Glossary and Vocabulary for Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷十八下 本紀第十八下: 宣宗 Volume 18 Annals 18: Xuanzong

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 181 to use; to grasp 賜以玉如意
2 181 to rely on 賜以玉如意
3 181 to regard 賜以玉如意
4 181 to be able to 賜以玉如意
5 181 to order; to command 賜以玉如意
6 181 used after a verb 賜以玉如意
7 181 a reason; a cause 賜以玉如意
8 181 Israel 賜以玉如意
9 181 Yi 賜以玉如意
10 129 zhī to go 穆宗視之
11 129 zhī to arrive; to go 穆宗視之
12 129 zhī is 穆宗視之
13 129 zhī to use 穆宗視之
14 129 zhī Zhi 穆宗視之
15 129 zhī winding 穆宗視之
16 127 wéi to act as; to serve 遺詔立為皇太叔
17 127 wéi to change into; to become 遺詔立為皇太叔
18 127 wéi to be; is 遺詔立為皇太叔
19 127 wéi to do 遺詔立為皇太叔
20 127 wèi to support; to help 遺詔立為皇太叔
21 127 wéi to govern 遺詔立為皇太叔
22 93 shàng top; a high position 上柱國
23 93 shang top; the position on or above something 上柱國
24 93 shàng to go up; to go forward 上柱國
25 93 shàng shang 上柱國
26 93 shàng previous; last 上柱國
27 93 shàng high; higher 上柱國
28 93 shàng advanced 上柱國
29 93 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上柱國
30 93 shàng time 上柱國
31 93 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上柱國
32 93 shàng far 上柱國
33 93 shàng big; as big as 上柱國
34 93 shàng abundant; plentiful 上柱國
35 93 shàng to report 上柱國
36 93 shàng to offer 上柱國
37 93 shàng to go on stage 上柱國
38 93 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上柱國
39 93 shàng to install; to erect 上柱國
40 93 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上柱國
41 93 shàng to burn 上柱國
42 93 shàng to remember 上柱國
43 93 shàng to add 上柱國
44 93 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上柱國
45 93 shàng to meet 上柱國
46 93 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上柱國
47 93 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上柱國
48 93 shàng a musical note 上柱國
49 85 使 shǐ to make; to cause 充諸道鹽鐵等使
50 85 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 充諸道鹽鐵等使
51 85 使 shǐ to indulge 充諸道鹽鐵等使
52 85 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 充諸道鹽鐵等使
53 85 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 充諸道鹽鐵等使
54 85 使 shǐ to dispatch 充諸道鹽鐵等使
55 85 使 shǐ to use 充諸道鹽鐵等使
56 85 使 shǐ to be able to 充諸道鹽鐵等使
57 82 shì matter; thing; item 愈事韜晦
58 82 shì to serve 愈事韜晦
59 82 shì a government post 愈事韜晦
60 82 shì duty; post; work 愈事韜晦
61 82 shì occupation 愈事韜晦
62 82 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 愈事韜晦
63 82 shì an accident 愈事韜晦
64 82 shì to attend 愈事韜晦
65 82 shì an allusion 愈事韜晦
66 82 shì a condition; a state; a situation 愈事韜晦
67 82 shì to engage in 愈事韜晦
68 82 shì to enslave 愈事韜晦
69 82 shì to pursue 愈事韜晦
70 82 shì to administer 愈事韜晦
71 82 shì to appoint 愈事韜晦
72 79 檢校 jiǎnxiào to check; to verify; to proof-read 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
73 79 檢校 jiǎnxiào Inspector 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
74 74 guó a country; a nation 上柱國
75 74 guó the capital of a state 上柱國
76 74 guó a feud; a vassal state 上柱國
77 74 guó a state; a kingdom 上柱國
78 74 guó a place; a land 上柱國
79 74 guó domestic; Chinese 上柱國
80 74 guó national 上柱國
81 74 guó top in the nation 上柱國
82 74 guó Guo 上柱國
83 74 刺史 cìshǐ Regional Inspector 刺史有奇才異政之士
84 68 děng et cetera; and so on 充諸道鹽鐵等使
85 68 děng to wait 充諸道鹽鐵等使
86 68 děng to be equal 充諸道鹽鐵等使
87 68 děng degree; level 充諸道鹽鐵等使
88 68 děng to compare 充諸道鹽鐵等使
89 68 zhù a pillar; a post 上柱國
90 68 zhù to support 上柱國
91 68 zhù to lean on 上柱國
92 67 zhōu a state; a province 令分析出次弱疋段州府
93 67 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 令分析出次弱疋段州府
94 67 zhōu a prefecture 令分析出次弱疋段州府
95 67 zhōu a country 令分析出次弱疋段州府
96 67 zhōu an island 令分析出次弱疋段州府
97 67 zhōu Zhou 令分析出次弱疋段州府
98 67 zhōu autonomous prefecture 令分析出次弱疋段州府
99 67 zhōu a country 令分析出次弱疋段州府
100 66 尚書 shàng shū Book of Documents; Book of History; Shangshu 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
101 66 尚書 shàngshū a high official 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
102 62 侍郎 shìláng an assistant minister 以兵部侍郎
103 58 to give; to bestow favors 賜以玉如意
104 58 grace; favor; a gift 賜以玉如意
105 58 to award; to appoint 賜以玉如意
106 58 to do in full 賜以玉如意
107 58 to bestow an honorific title 賜以玉如意
108 57 zhōng middle 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
109 57 zhōng medium; medium sized 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
110 57 zhōng China 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
111 57 zhòng to hit the mark 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
112 57 zhōng midday 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
113 57 zhōng inside 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
114 57 zhōng during 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
115 57 zhōng Zhong 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
116 57 zhōng intermediary 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
117 57 zhōng half 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
118 57 zhòng to reach; to attain 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
119 57 zhòng to suffer; to infect 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
120 57 zhòng to obtain 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
