Glossary and Vocabulary for The Book of Songs 詩經, 小雅‧魚藻之什‧采菽 Minor odes of the kingdom - Yu Zao Zhi Shen - Cai Shu

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 13 zhī to go 數徵會之
2 13 zhī to arrive; to go 數徵會之
3 13 zhī is 數徵會之
4 13 zhī to use 數徵會之
5 13 zhī Zhi 數徵會之
6 13 zhī winding 數徵會之
7 10 君子 jūnzi a ruler; a sovereign 君子見微而思古焉
8 10 君子 jūnzi junzi; a nobleman; a person of noble character; a person of virtue 君子見微而思古焉
9 6 cǎi to pick; to pluck; to collect; to select; to choose; to gather 采菽
10 6 cǎi color 采菽
11 6 zhī single 樂只君子
12 6 zhǐ lone; solitary 樂只君子
13 6 zhī a single bird 樂只君子
14 6 zhī unique 樂只君子
15 6 zhǐ Zhi 樂只君子
16 6 happy; glad; cheerful; joyful 樂只君子
17 6 to take joy in; to be happy; to be cheerful 樂只君子
18 6 Le 樂只君子
19 6 yuè music 樂只君子
20 6 yuè a musical instrument 樂只君子
21 6 yuè tone [of voice]; expression 樂只君子
22 6 yuè a musician 樂只君子
23 6 joy; pleasure 樂只君子
24 6 yuè the Book of Music 樂只君子
25 6 lào Lao 樂只君子
26 6 to laugh 樂只君子
27 5 shū beans and peas 采菽
28 4 Qi 言采其芹
29 4 to give 何錫予之
30 4 天子 tiānzǐ the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven 天子所予
31 3 來朝 láizhāo tomorrow (morning) 諸侯來朝
32 3 來朝 láicháo to visit the imperial court 諸侯來朝
33 2 zhāng a chapter; a section 五章
34 2 zhāng Zhang 五章
35 2 zhāng a stanza; a song 五章
36 2 zhāng a decorative pattern; an embroidered pattern; an ornament 五章
37 2 zhāng a rule; a regulation 五章
38 2 zhāng a seal; a stamp 五章
39 2 zhāng a badge; an emblem; an insignia 五章
40 2 zhāng a memorial presented to the emperor 五章
41 2 zhāng literary talent 五章
42 2 zhāng to commend; to praise 五章
43 2 zhāng order 五章
44 2 zhāng to make known; to display 五章
45 2 zhāng a written composition; an article 五章
46 2 zhāng beautiful 五章
47 2 fàn to float; to drift 汎汎楊舟
48 2 fàn careless 汎汎楊舟
49 2 fàn ordinarily 汎汎楊舟
50 2 fàn Fan 汎汎楊舟
51 2 zāi to start 優哉游哉
52 2 Yi 亦是率從
53 2 huì sharp 鸞聲嘒嘒
54 2 \N 其旂淠淠
55 2 ér Kangxi radical 126 而無信義
56 2 ér as if; to seem like 而無信義
57 2 néng can; able 而無信義
58 2 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而無信義
59 2 ér to arrive; up to 而無信義
60 2 wéi to preserve; to maintain 維柞之枝
61 2 wéi dimension 維柞之枝
62 2 wéi a restraining rope 維柞之枝
63 2 wéi a rule; a law 維柞之枝
64 2 wéi a thin object 維柞之枝
65 2 wéi to tie up 維柞之枝
66 2 wéi to connect; to hold together 維柞之枝
67 2 suǒ a few; various; some 君子所屆
68 2 suǒ a place; a location 君子所屆
69 2 suǒ indicates a passive voice 君子所屆
70 2 suǒ an ordinal number 君子所屆
71 2 suǒ meaning 君子所屆
72 2 suǒ garrison 君子所屆
73 2 nián year
74 2 nián New Year festival
75 2 nián age
76 2 nián life span; life expectancy
77 2 nián an era; a period
78 2 nián a date
79 2 nián time; years
80 2 nián harvest
81 2 nián annual; every year
82 2 tin 不能錫命以禮
83 2 to bestow; to confer; to grant 不能錫命以禮
84 2 a staff; a monk's cane 不能錫命以禮
85 2 pewter 不能錫命以禮
86 2 tin-gray color 不能錫命以禮
87 2 to give information 不能錫命以禮
88 2 a metal decoration for a horse's head 不能錫命以禮
89 2 fine woven cloth 不能錫命以禮
90 2 Xi 不能錫命以禮
91 2 zài to carry; to convey; to load; to hold 載驂載駟
92 2 zài to record in writing 載驂載駟
93 2 zǎi to ride 載驂載駟
94 2 zài to receive 載驂載駟
95 2 zài to fill 載驂載駟
96 2 諸侯 zhū hóu the feudal lords 侮慢諸侯
97 2 福祿 fú lù happiness and reward 福祿申之
98 2 to carry on the shoulder 何錫予之
99 2 what 何錫予之
100 2 He 何錫予之
101 2 yán to speak; to say; said 言采其芹
102 2 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 言采其芹
103 2 yán Kangxi radical 149 言采其芹
104 2 yán phrase; sentence 言采其芹
105 2 yán a word; a syllable 言采其芹
106 2 yán a theory; a doctrine 言采其芹
107 2 yán to regard as 言采其芹
108 2 yán to act as 言采其芹
109 2 mìng life 不能錫命以禮
110 2 mìng to order 不能錫命以禮
111 2 mìng destiny; fate; luck 不能錫命以禮
112 2 mìng an order; a command 不能錫命以禮
113 2 mìng to name; to assign 不能錫命以禮
114 2 mìng livelihood 不能錫命以禮
115 2 mìng advice 不能錫命以禮
116 2 mìng to confer a title 不能錫命以禮
117 2 mìng lifespan 不能錫命以禮
118 2 mìng to think 不能錫命以禮
119 2 a flag 言觀其旂
120 1 round-shaped bamboo basket for holding rice 筐之筥之
121 1 yōu distant; far 萬福攸同
122 1 乘馬 chéng mǎ to ride a horse 路車乘馬
123 1 乘馬 shèng mǎ a team of four horses 路車乘馬
124 1 to think; consider; to ponder 君子見微而思古焉
125 1 thinking; consideration 君子見微而思古焉
