猫 (貓) māo
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Nature , Concept: Animal 动物
Notes: For example, 把猫说成虎 'to describe a cat as a tiger' [to exaggerate] (CC-CEDICT '貓'; Guoyu '貓' n 1; Suyu, p. 15; Unihan '貓') -
to hide oneself
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: Beijing dialect (Guoyu '貓' v)
Contained in
- 猫瘟(貓瘟) feline panleukopenia; feline distemper
- 山猫(山貓) lynx; bobcat; leopard cat
- 猫鼠游戏(貓鼠遊戲) cat and mouse game
- 三脚猫(三腳貓) jack of all trades
- 大山猫(大山貓) Lynx rufus
- 熊猫眼(熊貓眼) to have dark circles under one's eyes; to have eyes like a panda
- 大熊猫(大熊貓) giant panda
- 猫屎咖啡(貓屎咖啡) kopi luwak or civet coffee, made from coffee beans plucked from Asian palm civet's feces
- 三色猫(三色貓) calico cat
- 波斯猫(波斯貓) Persian (cat)
- 苏格兰折耳猫(蘇格蘭摺耳貓) Scottish Fold
- 猫科(貓科) Felidae (the cat family)
- 麝香猫(麝香貓) civet
- 猫哭老鼠(貓哭老鼠) the cat weeps for the dead mouse; hypocritical pretence of condolence; crocodile tears
- 野猫(野貓) wildcat; stray cat
- 叮叮猫(叮叮貓) dragonfly
- 躲猫猫(躲貓貓) hide-and-seek (game); peekaboo (game)
- 猫雾族(貓霧族) Babuza
- 吸猫(吸貓) to dote on cats
- 猫熊(貓熊) panda; giant panda
- 夜猫子(夜貓子) owl; (fig.) night owl
- 三毛猫(三毛貓) tortoiseshell cat; calico cat
- 猫腻(貓膩) something fishy; shenanigans
- 熊猫血(熊貓血) Rh-negative blood type
- 瞎猫碰上死耗子(瞎貓碰上死耗子) a blind cat finds a dead mouse ; blind luck
- 椰子猫(椰子貓) Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus), also called toddy cat
- 猫腰(貓腰) to bend over
- 猫叫声(貓叫聲) mew
- 猫哭耗子(貓哭耗子) the cat weeps for the dead mouse; hypocritical pretence of condolence; crocodile tears
- 猫眼儿(貓眼兒) peephole
- 猫咪(貓咪) kitty
- 野生猫(野生貓) wild cat
- 阿猫阿狗(阿貓阿狗) Mr Cat and Mr Dog; anyone (contemptuous)
- 郎猫(郎貓) tomcat
- 公猫(公貓) male cat; tomcat
- 不管白猫黑猫,捉住老鼠就是好猫(不管白貓黑貓,捉住老鼠就是好貓) it doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black
- 红熊猫(紅熊貓) lesser Panda; red panda; firefox
- 藏猫猫(藏貓貓) hide and seek; peek-a-boo
- 狸猫(狸貓) leopard cat; raccoon dog; palm civet
- 雄猫(雄貓) a male cat ; F-14 Tomcat
- 凯蒂猫(凱蒂貓) Hello Kitty
- 加菲猫(加菲貓) Garfield (comic strip cat created by Jim Davis)
- 照猫画虎(照貓畫虎) to see a cat and draw a tiger; uninspired imitation
- 猫头鹰(貓頭鷹) owl
- 猫沙(貓沙) cat litter; kitty litter
- 猫声鸟(貓聲鳥) catbird
- 铁猫(鐵貓) tiemao
- 龙猫(龍貓) chinchilla / Totoro (anime character)
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷79 列傳第44 外戚 Volume 79 Biographies 44: Imperial Affines Book of Sui 隋書 — count: 13