121 57 zhòng to pass an exam 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
122 56 節度使 jiédùshǐ military commissioner; jiedushi 荊南節度使
123 55 jiān to merge; to combine 兼擅令人監守
124 55 jiān to double 兼擅令人監守
125 55 jiān to repeat; to accumulate 兼擅令人監守
126 55 jiān equal to 兼擅令人監守
127 55 jiān not selective; impartial 兼擅令人監守
128 51 Qi 強誘其言
129 51 Kangxi radical 63 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
130 51 a household; a family 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
131 51 a door 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
132 51 a company; a unit 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
133 51 family status 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
134 51 Hu 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
135 49 guān an office 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
136 49 guān an official; a government official 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
137 49 guān official; state-run 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
138 49 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
139 49 guān an official rank; an official title 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
140 49 guān governance 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
141 49 guān a sense organ 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
142 49 guān office 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
143 49 guān public 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
144 49 guān an organ 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
145 49 guān a polite form of address 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
146 49 guān Guan 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
147 49 guān to appoint 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
148 49 guān to hold a post 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
149 48 chōng to fill; to be full; to supply 充諸道鹽鐵等使
150 48 chōng sufficient; full 充諸道鹽鐵等使
151 48 chōng to serve as 充諸道鹽鐵等使
152 48 chōng to pose as 充諸道鹽鐵等使
153 48 chōng Chong 充諸道鹽鐵等使
154 47 shǒu to defend; to protect; to guard; to keep safe 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
155 47 shǒu to watch over 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
156 47 shǒu to observe; to abide by 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
157 47 shǒu to be near; to be close to 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
158 47 shǒu Governor 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
159 47 shǒu duty; an official post 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
160 47 shǒu personal integrity; moral character 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
161 47 shǒu Shou 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
162 47 shǒu to preserve; to conserve 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
163 47 shǒu to wait for 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
164 47 shǒu to rely on 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
165 47 shòu to hunt 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
166 46 dài bag; pouch; sack; pocket 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
167 46 dài a case 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
168 45 Li 淮南節度使李紳並檢校司空
169 45 plum 淮南節度使李紳並檢校司空
170 45 envoy; judge 淮南節度使李紳並檢校司空
171 45 平章 píngzhāng to discuss and deal with 同中書門下平章事
172 45 平章 píngzhāng to assess 同中書門下平章事
173 45 平章 píngzhāng Pingzhang 同中書門下平章事
174 45 平章 piánzhāng to clearly distinguish 同中書門下平章事
175 44 tóng like; same; similar 同中書門下平章事
176 44 tóng to be the same 同中書門下平章事
177 44 tòng an alley; a lane 同中書門下平章事
178 44 tóng to do something for somebody 同中書門下平章事
179 44 tóng Tong 同中書門下平章事
180 44 tóng to meet; to gather together; to join with 同中書門下平章事
181 44 tóng to be unified 同中書門下平章事
182 44 tóng to approve; to endorse 同中書門下平章事
183 44 tóng peace; harmony 同中書門下平章事
184 44 tóng an agreement 同中書門下平章事
185 44 大夫 dàifu doctor 以中散大夫
186 44 大夫 dàfū second level minister 以中散大夫
187 44 大夫 dàfū an expert 以中散大夫
188 44 大夫 dàfū Dafu 以中散大夫
189 44 fish 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
190 44 Kangxi radical 195 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
191 44 Yu [star] 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
192 44 fish-like object 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
193 44 Yu 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
194 43 紫金 zǐjīn Zijin 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
195 43 to take charge of; to manage; to administer 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
196 43 a department under a ministry 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
197 43 to bear 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
198 43 to observe; to inspect 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
199 43 a government official; an official 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
200 43 si 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
201 43 zòu to present; to offer 東都留守李石奏修奉太廟畢
202 43 zòu to present a memorial to the emperor 東都留守李石奏修奉太廟畢
203 43 zòu to play a musical instrument 東都留守李石奏修奉太廟畢