126 1 to miss; to long for 君子見微而思古焉
127 1 emotions 君子見微而思古焉
128 1 to mourn; to grieve 君子見微而思古焉
129 1 Si 君子見微而思古焉
130 1 sāi hairy [beard] 君子見微而思古焉
131 1 shǔ to count 數徵會之
132 1 shù a number; an amount 數徵會之
133 1 shù mathenatics 數徵會之
134 1 shù an ancient calculating method 數徵會之
135 1 shù several; a few 數徵會之
136 1 shǔ to allow; to permit 數徵會之
137 1 shǔ to be equal; to compare to 數徵會之
138 1 shù numerology; divination by numbers 數徵會之
139 1 shù a skill; an art 數徵會之
140 1 shù luck; fate 數徵會之
141 1 shù a rule 數徵會之
142 1 shù legal system 數徵會之
143 1 shǔ to criticize; to enumerate shortcomings 數徵會之
144 1 fine; detailed; dense 數徵會之
145 1 prayer beads 數徵會之
146 1 yuè month
147 1 yuè moon
148 1 yuè Kangxi radical 74
149 1 yuè moonlight
150 1 yuè monthly
151 1 yuè shaped like the moon; crescent shaped
152 1 yuè Tokharians
153 1 yuè China rose
154 1 yuè Yue
155 1 embroidered official or sacrificial robe 玄袞及黼
156 1 Kangxi radical 71 雖無予之
157 1 to not have; without 雖無予之
158 1 mo 雖無予之
159 1 to not have 雖無予之
160 1 Wu 雖無予之
161 1 kǎn threshold; a door-sill 觱沸檻泉
162 1 jiàn a pen for wild animals 觱沸檻泉
163 1 jiàn a carriage for transporting convicts 觱沸檻泉
164 1 jiàn railing; a banister 觱沸檻泉
165 1 yóu to swim 優哉游哉
166 1 yóu to walk; to tour; to roam; to travel 優哉游哉
167 1 yóu to have contact with 優哉游哉
168 1 yóu roaming; not fixed 優哉游哉
169 1 yóu a reach ; a section of a river 優哉游哉
170 1 yóu You 優哉游哉
171 1 shēn to extend 福祿申之
172 1 shēn Shen 福祿申之
173 1 shēn Ninth earthly branch 福祿申之
174 1 shēn 3-5 p.m. 福祿申之
175 1 shēn Kangxi radical 102 福祿申之
176 1 shēn to state; to explain 福祿申之
177 1 shēn to apply 福祿申之
178 1 shēn Shanghai 福祿申之
179 1 shēn Shen 福祿申之
180 1 jiàn to see 君子見微而思古焉
181 1 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 君子見微而思古焉
182 1 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 君子見微而思古焉
183 1 jiàn refer to; for details see 君子見微而思古焉
184 1 jiàn to listen to 君子見微而思古焉
185 1 jiàn to meet 君子見微而思古焉
186 1 jiàn to receive (a guest) 君子見微而思古焉
187 1 jiàn let me; kindly 君子見微而思古焉
188 1 jiàn Jian 君子見微而思古焉
189 1 xiàn to appear 君子見微而思古焉
190 1 xiàn to introduce 君子見微而思古焉
191 1 zhēng to prove; to confirm 數徵會之
192 1 zhēng to march; to travel on a long journey 數徵會之
193 1 zhēng to draft; to call up; to recruit; to summon 數徵會之
194 1 zhēng to request [documents]; to solicit [contributions] 數徵會之
195 1 zhēng to go on a punitive expedition; to go on a military campaign; to conquer 數徵會之
196 1 zhēng to levy [taxes] 數徵會之
197 1 zhēng call to arms 數徵會之
198 1 zhēng evidence 數徵會之
199 1 zhēng an omen 數徵會之
200 1 zhēng to inquire; to seek after 數徵會之
201 1 zhēng Zheng 數徵會之
202 1 zhēng to take 數徵會之
203 1 zhēng tax 數徵會之
204 1 zhǐ note in Chinese musical scale 數徵會之
205 1 zhēng to examine; to interrogate 數徵會之
206 1 zhēng to approve 數徵會之
207 1 不能 bù néng cannot; must not; should not 不能錫命以禮
208 1 huì can; be able to 數徵會之
209 1 huì able to 數徵會之
210 1 huì a meeting; a conference; an assembly 數徵會之
211 1 kuài to balance an account 數徵會之
212 1 huì to assemble 數徵會之
213 1 huì to meet 數徵會之
214 1 huì a temple fair 數徵會之
215 1 huì a religious assembly 數徵會之
216 1 huì an association; a society 數徵會之
217 1 huì a national or provincial capital 數徵會之
218 1 huì an opportunity 數徵會之
219 1 huì to understand 數徵會之
220 1 huì to be familiar with; to know 數徵會之
221 1 huì to be possible; to be likely 數徵會之
222 1 huì to be good at 數徵會之
223 1 huì a moment 數徵會之
224 1 huì to happen to 數徵會之
225 1 huì to pay 數徵會之
226 1 huì a meeting place 數徵會之
227 1 kuài the seam of a cap 數徵會之
228 1 huì in accordance with 數徵會之
229 1 huì imperial civil service examination 數徵會之
230 1 huì to have sexual intercourse 數徵會之
231 1 huì Hui 數徵會之
232 1 a heavy rope; the rope of a bier 紼纚維之
233 1 fèi to boil 觱沸檻泉
234 1 fèi to bubble 觱沸檻泉
235 1 fèi to gush; to gurgle 觱沸檻泉
236 1 fèi to froth; to foam 觱沸檻泉
237 1 fèi turbulence; turmoil 觱沸檻泉
238 1 fèi to be turbulent 觱沸檻泉
239 1 fèi to make noise; noisy 觱沸檻泉
240 1 fèi a boiling liquid 觱沸檻泉
241 1 long 紼纚維之
242 1 dangling 紼纚維之
243 1 a kerchief 紼纚維之
244 1 a rope 紼纚維之
245 1 to use; to grasp 不能錫命以禮
246 1 to rely on 不能錫命以禮
247 1 to regard 不能錫命以禮
248 1 to be able to 不能錫命以禮
249 1 to order; to command 不能錫命以禮
