拱 gǒng
to cup one's hands in salute
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: For example, in 千字文 ”Thousand Character Classic”, 垂拱 'sleeves hanging down and cupped hands ' (CC-CEDICT '拱'; Guoyu '拱' v 1; Kroll 2015 '拱' 1,p. 135; Wu and Tee 2015, loc. 421; Unihan '拱' 1; XHZD '拱' 1, p. 233) -
to place arms around (a tree)
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '拱' v 3; Kroll 2015 '拱' 2,p. 135; XHZD '拱' 2, p. 233) -
to surround; to encircle
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 围绕 (Guoyu '拱' v 2; Kroll 2015 '拱' 3,p. 135; XHZD '拱' 3, p. 233) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: For example, 拱桥 arch bridge (CC-CEDICT '拱'; Guoyu '拱' adj 2; XHZD '拱' 4, p. 233) -
to push upwards with the head
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '拱' v 4; Kroll 2015 '拱' 4,p. 135; XHZD '拱' 5, p. 233) -
a bracket
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As a variant of 栱 (Kroll 2015 '拱' 5,p. 135) -
to force to choose
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '拱' v 5)
Contained in
- 拱廊 triforium
- 圆拱(圓拱) a round arch
- 拱手相让(拱手相讓) to bow and give way; to surrender something readily
- 朝拱 to surround; to circle
- 拱手 to cup one's hands in obeisance or greeting ; very easy
- 拱门(拱門) an arched door
- 拱桥(拱橋) arch bridge
- 拱卫(拱衛) to surround and protect
- 券拱 a dome; an arch
- 尖拱 an ogive arch
- 拱手旁观(拱手旁觀) to watch from the sidelines and do nothing
- 斗拱 interlocking wooden brackets between the top of a column and crossbeams used in traditional Chinese architecture
- 拱墩 pillar of a vault
- 假拱 blind arch; false arch
- 猪拱菌(豬拱菌) Chinese truffle
- 半拱 semiarch; half arch
- 拱道 archway
- 打拱作揖 to bow respectfully with clasped hands; to beg humbly
- 拱肩 a spandrel (wall filling the shoulder between two neighboring arches)
- 拱顶(拱頂) an arched roof
- 拱坝(拱壩) an arch dam
- 拱柱 pillar of a vault
- 拱抱 to enfold; to encircle
- 拱璧 a flat round jade ornament with a hole at the center; a treasure
- 拱手投降 both hands up in surrender; unconditional surrender
- 拱状(拱狀) arch; vault; arched
- 拱形 an arch
- 拱券顶(拱券頂) an arched roof; a dome
- 双曲拱桥(雙曲拱橋) double arched bridge
- 打拱 to bow with clasped hands
- 拱度 arched; convex curve surface; camber (slightly arched road surface)
- 众星拱辰(眾星拱辰) all the stars revolve around Polaris; to view somebody as core figure
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷二百十三 列傳第一百〇一 徐階 高拱 張居正 Volume 213 Biographies 101: Xu Jie, Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng History of Ming 明史 — count: 108
- 卷一百九十三 列傳第八十一 費宏 翟鑾 李時 顧鼎臣 嚴訥 李春芳 陳以勤 趙貞吉 高儀 Volume 193 Biographies 81: Fei Hong, Di Luan, Li Shi, Gu Dingchen, Yan Ne, Li ChunFang, Chen Yiqin, Zhao Zhenji, Gao Yi History of Ming 明史 — count: 38
- 卷二百十五 列傳第一百〇三 王治 歐陽一敬 周弘祖 詹仰庇 駱問禮 鄭履淳 陳吾德 汪文輝 劉奮庸 Volume 215 Biographies 103: Ouyang Yijing, Zhou Hongzu, Zhan Yangbi, Luo Wenli, Zheng Luchun, Chen Wude, Wang Wenhui, Liu Fenyong History of Ming 明史 — count: 37