204 43 zòu to happen; to occur 東都留守李石奏修奉太廟畢
205 43 zòu a memorial to the throne 東都留守李石奏修奉太廟畢
206 43 zòu to go; to walk 東都留守李石奏修奉太廟畢
207 43 zòu modulation of rhythm 東都留守李石奏修奉太廟畢
208 42 開國 kāiguó to found a state 奇章郡開國公
209 42 開國 kāiguó to open a closed country 奇章郡開國公
210 41 食邑 shíyì a fiefdom 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
211 39 nián year 元和五年六月二十二日
212 39 nián New Year festival 元和五年六月二十二日
213 39 nián age 元和五年六月二十二日
214 39 nián life span; life expectancy 元和五年六月二十二日
215 39 nián an era; a period 元和五年六月二十二日
216 39 nián a date 元和五年六月二十二日
217 39 nián time; years 元和五年六月二十二日
218 39 nián harvest 元和五年六月二十二日
219 39 nián annual; every year 元和五年六月二十二日
220 39 zhī to know 而知禮者非之
221 39 zhī to comprehend 而知禮者非之
222 39 zhī to inform; to tell 而知禮者非之
223 39 zhī to administer 而知禮者非之
224 39 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 而知禮者非之
225 39 zhī to be close friends 而知禮者非之
226 39 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 而知禮者非之
227 39 zhī to receive; to entertain 而知禮者非之
228 39 zhī knowledge 而知禮者非之
229 39 zhī consciousness; perception 而知禮者非之
230 39 zhī a close friend 而知禮者非之
231 39 zhì wisdom 而知禮者非之
232 39 zhì Zhi 而知禮者非之
233 39 zhī to appreciate 而知禮者非之
234 39 zhī to make known 而知禮者非之
235 39 zhī to have control over 而知禮者非之
236 39 zhī to expect; to foresee 而知禮者非之
237 39 節度 jiédù a solar term 制劍南西川節度
238 39 節度 jiédù a law 制劍南西川節度
239 39 節度 jiédù Military Commissioner 制劍南西川節度
240 39 節度 jiédù economy; revenue 制劍南西川節度
241 38 jūn army; military 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
242 38 jūn soldiers; troops 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
243 38 jūn an organized collective 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
244 38 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
245 38 jūn a garrison 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
246 38 jūn a front 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
247 38 jūn penal miltary service 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
248 38 jūn to organize troops 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
249 38 rén person; people; a human being 此不宜人知者
250 38 rén Kangxi radical 9 此不宜人知者
251 38 rén a kind of person 此不宜人知者
252 38 rén everybody 此不宜人知者
253 38 rén adult 此不宜人知者
254 38 rén somebody; others 此不宜人知者
255 38 rén an upright person 此不宜人知者
256 37 chì an imperial decree 敕旨依奏
257 37 chì to order 敕旨依奏
258 37 chì to cultivate carefuly 敕旨依奏
259 37 chì a charm 敕旨依奏
260 37 chì to counsel; to advise 敕旨依奏
261 37 chì to organize; to rectify 敕旨依奏
262 37 Buddhist temple; monastery; mosque 以廢弘敬寺為太廟
263 37 a government office 以廢弘敬寺為太廟
264 37 a eunuch 以廢弘敬寺為太廟
265 36 yòu right; right-hand 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
266 36 yòu to help; to assist 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
267 36 yòu to; respect; to revere; to admire; to honor; to venerate 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
268 36 yòu to bless and protect 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
269 36 yòu an official building 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
270 36 yòu the west 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
271 36 yòu right wing; conservative 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
272 36 yòu super 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
273 36 yòu right 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
274 34 sān three 吏部三銓選士
275 34 sān third 吏部三銓選士
276 34 sān more than two 吏部三銓選士
277 34 sān very few 吏部三銓選士
278 34 sān San 吏部三銓選士
279 33 běn to be one's own 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
280 33 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
281 33 běn the roots of a plant 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
282 33 běn capital 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
283 33 běn main; central; primary 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
284 33 běn according to 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
285 33 běn a version; an edition 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
286 33 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
287 33 běn a book 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
288 33 běn trunk of a tree 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
289 33 běn to investigate the root of 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
290 33 běn a manuscript for a play 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
291 33 běn Ben 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
292 33 shū book 同中書門下平章事
293 33 shū document; manuscript 同中書門下平章事
294 33 shū letter 同中書門下平章事
295 33 shū the Cannon of Documents 同中書門下平章事
296 33 shū to write 同中書門下平章事
297 33 shū writing 同中書門下平章事
298 33 shū calligraphy; writing style 同中書門下平章事
299 33 shū Shu 同中書門下平章事
300 33 shū to record 同中書門下平章事
301 32 xià bottom 同中書門下平章事
302 32 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 同中書門下平章事
303 32 xià to announce 同中書門下平章事
304 32 xià to do 同中書門下平章事
305 32 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 同中書門下平章事
306 32 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 同中書門下平章事
307 32 xià inside 同中書門下平章事
