斜 xié
slanting; inclined
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: For example, 斜着肩 'shoulders slanted.' (Ye Shengtao, 1999, p. 22; Guoyu '斜' adj; Unihan '斜') -
used in place names
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '斜' xié n) -
to curve
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '斜' xié v) -
proper noun
Domain: Places 地方 , Subdomain: China , Concept: Place Name 地名
Notes: Place name in Shaanxi (Guoyu '斜' yé n)
Contained in
- 斜体字(斜體字) italic letter; slanting typeface
- 斜视(斜視) a squint; sideways glance; to look askance
- 斜度 slope; gradient; inclination
- 斜径(斜徑) sloping path
- 歪歪斜斜 shuddering; trembling; a trembling scrawl (of handwriting)
- 斜柱 included prop
- 斜靠 to recline
- 斜对(斜對) catty-corner; to be diagonally opposite to
- 斜率 slope
- 斜眼看 from the side of the eye; askance
- 斜塔 leaning tower
- 斜眼 to look askance; cross or wall-eyed
- 斜切锯(斜切鋸) miter saw
- 斜方肌 trapezius muscle (of the upper back and neck)
- 斜点(斜點) upper dot stroke
- 斜愣眼儿(斜愣眼兒) to squint
- 偏斜 biased
- 横斜(橫斜) oblique; slanting
- 外斜肌 external oblique muscle (sides of the chest)
- 斜纹软呢(斜紋軟呢) tweed
- 斜交 bevel
- 顺斜(順斜) cataclinal
- 倾斜(傾斜) inclined; leaning; slanting; tilted
- 斜边(斜邊) a hypotenuse; a sloping side
- 斜躺 to recline
- 逆斜 anaclinal
- 线斜(線斜) helical
- 目不斜视(目不斜視) not to glance sideways; to gaze fixedly; to be fully concentrated; to preserve a correct attitude
- 斜阳(斜陽) setting sun
- 斜钩(斜鉤) hooked arc stroke
- 斜倚 to recline
- 内斜视(內斜視) esotropia; cross-eye
- 斜体(斜體) italics
- 斜轴(斜軸) oblique axes
- 斜管面(斜管麵) penne pasta
- 乜斜 to squint
- 歪斜 crooked; askew; oblique; slanting; out of plumb
- 背斜 anticline
- 斜肌 diagonal muscle
- 斜线(斜線) a diagonal line; a slanting line; a slash; a forward slash
- 斜面 a slope
- 斜射球 a sliced ball (tennis or table tennis)
- 斜睨 to cast sidelong glances at
- 倾斜度(傾斜度) inclination (from the horizontal or vertical); slope; obliquity
- 向斜 syncline
Also contained in
反斜杠 、 斜线号 、 反斜线 、 中亚斜体笈多文 、 斜杠 、 比萨斜塔
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷一百二十 列傳第五十八: 世戚 石家奴 裴滿達 忽睹 徒單恭 烏古論蒲魯虎 唐括德溫 烏古論粘沒曷 蒲察阿虎迭 烏林答暉 蒲察鼎壽 徒單思忠 徒單繹 烏林答復 烏古論元忠子:誼 唐括貢 烏林答琳 徒單公弼 徒單銘 徒單四喜 Volume 120 Biographies 58: Shi Qi, Shi Jianu, Pei Manda, Hu Du, Tu Dangong, Wugulunpuluhu, Tangkuo Dewen, Wugulunzhanmeihe, Puchaahudie, Wulin Dahui, Pucha Dingshou, Tudan Sizhong, Tu Danyi, Wulin Dafu, Wugulunyuanzhong son: Yi, Tang Kuogong, Wulin Dalin, Tudan Gongbi, Tu Danming, Tudan Sixi History of Jin 金史 — count: 24
- 卷六十七 列傳第五: 石顯 桓赧弟:散達 烏春附:溫敦蒲刺 臘醅弟麻產 鈍恩 留可 阿疏 奚王回離保 Volume 67 Biographies 5: Shi Xian, Huan Nan and younger brother: Sanda, Wu Chun and relative: Wendun Puci, Lapei dimachan, Dun En, Liu Ke, A Shu, Xiwang Huilibao History of Jin 金史 — count: 20
