居 jū
residence; dwelling
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 住处 (Guoyu '居' jū n 1; XH '居' 2) -
to be at a position
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 位于 (Guoyu '居' jū v 4; XH '居' 3) -
to live; to dwell; to reside
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 住 (Guoyu '居' jū v 1; Unihan '居'; XH '居' 1) -
to stay put
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 停留 (XH '居' 7; Unihan '居') -
to claim; to assert
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (XH '居' 4) -
to store up; to accumulate
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '居' jū v 3; XH '居' 6) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 居然 (XH '居' adv) -
to sit down
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 坐下 (Guoyu '居' jū v 2) -
to possess
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 占有 (Guoyu '居' jū v 5) -
to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 存有 (Guoyu '居' jū v 6) -
proper noun
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Names , Concept: Surname 姓氏
Notes: (Guoyu '居' jū n 2) -
interrogative particle
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Used at the end of a sentence to form a question (Guoyu '居' jī)
Contained in
- 居功 to claim credit for oneself
- 起居 everyday life ; to greet a superior ; rising and resting
- 居高临下(居高臨下) to live high and look down; to overlook; to tower above; to occupy the high ground; arrogance based on one's social position
- 流居 to live in exile
- 平居 usually living at home
- 居心险恶(居心險惡) to have sinister motives
- 斋居蔬食(齋居蔬食) to live a plain and simple life
- 高居 to stand above; to occupy an important position; to rank (among the top few)
- 居丧(居喪) to observe the ritual mourning
- 祖居 former residence; one's original home
- 起居作息 rising and lying down, working and resting; everyday life; daily routine; to go about one's daily life
- 鳏居(鰥居) to live as a widower
- 以老大自居 regarding oneself as number one in terms of leadership, seniority or status
- 居家 to live at home ; family life ; to run a household ; a residence
- 居留权(居留權) right of abode
- 居民点(居民點) residential area
- 居民 resident
- 寄居蟹 hermit crab
- 散居 to live scattered
- 居然 unexpectedly ; safe ; naturally; obviously
- 外国人居住证明(外國人居住證明) foreigner's certificate of residence
- 居酒屋 izakaya (a kind of traditional Japanese pub)
- 家居卖场(家居賣場) furniture store; furniture mall
- 居处(居處) dwelling; home
- 后来居上(後來居上) late-comer lives above; the up-and-coming youngster outstrips the older generation
- 居中对齐(居中對齊) centered alignment (typography)
- 居隐处(居隱處) to dwell in a hidden place
- 囤积居奇(囤積居奇) to hoard and profiteer; to speculate
- 栉比而居(櫛比而居) living in dwellings packed closely like teeth in a comb
- 居人 inhabitant
- 独居(獨居) to live alone; to live a solitary existence
- 穴居人 cave man
- 居心 deliberate; attentive
- 邻居(鄰居) neighbor
- 独居不同群(獨居不同群) living alone, they did not form a group
- 杂居(雜居) cohabitation (of different populations or races); to coexist
- 旅居车(旅居車) motorhome; RV (recreational vehicle)
- 居心叵测(居心叵測) harboring unfathomable motives
- 耦居 to live together (as husband and wife)
Also contained in
居鲁士 、 美国永久居民 、 仙居县 、 庞居士好雪片片 、 康居 、 卜居 、 居巢区 、 龙牙居遁 、 民族杂居地区 、 起居舍人 、 杂居地区 、 林居
