酷 kù
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As of wine; in the sense of 浓厚 (Guoyu '酷' adj 1; Unihan '酷') -
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: Slang (Guoyu '酷' adj 3; Sun 2006, loc. 1582)lang -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 残忍 (Guoyu '酷' adj 2) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 甚 (Guoyu '酷' adv)
Contained in
- 酷儿(酷兒) queer (sexuality)
- 厌酷球孢子菌(厭酷球孢子菌) Coccidioides immitis
- 酷毙(酷斃) awesome; cool; righteous
- 酷刑 cruelty; torture
- 酷烈 intense; brutal; fierce
- 酷热(酷熱) torrid heat
- 反酷刑折磨公约(反酷刑折磨公約) UN convention against torture and cruel treatment
- 残酷无情(殘酷無情) cruel and unfeeling
- 炙酷 torrid weather
- 酷似 to strikingly resemble
- 酷暑 intense heat; extremely hot weather
- 冷酷 grim; unfeeling; callous
- 冷酷无情(冷酷無情) cold-hearted; unfeeling; callous
- 跑酷 parkour
- 酷鹏(酷鵬) coupon
- 酷肖 to strikingly resemble
- 酷刑折磨 torture and cruel treatment
- 残酷(殘酷) cruel
- 酷爱(酷愛) to be keen on; to have a passion for
- 扮酷 to act cool
- 酷虐 cruel; brutal
- 酷炫 cool; awesome
- 严酷(嚴酷) bitter; harsh; grim; ruthless; severe; cut-throat (competition)
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷89 酷吏:于洛侯 胡泥 李洪之 高遵張赦提 羊祉 崔暹 郦道元 Volume 89: Cruel Officals - Yu Luohou, Hu Ni, Li Hongzhi, Gaozun Zhang Sheti, Yang Zhi, Cui Xian, Li Dao Yun Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 13
- 卷八十七 列傳第七十五: 酷吏 Volume 87 Biographies 75: Cruel Officials History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 8
- 《酷吏列傳》 Biographies of Cruel Officials Records of the Grand Historian 史記 — count: 6
- 卷三十九 列傳第二十七: 薛安都 劉休賓 房法壽 畢眾敬 羊祉 Volume 39 Biographies 27: Xue Andou, Liu Xiubin, Fang Fashou, Bi Zhongjing, Yan Zhi History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 6
- 卷三十 志第二十 刑法 Volume 30 Treatises 20: Punishment and Law Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 6
- 卷二百 志第一百五十三 刑法二 Volume 200 Treatises 153: Punishment and Law 2 History of Song 宋史 — count: 5
- 卷六十二 列傳第二十二 羊欣 張敷 王微 Volume 62 Biographies 22: Yang Xin, Zhang Fu, Wang Wei Book of Song 宋書 — count: 5
- 卷111 刑罰志七 Volume 111 Treatise 7: Criminal Punishment Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 5
- 卷九十 酷吏傳 Volume 90: Cruel Officials Book of Han 漢書 — count: 5
- 卷五十三 列傳第四十三 梁武帝諸子 Volume 53 Biographies 43: Sons of Emperor Wu of Liang History of the Southern Dynasties 南史 — count: 5
- 酷暴 (酷暴) 治皆酷暴 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷六十 杜周傳 Volume 60: Du Zhou — count: 8
- 怨酷 (怨酷) 乃更加其怨酷 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷八十下 文苑列傳 Volume 80b: Biographies of Writers 2 — count: 7
- 苛酷 (苛酷) 而政令苛酷 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷十五 李王鄧來列傳 Volume 15: Biographies of Li, Wang, Deng, Lai — count: 7
- 惨酷 (慘酷) 雖慘酷 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《酷吏列傳》 Biographies of Cruel Officials — count: 6
- 暴酷 (暴酷) 最為暴酷驕恣 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《酷吏列傳》 Biographies of Cruel Officials — count: 6
- 酷痛 (酷痛) 念父辱之酷痛 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷十八 魏書十八 二李臧文呂許典二龐閻傳 Volume 18: Book of Wei 18 - Biographies of the two Lis, Zang, Wen, Lü, Xu, Dian, the two Pangs, and Yan — count: 6
- 酷裂 (酷裂) 美襞積以酷裂兮 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷五十九 張衡列傳 Volume 59: Biography of Zhang Heng — count: 5
- 深酷 (深酷) 刑罰深酷 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷八十五 谷永杜鄴傳 Volume 85: Gu Yong and Du Ye — count: 5
- 痛酷 (痛酷) 痛酷之深 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷五十四 列傳第二十四 陸機 陸雲 Volume 54 Biographies 24: Lu Ji — count: 5
- 性酷 (性酷) 袁紹妻劉氏性酷妒 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷七十四上 袁紹劉表列傳 Volume 74a: Biographies of Yuan Shao, Liu Biao 1 — count: 4