250 1 used after a verb 不能錫命以禮
251 1 a reason; a cause 不能錫命以禮
252 1 Israel 不能錫命以禮
253 1 Yi 不能錫命以禮
254 1 jiāo to deliver; to turn over; to pay 彼交匪紓
255 1 jiāo to make friends 彼交匪紓
256 1 jiāo to intersect; to join with; to interlock; to exchange 彼交匪紓
257 1 jiāo to communicate with 彼交匪紓
258 1 jiāo to cross legs 彼交匪紓
259 1 jiāo to mix 彼交匪紓
260 1 jiāo to have sex 彼交匪紓
261 1 jiāo to cause 彼交匪紓
262 1 jiāo a meeting time; a meeting place 彼交匪紓
263 1 jiāo a friend; friendship 彼交匪紓
264 1 jiāo a somersault 彼交匪紓
265 1 jiāo Jiao 彼交匪紓
266 1 fěi a bandit 彼交匪紓
267 1 fěi not 彼交匪紓
268 1 zuò oak 維柞之枝
269 1 zuò spinous evergreen tree 維柞之枝
270 1 zuò to clear away trees 維柞之枝
271 1 propriety; social custom; manners; courtesy; etiquette 不能錫命以禮
272 1 a ritual; a ceremony; a rite 不能錫命以禮
273 1 a present; a gift 不能錫命以禮
274 1 a bow 不能錫命以禮
275 1 Li; Zhou Li; Yi Li; Li Ji 不能錫命以禮
276 1 Li 不能錫命以禮
277 1 to give an offering in a religious ceremony 不能錫命以禮
278 1 to respect; to revere 不能錫命以禮
279 1 shū to free from; to relieve 彼交匪紓
280 1 jiè to expire; arrive at; to become due 君子所屆
281 1 jiè to set a time 君子所屆
282 1 jiè succession; sequence 君子所屆
283 1 luán luan 鸞聲嘒嘒
284 1 luán bells hung on a horse 鸞聲嘒嘒
285 1 luán Luan 鸞聲嘒嘒
286 1 shēng sound 鸞聲嘒嘒
287 1 shēng sheng 鸞聲嘒嘒
288 1 shēng voice 鸞聲嘒嘒
289 1 shēng music 鸞聲嘒嘒
290 1 shēng language 鸞聲嘒嘒
291 1 shēng fame; reputation; honor 鸞聲嘒嘒
292 1 shēng a message 鸞聲嘒嘒
293 1 shēng a consonant 鸞聲嘒嘒
294 1 shēng a tone 鸞聲嘒嘒
295 1 shēng to announce 鸞聲嘒嘒
296 1 to reach 玄袞及黼
297 1 to attain 玄袞及黼
298 1 to understand 玄袞及黼
299 1 able to be compared to; to catch up with 玄袞及黼
300 1 to be involved with; to associate with 玄袞及黼
301 1 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 玄袞及黼
302 1 quán fountain; spring 觱沸檻泉
303 1 quán wealth; money 觱沸檻泉
304 1 quán groundwater 觱沸檻泉
305 1 quán the netherworld 觱沸檻泉
306 1 quán an ancient currency 觱沸檻泉
307 1 quán Quan 觱沸檻泉
308 1 cóng to follow 亦是率從
309 1 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 亦是率從
310 1 cóng to participate in something 亦是率從
311 1 cóng to use a certain method or principle 亦是率從
312 1 cóng something secondary 亦是率從
313 1 cóng remote relatives 亦是率從
314 1 cóng secondary 亦是率從
315 1 cóng to go on; to advance 亦是率從
316 1 cōng at ease; informal 亦是率從
317 1 zòng a follower; a supporter 亦是率從
318 1 zòng to release 亦是率從
319 1 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 亦是率從
320 1 eight 章八句
321 1 Kangxi radical 12 章八句
322 1 eighth 章八句
323 1 all around; all sides 章八句
324 1 sentence 章八句
325 1 gōu to bend; to strike; to catch 章八句
326 1 gōu to tease 章八句
327 1 gōu to delineate 章八句
328 1 gōu a young bud 章八句
329 1 clause; phrase; line 章八句
330 1 a musical phrase 章八句
331 1 kuāng a bamboo basket; a bamboo chest 筐之筥之
332 1 chē a vehicle 路車乘馬
333 1 chē Kangxi radical 159 路車乘馬
334 1 chē a cart; a carriage 路車乘馬
335 1 chē a tool with a wheel 路車乘馬
336 1 chē a machine 路車乘馬
337 1 chē metal turning; lathe work 路車乘馬
338 1 chē to lift hydraulically 路車乘馬
339 1 chē to transport something in a cart 路車乘馬
340 1 chē to sew with a sewing machine 路車乘馬
341 1 chē to turn 路車乘馬
342 1 chē Che 路車乘馬
343 1 a chariot 路車乘馬
344 1 chē jaw 路車乘馬
345 1 chē ivory bedframe 路車乘馬
346 1 chē to transport 路車乘馬
347 1 mother-of-pearl 路車乘馬
348 1 chē a waterwheel; equipment for lifting water 路車乘馬
349 1 fèi small 赤芾在股
350 1 luxuriant 赤芾在股
351 1 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又何予之
352 1 tartar horn 觱沸檻泉
353 1 chilly wind 觱沸檻泉
354 1 蓬蓬 péng péng overgrown; unkempt (of hair) 其葉蓬蓬
355 1 殿 diàn a hall; a palace; a temple 殿天子之邦
356 1 殿 diàn a palace compound 殿天子之邦
357 1 殿 diàn rear; last 殿天子之邦
358 1 殿 diàn rearguard 殿天子之邦
359 1 殿 diàn to guard; to protect 殿天子之邦
360 1 殿 diàn to assess as unsatisfactory; to censure 殿天子之邦
361 1 殿 diàn to stop 殿天子之邦
362 1 kuí a sunflower 天子葵之
363 1 kuí to measure 天子葵之
364 1 kuí Kui 天子葵之
365 1 preface; introduction 毛詩序
366 1 order; sequence 毛詩序
367 1 wings of a house; lateral walls 毛詩序
368 1 a village school; a traditional school to learn proper hierarchy 毛詩序
369 1 to arrange; to put in order 毛詩序
370 1 precedence; rank 毛詩序
371 1 to narrate; to describe 毛詩序
372 1 a text written for seeing someone off 毛詩序
