捏 niē
to pick with fingers
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Unihan '捏') -
to knead; to mold
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Unihan '捏')
Contained in
- 假捏 to fabricate [charges]
- 拿捏 to grasp ; to intentionally create difficulties ; affecting shyness ; controlling ; judgemental
- 捏合 to act as a go between
- 砌词捏控(砌詞捏控) to make an accusation based on fabricated evidence
- 捏一把汗 to break out into a cold sweat
- 扭捏 affecting shyness or embarrassment; coy; mincing
- 扭扭捏捏 affecting shyness or embarrassment; coy; mincing (walk, manner of speech); mannered
- 捏一把冷汗 to break out into a cold sweat
- 捏估 to act as a go-between
- 捏脊 form of therapeutic massage, mainly for children, in which a roll of skin is squeezed, working from the base of the spine to the neck (TCM)
- 捏造 to make up; to fabricate
- 捏脊治疗(捏脊治療) chiropractic
- 柿子挑软的捏(柿子挑軟的捏) it's the soft persimmons that people choose to squeeze; it's the weak who get picked on
- 凭空捏造(憑空捏造) fabrication relying on nothing (idiom); frame-up
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷三十二 本紀第三十二: 文宗一 Volume 32 Annals 32: Wenzong 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 12
- 卷七十一 列傳第九: 斡魯 斡魯古勃堇 婆盧火 吾紮忽 闍母子:宗敘(本名德壽) Volume 71 Biographies 9: Wo Lu, Wolu gubojin, Po Luhuo, Wu Zahu, She Mu and son: Zongxu (formerly named Deshou) History of Jin 金史 — count: 11
- 卷三百二十七 列傳第二百十五 外國八 韃靼 Volume 327 Biographies 215: Foreign States 8 History of Ming 明史 — count: 7
- 卷七十六 列傳第十四: 太宗諸子 宗磐(本名蒲魯虎) 宗固(本名胡魯) 宗本(本名阿魯,附:蕭玉) 杲本名斜也 子:宗義(本名孛吉) 阿虎里 宗幹本名斡本 子:充(本名神土懣 子:永元(本名元奴)) 兗(本名梧桐) 襄(本名永慶) 袞(本名蒲甲) Volume 76 Biographies 14: Tai Zong sons - Zong Pan (formerly named Puluhu), Zong Gu (formerly named Hulu), Zong Ben (formerly named Alu, relative: Xiaoyu), Gao formerly named Xieye, son: Zongyi (formerly named Beiji), A Huli, Zong Gan formerly named Woben, son: Chong (formerly named Shentumen, son: yongyuan (formerly named Yuannu), Yan (formerly named Wutong), Xiang (formerly named Yongqing), Gun (formerly named pujia) History of Jin 金史 — count: 5
- 卷一百二十三 列傳第十: 布智兒 召烈台抄兀兒 闊闊不花 拜延八都魯 阿朮魯 紹古兒 阿剌瓦而思 抄兒 也蒲甘卜 趙阿哥潘 純只海 苫徹拔都兒 怯怯里 塔不已兒 直脫兒 月里麻思 捏古剌 阿兒思蘭 哈八兒禿 艾貌 Volume 123 Biographies 10: Buzhier, Zhaolietaichaowuer, Kuokuobuhua, Baiyanbadoulu, Apailu, Shaoguer, Alawaersi, Chao'er, Yepuganbu, Zhao'agepan, Chunzhihai, Shanchebadouer, Qieqieli, Tabuyier, Zhituoer, Yuelimasi, Niegula, A'ersilan, Habaertu, Aimao History of Yuan 元史 — count: 5
- 卷一百四十九 列傳第三十六: 耶律留哥 劉伯林 郭寶玉 石天應 移剌揑兒 耶律禿花 王珣 Volume 149 Biographies 36: Yelu Liuge, Liu Bolin, Guo Baoyu, Shi Tianying, Yi Lanieer, Yelu Tuhua, Wang Xun History of Yuan 元史 — count: 4
- 卷五十三 志第二十二: 禮志六 Volume 53 Treatises 23: Rites 6 History of Liao 遼史 — count: 4
- 第二十四回 Chapter 24 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 4
- 第四十一回 Chapter 41 Journey to the West 西遊記 — count: 3
- 第九十四回 Chapter 94 Journey to the West 西遊記 — count: 3
- 捏裏 (捏裏) 回離保與遼大臣立秦晉國王耶律捏裏於燕京 — History of Jin 金史, 卷六十七 列傳第五: 石顯 桓赧弟:散達 烏春附:溫敦蒲刺 臘醅弟麻產 鈍恩 留可 阿疏 奚王回離保 Volume 67 Biographies 5: Shi Xian, Huan Nan and younger brother: Sanda, Wu Chun and relative: Wendun Puci, Lapei dimachan, Dun En, Liu Ke, A Shu, Xiwang Huilibao — count: 19
- 捏古 (捏古) 賞捏古伯戰功銀有差 — History of Yuan 元史, 卷十一 本紀第十一: 世祖八 Volume 11 Annals 11: Shizu 8 — count: 15
- 也先捏 (也先捏) 以殊祥院使也先捏掌其衛士 — History of Yuan 元史, 卷三十二 本紀第三十二: 文宗一 Volume 32 Annals 32: Wenzong 1 — count: 15
- 耶律捏 (耶律捏) 遼秦晉國王耶律捏里來伐 — History of Jin 金史, 卷二 本紀第二: 太祖 Volume 2 Annals 2: Taizu — count: 13
- 捏里 (捏裡) 遼秦晉國王耶律捏里來伐 — History of Jin 金史, 卷二 本紀第二: 太祖 Volume 2 Annals 2: Taizu — count: 11
- 捏怯 (捏怯) 捏怯烈女直二百人以漁自給 — History of Yuan 元史, 卷十七 本紀第十七: 世祖十四 Volume 17 Annals 17: Shizu 14 — count: 8
- 捏诀 (捏訣) 左手捏訣 — Water Margin 水滸傳, 第五十二回 Chapter 52 — count: 6
- 捏儿 (捏兒) 移剌捏兒 — History of Yuan 元史, 卷一百四十九 列傳第三十六: 耶律留哥 劉伯林 郭寶玉 石天應 移剌揑兒 耶律禿花 王珣 Volume 149 Biographies 36: Yelu Liuge, Liu Bolin, Guo Baoyu, Shi Tianying, Yi Lanieer, Yelu Tuhua, Wang Xun — count: 6
- 列捏 (列捏) 承童坐擅徙脫列捏王衛士 — History of Yuan 元史, 卷二十八 本紀第二十八: 英宗二 Volume 28 Annals 28: Yingzong 2 — count: 4
- 王捏 (王捏) 遼秦晉國王捏裏自立於燕京 — History of Jin 金史, 卷七十四 列傳第十二: 宗翰本名粘罕 子:斜哥 宗望本名斡離不 子:齊 京 文 Volume 74 Biographies 12: Zong Han formerly named Zhanhan, son: Xiege, Zong Wang formerly named Wo Libu, sons: Qi, Jing, Wen — count: 4