308 32 xià an aspect 同中書門下平章事
309 32 xià a certain time 同中書門下平章事
310 32 xià to capture; to take 同中書門下平章事
311 32 xià to put in 同中書門下平章事
312 32 xià to enter 同中書門下平章事
313 32 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 同中書門下平章事
314 32 xià to finish work or school 同中書門下平章事
315 32 xià to go 同中書門下平章事
316 32 xià to scorn; to look down on 同中書門下平章事
317 32 xià to modestly decline 同中書門下平章事
318 32 xià to produce 同中書門下平章事
319 32 xià to stay at; to lodge at 同中書門下平章事
320 32 xià to decide 同中書門下平章事
321 32 xià to be less than 同中書門下平章事
322 32 xià humble; lowly 同中書門下平章事
323 32 zhèng [state of] Zheng 母曰孝明皇后鄭氏
324 32 zhèng Zheng 母曰孝明皇后鄭氏
325 32 to criticize 又下百僚議
326 32 to discuss 又下百僚議
327 32 to select; to choose 又下百僚議
328 32 an idea; an opinion; a suggestion; an objection 又下百僚議
329 32 to evaluate 又下百僚議
330 32 views; remarks; arguments 又下百僚議
331 32 argument 又下百僚議
332 32 suǒ a few; various; some 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
333 32 suǒ a place; a location 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
334 32 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
335 32 suǒ an ordinal number 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
336 32 suǒ meaning 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
337 32 suǒ garrison 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
338 31 yuē to speak; to say 母曰孝明皇后鄭氏
339 31 yuē Kangxi radical 73 母曰孝明皇后鄭氏
340 31 yuē to be called 母曰孝明皇后鄭氏
341 31 wáng Wang 封光王
342 31 wáng a king 封光王
343 31 wáng Kangxi radical 96 封光王
344 31 wàng to be king; to rule 封光王
345 31 wáng a prince; a duke 封光王
346 31 wáng grand; great 封光王
347 31 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 封光王
348 31 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 封光王
349 31 wáng the head of a group or gang 封光王
350 31 wáng the biggest or best of a group 封光王
351 31 御史大夫 yùshǐ dàifu Imperial Secretary 兼御史大夫
352 30 cháo to face 會昌朝
353 30 cháo dynasty 會昌朝
354 30 cháo Korea 會昌朝
355 30 zhāo morning; dawn 會昌朝
356 30 cháo the imperial court 會昌朝
357 30 zhāo a day 會昌朝
358 30 zhāo Zhao 會昌朝
359 30 zhāo having vitality 會昌朝
360 30 cháo to meet somebody; to visit 會昌朝
361 30 cháo to worship 會昌朝
362 30 zhāo early 會昌朝
363 29 戶部 hùbù Ministry of Revenue 以戶部侍郎
364 29 qǐng to ask; to inquire 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
365 29 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
366 29 qǐng to beg; to entreat 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
367 29 qǐng please 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
368 29 qǐng to request 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
369 29 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
370 29 qǐng to make an appointment 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
371 29 qǐng to greet 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
372 29 qǐng to invite 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
373 29 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 俾令耕田以為業
374 29 lìng to issue a command 俾令耕田以為業
375 29 lìng rules of behavior; customs 俾令耕田以為業
376 29 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 俾令耕田以為業
377 29 lìng a season 俾令耕田以為業
378 29 lìng respected; good reputation 俾令耕田以為業
379 29 lìng good 俾令耕田以為業
380 29 lìng pretentious 俾令耕田以為業
381 29 lìng a transcending state of existence 俾令耕田以為業
382 29 lìng a commander 俾令耕田以為業
383 29 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 俾令耕田以為業
384 29 lìng lyrics 俾令耕田以為業
385 29 lìng Ling 俾令耕田以為業
386 28 can; may; permissible 今兩都異廟可也
387 28 to approve; to permit 今兩都異廟可也
388 28 to be worth 今兩都異廟可也
389 28 to suit; to fit 今兩都異廟可也
390 28 khan 今兩都異廟可也
391 28 to recover 今兩都異廟可也
392 28 to act as 今兩都異廟可也
393 28 to be worth; to deserve 今兩都異廟可也
394 28 used to add emphasis 今兩都異廟可也
395 28 beautiful 今兩都異廟可也
396 28 Ke 今兩都異廟可也
397 28 zuǒ left 先勘左藏庫
398 28 zuǒ unorthodox; improper 先勘左藏庫
399 28 zuǒ east 先勘左藏庫
400 28 zuǒ to bring 先勘左藏庫
401 28 zuǒ to violate; to be contrary to 先勘左藏庫
402 28 zuǒ Zuo 先勘左藏庫
403 28 zuǒ extreme 先勘左藏庫
404 28 觀察 guānchá to observe; to look carefully 鄭滑觀察等使
405 28 觀察 guānchá Surveillence Commissioner 鄭滑觀察等使
406 27 zhì to create; to make; to manufacture 制皇長男溫可封鄆王
407 27 zhì to formulate; to regulate; to designate 制皇長男溫可封鄆王
408 27 zhì a system; laws; rules; regulations 制皇長男溫可封鄆王
409 27 zhì to overpower; to control; to restrict 制皇長男溫可封鄆王
410 27 zhì to cut 制皇長男溫可封鄆王
411 27 zhì a style 制皇長男溫可封鄆王
412 27 zhì zhi 制皇長男溫可封鄆王
413 27 zhì an imperial order 制皇長男溫可封鄆王
414 27 zhì to establish; to create; to make; to manufacture 制皇長男溫可封鄆王
415 27 zhì to consider and decide 制皇長男溫可封鄆王
416 27 zhì the funeral of a relative 制皇長男溫可封鄆王
417 27 zhì to tailor; to make clothes 制皇長男溫可封鄆王
418 27 zhì writing; literature 制皇長男溫可封鄆王
419 27 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 淮南節度使李紳並檢校司空
420 27 bìng to combine 淮南節度使李紳並檢校司空
421 27 bìng to resemble; to be like 淮南節度使李紳並檢校司空
422 27 bìng to stand side-by-side 淮南節度使李紳並檢校司空
423 27 bīng Taiyuan 淮南節度使李紳並檢校司空
424 27 bìng equally; both; together 淮南節度使李紳並檢校司空
425 26 èr two 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
426 26 èr Kangxi radical 7 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
427 26 èr second 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
