奖 (獎) jiǎng
a prize; an award
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '獎' n 1; Kroll 2015 '獎' 3, p. 201; Mathews 1931 '獎', p. 90; Unihan '獎'; XHZD '奖' 3, p. 336) -
to give an award to
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Unihan '獎') -
to advise; to urge
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 劝勉 (Guoyu '獎' v 2; Kroll 2015 '獎' 1, p. 201; Mathews 1931 '獎', p. 90; XHZD '奖' 1, p. 336) -
to praise; to commend
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: For example, 夸奖 'praise' (Guoyu '獎' v 1; Kroll 2015 '獎' 2, p. 201; Mathews 1931 '獎', p. 90; XHZD '奖' 2, p. 336) -
a lottery prize
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: In the sense of 彩金 (Guoyu '獎' n 2; Unihan '獎'; XHZD '奖' 4, p. 336) -
to assist; to support
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 帮助 (Guoyu '獎' v 3; Kroll 2015 '獎' 2, p. 201)
Contained in
- 奖励旅行(獎勵旅行) incentive travel
- 褒奖(褒獎) to exaggerate
- 金像奖(金像獎) a metal statue used as an award
- 弘奖(弘獎) to encourage
- 银奖(銀獎) silver medal
- 奖勤(獎勤) encourage diligence
- 萨哈诺夫人权奖(薩哈諾夫人權獎) the EU Sakharov prize for human rights
- 金狮奖(金獅獎) Golden Lion, award at the Venice Film Festival
- 优奖(優獎) to exaggerate
- 中奖(中獎) to win a prize; a successful gamble
- 萨哈罗夫人权奖(薩哈羅夫人權獎) the EU Sakharov Human Rights Prize
- 奖掖(獎掖) to reward and promote
- 诺贝尔经济学奖(諾貝爾經濟學獎) Nobel Prize in Economics; Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
- 奖牌(獎牌) a medal
- 谬奖(謬獎) to overpraise; You praise me too much!
- 诺贝尔物理学奖(諾貝爾物理學獎) Nobel Prize in Physics
- 金曲奖(金曲獎) Golden Melody Awards
- 普利策奖(普利策獎) Pulitzer Prize
- 萨克洛夫奖(薩克洛夫獎) Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, awarded by the European Parliament annually since 1988
- 奖饰(獎飾) to commend; to praise
- 优异奖(優異獎) excellence award; merit award
- 会奖旅游(會獎旅遊) MICE tourism (acronym for meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions), aka meetings industry or events industry
- 大奖(大獎) prize; award
- 领奖台(領獎臺) (winner's) podium
- 有劳得奖(有勞得獎) a good dog deserves a bone
- 奖额(獎額) reward amount
- 开奖(開獎) to announce the winners in a lottery
- 书卷奖(書卷獎) presidential award
- 授奖(授獎) to award a prize
- 金奖(金獎) gold medal; first prize
- 奖助(獎助) to reward with financial aid
- 奖赞(獎贊) to praise
- 奖品(獎品) a reward; an award; a prize
- 奖金(獎金) a bonus; an award
- 得奖(得獎) to win a prize
- 奖酬(獎酬) incentive; reward
- 赠奖(贈獎) to confer an award
- 签约奖金(簽約獎金) signing bonus; sign-on bonus
- 奖勉(獎勉) to commend
- 奖杯(獎杯) trophy cup
- 过奖(過獎) to unduly praise; to flatter
- 摇奖(搖獎) to draw the winning ticket (in a lottery)
- 惩恶奖善(懲惡獎善) punish evil and reward good
- 发奖(發獎) to award a prize
- 诺贝尔化学奖(諾貝爾化學獎) Nobel Prize in Chemistry
- 奖状(獎狀) certificate of merit
Also contained in
诺贝尔文学奖 、 图灵奖 、 普立兹奖 、 中山文艺奖 、 葛莱美奖
