笑 xiào
to laugh
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '笑'; Guoyu '笑' v 1; Kroll 2015 '笑' 2, p. 503; Rouzer 2007, p. 39; Unihan '笑'; XHZD '笑' 1, p. 825) -
to mock; to ridicule
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '笑' v 2; Kroll 2015 '笑' 2a, p. 503; XHZD '笑' 2, p. 826) -
to smile
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '笑'; Guoyu '笑' v 1; Kroll 2015 '笑' 1, p. 503; Rouzer 2007, p. 39) -
kindly accept
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: A polite usage when sending a gift (Guoyu '笑' adv; Kroll 2015 '笑' 1a, p. 503)
Contained in
- 喜笑颜开(喜笑顏開) a joyful smile and happy face; beaming with happiness
- 笑口弥勒(笑口彌勒) laughing Maitreya
- 啼笑皆非 not to know whether to laugh or cry; between laughter and tears
- 笑窝(笑窩) dimple
- 笑靥(笑靨) dimple; smiling face
- 笑纹(笑紋) laugh lines (on the face)
- 笑掉大牙 to laugh one's head off; ridiculous; jaw-dropping
- 笑脸儿(笑臉兒) smiling face
- 逗人发笑(逗人發笑) to make people laugh
- 笑谈(笑談) object of ridicule; laughingstock; to laugh over something; to make light chat
- 笑鸥(笑鷗) laughing gull (Leucophaeus atricilla)
- 嬉笑 to be laughing and playing; to giggle
- 逗笑 to amuse; to cause to smile; amusing
- 巧笑倩兮 a beautiful smiling expression
- 嗤笑 to sneer at
- 笑里藏刀(笑裡藏刀) a dagger hidden in smiles; friendly manners belying hypocritical intentions
- 偷笑 to laugh up one's sleeve
- 笑面虎 man with a big smile and evil intentions
- 耻笑(恥笑) to sneer; to ridicule
- 妃子笑 concubine's smile; a cultivar of lychee
- 谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好(誰笑到最後,誰笑得最好) He laughs best who laughs last.
- 破涕为笑(破涕為笑) to turn tears into laughter; to turn grief into happiness
- 痴笑 to giggle foolishly; to titter
- 颔首微笑(頷首微笑) to nod and smile
- 嘻皮笑脸(嘻皮笑臉) laughing mischievously
- 哑然失笑(啞然失笑) to laugh involuntarily
- 笑眯眯 beaming; all smiles
- 讥笑(譏笑) to ridicule
- 笑貌 smiling face
- 笑盈盈 smilingly; to be all smiles
- 暗笑 to snicker
- 惨笑(慘笑) to smile bitterly
- 笑意 a smiling expression
- 调笑(調笑) to tease; to poke fun at
- 荤笑话(葷笑話) dirty jokes; jokes of a visceral nature
- 欢笑(歡笑) to laugh happily
- 爆笑 to burst out laughing; hilarious; burst of laughter
- 搞笑片 comedy film; comedy
- 强颜欢笑(強顏歡笑) to pretend to look happy; to force oneself to smile
- 讪笑(訕笑) to ridicule; to mock
- 狂笑 to howl with laughter; to laugh one's head off
- 好笑 laughable; funny; ridiculous
- 笑料 humorous content; source of laughter; laughing stock; butt; joke (person)
- 灿笑(燦笑) to smile brightly
- 贻笑(貽笑) to be ridiculous; to make a fool of oneself
- 笑骂(笑罵) to deride; to mock; (jocularly) to heckle good-naturedly; to razz
- 谈笑(談笑) to joke with
- 怪笑 monstrous laughter
- 笑容可掬 smiling wholeheartedly; beaming from ear to ear
- 笑破肚皮 to split one's sides laughing
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 第二回 Chapter 54 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 95
- 第二回 Chapter 50 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 94
- 第二回 Chapter 63 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 92
- 第二回 Chapter 62 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 84
- 第二回 Chapter 40 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 83
- 第二回 Chapter 31 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 76
- 第二回 Chapter 35 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 75
- 第二回 Chapter 76 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 70
- 第二回 Chapter 57 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 70
- 第二回 Chapter 56 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 64
- 笑曰 (笑曰) 皆笑曰 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 襄公 Lord Xiang — count: 35
- 天下笑 (天下笑) 為天下笑 — Mozi 墨子, 卷十四 備梯 Book 14 - Defense against Attack with Ladders — count: 28
- 臣笑 (臣笑) 臣笑叔向之對君也 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 難二第三十七 Chapter 37: Difficulties II — count: 8
- 为人笑 (為人笑) 必為人笑 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷六 覽冥訓 Chapter 6: Observing the Obscure — count: 7
- 诸侯笑 (諸侯笑) 為諸侯笑 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 襄公 Lord Xiang — count: 7
- 公笑 (公笑) 公笑曰 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 昭公 Lord Zhao — count: 6
- 优笑 (優笑) 優笑侏儒 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 八姦第九 Chapter 9: Eight Villains — count: 4
- 王笑 (王笑) 王笑曰 — Mencius 孟子, 梁惠王上 King Hui of Liang I — count: 4
- 笑言 (笑言) 笑言啞啞 — Book of Changes 易經, 震 Zhen — count: 4
- 戮笑 (戮笑) 則必可以無為天下戮笑 — Gongyang's Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋公羊傳, 莊公 Lord Zhang — count: 3