373 1 an antechamber 毛詩序
374 1 season 毛詩序
375 1 overture; prelude 毛詩序
376 1 左右 zuǒyòu approximately 平平左右
377 1 左右 zuǒyòu the left and right 平平左右
378 1 左右 zuǒyòu nearby 平平左右
379 1 左右 zuǒyòu attendants; retainers and officials 平平左右
380 1 左右 zuǒyòu a respectful term of address in letters 平平左右
381 1 左右 zuǒyòu to help 平平左右
382 1 左右 zuǒyòu to control 平平左右
383 1 左右 zuǒyòu to be in two minds about 平平左右
384 1 wēi small; tiny 君子見微而思古焉
385 1 wēi trifling 君子見微而思古焉
386 1 wēi to decline; to wane 君子見微而思古焉
387 1 wēi profound 君子見微而思古焉
388 1 wēi to hide; to conceal 君子見微而思古焉
389 1 wéi is not 君子見微而思古焉
390 1 wéi lowly 君子見微而思古焉
391 1 wēi few 君子見微而思古焉
392 1 wēi unclear 君子見微而思古焉
393 1 wēi Wei 君子見微而思古焉
394 1 zài in; at 赤芾在股
395 1 zài to exist; to be living 赤芾在股
396 1 zài to consist of 赤芾在股
397 1 zài to be at a post 赤芾在股
398 1 cān outside horses of a team of four 載驂載駟
399 1 xuán profound; mysterious; subtle 玄袞及黼
400 1 xuán black 玄袞及黼
401 1 xuán Kangxi radical 95 玄袞及黼
402 1 xuán incredible; unreliable 玄袞及黼
403 1 xuán occult; mystical 玄袞及黼
404 1 xuán meditative and silent 玄袞及黼
405 1 xuán pretending 玄袞及黼
406 1 xuán Xuan 玄袞及黼
407 1 guān to look at; to watch; to observe 言觀其旂
408 1 guàn Taoist monastery; monastery 言觀其旂
409 1 guān to display; to show; to make visible 言觀其旂
410 1 guān Guan 言觀其旂
411 1 guān appearance; looks 言觀其旂
412 1 guān a sight; a view; a vista 言觀其旂
413 1 guān a concept; a viewpoint; a perspective 言觀其旂
414 1 guān to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire 言觀其旂
415 1 guàn an announcement 言觀其旂
416 1 guàn a high tower; a watchtower 言觀其旂
417 1 guān Surview 言觀其旂
418 1 侮慢 wǔmàn to humiliate; to bully 侮慢諸侯
419 1 幽王 yōu wáng King You of Zhou 刺幽王也
420 1 平平 píngpíng average; mediocre 平平左右
421 1 a width of cloth 邪幅在下
422 1 ancient; old; palaeo- 君子見微而思古焉
423 1 ancient; old 君子見微而思古焉
424 1 out of date 君子見微而思古焉
425 1 former times 君子見微而思古焉
426 1 events in former times 君子見微而思古焉
427 1 sincere; unpretentious 君子見微而思古焉
428 1 an ancient style of poetry 君子見微而思古焉
429 1 Gu 君子見微而思古焉
430 1 bāng nation; country; state 殿天子之邦
431 1 bāng a feudal state 殿天子之邦
432 1 bāng to bestow a fiefdom 殿天子之邦
433 1 thorn; sting; prick 刺幽王也
434 1 to stab 刺幽王也
435 1 to assassinate; to murder 刺幽王也
436 1 to prick; to irritate 刺幽王也
437 1 to prod 刺幽王也
438 1 to ridicule; to mock 刺幽王也
439 1 to secretly enquire about 刺幽王也
440 1 a business card 刺幽王也
441 1 Ci 刺幽王也
442 1 road; path; way 路車乘馬
443 1 journey 路車乘馬
444 1 grain patterns; veins 路車乘馬
445 1 a way; a method 路車乘馬
446 1 a type; a kind 路車乘馬
447 1 a circuit; an area; a region 路車乘馬
448 1 a route 路車乘馬
449 1 Lu 路車乘馬
450 1 impressive 路車乘馬
451 1 conveyance 路車乘馬
452 1 tóng like; same; similar 萬福攸同
453 1 tóng to be the same 萬福攸同
454 1 tòng an alley; a lane 萬福攸同
455 1 tóng to do something for somebody 萬福攸同
456 1 tóng Tong 萬福攸同
457 1 tóng to meet; to gather together; to join with 萬福攸同
458 1 tóng to be unified 萬福攸同
459 1 tóng to approve; to endorse 萬福攸同
460 1 tóng peace; harmony 萬福攸同
461 1 tóng an agreement 萬福攸同
462 1 zhī a branch; a twig 維柞之枝
463 1 zhī a limb 維柞之枝
464 1 zhī to branch off 維柞之枝
465 1 zhī a branch from the same source 維柞之枝
466 1 zhī Zhi 維柞之枝
467 1 zhī divergent; not pertinent 維柞之枝
468 1 an extra toe; an extra finger 維柞之枝
469 1 zhī to prop up 維柞之枝
470 1 毛詩 Máojīng Mao Shi 毛詩序
471 1 perverse 亦是戾矣
472 1 unreasonable 亦是戾矣
473 1 brutal; violent 亦是戾矣
474 1 arrive at; come to 亦是戾矣
475 1 sin; crime 亦是戾矣
476 1 stable; unyeilding 亦是戾矣
477 1 萬福 wànfú many blessings 萬福攸同
478 1 rate; frequency; proportion; ratio 亦是率從
479 1 shuài to lead; command 亦是率從
480 1 shuài hasty; rash; careless 亦是率從
481 1 a rule; a standard; a limit 亦是率從
482 1 shuài candid; straightforward; frank 亦是率從
483 1 shuài to obey; to follow 亦是率從
484 1 shuài a model; an example 亦是率從
485 1 shuài a bird catching net 亦是率從
486 1 shuài a leader; an army commander 亦是率從
487 1 to calculate 亦是率從
488 1 shuài Shuai 亦是率從
489 1 yáng Yang 汎汎楊舟
490 1 yáng willow 汎汎楊舟
491 1 yáng poplar 汎汎楊舟
492 1 yáng aspen 汎汎楊舟
493 1 yōu excellent; superior 優哉游哉
494 1 無信義 wúxìnyì in bad faith; false; perfidious 而無信義
495 1 xié demonic; iniquitous; nefarious; evil 邪幅在下
496 1 xié unhealthy 邪幅在下
