措 cuò
to put in order; to arrange
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '措'; Unihan '措') -
to administer; to execute; to employ
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '措'; Unihan '措')
Contained in
- 采取措施(採取措施) to adopt measures; to take steps
- 不知所措 not knowing what to do
- 应急措施(應急措施) emergency measure
- 措手不及 no time to deal with it; caught unprepared
- 预防措施(預防措施) protective step; protective measure
- 措辞强硬(措辭強硬) strongly-worded
- 措举(措舉) move; measure; step (to some end)
- 措辞(措辭) wording; way of expressing something; turn of phrase; diction
- 筹措(籌措) to raise (money)
- 安全措施 safety feature; security measure
- 茫然失措 at a loss
- 疏散措施 evacuation; measures to evacuate a building in an emergency
- 措大 worthless scholar; useless wretch
- 措手 to deal with; to manage; to proceed
- 记措(記措) to remember incorrectly
- 惊慌失措(驚慌失措) to lose one's head out of fear
- 仓皇失措(倉皇失措) flustered; ruffled; disconcerted
- 失措 to be at a loss
- 无措(無措) helpless
- 措置 to handle; to arrange
- 措词(措詞) wording; way of expressing something; turn of phrase; diction
- 手足无措(手足無措) at a loss to know what to do; bewildered
- 张皇失措(張皇失措) panic-stricken; to be in a flustered state
- 有效措施 effective action
- 措意 to pay attention to
- 惊惶失措(驚惶失措) to lose one's head out of fear
- 措置裕如 to handle easily; effortless
- 措办(措辦) to plan; to administer
- 措施 measure; step (to be taken)
- 举措(舉措) to move; to act ; action; decision; conduct; manner
Also contained in
措勤县 、 措美 、 措勤 、 联邦紧急措施署 、 木格措 、 向巴平措 、 羊卓雍措 、 措美县
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 《中庸章句》 Commentary on Doctrine of the Mean Commentaries on the Four Books by Zhu Xi 朱熹四書章句集注 — count: 8
- 《中庸》 The State of Equilibrium and Harmony, also known as the Doctrine of the Mean The Book of Rites 禮記 — count: 6
- 卷二十七 志第八: 河渠 黃河 漕渠盧溝河 滹沱河 漳河 Volume 27 Treatises 8: Rivers and Canals - Yellow River and its Branches and Channels, Hutuo River, Zhang River History of Jin 金史 — count: 6
- 卷一百〇五 列傳第四十三: 程寀 任熊祥 孔璠子:拯 范拱 張用直 劉樞 王翛 楊伯雄族兄:伯淵 蕭貢 溫蒂罕締達 張翰 任天寵 Volume 105 Biographies 43: Cheng Cai, Ren Xiongxiang, Kong Fan son: Zheng, Fan Gong, Zhang Yongzhi, Liu Shu, Wang Shu, Yang Boxiong cousin: Boyuan, Xiao Gong, Wendihandida, Zhang Han, Ren Tianchong History of Jin 金史 — count: 5
- 卷六 本紀第六: 世宗上 Volume 6 Annals 6: Shizong 1 History of Jin 金史 — count: 4
- 卷一百〇九 列傳第四十七: 完顏素蘭 陳規 許古 Volume 109 Biographies 47: Wan Yansulan, Chen Gui, Xu Gu History of Jin 金史 — count: 4
- 卷十四 本紀第十四: 宣宗上 Volume 14 Annals 14: Xuanzong 1 History of Jin 金史 — count: 4
- 卷6 帝紀第6 武帝下 Volume 6 Annals 6: Emperor Wu 2 Book of Zhou 周書 — count: 4
- 卷四百七十六 列傳第二百三十五 叛臣中 李全上 Volume 476 Biographies 235: Rebellious Officials 2 - Li Quan 1 History of Song 宋史 — count: 4
- 卷十 周本紀下第十: 高祖武帝 宣帝 靜帝 Volume 10 Northern Zhou Annals 1: Emperor Gaozu Wu, Emperor Xuan, Emperor Jing History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 4
- 刑措 (刑措) 刑措而不用 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《書‧禮書》 Treatises - Rites — count: 63
- 措言 (措言) 措言莫由 — Book of Song 宋書, 卷六十 列傳第二十 范泰 王准之 王韶之 荀伯子 Volume 60 Biographies 20: Fan Tai, Wang Zhunzhi, Xun Bozi — count: 14
- 措枉 (措枉) 举直措枉 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷十二 魏書十二 崔毛徐何邢鮑司馬傳 Volume 12: Book of Wei 12 - Biographies of Cui, Mao, Xu, He, Xing, and Sima — count: 6
- 措怀 (措懷) 纖毫不須措懷 — Book of Liang 梁書, 卷四十四 列傳第三十八 太宗十一王 世祖二子 Volume 44: Eleven Princes of Taizong; Two Princes of Shizu — count: 6
- 措刑 (措刑) 朕聞措刑由於用刑 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷七 本紀第七: 中宗 睿宗 Volume 7 Annals 7: Zhongzong, Ruizong — count: 5
- 直措 (直措) 举直措枉 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷十二 魏書十二 崔毛徐何邢鮑司馬傳 Volume 12: Book of Wei 12 - Biographies of Cui, Mao, Xu, He, Xing, and Sima — count: 5
- 不能措 (不能措) 至晚竟不能措一辭 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷八十八 列傳第三十八: 韋思謙 陸元方 蘇瑰 Volume 88 Biographies 38: Wei Siqian, Lu Yuanfang, Su Gui — count: 5
- 几措 (幾措) 故能理升平而刑几措 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷八十上 文苑列傳 Volume 80a: Biographies of Writers 1 — count: 4
- 措思 (措思) 桓為措思乎 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷一百一十七 載記第十七 姚興上 Volume 117 Records 17: Yao Xing Part One — count: 4
- 安措 (安措) 卜其宅兆而安措之 — The Classic of Filial Piety 孝經, 孝經 Xiao Jing — count: 4