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷六十一 志第十三: 地理四 Volume 61 Treatises 14: Geography 4 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 65
- 卷一百六十六 列傳第一百十六: 元稹 白居易 Volume 166 Biographies 116: Yuan Zhen, Bai Juyi Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 51
- 卷四百〇五 列傳第一百六十四 李宗勉 袁甫 劉黻 王居安 Volume 405 Biographies 164: Li Zongmian, Yuan Fu, Liu Fu, Wang Juan History of Song 宋史 — count: 43
- 昭公 Lord Zhao The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳 — count: 40
- 《天官書》 Astronomy Records of the Grand Historian 史記 — count: 38
- 卷四百五十六 列傳第二百十五 孝義 李璘甄婆兒 徐承珪 劉孝忠 呂升王翰 羅居通黃德輿 齊得一 李罕澄 邢神留沈正 許祚李琳等 胡仲堯弟:仲容 陳兢 洪文撫 易延慶 董道明 郭琮畢贊 顧忻李瓊 朱泰 成象 陳思道 方綱 龐天祐 劉斌 樊景溫榮恕旻 祁暐 何保之 李玭 侯義 王光濟李祚 周善敏 江白 裘承詢孫浦等 常眞子:晏 王洤等 杜誼 姚宗明 鄧中和 毛安輿 李訪 朱壽昌 侯可 申積中 郝戭 支漸 鄧宗古 沈宣 蘇慶文臺亨 仰忻 趙伯深 彭瑜 毛洵李籌 楊芾 楊慶 陳宗 郭義 申世寧 苟與齡 王珠 顏詡 張伯威 蔡定 鄭綺鮑宗巌 Volume 456 Biographies 215: Filial Acts - Li Linzhenpoer, Xu Chenggui, Liu Xiaozhong, Lu Shengwanghan, Luo Jutonghuangdeyu, Qi Deyi, Li Hancheng, Xing Shenliushenzheng, Xu Zuolilindeng, Hu Zhongyaodi:zhongrong, Chen Jing, Hong Wenfu, Yi Yanqing, Dong Daoming, Guo Congbizan, Gu Xinliqiong, Zhu Tai, Cheng Xiang, Chen Sidao, Fang Gang, Pang Tianyou, Liu Bin, Fan Jingwenrongshumin, Qi Wei, He Baozhi, Li Pin, Hou Yi, Wang Guangjilizuo, Zhou Shanmin, Jiang Bai, Qiu Chengxunsunpudeng, Chang Zhenzi:yan, Wang Quandeng, Du Yi, Yao Zongming, Deng Zhonghe, Mao Anyu, Li Fang, Zhu Shouchang, Hou Ke, Shen Jizhong, Hao Yan, Zhi Jian, Deng Zonggu, Shen Xuan, Su Qingwentaiheng, Yang Xin, Zhao Boshen, Peng Yu, Mao Xunlichou, Yang Fei, Yang Qing, Chen Zong, Guo Yi, Shen Shining, Gou Yuling, Wang Zhu, Yan Bi, Zhang Bowei, Cai Ding, Zheng Qibao Zongyan History of Song 宋史 — count: 37
- 卷二百二十二下 列傳第一百四十七下 南蠻下 Volume 222c Biographies 147c: Southern Man 3 New Book of Tang 新唐書 — count: 36
- 卷九十四上 匈奴傳 Volume 94a: Traditions of the Xiongnu 1 Book of Han 漢書 — count: 36
- 卷102 西域 Volume 102: Western Regions Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 35
- 卷二十六 天文志 Volume 26: Treatise on Astronomy Book of Han 漢書 — count: 33
- 居月 (居月) 日居月諸 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 國風‧邶‧柏舟 Lessons from the states - Odes of Bei - Bo Zhou — count: 5
- 日居 (日居) 日居月諸 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 國風‧邶‧柏舟 Lessons from the states - Odes of Bei - Bo Zhou — count: 5
- 攸居 (攸居) 陽鳥攸居 — Book of Documents 尚書, 夏書 禹貢 Xia Shu - Tribute of Yu — count: 4
- 离居 (離居) 正大夫離居 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 小雅‧節南山之什‧雨無正 Minor odes of the kingdom - Jie Nan Shan Zhi Shen - Yu Wu Zheng — count: 3
- 居守 (居守) 箕鄭居守 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 文公 Lord Wen — count: 3
- 鞫居 (鞫居) 狐鞫居為右 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 文公 Lord Wen — count: 3
- 宁居 (寧居) 是以不敢寧居 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 襄公 Lord Xiang — count: 2
- 启居 (啟居) 不遑啟居 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 小雅‧鹿鳴之什‧采薇 Minor odes of the kingdom - Decade Of Lu Ming - Cai Wei — count: 2
- 居岐 (居岐) 居岐之陽 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 大雅‧文王之什‧皇矣 Greater odes of the kingdom - Decade Of Wen Wang - Huang Yi — count: 2
- 居楚 (居楚) 文公徙居楚丘 — The Book of Songs 詩經, 國風‧鄘‧定之方中 Lessons from the states - Odes of Yong - Ding Zhi Fang Zhong — count: 2