攀 pān
to climb
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: In the sense of 攀登; for example, 爬树 'climb a tree' (Guoyu '攀' v 1; Kroll 2015 '攀' 1; NCCED '攀' 1; Unihan '攀') -
to associate with people at a higher level
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: In the sense of 高攀 (Guoyu '攀' v 2; CC-CEDICT '攀' 1; NCCED '攀' 3) -
to hang on to; to clutch
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '攀' 3; Unihan '攀') -
to pull; to snatch; to pick
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 摘 or 攀折 (Guoyu '攀' v 4; Kroll 2015 '攀' 2; NCCED '攀' 2; Unihan '攀') -
to involve
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 牵连 (Guoyu '攀' v 3; NCCED '攀' 4)
Contained in
- 攀折 to pick
- 攀诬(攀誣) to frame; to accuse unjustly
- 攀桂 to win laurels
- 攀越 to climb over; to get over (difficulties); to scale; to surmount
- 仰攀 to climb upwards ; social climbing
- 攀附 to climb
- 攀岩 to rock climb
- 跻攀(躋攀) to climb up
- 攀供 to implicate others
- 攀枝花 kapok (tree) ; Panzihua
- 攀害 damaged by slander
- 攀爬 to climb
- 中华攀雀(中華攀雀) Chinese penduline tit (Remiz consobrinus)
- 攀高结贵(攀高結貴) to cling to the high, connect to the rich; to try to attach oneself to the rich and powerful
- 攀援 to climb up (a rope etc); climbing (plant)
- 攀缘(攀緣) to climb; to pull
- 攀亲道故(攀親道故) to use claims to kinship or friendship to climb socially
- 攀升(攀昇) to rise
- 白冠攀雀 white-crowned penduline tit (Remiz coronatus)
- 攀扯 to implicate; to pull connections
- 攀亲(攀親) to seek to profit by family ties
- 攀诬陷害(攀誣陷害) unjust accusation; miscarriage of justice
- 高攀不上 to be unworthy to associate with (somebody of higher social status)
- 攀谈(攀談) to chat
- 高攀 social climbing; to claim connections with people in higher social class
- 攀跻(攀躋) to climb up
- 攀附权贵(攀附權貴) to cling to the powerful and rich; social climbing
- 攀登 to climb
- 夤缘攀附(夤緣攀附) to cling to the rich and powerful; to advance one's career by currying favor; social climbing
- 攀山家 mountaineer (HK)
- 攀比 to make invidious comparisons; to compete with; to emulate
- 不敢高攀 not dare to pull oneself up high (humble term); I cannot presume on your attention
- 高不可攀 too high to reach; eminent and unapproachable
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷二百八十七 列傳第一百七十五 文苑三 Volume 287 Biographies 175: Literature 3 History of Ming 明史 — count: 24
- 卷二百四十三 列傳第一百三十一 趙南星 鄒元標 孫慎行 高攀龍 馮從吾 Volume 243 Biographies 131: Zhao Nanxing, Zou Yuanbiao, Sun Shenxing, Gao Panlong, Feng Congwu History of Ming 明史 — count: 23
- 卷四十五 列傳第十五 劉毅 和嶠 武陔 任愷 崔洪 郭奕 侯史光 何攀 Volume 45 Biographies 15: Liu Yi; Cheng Wei; He Jiao; Wu Gai; Ren Kai; Cui Hong; Guo Yi; Hou Shiguang; He Pan Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 22
- 卷二百三十一 列傳第一百十九 顧憲成 顧允成 錢一本 于孔兼 史孟麟 薛敷教 安希范 劉元珍 葉茂才 Volume 231 Biographies 119: Gu Xiancheng, Gu Yuncheng, Qian Yiben, Yu Kongjian, Shi Menglin, Xue Fujiao, An Xifan, Liu Yuanzhen, Ye Maocai History of Ming 明史 — count: 15
- 卷六十五 志第四十一 輿服一 Volume 65 Treatises 41: Carriages and Clothing 1 History of Ming 明史 — count: 9
- 卷八十一 列傳第五十一 王遜 蔡豹 羊鑒 劉胤 桓宣 朱伺 毛寶 劉遐 鄧嶽 朱序 Volume 81 Biographies 51: Wang Xun; Cai Bao; Yang Jian; Liu Yin; Huan Xuan; Zhu Si; Mao Bao; Liu Xia; Deng Yue; Zhu Xu Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 6
- 卷七十八 志第二十八: 輿服一 Volume 78 Treatises 31: Carriages and Clothes 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 6
- 卷一百二十 載記第二十 李特 李流 Volume 120 Records 20: Li Te; Li Liu Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 6
- 卷一百六十四 列傳第五十一: 楊恭懿 王恂 郭守敬 楊桓 楊果 王構 魏初 焦養直 孟攀麟 尚野 李之紹 Volume 164 Biographies 51: Yang Gongyi, Wang Xun, Guo Shoujing, Yang Huan, Yang Guo, Wang Gou, Wei Chu, Jiao Yangzhi, Meng Panlin, Shang Ye, Li Zhishao History of Yuan 元史 — count: 6
- 卷一百四十 志第九十三 樂十五 Volume 140 Treatises 93: Music 15 History of Song 宋史 — count: 5
- 攀龙 (攀龍) 攀龍鱗 — Exemplary Figures 法言, 卷十一 淵騫 Chapter 11: Yuan and Qian — count: 18
- 郑攀 (鄭攀) 擊侃督護鄭攀于沌陽 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷六十六 列傳第三十六 劉弘 陶侃 Volume 66 Biographies 36: Liu Hong; Tao Kan — count: 8
- 攀等 (攀等) 兼河南尹何攀等 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷四十七 列傳第十七 傅玄 Volume 47 Biographies 17: Fu Xuan — count: 5
- 攀车 (攀車) 老小攀車叩馬 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷四十一 第五鍾離宋寒列傳 Volume 41: Biographies of Diwu, Zhongli, Song, Han — count: 5
- 李攀 (李攀) 扶風李攀 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷一百二十 載記第二十 李特 李流 Volume 120 Records 20: Li Te; Li Liu — count: 5
- 攀天 (攀天) 言堯夢攀天而上 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷十上 皇后紀 Volume 10a: Annals of Empresses 1 — count: 3
- 攀船 (攀船) 攀船 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷五十三 景十三王傳 Volume 53: The thirteen sons of Emperor Jing — count: 3
- 云攀 (雲攀) 雲攀殿檻 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷六十七 楊胡朱梅云傳 Volume 67: Yang, Hu, Zhu, Mei and Yun — count: 3
- 攀慕 (攀慕) 率土臣妾豈無攀慕遂服之心 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷六十 列傳第三十 解系 孫旂 孟觀 牽秀 繆播 皇甫重 張輔 李含 張方 閻鼎 索靖 賈疋 Volume 60 Biographies 30: Xie Xi; Sun Qi; Meng Guan; Qian Xiu; Miao Bo; Zhang Fu; Li Han; Zhang Fang; Yan Ding; Suo Jing; Jia Pi — count: 3
- 牵攀 (牽攀) 侍中近臣及乳母共牽攀止之 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷六十四 吳書十九 諸葛滕二孫濮陽傳 Volume 64: Book of Wu 19 - Biographies of Zhuge, Teng, the two Suns, and Puyang — count: 3