- 卷六十一 列傳第四十九: 王盟 獨孤信 竇熾 賀蘭祥 叱列伏龜 閻慶 史寧 權景宣 Volume 61 Biographies 49: Wang Meng, Du Guxin, Dou Chi, He Lanxiang, Chilie Fugui, Yan Qing, Shi Ning, Quan Jingxuan History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 13
- 卷一百十九 列傳第六十九: 楊綰 崔祐甫 常袞 Volume 119 Biographies 69: Yang Wan, Cui Youfu, Chang Gun Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 8
- 卷三百二十三 列傳第二百十一 外國四 琉球 呂宋 合貓里 美洛居 沙瑤吶嗶嘽 雞籠 婆羅 麻葉甕 古麻喇朗 馮嘉施蘭 文郎馬神 Volume 323 Biographies 211: Foreign States 4 - Ryūkyū Islands, Luzon, Camarines Sur, Maluku Islands, Mindanao, Dapitan, Keelung, Borneo, Belitung Island, Gumalalang, Pangasinan, Banjarmasin History of Ming 明史 — count: 8
- 卷三十四 志第二十四 五行一 Volume 34 Treatises 28: Five Elements 1 New Book of Tang 新唐書 — count: 7
- 卷三十七 志第十七: 五行 Volume 37 Treatises 17: Five Elements Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 6
- 卷一百四十二 列傳第六十七 李楊崔柳韋路 Volume 142 Biographies 67: New Book of Tang 新唐書 — count: 5
- 第五回 Chapter 5 The Scholars 儒林外史 — count: 3
- 卷十七 本紀第十七: 世祖十四 Volume 17 Annals 17: Shizu 14 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 2
- 第二回 Chapter 60 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 2
- 猫鬼 (貓鬼) 詔畜猫鬼 — Book of Sui 隋書, 卷2 帝紀第2 高祖下 Volume 2 Annals 2: Gaozu 2 — count: 28
- 猫鼠 (貓鼠) 隴右節度使硃泚于軍士趙貴家得貓鼠同乳不相害 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷十一 本紀第十一: 代宗 Volume 11 Annals 11: Daizong — count: 11
- 畜猫 (畜貓) 詔畜猫鬼 — Book of Sui 隋書, 卷2 帝紀第2 高祖下 Volume 2 Annals 2: Gaozu 2 — count: 6
- 猫里 (貓裡) 合貓裡 — History of Ming 明史, 卷三百二十三 列傳第二百十一 外國四 琉球 呂宋 合貓里 美洛居 沙瑤吶嗶嘽 雞籠 婆羅 麻葉甕 古麻喇朗 馮嘉施蘭 文郎馬神 Volume 323 Biographies 211: Foreign States 4 - Ryūkyū Islands, Luzon, Camarines Sur, Maluku Islands, Mindanao, Dapitan, Keelung, Borneo, Belitung Island, Gumalalang, Pangasinan, Banjarmasin — count: 5
- 令猫 (令貓) 可令貓鬼向越公家 — Book of Sui 隋書, 卷79 列傳第44 外戚 Volume 79 Biographies 44: Imperial Affines — count: 4
- 迎猫 (迎貓) 迎貓 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《郊特牲》 The Single Victim at the Border Sacrifices — count: 4
- 猫蛮 (貓蠻) 青山貓蠻以不莫臺 — History of Yuan 元史, 卷十五 本紀第十五: 世祖十二 Volume 15 Annals 15: Shizu 12 — count: 4
- 猫职 (貓職) 貓職捕齧 — New Book of Tang 新唐書, 卷三十四 志第二十四 五行一 Volume 34 Treatises 28: Five Elements 1 — count: 3
- 猫吝 (貓吝) 時酋子郎雷貓吝駐朔霧 — History of Ming 明史, 卷三百二十三 列傳第二百十一 外國四 琉球 呂宋 合貓里 美洛居 沙瑤吶嗶嘽 雞籠 婆羅 麻葉甕 古麻喇朗 馮嘉施蘭 文郎馬神 Volume 323 Biographies 211: Foreign States 4 - Ryūkyū Islands, Luzon, Camarines Sur, Maluku Islands, Mindanao, Dapitan, Keelung, Borneo, Belitung Island, Gumalalang, Pangasinan, Banjarmasin — count: 3
- 虦猫 (虦貓) 虎竊毛謂之虦貓 — Er Ya 爾雅, 《釋獸》 Explanation of Beasts — count: 3