- 卷八十三 列傳第十三: 耶律休哥 耶律斜軫 耶律奚低 耶律學古 Volume 83 Biographies 13: Yelu Xiuge, Yelu Xiezhen, Yelu Xidi, Yelu Xuegu History of Liao 遼史 — count: 20
- 卷十一 本紀第十一: 聖宗二 Volume 11 Annals 11: Shengzong 2 History of Liao 遼史 — count: 17
- 卷四十八 志第一: 天文一 Volume 48 Treatises 1: Astronomy 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 16
- 卷五十八 新五代史考第一 Volume 58 Examination on the New Five Dynasties : New History of the Five Dynasties 新五代史 — count: 13
- 卷七十四 列傳第十二: 宗翰本名粘罕 子:斜哥 宗望本名斡離不 子:齊 京 文 Volume 74 Biographies 12: Zong Han formerly named Zhanhan, son: Xiege, Zong Wang formerly named Wo Libu, sons: Qi, Jing, Wen History of Jin 金史 — count: 13
- 卷一百二十三 列傳第六十一: 忠義三 徒單航 完顏陳和尚 楊沃衍 烏古論黑漢 陀滿胡土門 姬汝作 愛申附:馬肩龍 禹顯 張邦憲 劉全 Volume 123 Biographies 61: Zhong Yisan, Tu Danhang, Wanyanchenheshang, Yang Woyan, Wugulunheihan, Tuomanhutumen, Ji Ruzuo, Ai Shen relative: Ma Jianlong, Yu Xian, Zhang Bangxian, Liu Quan History of Jin 金史 — count: 11
- 卷一百三十五 列傳第七十三: 外國下 高麗 金國語解 官稱 人事 物象 物類 姓氏 Volume 135 Biographies 73: Foreign Countries 2 - Goryeo, Explanation of the Language of the State of Jin, Official Titles, Human Affairs, Art, Classes of Objects, Family Names History of Jin 金史 — count: 11
- 卷十八 本紀第十八: 哀宗下 Volume 18 Annals 18: Aizong 2 History of Jin 金史 — count: 10
- 斜谷 (斜谷) 斜谷之木不足為我械 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷六十六 公孫劉田王楊蔡陳鄭傳 Volume 66: Gongsun, Liu, Tian, Wang, Yang, Cai, Chen and Zheng — count: 59
- 斜封 (斜封) 又有斜封授官 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷七 本紀第七: 中宗 睿宗 Volume 7 Annals 7: Zhongzong, Ruizong — count: 27
- 褒斜 (褒斜) 其後人有上書欲通褒斜道及漕事 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《河渠書》 Rivers and canals — count: 21
- 涛斜 (濤斜) 琯與賊將安守忠戰于陳濤斜 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷十 本紀第十: 肅宗 Volume 10 Annals 10: Suzong — count: 9
- 黄道斜 (黃道斜) 黃道斜帶其腹 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 第二 律曆中 賈逵論曆 永元論曆 延光論曆 漢安論曆 熹平論曆 論月食 Volume 91: Rhythm and the Calendar Part Two — count: 7
- 敕斜 (敕斜) 行墨敕斜封 — New Book of Tang 新唐書, 卷四 本紀第四 則天皇后 中宗 Volume 4 Annals 4: Empress Wu Zetian, Zhongzong — count: 6
- 斜道 (斜道) 其後人有上書欲通褒斜道及漕事 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《河渠書》 Rivers and canals — count: 6
- 稚斜 (稚斜) 軍臣單于弟左谷蠡王伊稚斜自立為單于 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《匈奴列傳》 Treatise on the Xiongnu — count: 6
- 入斜 (入斜) 今遣中護軍賈充將步騎萬人徑入斜谷 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷二十八 魏書二十八 王毌丘諸葛鄧鍾傳 Volume 28: Book of Wei 28 - Biographies of Wang, Guanqiu, Zhuge, Deng and Zhong — count: 5
- 斜射 (斜射) 妃引長弓斜射飛烏 — History of the Northern Dynasties 北史, 卷十四 列傳第二: 后妃下 Volume 14 Biographies 2: Empresses and Consorts 1 — count: 5