497 1 xié a disaster brought by an eviil spirit 邪幅在下
498 1 grandfather 邪幅在下
499 1 xié abnormal; irregular 邪幅在下
500 1 zhōu boat; ship 汎汎楊舟

Frequencies of all Words

Top 652

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 13 zhī him; her; them; that 數徵會之
2 13 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 數徵會之
3 13 zhī to go 數徵會之
4 13 zhī this; that 數徵會之
5 13 zhī genetive marker 數徵會之
6 13 zhī it 數徵會之
7 13 zhī in; in regards to 數徵會之
8 13 zhī all 數徵會之
9 13 zhī and 數徵會之
10 13 zhī however 數徵會之
11 13 zhī if 數徵會之
12 13 zhī then 數徵會之
13 13 zhī to arrive; to go 數徵會之
14 13 zhī is 數徵會之
15 13 zhī to use 數徵會之
16 13 zhī Zhi 數徵會之
17 13 zhī winding 數徵會之
18 10 君子 jūnzi a ruler; a sovereign 君子見微而思古焉
19 10 君子 jūnzi junzi; a nobleman; a person of noble character; a person of virtue 君子見微而思古焉
20 6 cǎi to pick; to pluck; to collect; to select; to choose; to gather 采菽
21 6 cǎi color 采菽
22 6 zhī measure word for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, etc 樂只君子
23 6 zhī single 樂只君子
24 6 zhǐ lone; solitary 樂只君子
25 6 zhī a single bird 樂只君子
26 6 zhī unique 樂只君子
27 6 zhǐ only 樂只君子
28 6 zhǐ but 樂只君子
29 6 zhǐ a particle with no meaning 樂只君子
30 6 zhǐ Zhi 樂只君子
31 6 happy; glad; cheerful; joyful 樂只君子
32 6 to take joy in; to be happy; to be cheerful 樂只君子
33 6 Le 樂只君子
34 6 yuè music 樂只君子
35 6 yuè a musical instrument 樂只君子
36 6 yuè tone [of voice]; expression 樂只君子
37 6 yuè a musician 樂只君子
38 6 joy; pleasure 樂只君子
39 6 yuè the Book of Music 樂只君子
40 6 lào Lao 樂只君子
41 6 to laugh 樂只君子
42 5 shū beans and peas 采菽
43 4 his; hers; its; theirs 言采其芹
44 4 to add emphasis 言采其芹
45 4 used when asking a question in reply to a question 言采其芹
46 4 used when making a request or giving an order 言采其芹
47 4 he; her; it; them 言采其芹
48 4 probably; likely 言采其芹
49 4 will 言采其芹
50 4 may 言采其芹
51 4 if 言采其芹
52 4 or 言采其芹
53 4 Qi 言采其芹
54 4 to give 何錫予之
55 4 I 何錫予之
56 4 天子 tiānzǐ the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven 天子所予
57 3 來朝 láizhāo tomorrow (morning) 諸侯來朝
58 3 來朝 láicháo to visit the imperial court 諸侯來朝
59 2 zhāng a chapter; a section 五章
60 2 zhāng Zhang 五章
61 2 zhāng clause 五章
62 2 zhāng a stanza; a song 五章
63 2 zhāng a decorative pattern; an embroidered pattern; an ornament 五章
64 2 zhāng a rule; a regulation 五章
65 2 zhāng a seal; a stamp 五章
66 2 zhāng a badge; an emblem; an insignia 五章
67 2 zhāng a memorial presented to the emperor 五章
68 2 zhāng literary talent 五章
69 2 zhāng to commend; to praise 五章
70 2 zhāng order 五章
71 2 zhāng to make known; to display 五章
72 2 zhāng a written composition; an article 五章
73 2 zhāng beautiful 五章
74 2 shì is; are; am; to be 亦是率從
75 2 shì is exactly 亦是率從
76 2 shì is suitable; is in contrast 亦是率從
77 2 shì this; that; those 亦是率從
78 2 shì really; certainly 亦是率從
79 2 shì correct; yes; affirmative 亦是率從
80 2 shì true 亦是率從
81 2 shì is; has; exists 亦是率從
82 2 shì used between repetitions of a word 亦是率從
83 2 shì a matter; an affair 亦是率從
84 2 shì Shi 亦是率從
85 2 fàn to float; to drift 汎汎楊舟
86 2 fàn careless 汎汎楊舟
87 2 fàn ordinarily 汎汎楊舟
88 2 fàn Fan 汎汎楊舟
89 2 zāi exclamatory particle 優哉游哉
90 2 zāi interrogative particle 優哉游哉
91 2 zāi to start 優哉游哉
92 2 also; too 亦是率從
93 2 but 亦是率從
94 2 this; he; she 亦是率從
95 2 although; even though 亦是率從
96 2 already 亦是率從
97 2 particle with no meaning 亦是率從
98 2 Yi 亦是率從
99 2 huì sharp 鸞聲嘒嘒
100 2 \N 其旂淠淠
101 2 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 而無信義
102 2 ér Kangxi radical 126 而無信義
103 2 ér you 而無信義
104 2 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 而無信義
105 2 ér right away; then 而無信義
106 2 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 而無信義
107 2 ér if; in case; in the event that 而無信義
108 2 ér therefore; as a result; thus 而無信義
109 2 ér how can it be that? 而無信義
110 2 ér so as to 而無信義
111 2 ér only then 而無信義
112 2 ér as if; to seem like 而無信義
113 2 néng can; able 而無信義
114 2 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而無信義
115 2 ér me 而無信義
116 2 ér to arrive; up to 而無信義
117 2 ér possessive 而無信義
118 2 wéi to preserve; to maintain 維柞之枝
119 2 wéi dimension 維柞之枝
120 2 wéi a restraining rope 維柞之枝
121 2 wéi a rule; a law 維柞之枝
122 2 wéi a thin object 維柞之枝
123 2 wéi to tie up 維柞之枝
