点 (點) diǎn

  1. diǎn noun a dot
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '點'; Guoyu '點' n 1; Kroll 2015 '點' 1, p. 86; Sun 2006, loc. 1178; Unihan '點'; XHZD '点' 1, p. 146)
  2. diǎn noun point; degree
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Quantity
    Notes: (Guoyu '點' n 8; Unihan '點'; XHZD '点' 2, p. 146)
  3. diǎn verb to appoint; to designate
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: (Guoyu '點' v 2; Kroll 2015 '點' 6, p. 86)
  4. diǎn verb to light on fire
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Fire
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '點'; Guoyu '點' v 1; Kroll 2015 '點' 7, p. 86; XHZD '点' 9, p. 146)
  5. diǎn verb to dot
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: With a pen or brush (CC-CEDICT '點'; Guoyu '點' v 7; Kroll 2015 '點' 2, p. 86; XHZD '点' 6, p. 146)
  6. diǎn verb to nod one's head
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: Also to slightly raise one's hand, such as in an auction (Kroll 2015 '點' 4, p. 86)
  7. diǎn verb to count; to check
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Quantity
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '點'; Guoyu '點' v 3; XHZD '点' 10, p. 146)
  8. diǎn verb to apply drip by drip
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: Such as for eye medicine (CC-CEDICT '點'; Guoyu '點' v 5; Kroll 2015 '點' 5, p. 86; XHZD '点' 8, p. 146)
  9. diǎn verb to touch quickly and gently
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '點'; Guoyu '點' v 4; Kroll 2015 '點' 3, p. 86; XHZD '点' 7, p. 146)
  10. diǎn verb to give directions
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: In the sense of 指示 (Guoyu '點' v 6; XHZD '点' 11, p. 146)
  11. diǎn noun pastry
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (Guoyu '點' n 5; XHZD '点' 14, p. 146)
  12. diǎn noun a downwards-right convex character stroke
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '點'; Guoyu '點' n 3; XHZD '点' 5, p. 146)
  13. diǎn noun a place
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (XHZD '点' 3, p. 146)
  14. diǎn noun an item
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '點'; Guoyu '點' n 10; XHZD '点' 4, p. 146)
  15. diǎn noun one fifth of a watch
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '點'; Guoyu '點' n 13; XHZD '点' 12, p. 146)
  16. diǎn noun o'clock'
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '點'; Guoyu '點' n 7; Kroll 2015 '點' 8, p. 86; XHZD '点' 13, p. 146)
  17. diǎn verb to order [from a menu]
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '點')
  18. diǎn noun a speck; a small granule
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '點'; Guoyu '點' n 2)
  19. diǎn noun a peroid (punctuation mark)
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (Guoyu '點' n 4)
  20. diǎn measure word a part (of a larger body); some
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (Guoyu '點' n 10)
  21. diǎn noun a point
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Geometry
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '點'; Guoyu '點' n 11)
  22. diǎn noun a little
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '點'; Guoyu '點' n 12)

Contained in

Also contained in


Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words
