烛 (燭) zhú
a candle
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '燭'; Guoyu '燭' n 2; Kroll 2015 '燭' 1a, p. 617; Unihan '燭') -
a torch
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '燭' n 1; Kroll 2015 '燭' 1, p. 617) -
proper noun
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Names , Concept: Surname 姓氏
Notes: (Guoyu '燭' n 3) -
to shine; to illuminate
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '燭'; Guoyu '燭' v 1; Kroll 2015 '燭' 2, p. 617; Unihan '燭') -
to determine clearly; to shed light on a subject
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '燭' v 2; Kroll 2015 '燭' 2a, p. 617)
Contained in
- 烛泪(燭淚) drop of melted wax that runs down the side of a candle
- 烛火(燭火) candle flame
- 剪烛花(剪燭花) put out a candle
- 烛光(燭光) candle light; candle-lit (vigil etc); candela, unit of luminous intensity (cd) ; candela
- 风中之烛(風中之燭) candle in the wind; (of sb's life) feeble; hanging on a thread
- 灯烛(燈燭) a lamp
- 烛花(燭花) the flame of a candle ; the stub of a burned out candle
- 烛剪(燭剪) candle snuffer
- 圣烛节(聖燭節) Candlemas (Christian Festival on 2nd February)
- 银烛(銀燭) a bright candle
- 插烛(插燭) to place a candle on a spike
- 洞房花烛(洞房花燭) bridal room and ornamented candles; wedding festivities
- 烛光每平方米 candela per square metre
- 红烛(紅燭) red candle
- 烛台(燭臺) a candlestick; a candle holder ; a candlestick; a candle holder
- 蜡烛两头烧(蠟燭兩頭燒) to burn the candle at both ends; to labor under a double burden
- 倒吊蜡烛(倒吊蠟燭) Wrightia tinctoria (flowering plant in Apocynaceae family, common names dyer's oleander or pala indigo)
- 风中烛,瓦上霜(風中燭,瓦上霜) like a candle in the wind, or frost on the roof; (of sb's life) feeble; hanging on a thread
- 秉烛(秉燭) by bright candlelight
- 香烛(香燭) joss stick and candle
- 火烛(火燭) fire and candles; household things that burn
- 浇烛(澆燭) to dip a candle
- 蜡烛(蠟燭) candle
- 蜡烛稗(蠟燭稗) pearl millet
- 风烛残年(風燭殘年) one's late days; to have one foot in the grave
- 明烛(明燭) a bright candle
- 烛架(燭架) candlestick holder; candlestand; candelabra
- 炳烛(炳燭) by bright candlelight
- 蜡烛不点不亮(蠟燭不點不亮) some people have to be pushed for them to take action
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷五十七 志第十 天文十 Volume 57 Treatises 10: Astronomy 10 History of Song 宋史 — count: 24
- 卷三十二 志第二十二 天文二 Volume 32 Treatises 26: Astronomy 2 New Book of Tang 新唐書 — count: 23
- 卷七十一 志第二十二: 禮樂五 Volume 71 Treatises 24: Rites and Music 5 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 12
- 卷三十五 Scroll 35 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 11
- 卷十三 Scroll 13 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 10
- 卷七十二 志第二十三: 祭祀一 Volume 72 Treatises 25: Offerings 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 10
- 卷105之四 天象志一之四 Volume 105d Treatise 1: Celestial Phenomena 4 Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 8
- 卷一百五十六 志第一百〇九 選舉二 Volume 156 Treatises 109: Selection and appointment of Officials 2 History of Song 宋史 — count: 8
- 卷五十九 張衡列傳 Volume 59: Biography of Zhang Heng Book of Later Han 後漢書 — count: 7
- 卷五十五 Scroll 55 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 7
- 执烛 (執燭) 使鍾吾人執燭庸 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 昭公 Lord Zhao — count: 17
- 不能烛 (不能燭) 不能燭私 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 孤憤第十一 Chapter 11: Cynicism — count: 8
- 烛庸 (燭庸) 燭庸之越駟乘 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 襄公 Lord Xiang — count: 7
- 灭烛 (滅燭) 灭烛 — The Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial 儀禮, 士丧礼 第十二 12. Mourning rites for the common officer — count: 5
- 未烛 (未燭) 未燭厥理 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷八 宣帝紀 Volume 8: Annals of Emperor Xuan — count: 4
- 举烛 (舉燭) 舉燭 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 外儲說左上第三十二 Chapter 32: A Collection of Sayings III — count: 4
- 二烛 (二燭) 君堂上二燭 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《喪大記》 The Greater Record of Mourning Rites — count: 4
- 烛临 (燭臨) 燭臨萬族而事使之 — Guanzi 管子, 版法解第六十六 Chapter 66: Ban Fa Jie — count: 4
- 烛雏 (燭雛) 使燭雛主鳥而亡之 — Garden of Stories 說苑, 卷九 正諫 Chapter 9: Direct Advice — count: 4
- 膏烛 (膏燭) 此膏燭之類也 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷一 原道訓 Chapter 1: The Original Way — count: 4