拜 bài
to bow; to pay respect to
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 叩拜 (CCD '拜' 1; FE '拜' 1; Guoyu '拜' v 1; Kroll 2015 '拜' 1, p. 8; Wu and Tee 2015, loc. 2896; XHZD '拜' 1, p. 17) -
to send greetings; to congratulate
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: For example, 拜寿 'birthday congratulations' (CCD '拜' 2; Guoyu '拜' v 3; XHZD '拜' 2, p. 17) -
to visit
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 访问 (CCD '拜' 3; FE '拜' 3; Guoyu '拜' v 2; Kroll 2015 '拜' 2, p. 8) -
to appoint; to confer a title
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 任官 (CCD '拜' 4; FE '拜' 2; ; Guoyu '拜' v 4; Kroll 2015 '拜' 3, p. 8; XHZD '拜' 3, p. 17) -
to enter into a relationship
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CCD '拜' 5) -
a polite form; please
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CCD '拜' 6) -
proper noun
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Names , Concept: Surname 姓氏
Notes: (CCD '拜' 6; FE '拜' 4; Guoyu '拜' n 1) -
to perform a ritual
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '拜' 1a, p. 8) -
to bend
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '拜' 4, p. 8) -
Domain: Computer Science 计算机科学
Notes: (Guoyu '拜' n 2)
Contained in
- 拜讬(拜託) please; to request somebody to do something
- 摩拜单车(摩拜單車) Mobike, operator of an app-driven bicycle-rental business in China, established in 2015
- 个人崇拜(個人崇拜) personality cult
- 罗拜(羅拜) to line up to pay homage
- 拜金主义(拜金主義) money worship
- 朝拜 to make a pilgrimage; to worship
- 答拜 to return a visit
- 拜祖 to worship ancestors
- 厂礼拜(廠禮拜) day off (work)
- 拜会(拜會) to pay an official call; to call on
- 敬拜 to worship
- 拜节(拜節) to pay respects during a festival
- 拜师(拜師) to formally become an apprentice to a master
- 下拜 to bow; to prostrate
- 拜科努尔航天发射基地(拜科努爾航天發射基地) Baikonur Cosmodrome
- 偶像崇拜 idol worship
- 礼拜仪式(禮拜儀式) liturgical
- 礼拜日(禮拜日) Sunday
- 阿塞拜疆 Azerbaijan
- 拜科努尔(拜科努爾) Baikonur (Russian space launch site in Kazakhstan)
- 崇拜仪式(崇拜儀式) worship service
- 礼拜四(禮拜四) Thursday
- 拜相 to be appointed prime minister
- 拜物教 fetishism
- 回拜 to pay a return visit
- 礼拜一(禮拜一) Monday
- 拜认(拜認) to formally accept somebody as (one's adoptive mother, one's master etc)
- 火焰崇拜 fire worship
- 拜火教 Zoroastrianism
- 拜寿(拜壽) congratulate an elderly person on his birthday; offer birthday felicitations
- 拜佛 to bow to the Buddha; to pay respect to the Buddha
- 顶拜(頂拜) to prostrate oneself; to kneel and bow the head (in submission, supplication, worship etc)
- 朝拜者 a pilgrim
- 礼拜(禮拜) week ; a religious service ; to worship ; prefix for days of the week ; Sunday
- 拜拜 to join palms and bow
- 祭拜 to offer sacrifice (to one's ancestors)
- 跪拜 to kneel and bow; to kneel and worship
- 礼拜三(禮拜三) Wednesday
- 拜你所赐(拜你所賜) this is all thanks to you!; well, thanks a lot!
- 朝拜圣山(朝拜聖山) a pilgrimage to a holy mountain
Also contained in
拜泉县 、 拜城县 、 拜登 、 拜伦 、 拜城 、 福楼拜 、 乌拜迪 、 杜拜 、 拜月亭 、 拜泉 、 迪拜
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷六十七 志第十八: 禮樂一 Volume 67 Treatises 20: Rites and Music 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 123
- 有司 第十七 17. The servant clearing the way The Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial 儀禮 — count: 103
- 卷五十三 志第二十二: 禮志六 Volume 53 Treatises 23: Rites 6 History of Liao 遼史 — count: 89
- 卷五十三 志第二十九 禮七 Volume 53 Treatises 29: Rites 7 History of Ming 明史 — count: 87
- 鄉飲酒禮 第四 4. Rites of the district symposium The Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial 儀禮 — count: 87
- 鄉射禮 第五 5. Rites of the district archery meet The Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial 儀禮 — count: 86
- 大射 第七 7. The great archery meet (state level) The Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial 儀禮 — count: 82
- 卷五十五 志第三十一 禮九 Volume 55 Treatises 31: Rites 9 History of Ming 明史 — count: 80
- 卷五十四 志第三十 禮八 Volume 54 Treatises 30: Rites 8 History of Ming 明史 — count: 76
- 卷五十一 志第二十: 禮志三 禮志四 Volume 51 Treatises 21: Rites 3 and 4 History of Liao 遼史 — count: 74
- 拜稽首 (拜稽首) 虎拜稽首 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 大雅‧蕩之什‧江漢 Greater odes of the kingdom - Decade Of Dang - Jiang Han — count: 12
- 拜稽颡 (拜稽顙) 拜稽顙 — The Book of Rites 禮記, 《檀弓下》 Tan Gong II — count: 10
- 子拜 (子拜) 季武子拜曰 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 昭公 Lord Zhao — count: 9
- 拜君 (拜君) 三年將拜君賜 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 僖公 Lord Xi — count: 7
- 敢拜 (敢拜) 敢拜君命之辱 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 宣公 Lord Xuan — count: 6
- 拜命 (拜命) 拜命之辱 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 莊公 Lord Zhang — count: 5
- 禹拜 (禹拜) 禹拜稽首 — Book of Documents 尚書, 虞書 舜典 Yu Shu - Canon of Shun — count: 5
- 拜曰 (拜曰) 禹拜曰 — Book of Documents 尚書, 虞書 益稷 Yu Shu - Yi and Ji — count: 5
- 拜赐 (拜賜) 重耳拜賜 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 僖公 Lord Xi — count: 5
- 晋拜 (晉拜) 衛侯如晉拜 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 文公 Lord Wen — count: 4