感 gǎn
to feel; to perceive
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '感'; Guoyu '感' v 3; Kroll 2015 '感' 1a, p. 127; Unihan '感'; XHZD '感' 1, p. 218) -
to feel empathy for
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '感' 2, p. 127) -
emotion; feeling
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '感'; Guoyu '感' n 2; Kroll 2015 '感' 3, p. 127; Unihan '感'; XHZD '感' 3, p. 218) -
to touch (the heart); to move
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In this sense 感 has the same meaning as 感应 or 影响 (CC-CEDICT '感'; Guoyu '感' v 1; Kroll 2015 '感' 1, p. 127; XHZD '感' 2, p. 218) -
to be thankful; to feel grateful
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In this sense 感 has the same meaning as 感谢 or 感激 (Guoyu '感' v 6; Kroll 2015 '感' 4, p. 127; XHZD '感' 4, p. 218) -
to influence
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '感' v 2) -
to shake
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As a variant of 撼 (Guoyu '感' hàn v; Kroll 2015 '感' hàn, p. 127) -
to exclaim; to moan
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '感' v 5) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '感'; Guoyu '感' n 1)
Contained in
- 感受器 sensory receptor
- 善感 sensitive; emotional
- 心电感应(心電感應) telepathy
- 感光度 film speed
- 光感应(光感應) optical response; reaction to light; light sensitive; photoinduction
- 感遇 gratitude for good treatment; to sigh; to lament
- 既视感(既視感) déjà vu
- 方向感 sense of direction
- 感恩图报(感恩圖報) grateful and seeking to repay the kindness
- 动感(動感) innervation; dynamism
- 感戴 sincerely grateful
- 手感 the feel (of something touched with the hand); (textiles) handle
- 甚感诧异(甚感詫異) amazed; astonished; deeply troubled
- 责任感(責任感) sense of responsibility
- 感应线圈(感應線圈) induction coil; solenoid
- 电感(電感) inductance
- 临场感(臨場感) the feeling of actually being there
- 感性认识(感性認識) perceptual awareness
- 感触(感觸) one's thoughts and feelings; emotional stirring; moved; touched
- 感激涕泗 so grateful to be moved to tears
- 统感(統感) feeling of togetherness
- 性冷感 frigidity (lack of libido)
- 沾感 to be thankful to
- 感喟 sighing with emotion
- 交感神经系统(交感神經系統) sympathetic nervous system
- 真实感(真實感) the feeling that something is genuine; sense of reality; in the flesh
- 流行性感冒 influenza
- 感佩 to admire with gratitude
- 生物传感器(生物傳感器) biosensor
- 快感 pleasure; thrill; delight; joy; pleasurable sensation; a high
- 感冒药(感冒藥) medicine for colds
- 副交感神经系统(副交感神經系統) parasympathetic nervous system
- 感受 to sense; to perceive; to feel ; to infect
- 图像传感器(圖像傳感器) image sensor
- 感染性腹泻(感染性腹瀉) infective diarrhea
- 读后感(讀後感) impression of a book; opinion expressed in a book review
- 感召力 appeal; attraction; charisma
- 带感(帶感) (neologism) (of movies, songs etc) affecting; touching; moving; (of a person, especially a woman) charming
- 感染 to infect ; to influence; to affect
- 球感 ball sense; feel for the ball
- 感人 touching; moving
- 感染率 rate of infection (of a disease)
- 感应(感應) response; reaction; interaction ; induction ; irritability
- 感觉系统(感覺系統) sensory nervous system
- 感想 impressions; reflections; thoughts
- 感官 sense; sense organ
- 垂感 drape effect (fashion)
- 感人肺腑 to move someone deeply ; deeply moved
- 天人感应(天人感應) interactions between heaven and mankind
- 敏感 sensitive; susceptible
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷70 列傳第35 楊玄感 李子雄 趙元淑 斛斯政 劉元進 李密 裴仁基 Volume 70 Biographies 35: Yang Xuangan, Li Zixiong, Zhao Yuanshu, Hu Shizheng, Liu Yuanjin, Li Mi, Pei Renji Book of Sui 隋書 — count: 78
- 卷四十一 列傳第二十九: 楊播 楊敷 Volume 41 Biographies 29: Yangbo, Yang Fu History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 59
- 卷二十一 志第一: 禮儀一 Volume 21 Treatises 1: Rites 1 Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 27
- 卷一百〇四 志第五十七 禮七 Volume 104 Treatises 57: Rites 7 History of Song 宋史 — count: 23
- 卷六十二 志第三十八 樂二 Volume 62 Treatises 38: Music 2 History of Ming 明史 — count: 22
- 卷五十三 列傳第三: 李密 單雄信 Volume 53 Biographies 3: Li Mi, Dan Xiongxin Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 21
- 卷二十三 志第三: 禮儀三 Volume 23 Treatises 3: Rites 3 Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 19
- 卷三十 Scroll 30 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 17
- 卷76 列傳第41 文學 Volume 76 Biographies 41: Men of Letters Book of Sui 隋書 — count: 17
- 卷一百 志第五十三 禮三 Volume 100 Treatises 53: Rites 3 History of Song 宋史 — count: 17
- 心感 (心感) 是故其哀心感者 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《樂記》 Record of Music — count: 16
- 感寤 (感寤) 夫子既已感寤而贖我 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《管晏列傳》 Biographies of Guan and Yan — count: 7
- 上感 (上感) 上感皇天 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷九 元帝紀 Volume 9: Annals of Emperor Yuan — count: 6
- 天子感 (天子感) 於是天子感之 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《平準書》 Equalization — count: 5
- 气感 (氣感) 氣感相應而成者也 — New Discussions 新語, 卷上 道基第一 術事第二 輔政第三 無為第四 辨惑第五 慎微第六 Scroll 1 — count: 4
- 感鬼神 (感鬼神) 感鬼神 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 序 Preface — count: 4
- 感起 (感起) 應感起物而動 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《樂記》 Record of Music — count: 3
- 感物 (感物) 言感物造耑 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷三十 兿文志 Volume 30: Treatise on Literature — count: 3
- 大感 (大感) 乃大感寤 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷六十六 公孫劉田王楊蔡陳鄭傳 Volume 66: Gongsun, Liu, Tian, Wang, Yang, Cai, Chen and Zheng — count: 3
- 微感 (微感) 乃使人微感張儀曰 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《張儀列傳》 Biography of Zhang Yi — count: 3