428 26 èr twice; double; di- 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
429 26 èr more than one kind 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
430 26 cuī Cui 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
431 26 cuī high; lofty 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
432 25 nán male 二男涇可封雅王
433 25 nán male 二男涇可封雅王
434 25 nán a baron 二男涇可封雅王
435 25 nán Nan 二男涇可封雅王
436 25 yǐn to govern 江陵尹
437 25 yǐn director 江陵尹
438 25 fēn to separate; to divide into parts 分司東都
439 25 fēn a part; a section; a division; a portion 分司東都
440 25 fēn to distribute; to share; to assign; to allot 分司東都
441 25 fēn to differentiate; to distinguish 分司東都
442 25 fēn a fraction 分司東都
443 25 fēn to express as a fraction 分司東都
444 25 fēn one tenth 分司東都
445 25 fèn a component; an ingredient 分司東都
446 25 fèn the limit of an obligation 分司東都
447 25 fèn affection; goodwill 分司東都
448 25 fèn a role; a responsibility 分司東都
449 25 fēn equinox 分司東都
450 25 fèn a characteristic 分司東都
451 25 fèn to assume; to deduce 分司東都
452 25 fēn to share 分司東都
453 25 fēn branch [office] 分司東都
454 25 fēn clear; distinct 分司東都
455 25 fēn a difference 分司東都
456 25 fēn a score 分司東都
457 25 fèn identity 分司東都
458 25 fèn a part; a portion 分司東都
459 24 shǎo few 東都留守李德裕為太子少保
460 24 shǎo to decrease; to lessen; to lose 東都留守李德裕為太子少保
461 24 shǎo to be inadequate; to be insufficient 東都留守李德裕為太子少保
462 24 shǎo to be less than 東都留守李德裕為太子少保
463 24 shǎo to despise; to scorn; to look down on 東都留守李德裕為太子少保
464 24 shào young 東都留守李德裕為太子少保
465 24 shào youth 東都留守李德裕為太子少保
466 24 shào a youth; a young person 東都留守李德裕為太子少保
467 24 shào Shao 東都留守李德裕為太子少保
468 24 capital city 無兩都俱置之禮
469 24 a city; a metropolis 無兩都俱置之禮
470 24 dōu all 無兩都俱置之禮
471 24 elegant; refined 無兩都俱置之禮
472 24 Du 無兩都俱置之禮
473 24 to establish a capital city 無兩都俱置之禮
474 24 to reside 無兩都俱置之禮
475 24 to total; to tally 無兩都俱置之禮
476 24 qīng minister; high officer 大理卿馬植為金紫光祿大夫
477 24 qīng Qing 大理卿馬植為金紫光祿大夫
478 23 quán authority; power 權勾當軍國政事
479 23 quán authority; power 權勾當軍國政事
480 23 quán a sliding weight 權勾當軍國政事
481 23 quán Quan 權勾當軍國政事
482 23 quán to assess; to weigh 權勾當軍國政事
483 23 quán a right 權勾當軍國政事
484 23 quán an advantage 權勾當軍國政事
485 23 quán adaptive; flexible 權勾當軍國政事
486 23 quán a kind of tree 權勾當軍國政事
487 23 Kangxi radical 49 立太祖已下神主付之
488 23 to bring to an end; to stop 立太祖已下神主付之
489 23 to complete 立太祖已下神主付之
490 23 to demote; to dismiss 立太祖已下神主付之
491 23 to recover from an illness 立太祖已下神主付之
492 23 an official institution; a state bureau 令分析出次弱疋段州府
493 23 a prefecture; a prefect 令分析出次弱疋段州府
494 23 a respectful reference to a residence 令分析出次弱疋段州府
495 23 a repository 令分析出次弱疋段州府
496 23 a meeting place 令分析出次弱疋段州府
497 23 the residence of a high-ranking official; a prefect 令分析出次弱疋段州府
498 23 Fu 令分析出次弱疋段州府
499 23 yín silver 銀青光祿大夫
500 23 yín silver 銀青光祿大夫

Frequencies of all Words

Top 860

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 181 so as to; in order to 賜以玉如意
2 181 to use; to regard as 賜以玉如意
3 181 to use; to grasp 賜以玉如意
4 181 according to 賜以玉如意
5 181 because of 賜以玉如意
6 181 on a certain date 賜以玉如意
7 181 and; as well as 賜以玉如意
8 181 to rely on 賜以玉如意
9 181 to regard 賜以玉如意
10 181 to be able to 賜以玉如意
11 181 to order; to command 賜以玉如意
12 181 further; moreover 賜以玉如意
13 181 used after a verb 賜以玉如意
14 181 very 賜以玉如意
15 181 already 賜以玉如意
16 181 increasingly 賜以玉如意
17 181 a reason; a cause 賜以玉如意
18 181 Israel 賜以玉如意
19 181 Yi 賜以玉如意
20 129 zhī him; her; them; that 穆宗視之
21 129 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 穆宗視之
22 129 zhī to go 穆宗視之
23 129 zhī this; that 穆宗視之
24 129 zhī genetive marker 穆宗視之
25 129 zhī it 穆宗視之
26 129 zhī in; in regards to 穆宗視之
27 129 zhī all 穆宗視之
28 129 zhī and 穆宗視之
29 129 zhī however 穆宗視之
30 129 zhī if 穆宗視之
31 129 zhī then 穆宗視之
32 129 zhī to arrive; to go 穆宗視之
33 129 zhī is 穆宗視之
34 129 zhī to use 穆宗視之
35 129 zhī Zhi 穆宗視之
36 129 zhī winding 穆宗視之
37 127 wèi for; to 遺詔立為皇太叔
38 127 wèi because of 遺詔立為皇太叔
39 127 wéi to act as; to serve 遺詔立為皇太叔
40 127 wéi to change into; to become 遺詔立為皇太叔
41 127 wéi to be; is 遺詔立為皇太叔
42 127 wéi to do 遺詔立為皇太叔
43 127 wèi for 遺詔立為皇太叔
44 127 wèi because of; for; to 遺詔立為皇太叔
45 127 wèi to 遺詔立為皇太叔
46 127 wéi in a passive construction 遺詔立為皇太叔
47 127 wéi forming a rehetorical question 遺詔立為皇太叔
48 127 wéi forming an adverb 遺詔立為皇太叔
49 127 wéi to add emphasis 遺詔立為皇太叔
50 127 wèi to support; to help 遺詔立為皇太叔
51 127 wéi to govern 遺詔立為皇太叔
52 93 shàng top; a high position 上柱國
53 93 shang top; the position on or above something 上柱國
54 93 shàng to go up; to go forward 上柱國
55 93 shàng shang 上柱國
56 93 shàng previous; last 上柱國
57 93 shàng high; higher 上柱國
58 93 shàng advanced 上柱國
59 93 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上柱國
60 93 shàng time 上柱國
61 93 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上柱國
62 93 shàng far 上柱國
63 93 shàng big; as big as 上柱國
64 93 shàng abundant; plentiful 上柱國
65 93 shàng to report 上柱國
66 93 shàng to offer 上柱國
67 93 shàng to go on stage 上柱國
68 93 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上柱國
69 93 shàng to install; to erect 上柱國
70 93 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上柱國
71 93 shàng to burn 上柱國
72 93 shàng to remember 上柱國
73 93 shang on; in 上柱國
