敌 (敵) dí
enemy; foe
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 仇人'; for example, 敌众我寡 'outnumbered by the enemy' (Guoyu '敵' n; Kroll 2015 '敵' 1; Unihan '敵') -
to resist; to oppose
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 抵抗 (Guoyu '敵' v; Kroll 2015 '敵' 2; Unihan '敵') -
to be a match for
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 相等 (Guoyu '敵' adj 2; Kroll 2015 '敵' 3) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As in 敌对 (Guoyu '敵' adj 1)
Contained in
- 歼灭敌人(殲滅敌人) wipe out the enemy
- 英勇无敌(英勇無敵) bravery without rival
- 敌机(敵機) enemy plane
- 劲敌(勁敵) formidable opponent
- 八方受敌(八方受敵) surrounded by enemies on all sides
- 敌情(敵情) the situation of the enemy positions; intelligence about the enemy
- 无敌于天下(無敵於天下) unrivaled in the land
- 我专而敌分(我專而敵分) keep our forces concentrated while the enemy’s are divided
- 敌特(敵特) enemy (agents); (class) enemy
- 敌意(敵意) enmity; hostility
- 匹敌(匹敵) to be equal to; to be well-matched
- 残敌(殘敵) defeated enemy
- 所向无敌(所向無敵) to be invincible; unrivalled
- 情敌(情敵) rival in love
- 敌我矛盾(敵我矛盾) contradictions between ourselves and the enemy; Either you are for us or against us.
- 不敌(不敵) to be no match for; cannot beat
- 敌视(敵視) to be hostile
- 战胜敌人(戰勝敵人) defeat the enemy
- 化敌为友(化敵為友) to convert an enemy into a friend
- 人民的敌人(人民的敵人) enemy of the people
- 敌地(敵地) enemy territory
- 待敌者佚(待敵者佚) lying in waits for the enemy
- 树敌(樹敵) to antagonize people; to make an enemy of somebody
- 公敌(公敵) public enemy
- 敌人(敵人) an enemy
- 豔美无敌(豔美無敵) beauty without rival
- 溃敌(潰敵) routed enemy
- 抗敌(抗敵) to resist the enemy
- 敌阵(敵陣) the enemy ranks
- 对敌(對敵) to confront; to face the enemy
- 敌忾(敵愾) hatred felt toward one's enemies
- 敌百虫(敵百蟲) trichlorphon C4H8Cl3PO4, organic phosphate used as insecticide; also called dipterex
- 待敌(待敵) await the enemy
- 敌敌畏(敵敵畏) dichlorvos C4H7Cl2PO4, organic phosphate used as insecticide
- 天敌(天敵) predator; natural enemy
- 应敌(應敵) to face the enemy; to meet an attack
- 相敌 to resist
- 敌将(敵將) the enemy general
- 仇敌(仇敵) enemy
- 御敌(禦敵) armed enemy of the nation; enemy of the Emperor ; championship challenger; contender opposing the champion
- 宿敌(宿敵) old enemy
- 敌国(敵國) enemy state ; the nation of one's enemy ; someone having as much wealth as a nation
- 富可敌国(富可敵國) having wealth equivalent to that of an entire nation; extremely wealthy
- 强敌(強敵) powerful enemy
- 天下无敌(天下無敵) unrivaled in the land
- 敌档(敵檔) rival productions (of the same opera in neighboring theaters)
- 杀敌(殺敵) to attack the enemy
- 敌营(敵營) enemy camp
- 料敌(料敵) to measure the enemy; to assess a situation