- 卷二百五十五 列傳第十四 郭崇 楊廷璋 宋偓 向拱 王彥超 張永德 王全斌 康延澤 王繼濤 高彥暉 Volume 255 Biographies 14: Guo Chong, Yang Tingzhang, Song Wo, Xiang Gong, Wang Yanchao, Zhang Yongde, Wang Quanbin, Kang Yanze, Wang Jitao, Gao Yanhui History of Song 宋史 — count: 28
- 卷三百十八 列傳第七十七 張方平 王拱辰 張昪 趙槩 胡宿 Volume 318 Biographies 77: Zhang Fangping, Wang Gongchen, Zhang Bian, Zhao Gai, Hu Su History of Song 宋史 — count: 23
- 卷二百十四 列傳第一百〇二 楊博 馬森 劉體乾 王廷 葛守禮 靳學顏 Volume 214 Biographies 102: Yang Bo, Ma Sen, Liu Tigan, Wang Ting, Ge Shouli, Jin Xueyan History of Ming 明史 — count: 20
- 卷二百二十一 列傳第一百〇九 袁洪愈 王廷瞻 郭應聘 耿定向 王樵 魏時亮 郝杰 趙參魯 張孟男 李禎 丁賓 Volume 221 Biographies 109: Yuan Hongyu, Wang Tingzhan, Guo Yingpin, Geng Dingxiang, Wang Qiao, Wei Shiliang, Hao Jie, Zhao Canlu, Zhang Mengnan, Li Zhen, Ding Bin History of Ming 明史 — count: 20
- 卷八十二 列傳第二十: 郭藥師子:安國 耶律塗山 烏延胡里改 烏延吾里補 蕭恭 完顏習不主 紇石烈胡剌 耶律恕 郭企忠 烏孫訛論 顏盞門都 僕散渾坦 鄭建充 烏古論三合 移剌溫 蕭仲恭子:拱 蕭仲宣 高松 海陵諸子光英 元壽 矧思阿補 廣陽 Volume 82 Biographies 20: Guo Yaoshi son: Anguo, Yelu Tushan, Wuyanhuligai, Wuyanwulibu, Xiao Gong, Wanyanxibuzhu, Geshiliehula, Yelu Shu, Guo Qizhong, Wusunelun, Yanzhanmendou, Pusanhuntan, Zheng Jianchong, Wugulunsanhe, Yi Lawen, Xiao Zhonggong son: Gong, Xiao Zhongxuan, Gao Song, Hailingzhuziguangying, Yuan Shou, Shen Siabu, Guang Yang History of Jin 金史 — count: 19
- 卷八十五 志第三十八 地理一 Volume 85 Treatises 38: Geography 1 History of Song 宋史 — count: 17
- 卷三百〇五 列傳第一百九十三 宦官二 李芳 馮保 張鯨 陳增 梁永 陳矩 王安 魏忠賢 王體乾 崔文昇 張彝憲 高起潛 王承恩 方正化 Volume 305 Biographies 193: Officials 2 - Li Fang, Feng Bao, Zhang Jing, Chen Zeng, Liang Yong, Chen Ju, Wang An, Wei Zhongxian, Wang Tigan, Cui Wensheng, Zhang Yixian, Gao Qiqian, Wang Chengen, Fang Zhenghua History of Ming 明史 — count: 16
- 拱默 (拱默) 以拱默尸祿為智 — Book of Han 漢書, 卷七十二 王貢兩龔鮑傳 Volume 72: Wang, Gong, two Gongs and Bao — count: 29
- 拱揖 (拱揖) 拱揖指麾而四海賓服 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷六 覽冥訓 Chapter 6: Observing the Obscure — count: 14
- 高拱 (高拱) 則高拱下視 — Mozi 墨子, 卷九 非儒下 Book 9 - Anti-Confucianism II — count: 14
- 拱辰 (拱辰) 未達拱辰之心 — Book of Wei 魏書, 卷99 私署凉州牧張實 鮮卑乞伏國仁 鮮卑秃發烏孤 私署凉王李暠 盧水胡沮渠蒙遜 Volume 99: Governor Mu Zhangshi of Liangzhou, Qifu Guoren of the Xianbei, Tufa Wugu of the Xianbei, Governor Liangwang Ligao, Juqu Mengxun of the Lushui People — count: 10
- 拱州 (拱州) 拱州 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷四十一 志第二十一: 地理四 Volume 41 Treatises 21: Geography 4 — count: 9
- 王拱 (王拱) 王拱而朝天下 — Han Feizi 韓非子, 內儲說上七術第三十 Chapter 30: A Collection of Sayings I — count: 7
- 深拱 (深拱) 且陛下深拱禁中 — Records of the Grand Historian 史記, 《李斯列傳》 Biography of Li Si — count: 6
- 大拱 (大拱) 七日而大拱 — Garden of Stories 說苑, 卷一 君道 Chapter 1: The Way of the Ruler — count: 6
- 拱宸 (拱宸) 閱拱宸奉鑾軍自衛 — New Book of Tang 新唐書, 卷二百零八 列傳第一百三十三 宦者下 Volume 208 Biographies 133: Imperial Officials 2 — count: 5
- 静拱 (靜拱) 非靜拱之所能捷也 — Book of Jin 晉書, 卷三十五 列傳第五 陳騫 裴秀 Volume 35 Biographies 5: Chen Qian; Pei Xiu — count: 4