1. verb to rule by force; to usurp; to master
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '霸'; Guoyu '霸' v 2; Kroll 2015 '霸' 1, p. 7; Unihan '霸'; XHZD '霸' 2, p. 14)
  2. noun hegemon; overlord
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '霸'; Durrant, Li, and Schaberg 2016, p. xxvii; Guoyu '霸' n 2; Kroll 2015 '霸' 1, p. 7; XHZD '霸' 1, p. 14)
  3. verb to prevail; to surpass
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: (Kroll 2015 '霸' 1a, p. 7)
  4. noun a sliver of moon; moonlight
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: (Kroll 2015 '霸' 2, p. 7)
  5. proper noun Hegemon
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: One of the 春秋五霸 Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn period (Durrant, Li, and Schaberg 2016, p. xxvii; Guoyu '霸' n 1)
  6. proper noun Ba [river]
    Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
    Notes: Former name of a river located in Shaanxi (Guoyu '霸' n 3)
  7. verb to control; to master
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '霸'; Guoyu '霸' v 1)

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