奸 jiān
a traitor
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Traditional: 奸; as in 汉奸; a variant of 姦 (Guoyu '奸' n 1; Mathews 1931 '奸', p. 112; XHZD '奸' 2, p. 326) -
to commit adultery
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Traditional: 奸; in the sense of 奸淫; as in 奸汙 (Guoyu '奸' v 3; Unihan '姦'; XHZD '奸' 3, p. 326) -
treacherous; evil; wicked
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Traditional: 奸; in the sense of 阴险 (Guoyu '奸' adj; Mathews 1931 '奸', p. 112; XHZD '奸' 1, p. 326) -
to violate
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Traditional: 奸; in the sense of 干犯 (Guoyu '奸' v 1) -
wicked; false; deceitful
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文 , Subdomain: Morality
Notes: In the sense of 狡诈 or 邪恶 (Guoyu '姦' adj; Kroll 2015 '姦' 1, p. 194; XHZD '奸' 1) -
a traitor; a sinister person; a villian
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文 , Subdomain: Morality
Notes: As in 汉奸 (Guoyu '姦' n 1; XHZD '奸' 2) -
a rebellion
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 乱事 (Guoyu '姦' n 3) -
to commit adultery
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '姦' v; Kroll 2015 '姦' 2, p. 194; Mathews 1931 '姦', p. 111) -
to seek after
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Traditional: 奸; in the sense of 求见 (Guoyu '奸' v 2) -
a criminal
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Traditional: 奸; as in 汉奸 (Guoyu '奸' n 2; Mathews 1931 '奸', p. 112)
Contained in
- 奸夫 male adulterer
- 汉奸(漢奸) traitor
- 奸滑 deceitful
- 众奸(眾奸) a mob of traitors
- 集体强奸(集體強姦) gang rape
- 姑息养奸(姑息養奸) to tolerate is to nurture an evildoer; spare the rod and spoil the child
- 奸商 dishonest merchant
- 奸官污吏 traitor minister and corrupt official; abuse and corruption
- 奸邪 evil; evil ; deceitful ; a deceitful person
- 藏奸 to harbor evil intentions
- 鸡奸(雞姦) sodomy ; sodomy
- 奸坏(奸壞) deceitful
- 奸淫(姦淫) fornication; adultery; seduction ; rape ; malicious
- 抓奸(抓姦) to catch a couple in the act (adultery, illicit sexual relations)
- 奸民 a scoundrel; a villain
- 奸人 crafty scoundrel; villain
- 捉奸(捉姦) to catch a couple in the act (adultery, illicit sexual relations)
- 奸细(奸細) a spy ; a cheat; a lowly character
- 锄奸(鋤奸) to weed out the traitors
- 内奸(內奸) undiscovered traitor; enemy within one's own ranks
- 奸恶(奸惡) malicious
- 奸顽(奸頑) a devious villain
- 奸徒 a crafty villain
- 情奸(情姦) illicit sex
- 无奸不商(無奸不商) all businessmen are evil
- 奸猾 treacherous; crafty; deceitful
- 狼狈为奸(狼狽為奸) villains collude together
- 轮奸(輪姦) to gang rape
- 奸生(姦生) born illegitimately
- 奸计(奸計) evil scheme
- 通奸(通姦) illicit sex
- 奸险(奸險) malicious
- 奸盗(奸盜) robbery
- 老奸巨猾 cunning; crafty; wily old fox
- 奸佞 crafty and fawning ; a deceitful person
- 强奸(強姦) to rape
- 作奸犯科 do evil and break the rules
- 朋比为奸(朋比為奸) to conspire; to gang up
- 奸贼(奸賊) a traitor; a scoundrel
- 奸吏 corrupt; subordinates
- 奸狠 cruel
- 作奸 to be a traitor