74 93 shàng upward 上柱國
75 93 shàng to add 上柱國
76 93 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上柱國
77 93 shàng to meet 上柱國
78 93 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上柱國
79 93 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上柱國
80 93 shàng a musical note 上柱國
81 85 使 shǐ to make; to cause 充諸道鹽鐵等使
82 85 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 充諸道鹽鐵等使
83 85 使 shǐ to indulge 充諸道鹽鐵等使
84 85 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 充諸道鹽鐵等使
85 85 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 充諸道鹽鐵等使
86 85 使 shǐ to dispatch 充諸道鹽鐵等使
87 85 使 shǐ if 充諸道鹽鐵等使
88 85 使 shǐ to use 充諸道鹽鐵等使
89 85 使 shǐ to be able to 充諸道鹽鐵等使
90 82 shì matter; thing; item 愈事韜晦
91 82 shì to serve 愈事韜晦
92 82 shì a government post 愈事韜晦
93 82 shì duty; post; work 愈事韜晦
94 82 shì occupation 愈事韜晦
95 82 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 愈事韜晦
96 82 shì an accident 愈事韜晦
97 82 shì to attend 愈事韜晦
98 82 shì an allusion 愈事韜晦
99 82 shì a condition; a state; a situation 愈事韜晦
100 82 shì to engage in 愈事韜晦
101 82 shì to enslave 愈事韜晦
102 82 shì to pursue 愈事韜晦
103 82 shì to administer 愈事韜晦
104 82 shì to appoint 愈事韜晦
105 82 shì a piece 愈事韜晦
106 79 檢校 jiǎnxiào to check; to verify; to proof-read 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
107 79 檢校 jiǎnxiào Inspector 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
108 74 guó a country; a nation 上柱國
109 74 guó the capital of a state 上柱國
110 74 guó a feud; a vassal state 上柱國
111 74 guó a state; a kingdom 上柱國
112 74 guó a place; a land 上柱國
113 74 guó domestic; Chinese 上柱國
114 74 guó national 上柱國
115 74 guó top in the nation 上柱國
116 74 guó Guo 上柱國
117 74 刺史 cìshǐ Regional Inspector 刺史有奇才異政之士
118 68 děng et cetera; and so on 充諸道鹽鐵等使
119 68 děng to wait 充諸道鹽鐵等使
120 68 děng degree; kind 充諸道鹽鐵等使
121 68 děng plural 充諸道鹽鐵等使
122 68 děng to be equal 充諸道鹽鐵等使
123 68 děng degree; level 充諸道鹽鐵等使
124 68 děng to compare 充諸道鹽鐵等使
125 68 zhù a pillar; a post 上柱國
126 68 zhù to support 上柱國
127 68 zhù to lean on 上柱國
128 67 zhōu a state; a province 令分析出次弱疋段州府
129 67 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 令分析出次弱疋段州府
130 67 zhōu a prefecture 令分析出次弱疋段州府
131 67 zhōu a country 令分析出次弱疋段州府
132 67 zhōu an island 令分析出次弱疋段州府
133 67 zhōu Zhou 令分析出次弱疋段州府
134 67 zhōu autonomous prefecture 令分析出次弱疋段州府
135 67 zhōu a country 令分析出次弱疋段州府
136 66 尚書 shàng shū Book of Documents; Book of History; Shangshu 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
137 66 尚書 shàngshū a high official 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
138 62 侍郎 shìláng an assistant minister 以兵部侍郎
139 58 to give; to bestow favors 賜以玉如意
140 58 grace; favor; a gift 賜以玉如意
141 58 to award; to appoint 賜以玉如意
142 58 to do in full 賜以玉如意
143 58 to bestow an honorific title 賜以玉如意
144 57 zhōng middle 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
145 57 zhōng medium; medium sized 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
146 57 zhōng China 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
147 57 zhòng to hit the mark 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
148 57 zhōng in; amongst 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
149 57 zhōng midday 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
150 57 zhōng inside 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
151 57 zhōng during 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
152 57 zhōng Zhong 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
153 57 zhōng intermediary 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
154 57 zhōng half 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
155 57 zhōng just right; suitably 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
156 57 zhōng while 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
157 57 zhòng to reach; to attain 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
158 57 zhòng to suffer; to infect 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
159 57 zhòng to obtain 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
160 57 zhòng to pass an exam 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
161 56 節度使 jiédùshǐ military commissioner; jiedushi 荊南節度使
162 55 jiān simultaneously 兼擅令人監守
163 55 jiān to merge; to combine 兼擅令人監守
164 55 jiān to double 兼擅令人監守
165 55 jiān to repeat; to accumulate 兼擅令人監守
166 55 jiān all; totally; entirely 兼擅令人監守
167 55 jiān in addition to; also 兼擅令人監守
168 55 jiān equal to 兼擅令人監守
169 55 jiān not selective; impartial 兼擅令人監守
170 55 jiān even more; exceeding 兼擅令人監守
171 51 his; hers; its; theirs 強誘其言
172 51 to add emphasis 強誘其言
173 51 used when asking a question in reply to a question 強誘其言
174 51 used when making a request or giving an order 強誘其言
175 51 he; her; it; them 強誘其言
176 51 probably; likely 強誘其言
177 51 will 強誘其言
178 51 may 強誘其言
179 51 if 強誘其言
180 51 or 強誘其言
181 51 Qi 強誘其言
182 51 a measure word for companies, households, door, families, etc 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
183 51 Kangxi radical 63 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
184 51 a household; a family 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
185 51 a door 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
