随 (隨) suí
to follow
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '隨' 1; NCCED '隨' 1; Unihan '隨') -
to listen to
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Unihan '隨') -
to submit to; to comply with
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (NCCED '隨' 4; Unihan '隨') -
with; to accompany
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words
Notes: (NCCED '隨' 2; Unihan '隨') -
in due course; subsequently; then
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '隨' 2; NCCED '隨' 7; Unihan '隨') -
to the extent that
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '隨' 2a) -
to be obsequious
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '隨' 3) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '隨' 4) -
17th hexagram
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: The name of the 17th hexagram in the 易经 Yijing (Kroll 2015 '隨' 4) -
in passing
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words
Notes: (NCCED '隨' 3) -
let somebody do what they like
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Spoken Language
Notes: In the sense of 随便 (NCCED '隨' 5) -
to resemble; to look like
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Comparison
Notes: (NCCED '隨' 6)
Contained in
- 随机变数(隨機變數) a random variable
- 随波(隨波) to drift with the waves
- 随访(隨訪) to accompany; (of a doctor etc) to do a follow-up (on a patient, client etc)
- 形影相随(形影相隨) body and shadow follow each other; inseparable
- 随事(隨事) according to [his] post
- 随口胡诌(隨口胡謅) to talk random nonsense; to say whatever comes into one's head
- 如影随形(如影隨形) closely associated with each other; to follow closely
- 随风倒(隨風倒) to bend with the wind
- 随身道具(隨身道具) (theater) personal prop (spectacles, fan etc)
- 不随大流(不隨大流) not following the crowd; to go against the tide
- 随着(隨著) along with; in the wake of; following
- 唯有业随身(唯有業隨身) only karma will follows
- 随时随地(隨時隨地) at any time and any place
- 随从(隨從) to accompany; to follow; to attend
- 相随(相隨) to follow each other
- 随之(隨之) thereupon; subsequently; accordingly
- 追随者(追隨者) a follower; an adherent
- 伴随(伴隨) to accompany
- 随时(隨時) at any time
- 情随事迁(情隨事遷) feelings change with circumstances
- 走乡随乡(走鄉隨鄉) to follow local customs
- 随机数生成(隨機數生成) Random number generation
- 随本消息(隨本消息) along with the rise and fall
- 随之而后(隨之而後) from that; following from that; after that
- 随身碟(隨身碟) USB flash drive
- 紧随其后(緊隨其後) to follow closely behind somebody or sth
- 随状(隨狀) according to the situation
- 随带(隨帶) to carry along; to be portable
- 飞蓬随风(飛蓬隨風) to fly like leaves blowing with the wind
- 随风摇曳(隨風搖曳) fluter with the wind
- 随声附和(隨聲附和) to parrot other people's words
- 随大流(隨大流) to follow the crowd; going with the tide
- 安闲随意(安閑隨意) leisurely and free; carefree and at ease
- 随即(隨即) immediately; following which
- 夫倡妇随(夫倡婦隨) the husband leads and the wife follows
- 随和(隨和) amiable; easy-going
- 随性(隨性) casual; laid-back; doing as one pleases
- 长随(長隨) to follow for a long time ; a personal attendant
- 随机数(隨機數) random number
- 随机时间(隨機時間) random period of time; random interval
- 萧规曹随(蕭規曹隨) Xiao'sgovernance followed by Cao; to strictly adhere to the policies of the predecessor
- 随心(隨心) to follow one's heart ; to be satisfied
- 续随子(續隨子) caper (Capparis spinosa)
- 随风(隨風) wind-borne; care-free
- 随机存取记忆体(隨機存取記憶體) random access memory (RAM)
Also contained in
随机存取存储器 、 随县 、 随州 、 动态随机存取存储器 、 随州市 、 随韵
