像 xiàng
to appear; to seem; to resemble
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '像' v 1; Sun 2006, loc. 2079; Unihan '像') -
image; portrait; statue
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Art
Notes: (Guoyu '像' n 2; Unihan '像') -
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '像' n 1) -
for example
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words
Notes: In the sense of 比如 (Guoyu '像' v 2)
Contained in
- 像差 aberration
- 金像奖(金像獎) a metal statue used as an award
- 龛像(龕像) a niche statue
- 像貌 appearance
- 标准像(標準像) official portrait
- 头像(頭像) a portrait; a bust
- 真像 a true image
- 倒像 inverted image; reversed image (e.g. upside down)
- 散斑成像 speckle imaging
- 哪像 unlike; in contrast to
- 富于想像(富於想像) imaginative
- 像片簿 album; photo album; sketch book
- 像模像样(像模像樣) solemn; presentable; decent
- 白像 white elephant
- 影像拼接 image stitching
- 图像传感器(圖像傳感器) image sensor
- 石像鬼 gargoyle
- 磁共振成像 magnetic resonance imaging MRI
- 像章 badge; insignia
- 偶像崇拜 idol worship
- 虚像(虛像) virtual image
- 音像消息 audiovisual information
- 声像(聲像) audio-visual; (ultrasonography etc) acoustic image
- 音像文件 audiovisual file
- 像元 pixel (remote sensing imagery)
- 影像档(影像檔) image file
- 功能性磁共振成像 functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
- 圣像(聖像) icon; iconic; religious image; figure
- 音像档案(音像檔案) audiovisual archive
- 像片 a photo
- 图像互换格式(圖像互換格式) GIF / graphic interchange format
- 造像 a statue; a sculpture
- 魔像 golem
- 毛塑像 statue of Mao
- 倒立像 inverted image; reversed image (e.g. upside down)
- 形像 form; image ; statue
- 录像(錄像) recording ; according to records
- 图像用户介面(圖像用戶介面) graphical user interface; GUI
- 自画像(自畫像) self-portrait
- 可想像 conceivable
- 遗像(遺像) portrait of the deceased
- 功能磁共振成像术(功能磁共振成像術) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
- 图像编辑(圖像編輯) image editing
- 影像扫描器(影像掃描器) image scanner
Also contained in
镜像站 、 磁碟镜像 、 图像识别 、 点阵图图像编辑器 、 镜像站点 、 音像 、 图像处理
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷五十四 列傳第四十八 諸夷 Volume 54: Various Barbarians Book of Liang 梁書 — count: 26
- 卷七十八 列傳第六十八 夷貊上 Volume 78 Biographies 68: Non-Han Peoples 1 History of the Southern Dynasties 南史 — count: 23
- 卷七十一 志第二十二: 禮樂五 Volume 71 Treatises 24: Rites and Music 5 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 11
- 卷114 釋老志十 Volume 114: Treatise 10 - Buddhism and Daoism Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 11
- 卷一百九十三 列傳第一百四十三: 列女 Volume 193 Biographies 143: Exemplary Women Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 10
- 第十四回 Chapter 14 Journey to the West 西遊記 — count: 9
- 卷五十 志第二十六 禮四 Volume 50 Treatises 26: Rites 4 History of Ming 明史 — count: 9
- 卷四 魏書四 三少帝紀 Volume 4: Book of Wei 4 - Annals of the three young emperors Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志 — count: 9
- 卷十二 Scroll 12 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 9
- 第二十九 輿服上 玉輅 乘輿 金根 安車 立車 耕車 戎車 獵車 軿車 青蓋車... Volume 119: Travel and Dress Part One Book of Later Han 後漢書 — count: 9
- 像形 (像形) 景之像形 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷九 主術訓 Chapter 9: The Sovereign's Methods — count: 3
- 像曰 (像曰) 像曰磋 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷六十四 吳延史盧趙列傳 Volume 64: Biographies of Wu, Yan, Shi, Lu, Zhao — count: 3
- 像三 (像三) 典歷像三辰 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 第三 律曆下 曆法 Volume 93: Rhythm and the Calendar Part Three — count: 2
- 像紫 (像紫) 像紫宮 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷四十上 班彪列傳 Volume 40a: Biography of Ban Biao 1 — count: 2
- 像居 (像居) 叔向四像居賓位 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷六十四 吳延史盧趙列傳 Volume 64: Biographies of Wu, Yan, Shi, Lu, Zhao — count: 2
- 折像 (折像) 折像 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷八十二上 方術列傳 Volume 82a: Biographies of Alchemists 1 — count: 2
- 天像 (天像) 承天像極 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷五十六 張王種陳列傳 Volume 56: Biographies of Zhang, Wang, Zhong, Chen — count: 2
- 无形像 (無形像) 變無形像 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷一 原道訓 Chapter 1: The Original Way — count: 2
- 像人 (像人) 為其像人而用之也 — Mencius 孟子, 梁惠王上 King Hui of Liang I — count: 2