惑 huò
to confuse; to be baffled; to doubt
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '惑'; Guoyu '惑' v 2; Kroll 2015 '惑' 1a, p. 178; Unihan '惑'; XHZD '惑' 1, p. 304) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '惑' n; Unihan '惑') -
to mislead; to delude
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '惑' v 1; Kroll 2015 '惑' 1, p. 178; Unihan '惑'; XHZD '惑' 2, p. 304)
Contained in
- 诱惑(誘惑) to entice; to lure; to induce; to attract
- 困惑 bewildered; perplexed; confused
- 魅惑 to entice; to charm
- 迷惑 confused ; puzzled; baffled ; confusing
- 惑星 planet
- 年届不惑(年屆不惑) reaching an age with clear thinking; to become 14 years old
- 媚惑 to charm; to bewitch
- 解惑 to dispel doubts
- 蛊惑人心(蠱惑人心) to stir up public sentiment by false statements ; to resort to demagogy
- 知者不惑 a wise person is free from doubt
- 迷惑龙(迷惑龍) apatosaurus
- 荧惑星(熒惑星) Mars
- 左道惑众(左道惑眾) to delude the masses with heretical doctrines
- 大惑不解 to be at a loss
- 迷惑不解 to feel puzzled
- 诱惑性 seductiveness
- 惶惑 anxious and perplexed; uneasy and confused; suspicious and fearful
- 眩惑 confusion; unable to escape from infatuation or addiction
- 惑众(惑眾) to confuse people
- 妖言惑众(妖言惑眾) to mislead the public with rumors; to delude the people with lies
- 谣言惑众(謠言惑衆) to mislead the public with rumors; to delude the people with lies
- 古惑仔 gangster; hooligan; problem youth; at-risk youth
- 蛊惑(蠱惑) to poison; to bewitch; to put a spell on somebody; to harm by witchcraft
- 困惑不解 to feel perplexed
- 惑乱(惑亂) to confuse [others]; to start a rumour
- 荧惑(熒惑) to bewilder; to dazzle and confuse; the planet Mars
- 门人惑(門人惑) disciples were confused
- 人非生而知之者,孰能无惑(人非生而知之者,孰能無惑) Knowledge is not innate to man, how can we overcome doubt?
- 疑惑 to feel uncertain
- 不惑 without doubt ; forty years old
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 《顏淵第十二》 Commentary on Yan Yuan XII Commentaries on the Four Books by Zhu Xi 朱熹四書章句集注 — count: 11
- 《天地》 Heaven and Earth Zhuangzi 莊子 — count: 11
- 卷三十三 Scroll 33 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 8
- 卷五十五 Scroll 55 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 8
- 昭公 Lord Zhao The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳 — count: 7
- 卷23 志第18 五行下 Volume 23 Treatises 18: Five Elements 2 Book of Sui 隋書 — count: 7
- 卷五十九 Scroll 59 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 7
- 卷一百九十二 志第一百四十五 兵六 Volume 192 Treatises 145: Military 6 History of Song 宋史 — count: 7
- 非十二子篇第六 Chapter 6: Against the Twelve Masters Xunzi 荀子 — count: 7
- Daode Jing 《道德經》 Daode Jing 道德經 — count: 7
- 狂惑 (狂惑) 狂惑之人 — Guanzi 管子, 形勢解第六十四 Chapter 64: Resolving a Situation — count: 11
- 欺惑 (欺惑) 足以欺惑愚衆 — Xunzi 荀子, 非十二子篇第六 Chapter 6: Against the Twelve Masters — count: 6
- 惑愚 (惑愚) 足以欺惑愚衆 — Xunzi 荀子, 非十二子篇第六 Chapter 6: Against the Twelve Masters — count: 6
- 大惑 (大惑) 寡人大惑 — Guanzi 管子, 小問第五十一 Chapter 51: Minor Questions — count: 6
- 愚惑 (愚惑) 愚惑之所致也 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷九 主術訓 Chapter 9: The Sovereign's Methods — count: 6
- 惑主 (惑主) 惑主敗法 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 孤憤第十一 Chapter 11: Cynicism — count: 4
- 主惑 (主惑) 故主惑而不自知也 — Guanzi 管子, 立政九敗解第六十五 Chapter 65: Explanation of the Nine Reasons for Failing Establish Governance — count: 4
- 人惑 (人惑) 人惑之 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 外儲說右上第三十四 Chapter 34: A Collection of Sayings V — count: 3
- 惑蛊 (惑蠱) 淫則生內熱惑蠱之疾 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 昭公 Lord Zhao — count: 3
- 惑戆 (惑戇) 而狂惑戇陋之人 — Xunzi 荀子, 儒效篇第八 Chapter 8: The Achievements of the Confucians — count: 3