186 51 a company; a unit 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
187 51 family status 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
188 51 Hu 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
189 49 guān an office 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
190 49 guān an official; a government official 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
191 49 guān official; state-run 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
192 49 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
193 49 guān an official rank; an official title 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
194 49 guān governance 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
195 49 guān a sense organ 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
196 49 guān office 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
197 49 guān public 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
198 49 guān an organ 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
199 49 guān a polite form of address 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
200 49 guān Guan 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
201 49 guān to appoint 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
202 49 guān to hold a post 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
203 48 chōng to fill; to be full; to supply 充諸道鹽鐵等使
204 48 chōng sufficient; full 充諸道鹽鐵等使
205 48 chōng to serve as 充諸道鹽鐵等使
206 48 chōng to pose as 充諸道鹽鐵等使
207 48 chōng Chong 充諸道鹽鐵等使
208 47 shǒu to defend; to protect; to guard; to keep safe 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
209 47 shǒu to watch over 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
210 47 shǒu to observe; to abide by 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
211 47 shǒu to be near; to be close to 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
212 47 shǒu Governor 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
213 47 shǒu duty; an official post 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
214 47 shǒu personal integrity; moral character 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
215 47 shǒu Shou 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
216 47 shǒu to preserve; to conserve 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
217 47 shǒu to wait for 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
218 47 shǒu to rely on 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
219 47 shòu to hunt 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
220 46 dài bag; pouch; sack; pocket 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
221 46 dài bag of; sack of 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
222 46 dài a case 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
223 45 Li 淮南節度使李紳並檢校司空
224 45 plum 淮南節度使李紳並檢校司空
225 45 envoy; judge 淮南節度使李紳並檢校司空
226 45 平章 píngzhāng to discuss and deal with 同中書門下平章事
227 45 平章 píngzhāng to assess 同中書門下平章事
228 45 平章 píngzhāng Pingzhang 同中書門下平章事
229 45 平章 piánzhāng to clearly distinguish 同中書門下平章事
230 44 tóng like; same; similar 同中書門下平章事
231 44 tóng simultaneously; coincide 同中書門下平章事
232 44 tóng together 同中書門下平章事
233 44 tóng together 同中書門下平章事
234 44 tóng to be the same 同中書門下平章事
235 44 tòng an alley; a lane 同中書門下平章事
236 44 tóng same- 同中書門下平章事
237 44 tóng to do something for somebody 同中書門下平章事
238 44 tóng Tong 同中書門下平章事
239 44 tóng to meet; to gather together; to join with 同中書門下平章事
240 44 tóng to be unified 同中書門下平章事
241 44 tóng to approve; to endorse 同中書門下平章事
242 44 tóng peace; harmony 同中書門下平章事
243 44 tóng an agreement 同中書門下平章事
244 44 大夫 dàifu doctor 以中散大夫
245 44 大夫 dàfū second level minister 以中散大夫
246 44 大夫 dàfū an expert 以中散大夫
247 44 大夫 dàfū Dafu 以中散大夫
248 44 fish 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
249 44 Kangxi radical 195 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
250 44 Yu [star] 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
251 44 fish-like object 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
252 44 Yu 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
253 43 紫金 zǐjīn Zijin 賜紫金魚袋韋琮以本官同中書門下平章事
254 43 to take charge of; to manage; to administer 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
255 43 a department under a ministry 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
256 43 to bear 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
257 43 to observe; to inspect 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
258 43 a government official; an official 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
259 43 si 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
260 43 yǒu is; are; to exist 忽有光輝燭身
261 43 yǒu to have; to possess 忽有光輝燭身
262 43 yǒu indicates an estimate 忽有光輝燭身
263 43 yǒu indicates a large quantity 忽有光輝燭身
264 43 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 忽有光輝燭身
265 43 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 忽有光輝燭身
266 43 yǒu used to compare two things 忽有光輝燭身
267 43 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 忽有光輝燭身
268 43 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 忽有光輝燭身
269 43 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 忽有光輝燭身