124 2 wéi to connect; to hold together 維柞之枝
125 2 wéi only; merely 維柞之枝
126 2 wéi a modal particle with no meaning 維柞之枝
127 2 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 君子所屆
128 2 suǒ an office; an institute 君子所屆
129 2 suǒ introduces a relative clause 君子所屆
130 2 suǒ it 君子所屆
131 2 suǒ if; supposing 君子所屆
132 2 suǒ a few; various; some 君子所屆
133 2 suǒ a place; a location 君子所屆
134 2 suǒ indicates a passive voice 君子所屆
135 2 suǒ that which 君子所屆
136 2 suǒ an ordinal number 君子所屆
137 2 suǒ meaning 君子所屆
138 2 suǒ garrison 君子所屆
139 2 nián year
140 2 nián New Year festival
141 2 nián age
142 2 nián life span; life expectancy
143 2 nián an era; a period
144 2 nián a date
145 2 nián time; years
146 2 nián harvest
147 2 nián annual; every year
148 2 tin 不能錫命以禮
149 2 to bestow; to confer; to grant 不能錫命以禮
150 2 a staff; a monk's cane 不能錫命以禮
151 2 pewter 不能錫命以禮
152 2 tin-gray color 不能錫命以禮
153 2 to give information 不能錫命以禮
154 2 a metal decoration for a horse's head 不能錫命以禮
155 2 fine woven cloth 不能錫命以禮
156 2 Xi 不能錫命以禮
157 2 zài to carry; to convey; to load; to hold 載驂載駟
158 2 zài to record in writing 載驂載駟
159 2 zǎi to ride 載驂載駟
160 2 zài to receive 載驂載駟
161 2 zài to fill 載驂載駟
162 2 zài and; also 載驂載駟
163 2 zài period [of time] 載驂載駟
164 2 諸侯 zhū hóu the feudal lords 侮慢諸侯
165 2 福祿 fú lù happiness and reward 福祿申之
166 2 what; where; which 何錫予之
167 2 to carry on the shoulder 何錫予之
168 2 who 何錫予之
169 2 what 何錫予之
170 2 why 何錫予之
171 2 how 何錫予之
172 2 how much 何錫予之
173 2 He 何錫予之
174 2 yán to speak; to say; said 言采其芹
175 2 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 言采其芹
176 2 yán Kangxi radical 149 言采其芹
177 2 yán a particle with no meaning 言采其芹
178 2 yán phrase; sentence 言采其芹
179 2 yán a word; a syllable 言采其芹
180 2 yán a theory; a doctrine 言采其芹
181 2 yán to regard as 言采其芹
182 2 yán to act as 言采其芹
183 2 mìng life 不能錫命以禮
184 2 mìng to order 不能錫命以禮
185 2 mìng destiny; fate; luck 不能錫命以禮
186 2 mìng an order; a command 不能錫命以禮
187 2 mìng to name; to assign 不能錫命以禮
188 2 mìng livelihood 不能錫命以禮
189 2 mìng advice 不能錫命以禮
190 2 mìng to confer a title 不能錫命以禮
191 2 mìng lifespan 不能錫命以禮
192 2 mìng to think 不能錫命以禮
193 2 a flag 言觀其旂
194 1 round-shaped bamboo basket for holding rice 筐之筥之
195 1 yōu distant; far 萬福攸同
196 1 yōu a adverbial prefix 萬福攸同
197 1 乘馬 chéng mǎ to ride a horse 路車乘馬
198 1 乘馬 shèng mǎ a team of four horses 路車乘馬
199 1 to think; consider; to ponder 君子見微而思古焉
200 1 particle 君子見微而思古焉
201 1 thinking; consideration 君子見微而思古焉
202 1 to miss; to long for 君子見微而思古焉
203 1 emotions 君子見微而思古焉
204 1 to mourn; to grieve 君子見微而思古焉
205 1 Si 君子見微而思古焉
206 1 sāi hairy [beard] 君子見微而思古焉
207 1 shǔ to count 數徵會之
208 1 shù a number; an amount 數徵會之
209 1 shuò frequently; repeatedly 數徵會之
210 1 shù mathenatics 數徵會之
211 1 shù an ancient calculating method 數徵會之
212 1 shù several; a few 數徵會之
213 1 shǔ to allow; to permit 數徵會之
214 1 shǔ to be equal; to compare to 數徵會之
215 1 shù numerology; divination by numbers 數徵會之
216 1 shù a skill; an art 數徵會之
217 1 shù luck; fate 數徵會之
218 1 shù a rule 數徵會之
219 1 shù legal system 數徵會之
220 1 shǔ to criticize; to enumerate shortcomings 數徵會之
221 1 shǔ outstanding 數徵會之
222 1 fine; detailed; dense 數徵會之
223 1 prayer beads 數徵會之
224 1 yuè month
225 1 yuè moon
226 1 yuè Kangxi radical 74
227 1 yuè moonlight
228 1 yuè monthly
229 1 yuè shaped like the moon; crescent shaped
230 1 yuè Tokharians
231 1 yuè China rose
232 1 yuè a month
233 1 yuè Yue
234 1 embroidered official or sacrificial robe 玄袞及黼
235 1 no 雖無予之
236 1 Kangxi radical 71 雖無予之
237 1 to not have; without 雖無予之
238 1 has not yet 雖無予之
239 1 mo 雖無予之
240 1 do not 雖無予之
241 1 not; -less; un- 雖無予之
242 1 regardless of 雖無予之
243 1 to not have 雖無予之
244 1 um 雖無予之
245 1 Wu 雖無予之
246 1 kǎn threshold; a door-sill 觱沸檻泉
247 1 jiàn a pen for wild animals 觱沸檻泉
248 1 jiàn a carriage for transporting convicts 觱沸檻泉
249 1 jiàn railing; a banister 觱沸檻泉
250 1 yóu to swim 優哉游哉
251 1 yóu to walk; to tour; to roam; to travel 優哉游哉
252 1 yóu to have contact with 優哉游哉
253 1 yóu roaming; not fixed 優哉游哉
254 1 yóu a reach ; a section of a river 優哉游哉
255 1 yóu You 優哉游哉
256 1 shēn to extend 福祿申之
257 1 shēn Shen 福祿申之
258 1 shēn Ninth earthly branch 福祿申之
