蓄 xù
to store; to save; to hoard; to gather
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 储藏 (Guoyu '蓄' v 1; Kroll 2015 '蓄' 1; Unihan '蓄') -
to brood over
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '蓄' 1a) -
to wait for
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 等待 (Guoyu '蓄' v 4; Kroll 2015 '蓄' 2) -
to hide
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '蓄' v 2)
Contained in
- 蓄电池(蓄電池) rechargeable battery
- 蓄积(蓄積) to store up; to save up
- 积蓄(積蓄) savings ; to save
- 蓄养(蓄養) to raise; to rear ; to train
- 蓄谋(蓄謀) to premeditate; to plot
- 兼收并蓄(兼收並蓄) incorporating diverse things; eclectic; all-embracing
- 养精蓄锐(養精蓄銳) to preserve and nurture one's spirit; honing one's strength for the big push
- 储蓄(儲蓄) to save or deposit money
- 铅酸蓄电池(鉛酸蓄電池) lead-acid accumulator; battery (e.g. in car)
- 储蓄卡(儲蓄卡) debit card
- 涵蓄 to contain; to hold
- 储蓄帐户(儲蓄帳戶) savings account
- 蓄水 water storage
- 蓄意 deliberate; premeditated; malice
- 蓄势待发(蓄勢待發) to wait for action after having accumulated power, energy etc
- 蓄须明志(蓄鬚明志) to grow a beard as a symbol of one's determination
- 蕴蓄(蘊蓄) latent; hidden and not developed
- 储蓄率(儲蓄率) savings rate
- 定期储蓄(定期儲蓄) fixed deposit (banking)
- 含蓄 implicit; implied; unspoken; veiled; reserved
- 兼蓄 to contain two things at a time; to mingle; to incorporate
- 萹蓄 knotgrass
- 蓄水池 water reservoir
- 个人储蓄(個人儲蓄) personal savings
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 地員第五十八 Chapter 58: Land Officials Guanzi 管子 — count: 15
- 卷四百九十六 列傳第二百五十五 蠻夷四 西南諸夷 黎州諸蠻 敍州三路蠻 威茂渝州蠻 黔涪施高徼外諸蠻 瀘州蠻 Volume 496 Biographies 255: Man People 4 - All Peoples from the Southwest, All Man Peoples from Lizhou, Man Peoples from Xuzhou and Sanlu, Man Peoples from Weimao and Yuzhou, Man Peoples from Qianfu Shigao and Outer Areas, Man People from Luzhou History of Song 宋史 — count: 6
- 卷八十五 志第六十一 河渠三 Volume 85 Treatises 61: Rivers and Canals 3 History of Ming 明史 — count: 6
- Scroll 4 Xin Shu 新書 — count: 6
- Scroll 3 Xin Shu 新書 — count: 5
- 卷一百七十九 志第一百三十二 食貨下一 Volume 179 Treatises 132: Finance and Economics 2a History of Song 宋史 — count: 5
- Scroll 6 Xin Shu 新書 — count: 5
- 卷一百七十八 列傳第一百零三 劉蕡 Volume 178 Biographies 103: Liu Fen New Book of Tang 新唐書 — count: 5
- 卷八十六 志第六十二 河渠四 Volume 86 Treatises 62: Rivers and Canals 4 History of Ming 明史 — count: 5
- 卷一百七十五 志第一百二十八 食貨上三 Volume 175 Treatises 128: Finance and Economics 1c History of Song 宋史 — count: 5
- 蓄殖 (蓄殖) 以蓄殖果木 — Guanzi 管子, 地員第五十八 Chapter 58: Land Officials — count: 15
- 蓄力 (蓄力) 蓄力俟其疲老 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷八十五 列傳第五十五 劉毅 諸葛長民 何無忌 檀憑之 魏詠之 Volume 85 Biographies 55: Liu Yi; Zhuge Changmin; He Wuji; Tan Pingzhi; Wei Yongzhi — count: 6
- 蓄贾 (蓄賈) 故使蓄賈游市 — Guanzi 管子, 國蓄第七十三 Chapter 73: State Reserves — count: 6
- 蓄藏 (蓄藏) 城郭險阻蓄藏 — Guanzi 管子, 樞言第十二 Chapter 12: Pivotal Words — count: 5
- 蓄曰 (蓄曰) 國無九年之蓄曰不足 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《王制》 Royal Regulations — count: 4
- 蓄私 (蓄私) 雖上世至聖必蓄私 — Mozi 墨子, 卷一 辭過 Book 1 - Indulgence in Excess — count: 4
- 富商蓄 (富商蓄) 富商蓄賈 — Guanzi 管子, 輕重甲第八十 Chapter 80: Weight I — count: 4
- 蓄饰 (蓄飾) 不可以無萬金之蓄飾 — Guanzi 管子, 山權數第七十五 Chapter 75: Methods for Administering Mountain Areas — count: 3
- 毋蓄 (毋蓄) 毋蓄于諂 — Guanzi 管子, 宙合第十一 Chapter 11: Zhou He — count: 2
- 多蓄 (多蓄) 爾不可使多蓄憾 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 文公 Lord Wen — count: 2