- 敌众我寡(敵眾我寡) outnumbered by the enemy
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷三百二十七 列傳第二百十五 外國八 韃靼 Volume 327 Biographies 215: Foreign States 8 History of Ming 明史 — count: 109
- 孫子兵法 The Art of War by Sunzi Art of War 孫子兵法 — count: 78
- 卷三百六十六 列傳第一百二十五 劉錡 吳玠 吳璘 Volume 366 Biographies 125: Liu Qi, Wu Jie, Wu Lin History of Song 宋史 — count: 74
- 卷二百五十九 列傳第一百四十七 楊鎬 袁應泰 熊廷弼 袁崇煥 趙光抃 Volume 259 Biographies 147: Yang Gao, Yuan Yingtai, Xiong Tingbi, Yuan Chonghuan, Zhao Guangbian History of Ming 明史 — count: 49
- 卷三百二十五 列傳第八十四 劉平 任福 王珪 武英 桑懌 耿傅 王仲寶 Volume 325 Biographies 84: Liu Ping, Ren Fu, Wang Gui, Wu Ying, Sang Yi, Geng Fu, Wang Zhongbao History of Song 宋史 — count: 39
- 卷三百六十七 列傳第一百二十六 李顯忠 楊存中 郭浩 楊政 Volume 367 Biographies 126: Li Xianzhong, Yang Cunzhong, Guo Hao, Yang Zheng History of Song 宋史 — count: 36
- 卷三百六十 列傳第一百十九 宗澤 趙鼎 Volume 360 Biographies 119: Zong Ze, Zhao Ding History of Song 宋史 — count: 35
- 卷八十一 列傳第十九: 鶻謀琶 迪姑迭 阿徒罕 夾谷謝奴 阿勒根沒都魯 黃摑敵古本 蒲察胡盞 夾穀吾里補 王伯龍 高彪 溫蒂罕蒲里特 伯德特離補 耶律懷義 蕭王家奴 田顥 趙隇 Volume 81 Biographies 19: Hu Moupa, Di Gudie, A Tuhan, Jia Guxienu, Aleigenmeidoulu, Huangguaidiguben, Puchahuzhan, Jiaguwulibu, Wang Bolong, Gao Biao, Wendihanpulite, Bodetelibu, Yeluhuaiyi, Xiaowangjianu, Tian Hao, Zhao Wei History of Jin 金史 — count: 33
- 卷三百二十六 列傳第八十五 景泰 王信 蔣偕 張忠 郭恩 張岊 張君平 史方 盧鑑 李渭 王果 郭諮 田敏 侍其曙 康德輿 張昭遠 Volume 326 Biographies 85: Jing Tai, Wang Xin, Jiang Xie, Zhang Zhong, Guo En, Zhang Jie, Zhang Junping, Shi Fang, Lu Jian, Li Wei, Wang Guo, Guo Zi, Tian Min, Shi Qishu, Kang Deyu, Zhang Zhaoyuan History of Song 宋史 — count: 32
- 卷三百六十九 列傳第一百二十八 張俊 張宗顏 劉光世 王淵 解元 曲端 Volume 369 Biographies 128: Zhang Jun, Zhang Zongyan, Liu Guangshi, Wang Yuan, Jie Yuan, Qu Duan History of Song 宋史 — count: 32
- 克敌 (剋敵) 克敵得屬 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 宣公 Lord Xuan — count: 6
- 归敌 (歸敵) 伍人踰城歸敵 — Mozi 墨子, 卷十五 號令 Book 15 - Commands and Orders — count: 5
- 邻敌 (鄰敵) 則威行於鄰敵 — Guanzi 管子, 立政第四 Chapter 4: Establishing Governance — count: 4
- 胜敌 (勝敵) 勝敵有理 — Guanzi 管子, 兵法第十七 Chapter 17: Military Strategy — count: 3
- 敌先 (敵先) 若敵先居之 — Art of War 孫子兵法, 孫子兵法 The Art of War by Sunzi — count: 3
- 敢敌 (敢敵) 楚弗敢敵 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 襄公 Lord Xiang — count: 3
- 敌楚 (敵楚) 敵楚而已 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 成公 Lord Cheng — count: 3
- 不可以敌 (不可以敵) 然則小固不可以敵大 — Mencius 孟子, 梁惠王上 King Hui of Liang I — count: 3
- 彊敌 (彊敵) 而外有彊敵之憂 — Guanzi 管子, 八觀第十三 Chapter 13: Eight Observations — count: 3
- 用敌 (用敵) 用敵 — Guanzi 管子, 兵法第十七 Chapter 17: Military Strategy — count: 3