- 奸笑 evil smile; sinister smile
- 奸诈(奸詐) treacherous; devious
- 奸狡 devious; cunning
- 发奸摘隐(發奸摘隱) to expose a villian, revealing their secret plots
- 谪奸(謫奸) to call out evil
- 奸宄 evildoer; malefactor
- 迷奸(迷姦) to drug and then rape
- 奸巧 deceitful
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷一百〇四 志第五十二: 刑法三 Volume 104 Treatises 57: Punishment and Law 3 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 85
- 卷三百〇八 列傳第一百九十六 奸臣 胡惟庸 陳瑛 嚴嵩 周延儒 溫體仁 馬士英 Volume 308 Biographies 196: Treacherous Officials - Hu Weiyong, Chen Ying, Yan Song, Zhou Yanru, Wen Tiren, Ma ShiYing History of Ming 明史 — count: 18
- 卷二百一十 列傳第九十八 桑喬 謝瑜 何維柏 徐學詩 厲汝進 王宗茂 周冕 趙錦 吳時來 張翀 董傳策 鄒應龍 林潤 Volume 210 Biographies 98: Sang Qiao, Xie Yu, He Weibai, Xu Xueshi, Li Rujin, Wang Zongmao, Zhou Mian, Zhao Jin, Wu Shilai, Zhang Chong, Dong Chuance, Zou Yinglong, Lin Run History of Ming 明史 — count: 18
- 卷三十 志第二十 刑法 Volume 30 Treatises 20: Punishment and Law Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 16
- 卷四十九 王充王符仲長統列傳 Volume 49: Biographies of Wang Chong, Wang Fu, Zhongchang Tong Book of Later Han 後漢書 — count: 15
- 卷九十 酷吏傳 Volume 90: Cruel Officials Book of Han 漢書 — count: 14
- 卷二百五十八 列傳第一百四十六 許譽卿 華允誠 魏呈潤 毛羽健 吳執御 章正宸 黃紹杰 傅朝佑 姜埰 熊開元 詹爾選 湯開遠 成勇 陳龍正 Volume 258 Biographies 146: Xu Yuqing, Hua Yuncheng, Wei Chengrun, Mao Yujian, Wu Zhiyu, Zhang Zhengchen, Huang Shaojie, Fu Chaoyou, Jiang 埰, Xiong Kaiyuan, Zhan Erxuan, Tang Kaiyuan, Cheng Yong, Chen Longzheng History of Ming 明史 — count: 14
- 卷二百〇九 列傳第九十七 楊最 馮恩 楊爵 周怡 劉魁 沈束 沈鍊 楊繼盛 楊允繩 Volume 209 Biographies 97: Yang Zui, Feng En, Yang Jue, Zhou Yi, Liu Kui, Shen Shu, Shen Lian, Yang Jicheng, Yang Yunsheng History of Ming 明史 — count: 14
- 卷二百三十六 列傳第一百二十四 李植 江東之 湯兆京 金士衡 王元翰 孫振基 丁元薦 李朴 夏嘉遇 Volume 236 Biographies 124: Li Zhi, Jiang Dongzhi, Tang Zhaojing, Jin Shiheng, Wang Yuanhan, Sun Zhenji, Ding Yuanjian, Li Pu, Xia Jiayu History of Ming 明史 — count: 14
- 卷七十七 酷吏列傳 Volume 77: Biographies of Cruel Officials Book of Later Han 後漢書 — count: 14
- 奸人 (奸人) 諸以眾彊凌弱少及彊姦人婦女 — Mozi 墨子, 卷十五 號令 Book 15 - Commands and Orders — count: 8
- 奸伪 (奸偽) 此明公道而滅姦偽之術也 — Guanzi 管子, 君臣上第三十 Chapter 30: A Ruler and his Ministers I — count: 7
- 奸民 (奸民) 姦民之所謀為外心 — Mozi 墨子, 卷十五 號令 Book 15 - Commands and Orders — count: 5
- 禁奸 (禁奸) 不足以禁姦塞邪 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷一 原道訓 Chapter 1: The Original Way — count: 5
- 奸声 (奸聲) 凡奸聲感人 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《樂記》 Record of Music — count: 3
- 大奸 (大奸) 豈非大奸也哉 — Mozi 墨子, 卷九 非儒下 Book 9 - Anti-Confucianism II — count: 3
- 奸禁 (奸禁) 刑省而姦禁 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷十三 氾論訓 Chapter 13: Overflowing Discussions — count: 3
- 敢奸 (敢奸) 誰敢奸君 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 襄公 Lord Xiang — count: 3
- 奸吏 (奸吏) 姦吏傷官法 — Guanzi 管子, 七法第六 Chapter 6: Seven Methods — count: 2
- 奸遁 (奸遁) 則姦遁踰越者作 — Guanzi 管子, 八觀第十三 Chapter 13: Eight Observations — count: 2