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷四十三 列傳第三十一: 郭祚 張彝 邢巒 李崇 Volume 43 Biographies 31: Gao Zuo, Zhang Yi, Xing Luan, Li Chong History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 12
- 卷一百七十七 志第一百三十 食貨上五 Volume 177 Treatises 130: Finance and Economics 1e History of Song 宋史 — count: 9
- 卷四十五 本紀第四十五 理宗五 Volume 45 Annals 45: Lizong 5 History of Song 宋史 — count: 7
- 卷四百九十三 列傳第二百五十二 蠻夷一 西南溪峒諸蠻上 Volume 493 Biographies 252: Man People 1 - Man People from Xidong in the Southwest 1 History of Song 宋史 — count: 7
- 卷三十四 列傳第二十二: 游雅 高閭 趙逸 胡叟 胡方回 張湛 段承根 闞駰 劉延明 趙柔 索敞 宋繇 江式 Volume 34 Biographies 22: You Ya, Gao Lu, Zhao Yi, Hu Sou, Hu Fanggui, Zhang Zhan, Duan Chenggen, Kang Yin, Liu Yanming, Zhao Rou, Sou Chang, Song Yao, Jiang Shi History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 7
- 卷四百九十一 列傳第二百五十 外國七 流求國 定安國 渤海國 日本國 党項 Volume 491 Biographies 250: Foreign States 7 - Ryukyu Islands, Ding'an, Bohai, Japan, Tangut History of Song 宋史 — count: 6
- 卷四百十四 列傳第一百七十三 史弥远 鄭清之 史嵩之 董槐 葉夢鼎 馬廷鸞 Volume 414 Biographies 173: Shi Miyuan, Zheng Qingzhi, Shi Songzhi, Dong Huai, Ye Mengding, Ma Tingluan History of Song 宋史 — count: 6
- 卷四七 補列傳第三九 酷吏 Volume 47 Biographies 39: Cruel Officials Book of Northern Qi 北齊書 — count: 6
- 卷四十四 本紀第四十四 理宗四 Volume 44 Annals 44: Lizong 4 History of Song 宋史 — count: 6
- 卷四十一 列傳第二十九: 楊播 楊敷 Volume 41 Biographies 29: Yangbo, Yang Fu History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 5
- 同奖 (同獎) 同獎王室 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷四十一 蜀書十一 霍王向張楊費傳 Volume 41: Book of Shu 11 - Biographies of Huo, Wang, Xiang, Zhang, Yang, and Fei — count: 14
- 奖王室 (獎王室) 皆獎王室 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 僖公 Lord Xi — count: 14
- 奖厉 (獎厲) 所以獎厲太子專為後之誼 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷十一 哀帝紀 Volume 11: Annals of Emperor Ai — count: 10
- 奖劝 (獎勸) 所以獎勸將來 — Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志, 卷四 魏書四 三少帝紀 Volume 4: Book of Wei 4 - Annals of the three young emperors — count: 7
- 翼奖 (翼獎) 夫翼獎皇家 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷六十一 列傳第三十一 周浚 成公簡 苟晞 華軼 劉喬 Volume 61 Biographies 31: Zhou Jun; Cheng Gongjian; Gou Xi; Hua Die; Liu Qiao — count: 5
- 敦奖 (敦獎) 敦獎殷勤 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷六十七 列傳第三十七 溫嶠 郗鑒 Volume 67 Biographies 37: Wen Jiao; Xi Jian — count: 4
- 劝奖 (勸獎) 又勸獎義宣 — Book of Song 宋書, 卷七十四 列傳第三十四 臧質 魯爽 沈攸之 Volume 74 Biographies 34: Zang Zhi, Lu Shuang, Shen Youzhi — count: 4
- 崇奖 (崇獎) 崇獎魏植 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷六十一 列傳第三十一 周浚 成公簡 苟晞 華軼 劉喬 Volume 61 Biographies 31: Zhou Jun; Cheng Gongjian; Gou Xi; Hua Die; Liu Qiao — count: 4
- 奖进 (獎進) 多所獎進 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷七十 鄭孔荀列傳 Volume 70: Biographies of Zheng, Kong, Xun — count: 3
- 酬奖 (酬獎) 隨勞酬獎 — Book of Song 宋書, 卷五 本紀第五 文帝 Volume 5 Annals 5: Emperor Wen — count: 3