259 1 shēn 3-5 p.m. 福祿申之
260 1 shēn Kangxi radical 102 福祿申之
261 1 shēn to state; to explain 福祿申之
262 1 shēn to apply 福祿申之
263 1 shēn Shanghai 福祿申之
264 1 shēn Shen 福祿申之
265 1 shēn again 福祿申之
266 1 jiàn to see 君子見微而思古焉
267 1 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 君子見微而思古焉
268 1 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 君子見微而思古焉
269 1 jiàn refer to; for details see 君子見微而思古焉
270 1 jiàn passive marker 君子見微而思古焉
271 1 jiàn to listen to 君子見微而思古焉
272 1 jiàn to meet 君子見微而思古焉
273 1 jiàn to receive (a guest) 君子見微而思古焉
274 1 jiàn let me; kindly 君子見微而思古焉
275 1 jiàn Jian 君子見微而思古焉
276 1 xiàn to appear 君子見微而思古焉
277 1 xiàn to introduce 君子見微而思古焉
278 1 zhēng to prove; to confirm 數徵會之
279 1 zhēng to march; to travel on a long journey 數徵會之
280 1 zhēng to draft; to call up; to recruit; to summon 數徵會之
281 1 zhēng to request [documents]; to solicit [contributions] 數徵會之
282 1 zhēng to go on a punitive expedition; to go on a military campaign; to conquer 數徵會之
283 1 zhēng to levy [taxes] 數徵會之
284 1 zhēng call to arms 數徵會之
285 1 zhēng evidence 數徵會之
286 1 zhēng an omen 數徵會之
287 1 zhēng to inquire; to seek after 數徵會之
288 1 zhēng Zheng 數徵會之
289 1 zhēng to take 數徵會之
290 1 zhēng tax 數徵會之
291 1 zhǐ note in Chinese musical scale 數徵會之
292 1 zhēng to examine; to interrogate 數徵會之
293 1 zhēng to approve 數徵會之
294 1 不能 bù néng cannot; must not; should not 不能錫命以禮
295 1 huì can; be able to 數徵會之
296 1 huì able to 數徵會之
297 1 huì a meeting; a conference; an assembly 數徵會之
298 1 kuài to balance an account 數徵會之
299 1 huì to assemble 數徵會之
300 1 huì to meet 數徵會之
301 1 huì a temple fair 數徵會之
302 1 huì a religious assembly 數徵會之
303 1 huì an association; a society 數徵會之
304 1 huì a national or provincial capital 數徵會之
305 1 huì an opportunity 數徵會之
306 1 huì to understand 數徵會之
307 1 huì to be familiar with; to know 數徵會之
308 1 huì to be possible; to be likely 數徵會之
309 1 huì to be good at 數徵會之
310 1 huì a moment 數徵會之
311 1 huì to happen to 數徵會之
312 1 huì to pay 數徵會之
313 1 huì a meeting place 數徵會之
314 1 kuài the seam of a cap 數徵會之
315 1 huì in accordance with 數徵會之
316 1 huì imperial civil service examination 數徵會之
317 1 huì to have sexual intercourse 數徵會之
318 1 huì Hui 數徵會之
319 1 a heavy rope; the rope of a bier 紼纚維之
320 1 fèi to boil 觱沸檻泉
321 1 fèi to bubble 觱沸檻泉
322 1 fèi to gush; to gurgle 觱沸檻泉
323 1 fèi to froth; to foam 觱沸檻泉
324 1 fèi turbulence; turmoil 觱沸檻泉
325 1 fèi to be turbulent 觱沸檻泉
326 1 fèi to make noise; noisy 觱沸檻泉
327 1 fèi a boiling liquid 觱沸檻泉
328 1 long 紼纚維之
329 1 dangling 紼纚維之
330 1 a kerchief 紼纚維之
331 1 a rope 紼纚維之
332 1 so as to; in order to 不能錫命以禮
333 1 to use; to regard as 不能錫命以禮
334 1 to use; to grasp 不能錫命以禮
335 1 according to 不能錫命以禮
336 1 because of 不能錫命以禮
337 1 on a certain date 不能錫命以禮
338 1 and; as well as 不能錫命以禮
339 1 to rely on 不能錫命以禮
340 1 to regard 不能錫命以禮
341 1 to be able to 不能錫命以禮
342 1 to order; to command 不能錫命以禮
343 1 further; moreover 不能錫命以禮
344 1 used after a verb 不能錫命以禮
345 1 very 不能錫命以禮
346 1 already 不能錫命以禮
347 1 increasingly 不能錫命以禮
348 1 a reason; a cause 不能錫命以禮
349 1 Israel 不能錫命以禮
350 1 Yi 不能錫命以禮
351 1 jiāo to deliver; to turn over; to pay 彼交匪紓
352 1 jiāo to make friends 彼交匪紓
353 1 jiāo to intersect; to join with; to interlock; to exchange 彼交匪紓
354 1 jiāo mutually 彼交匪紓
355 1 jiāo to communicate with 彼交匪紓
356 1 jiāo to cross legs 彼交匪紓
357 1 jiāo to mix 彼交匪紓
358 1 jiāo to have sex 彼交匪紓
359 1 jiāo to cause 彼交匪紓
360 1 jiāo a meeting time; a meeting place 彼交匪紓
361 1 jiāo a friend; friendship 彼交匪紓
362 1 jiāo a somersault 彼交匪紓
363 1 jiāo Jiao 彼交匪紓
364 1 jiāo simultaneously 彼交匪紓
365 1 jiāo sequentially 彼交匪紓
366 1 fěi a bandit 彼交匪紓
367 1 fěi not 彼交匪紓
368 1 yān where; how 君子見微而思古焉
369 1 yān here; this 君子見微而思古焉
370 1 yān used for emphasis 君子見微而思古焉
371 1 yān only 君子見微而思古焉
372 1 yān in it; there 君子見微而思古焉
373 1 zuò oak 維柞之枝
374 1 zuò spinous evergreen tree 維柞之枝
375 1 zuò to clear away trees 維柞之枝
376 1 propriety; social custom; manners; courtesy; etiquette 不能錫命以禮
377 1 a ritual; a ceremony; a rite 不能錫命以禮
378 1 a present; a gift 不能錫命以禮
379 1 a bow 不能錫命以禮
380 1 Li; Zhou Li; Yi Li; Li Ji 不能錫命以禮
381 1 Li 不能錫命以禮
