评 (評) píng
to appraise; to evaluate
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '評'; NCCED '评' 3; Unihan '評') -
to comment on; to criticize
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 议论; as in 评论 (Guoyu '評' v; NCCED '评' 1; Unihan '評') -
a review
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: For example, 影评 'film review' (Guoyu '評' n 1; NCCED '评' 2) -
review of history
Domain: Literature 文学 , Subdomain: China
Notes: Same as 史评 (Guoyu '評' n 2)
Contained in
- 评议(評議) to appraise through discussion
- 专家评论(專家評論) expert commentary
- 环境影响评估(環境影響評估) environmental impact assessment EIA; Abbreviation to 環評|环评
- 评议会(評議會) council
- 评为(評為) to elect as; to choose as; to consider as
- 评阅(評閱) to read and appraise
- 评书(評書) folk theatrical form, a monologue discussion historical events
- 评价分类(評價分類) rank, classify
- 评注(評註) to annotate; annotation; commentary; remark
- 测评(測評) to test and evaluate
- 影评(影評) film review
- 评分(評分) to grade; to mark (student's work); grade; score (of student's work)
- 环评(環評) environmental impact assessment (EIA)
- 评审(評審) to examine and appraise ; umpire
- 重评(重評) to reevaluate; to reassess
- 重新评价(重新評價) a re-evaluation; to re-assess
- 反批评(反批評) countercriticism
- 评述(評述) to comment on
- 好评(好評) favorable criticism; positive evaluation
- 严厉批评(嚴厲批評) to criticize severely; to slate
- 评论家(評論家) critic; reviewer
- 置评(置評) a comment; a statement
- 建设性的批评(建設性的批評) constructive criticism
- 考评(考評) to investigate and evaluate
- 信用评级(信用評級) credit rating
- 评定(評定) to evaluate
- 讲评(講評) to criticize; to evaluate
- 评头论足(評頭論足) to assess the head and discuss the feet; minute criticism of a woman's appearance; to find fault in minor details; to remark upon a person's appearance; nitpicking; overcritical
- 评说(評說) to comment; to evaluate
- 展评(展評) to display for evaluation; to exhibit and compare
- 评话(評話) pinghua storytelling
- 评品(評品) to differentiate; to distinguish; to discriminate
- 评选(評選) to choose fairly; select
- 文学批评(文學批評) literary criticism
- 尖锐批评(尖銳批評) sharp criticism
- 危害评价(危害評價) hazard assessment
- 评鑑(評鑑) commentary and appraisal
- 评章(評章) to appraise
- 评判(評判) to judge (a competition); to appraise
- 专家评价(專家評價) expert evaluation
- 同级评审(同級評審) peer review
- 批评者(批評者) critic; detractor
- 评比(評比) to evaluate by comparison
- 讥评(譏評) to mockingly criticize
- 评头品足(評頭品足) to make idle remarks about a woman's appearance
- 批评家(批評家) a critic
- 评鉴(評鑒) evaluation; assessment
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷一百一十一 載記第十一 慕容暐 Volume 111 Records 11: Murong Wei; Murong Ke; Yang Wu; Huangfu Zhen Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 39
- 卷一百一十三 載記第十三 苻堅上 Volume 113 Records 13: Fu Jian Part One Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 12
- 卷二百〇九 志第一百六十二 藝文八 Volume 209 Treatises 162: Arts and Literature 8 History of Song 宋史 — count: 10
- 卷一百一十 載記第十 慕容俊 Volume 110 Records 10: Murong Jun Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 10
- 卷四十六 志第二十六: 經籍上 Volume 46 Treatises 26: Literature 1 Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 9
- 卷六 魏書六 董二袁劉傳 Volume 6: Book of Wei 6 - Biographies of Dong, the two Yuans, and Liu Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志 — count: 9
- 卷32 志第27 經籍一 Volume 32 Treatises 27: Bibliography 1 Book of Sui 隋書 — count: 9
- 卷四百六十四 列傳第二百二十三 外戚中 王貽永 李昭亮 李用和子:璋 瑋 珣 李遵勗子:端懿 端愿 端慤 (端愿子:評) 曹佾從弟:偕 子:評 誘 高遵裕從弟:遵惠 從姪:士林 士林子:公紀 公紀子:世則 向傳範從姪:經 綜 經子:宗回 宗良 張敦禮 任澤 Volume 464 Biographies 223: Families of Imperial Consorts 2 - Wang Yiyong, Li Zhaoliang, Li Yonghe's sons: Zhang, Wei , Xun , Li Zunxu's sons: Duan Yi, Duan Yuan, Duan Que, ( Duanyuan's son: Ping), Cao Yicong's younger brother: Xie, sons: Ping, You, Gao Zunyu nephew: Zun Hui, nephew: Shi Lin, Shi Lin's son: Gong Ji, Gong Ji's son: Shi Ze, Xiang Chuanfan nephews: Jing, Zong, Jing's sons: Zong Hui, Zong Liang, Zhang Dunli, Ren Ze History of Song 宋史 — count: 8
- 卷五十七 志第四十七 藝文一 Volume 57 Treatises 53: The Arts 1 New Book of Tang 新唐書 — count: 7
- 卷三十九 志第二十九 百官上 Volume 39 Treatises 29: Officials 1 Book of Song 宋書 — count: 6
- 评曰 (評曰) 天下为之評曰 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷七十八 宦者列傳 Volume 78: Biographies of Eunuchs — count: 83
- 慕容评 (慕容評) 慕容暐將慕容評襲許昌 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷八 帝紀第八 孝宗穆帝 哀帝 廢帝海西公 Volume 8 Annals 8: Emperor Mu; Emperor Ai; Duke of Haixi — count: 23
- 评等 (評等) 配等恐譚立而評等為害 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷七十四上 袁紹劉表列傳 Volume 74a: Biographies of Yuan Shao, Liu Biao 1 — count: 12
- 辛评 (辛評) 辛評亦為然 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷七十四上 袁紹劉表列傳 Volume 74a: Biographies of Yuan Shao, Liu Biao 1 — count: 8
- 众评 (眾評) 徐眾評曰 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷十四 魏書十四 程郭董劉蔣劉傳 Volume 14: Book of Wei 14 - Biographies of Cheng, Dong, Guo, Liu, Jiang, and Liu — count: 8
- 盛评 (盛評) 孫盛評曰 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷一 魏書一 武帝紀 Volume 1: Book of Wei 1 - Annals of Emperor Wu — count: 4
- 评赞 (評贊) 評贊 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷三十四 列傳第四 羊祜 杜預 Volume 34 Biographies 4: Yang Hu; Du Yu — count: 4
- 廷尉评 (廷尉評) 遷廷尉評 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷五十五 列傳第二十五 夏侯湛 潘岳 張載 Volume 55 Biographies 25: Xiahou Zhan; Pan Yue; Zhang Zai — count: 4
- 评子 (評子) 评子迎丧 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷八十八 西域傳 Volume 88: Treatise on the Western Regions — count: 3
- 异同评 (異同評) 孫盛異同評曰 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷一 魏書一 武帝紀 Volume 1: Book of Wei 1 - Annals of Emperor Wu — count: 3