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷六十七 列傳第五十七 胡穎 徐度 杜稜 周鐵武 程靈洗 沈恪 陸子隆 錢道戢 駱文牙 孫瑒 徐世譜 周敷 荀朗 周炅 魯悉達 蕭摩訶 任忠 樊毅 Volume 67 Biographies 57: Hu Ying, Xu Du, Du Leng, Zhou Tiewu, Cheng Lingxi, Shen Ke, Lu Zilong, Qian Daoji, Luo Wenya, Sun Yang, Xu Shipu, Zhou Fu, Xun Lang, Zhou Jiong, Lu Xida, Xiao Mohe, Ren Zhong, Fan Yi History of the Southern Dynasties 南史 — count: 40
- 卷五十四 志第三十五: 選舉四 部選 省選 廉察 薦舉 功酬虧永 Volume 54 Treatises 35: Selection of Officials 4 - Ministry Selection, Provincial Selection, Honest Inspectors, Recommendations, Compensation for Achievements and Perpetual Faults History of Jin 金史 — count: 31
- 卷一百八十六 列傳第七十四 韓文 張敷華 楊守隨 許進 雍泰 陳壽 樊瑩 熊繡 潘蕃 胡富 張泰 張鼐 王璟 朱欽 Volume 186 Biographies 74: Han Wen, Zhang Fuhua, Yang Shousui, Xu Jin, Yong Tai, Chen Shou, Fan Ying, Xiong Xiu, Pan Fan, Hu Fu, Zhang Tai, Zhang Nai, Wang Jing, Zhu Qin History of Ming 明史 — count: 21
- 卷六十七 志第十八: 禮樂一 Volume 67 Treatises 20: Rites and Music 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 21
- 卷三十一 列傳第二十五: 蕭摩訶 任忠 樊毅 魯廣達 Volume 31: Xiao Mohe; Ren Zhong; Fan Yi; Lu Guangda Book of Chen 陳書 — count: 19
- 卷四十五 蜀書十五 鄧張宗楊傳 Volume 45: Book of Shu 15 - Biographies of Deng, Zhang, Zong, and Yang Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志 — count: 19
- 卷17 志第12 律曆中 Volume 17 Treatises 12: Measures and the Calendar 2 Book of Sui 隋書 — count: 18
- 卷一百五十九 列傳第一百〇九: 衛次公 鄭絪 韋處厚 崔群 路隨 Volume 159 Biographies 109: Wei Cigong, Zheng Yin, Wei Chuhou, CuiQin, Lu Sui Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 18
- 卷五十三 列傳第四十一: 万俟普 可朱渾元 劉豐 破六韓常 金祚 劉貴 蔡雋 韓賢 尉長命 王懷 任祥 莫多婁貸文 厙狄迴洛 厙狄盛 張保洛 侯莫陳相 薛孤延 斛律羌舉 張瓊 宋顯 王則 慕容紹宗 叱列平 步大汗薩 薛脩義 慕容儼 潘樂 彭樂 暴顯 皮景和 綦連猛 元景安 獨孤永業 鮮于世榮 傅伏 Volume 53 Biographies 41: Wan Sipu, Kezhui Hunyuan, Liu Feng, Poli Hanchang, Jin Zuo, Liu Gui, Cai Jun, Han Xian, Wei Zhangming, Wan Huai, Ren Xiang, Moduoluo Daiwen, Shedi Huiluo, She Dicheng, Zhang Baoluo, Houmo Chenxiang, Xue Guyan, Hulu Qiangju, Zhang Qiong, Song Xian, Wang Ze, Murong Shaozong, Chi Lieping, Buda Hansa, Xue Xiuyi, Murong Yan, Pan Le, Peng le, Bao Xian, Pi Jinghe, Qi Lianmeng, Yuan Jingan, Dugu Yongye, Xianyu Shirong, Fu Fu History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 18
- 卷五十八 志第三十九: 百官四 符制 印製 鐵券 官誥 百官俸給 Volume 58 Treatises 39: Official Posts 4 - Counting Systems, Printing, Iron Certificates, Official Proclamations, Official Salaries History of Jin 金史 — count: 18
- 随侯 (隨侯) 隨侯將許之 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 桓公 Lord Huan — count: 11
- 随人 (隨人) 隨人使少師董成 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 桓公 Lord Huan — count: 10
- 诡随 (詭隨) 無縱詭隨 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 大雅‧生民之什‧民勞 Greater odes of the kingdom - Decade Of Sheng Min - Min Lu — count: 8
- 沙随 (沙隨) 于沙隨 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 成公 Lord Cheng — count: 8
- 伐随 (伐隨) 楚子伐隨 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 桓公 Lord Huan — count: 6
- 奔随 (奔隨) 翼侯奔隨 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 隱公 Lord Yin — count: 4
- 随山 (隨山) 隨山刊木 — Book of Documents 尚書, 虞書 益稷 Yu Shu - Yi and Ji — count: 4
- 可随 (可隨) 可隨也 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷十一 齊俗訓 Chapter 11: Combining Customs — count: 3
- 在随 (在隨) 及昭王在隨 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 定公 Lord Ding — count: 3
- 随师 (隨師) 隨師敗績 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 桓公 Lord Huan — count: 3