阵 (陣) zhèn
a wave; a spate; a burst; spell; short period of time
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Time
Notes: (Guoyu '陣' n 4; Mathews 1931 '陣', p. 40) -
measure word
measure word for for events or states of short duration
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Quantity
Notes: (Guoyu '陣' n 3; Kroll 2015 '陣' 2, p. 601) -
an array of troops
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文 , Subdomain: Military
Notes: (Guoyu '陣' n 1; Kroll 2015 '陣' 1, p. 601; Mathews 1931 '陣', p. 39; Unihan '陣') -
a battlefield
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文 , Subdomain: Military
Notes: In the sense of 战场 (Kroll 2015 '陣' 1a, p. 601; Guoyu '陣' n 2) -
to do battle
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文 , Subdomain: Military
Notes: In the sense of 作战 (Guoyu '陣' v; Mathews 1931 '陣', p. 39) -
an army
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文 , Subdomain: Military
Notes: (Mathews 1931 '陣', p. 39)
Contained in
- 军阵(軍陣) battle formation
- 一阵(一陣) a burst; a fit; a spell
- 这阵儿(這陣兒) now; at present; at this juncture
- 对阵(對陣) poised for battle; to square up for a fight
- 败阵(敗陣) to be defeated in battle
- 这阵子(這陣子) now; at present; at this juncture
- 临阵(臨陣) just before the battle; to approach the front line
- 阵亡战士纪念日(陣亡戰士紀念日) Memorial Day (American holiday)
- 赤膊上阵(赤膊上陣) to go into battle bare-breasted; to go all out; to come out in the open
- 一小阵儿(一小陣兒) very brief period of time
- 烟花阵(煙花陣) brothel (especially in Yuan theater)
- 压阵(壓陣) to bring up the rear; to provide support; to hold the lines
- 解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线(解放巴勒斯坦人民陣線) Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
- 阵容(陣容) a battle array
- 球栅阵列封装(球柵陣列封裝) ball grid array (BGA), type of microchip package
- 疑阵(疑陣) a diversion; a feint attack to mislead the enemy
- 敌阵(敵陣) the enemy ranks
- 阵营(陣營) camp; faction
- 一阵雨(一陣雨) a burst of rain
- 三阵(三陣) cosmic events, earthquakes, and war; emergencies
- 助阵(助陣) to cheer; to root for
- 凌余阵(凌余陣) they menace our ranks
- 伴矩阵(伴矩陣) adjoint matrix
- 转移阵地(轉移陣地) to move one's base (of operations); to reposition; to relocate
- 方阵(方陣) matrix
- 排阵(排陣) to deploy troops
- 车阵(車陣) a stream of vehicles
- 一阵子(一陣子) a while; a spell; a short time; a burst
- 好一阵(好一陣) a good while
- 点阵式打印机(點陣式打印機) dot matrix printer
- 阵雨(陣雨) a rain shower
- 点阵打印机(點陣打印機) dot matrix printer
- 阵势(陣勢) battle array; disposition of forces
- 阵型(陣型) formation (of a sports team, troops etc)
- 半导体超点阵(半導體超點陣) semiconductor superlattice
- 战阵(戰陣) battle array
- 上阵(上陣) to go into battle
- 矩阵(榘陣) an array; a matrix
- 一阵风(一陣風) a burst of wind
- 演员阵容(演員陣容) cast (of a movie etc); lineup of performers; troupe
- 阵子(陣子) period of time
- 上阵杀敌(上陣殺敵) to go into battle; to strike at the enemy
- 阵亡者(陣亡者) people killed in battle
- 长蛇阵(長蛇陣) single-line formation (army); fig. long line
- 冲锋陷阵(衝鋒陷陣) to break through enemy lines
Also contained in
桑地诺民族解放阵线 、 视频图形阵列 、 点阵字体 、 串行点阵打印机 、 硬盘阵列 、 点阵图图像编辑器
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷五十五 志第八 天文八 Volume 55 Treatises 8: Astronomy 8 History of Song 宋史 — count: 90
- 卷四十九 志第二: 天文二 Volume 49 Treatises 2: Astronomy 2 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 50
- 第八十八回 Chapter 88 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 46
- 卷四十八 志第一: 天文一 Volume 48 Treatises 1: Astronomy 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 45
- 第八十七回 Chapter 87 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 44
- 卷一百九十五 志第一百四十八 兵九 Volume 195 Treatises 148: Military 9 History of Song 宋史 — count: 43
- 卷五十四 志第七 天文七 Volume 54 Treatises 7: Astronomy 7 History of Song 宋史 — count: 42
- 第一百七回 Chapter 107 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 37
- 卷一百二十一 志第七十四 禮二十四 Volume 121 Treatises 74: Rites 24 History of Song 宋史 — count: 34
- 第七十六回 Chapter 76 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 28
- 陷阵 (陷陣) 壞軍陷陣 — Garden of Stories 說苑, 卷四 立節 Chapter 4: Personal Integrity — count: 19
- 行阵 (行陣) 則戰士怠于行陣 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 外儲說左上第三十二 Chapter 32: A Collection of Sayings III — count: 12
- 列阵 (列陣) 帝列陣以待之 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷一 帝紀第一 高祖宣帝 Volume 1 Annals 1: Emperor Xuan — count: 11
- 部阵 (部陣) 兵人不得妄離部陣間 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷四十二 列傳第十二 王渾 王濬 唐彬 Volume 42 Biographies 12: Wang Hun; Wang Jun; Tang Bin — count: 6
- 结阵 (結陣) 紹自以步兵數萬結陣於後 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷六 魏書六 董二袁劉傳 Volume 6: Book of Wei 6 - Biographies of Dong, the two Yuans, and Liu — count: 6
- 阵乱 (陣亂) 陣亂 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷七十四上 袁紹劉表列傳 Volume 74a: Biographies of Yuan Shao, Liu Biao 1 — count: 3
- 八阵 (八陣) 勒以八陣 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷二十三 竇融列傳 Volume 23: Biography of Dou Rong — count: 3
- 戎阵 (戎陣) 不講戎陣 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷十三 魏書十三 鍾繇華歆王朗傳 Volume 13: Book of Wei 13 - Biographies of Zhong Yao, Hua Xin, and Wang Lang — count: 3
- 兵阵 (兵陣) 與左右雜衞共入兵陣間 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷四 魏書四 三少帝紀 Volume 4: Book of Wei 4 - Annals of the three young emperors — count: 3
- 整阵 (整陣) 遂整陣而過 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷一 帝紀第一 高祖宣帝 Volume 1 Annals 1: Emperor Xuan — count: 3