Xia Shu - Tribute of Yu — count: 9
- 玄冥 (玄冥) 為玄冥師 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 昭公 Lord Zhao — count: 9
- 生玄 (生玄) 先龍生玄黿 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷四 墜形訓 Chapter 4: Terrestrial Forms — count: 7
- 用玄 (用玄) 敢用玄牡 — Book of Documents 尚書, 商書 湯誥 Shang Shu - Announcement of Tang — count: 6
- 玄冕 (玄冕) 玄冕齋戒 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《郊特牲》 The Single Victim at the Border Sacrifices — count: 6
- 服玄 (服玄) 服玄玉 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《月令》 Proceedings of Government in the Different Months — count: 5
- 曰玄 (曰玄) 名曰玄妻 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 昭公 Lord Zhao — count: 4