382 1 to give an offering in a religious ceremony 不能錫命以禮
383 1 to respect; to revere 不能錫命以禮
384 1 shū to free from; to relieve 彼交匪紓
385 1 jiè to expire; arrive at; to become due 君子所屆
386 1 jiè a time; a term 君子所屆
387 1 jiè to set a time 君子所屆
388 1 jiè succession; sequence 君子所屆
389 1 luán luan 鸞聲嘒嘒
390 1 luán bells hung on a horse 鸞聲嘒嘒
391 1 luán Luan 鸞聲嘒嘒
392 1 shēng sound 鸞聲嘒嘒
393 1 shēng a measure word for sound (times) 鸞聲嘒嘒
394 1 shēng sheng 鸞聲嘒嘒
395 1 shēng voice 鸞聲嘒嘒
396 1 shēng music 鸞聲嘒嘒
397 1 shēng language 鸞聲嘒嘒
398 1 shēng fame; reputation; honor 鸞聲嘒嘒
399 1 shēng a message 鸞聲嘒嘒
400 1 shēng an utterance 鸞聲嘒嘒
401 1 shēng a consonant 鸞聲嘒嘒
402 1 shēng a tone 鸞聲嘒嘒
403 1 shēng to announce 鸞聲嘒嘒
404 1 to reach 玄袞及黼
405 1 and 玄袞及黼
406 1 coming to; when 玄袞及黼
407 1 to attain 玄袞及黼
408 1 to understand 玄袞及黼
409 1 able to be compared to; to catch up with 玄袞及黼
410 1 to be involved with; to associate with 玄袞及黼
411 1 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 玄袞及黼
412 1 quán fountain; spring 觱沸檻泉
413 1 quán wealth; money 觱沸檻泉
414 1 quán groundwater 觱沸檻泉
415 1 quán the netherworld 觱沸檻泉
416 1 quán an ancient currency 觱沸檻泉
417 1 quán Quan 觱沸檻泉
418 1 cóng from 亦是率從
419 1 cóng to follow 亦是率從
420 1 cóng past; through 亦是率從
421 1 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 亦是率從
422 1 cóng to participate in something 亦是率從
423 1 cóng to use a certain method or principle 亦是率從
424 1 cóng usually 亦是率從
425 1 cóng something secondary 亦是率從
426 1 cóng remote relatives 亦是率從
427 1 cóng secondary 亦是率從
428 1 cóng to go on; to advance 亦是率從
429 1 cōng at ease; informal 亦是率從
430 1 zòng a follower; a supporter 亦是率從
431 1 zòng to release 亦是率從
432 1 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 亦是率從
433 1 eight 章八句
434 1 Kangxi radical 12 章八句
435 1 eighth 章八句
436 1 all around; all sides 章八句
437 1 sentence 章八句
438 1 measure word for phrases or lines of verse 章八句
439 1 gōu to bend; to strike; to catch 章八句
440 1 gōu to tease 章八句
441 1 gōu to delineate 章八句
442 1 gōu if 章八句
443 1 gōu a young bud 章八句
444 1 clause; phrase; line 章八句
445 1 a musical phrase 章八句
446 1 kuāng a bamboo basket; a bamboo chest 筐之筥之
447 1 chē a vehicle 路車乘馬
448 1 chē Kangxi radical 159 路車乘馬
449 1 chē a cart; a carriage 路車乘馬
450 1 chē a tool with a wheel 路車乘馬
451 1 chē a machine 路車乘馬
452 1 chē metal turning; lathe work 路車乘馬
453 1 chē to lift hydraulically 路車乘馬
454 1 chē to transport something in a cart 路車乘馬
455 1 chē to sew with a sewing machine 路車乘馬
456 1 chē to turn 路車乘馬
457 1 chē Che 路車乘馬
458 1 a chariot 路車乘馬
459 1 chē jaw 路車乘馬
460 1 chē ivory bedframe 路車乘馬
461 1 chē a cart load; a truck load 路車乘馬
462 1 chē to transport 路車乘馬
463 1 mother-of-pearl 路車乘馬
464 1 chē a waterwheel; equipment for lifting water 路車乘馬
465 1 fèi small 赤芾在股
466 1 luxuriant 赤芾在股
467 1 that; those 彼交匪紓
468 1 another; the other 彼交匪紓
469 1 yòu again; also 又何予之
470 1 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又何予之
471 1 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又何予之
472 1 yòu and 又何予之
473 1 yòu furthermore 又何予之
474 1 yòu in addition 又何予之
475 1 yòu but 又何予之
476 1 tartar horn 觱沸檻泉
477 1 chilly wind 觱沸檻泉
478 1 蓬蓬 péng péng overgrown; unkempt (of hair) 其葉蓬蓬
479 1 殿 diàn a hall; a palace; a temple 殿天子之邦
480 1 殿 diàn a palace compound 殿天子之邦
481 1 殿 diàn rear; last 殿天子之邦
482 1 殿 diàn rearguard 殿天子之邦
483 1 殿 diàn to guard; to protect 殿天子之邦
484 1 殿 diàn to assess as unsatisfactory; to censure 殿天子之邦
485 1 殿 diàn to stop 殿天子之邦
486 1 kuí a sunflower 天子葵之
487 1 kuí to measure 天子葵之
488 1 kuí Kui 天子葵之
489 1 preface; introduction 毛詩序
490 1 order; sequence 毛詩序
491 1 wings of a house; lateral walls 毛詩序
492 1 a village school; a traditional school to learn proper hierarchy 毛詩序
493 1 to arrange; to put in order 毛詩序
494 1 precedence; rank 毛詩序
495 1 to narrate; to describe 毛詩序
496 1 a text written for seeing someone off 毛詩序
497 1 an antechamber 毛詩序
498 1 season 毛詩序
499 1 overture; prelude 毛詩序
500 1 左右 zuǒyòu approximately 平平左右

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
毛诗 毛詩 77 Mao Shi
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
幽王 121 King You of Zhou


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English