270 43 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 忽有光輝燭身
271 43 yǒu abundant 忽有光輝燭身
272 43 yǒu purposeful 忽有光輝燭身
273 43 yǒu You 忽有光輝燭身
274 43 zòu to present; to offer 東都留守李石奏修奉太廟畢
275 43 zòu to present a memorial to the emperor 東都留守李石奏修奉太廟畢
276 43 zòu to play a musical instrument 東都留守李石奏修奉太廟畢
277 43 zòu to happen; to occur 東都留守李石奏修奉太廟畢
278 43 zòu a memorial to the throne 東都留守李石奏修奉太廟畢
279 43 zòu to go; to walk 東都留守李石奏修奉太廟畢
280 43 zòu modulation of rhythm 東都留守李石奏修奉太廟畢
281 42 開國 kāiguó to found a state 奇章郡開國公
282 42 開國 kāiguó to open a closed country 奇章郡開國公
283 41 食邑 shíyì a fiefdom 食邑二千戶李德裕檢校太尉
284 39 nián year 元和五年六月二十二日
285 39 nián New Year festival 元和五年六月二十二日
286 39 nián age 元和五年六月二十二日
287 39 nián life span; life expectancy 元和五年六月二十二日
288 39 nián an era; a period 元和五年六月二十二日
289 39 nián a date 元和五年六月二十二日
290 39 nián time; years 元和五年六月二十二日
291 39 nián harvest 元和五年六月二十二日
292 39 nián annual; every year 元和五年六月二十二日
293 39 zhī to know 而知禮者非之
294 39 zhī to comprehend 而知禮者非之
295 39 zhī to inform; to tell 而知禮者非之
296 39 zhī to administer 而知禮者非之
297 39 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 而知禮者非之
298 39 zhī to be close friends 而知禮者非之
299 39 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 而知禮者非之
300 39 zhī to receive; to entertain 而知禮者非之
301 39 zhī knowledge 而知禮者非之
302 39 zhī consciousness; perception 而知禮者非之
303 39 zhī a close friend 而知禮者非之
304 39 zhì wisdom 而知禮者非之
305 39 zhì Zhi 而知禮者非之
306 39 zhī to appreciate 而知禮者非之
307 39 zhī to make known 而知禮者非之
308 39 zhī to have control over 而知禮者非之
309 39 zhī to expect; to foresee 而知禮者非之
310 39 節度 jiédù a solar term 制劍南西川節度
311 39 節度 jiédù a law 制劍南西川節度
312 39 節度 jiédù Military Commissioner 制劍南西川節度
313 39 節度 jiédù economy; revenue 制劍南西川節度
314 38 jūn army; military 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
315 38 jūn soldiers; troops 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
316 38 jūn an organized collective 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
317 38 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
318 38 jūn a garrison 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
319 38 jūn a front 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
320 38 jūn penal miltary service 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
321 38 jūn to organize troops 以成德軍節度使王元逵檢校太保
322 38 rén person; people; a human being 此不宜人知者
323 38 rén Kangxi radical 9 此不宜人知者
324 38 rén a kind of person 此不宜人知者
325 38 rén everybody 此不宜人知者
326 38 rén adult 此不宜人知者
327 38 rén somebody; others 此不宜人知者
328 38 rén an upright person 此不宜人知者
329 37 chì an imperial decree 敕旨依奏
330 37 chì to order 敕旨依奏
331 37 chì to cultivate carefuly 敕旨依奏
332 37 chì a charm 敕旨依奏
333 37 chì to counsel; to advise 敕旨依奏
334 37 chì to organize; to rectify 敕旨依奏
335 37 Buddhist temple; monastery; mosque 以廢弘敬寺為太廟
336 37 a government office 以廢弘敬寺為太廟
337 37 a eunuch 以廢弘敬寺為太廟
338 36 yòu right; right-hand 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
339 36 yòu to help; to assist 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
340 36 yòu to; respect; to revere; to admire; to honor; to venerate 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
341 36 yòu to bless and protect 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
342 36 yòu an official building 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
343 36 yòu the west 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
344 36 yòu right wing; conservative 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
345 36 yòu super 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
346 36 yòu right 劍南西川節度使崔鄲檢校尚書右僕射
347 34 sān three 吏部三銓選士
348 34 sān third 吏部三銓選士
349 34 sān more than two 吏部三銓選士
350 34 sān very few 吏部三銓選士
351 34 sān repeatedly 吏部三銓選士
352 34 sān San 吏部三銓選士
353 33 běn measure word for books 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
354 33 běn this (city, week, etc) 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
355 33 běn originally; formerly 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
356 33 běn to be one's own 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
357 33 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
358 33 běn the roots of a plant 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
359 33 běn self 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
360 33 běn measure word for flowering plants 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
361 33 běn capital 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
362 33 běn main; central; primary 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
363 33 běn according to 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
364 33 běn a version; an edition 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
365 33 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
366 33 běn a book 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
367 33 běn trunk of a tree 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
368 33 běn to investigate the root of 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
369 33 běn a manuscript for a play 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
370 33 běn Ben 翰林學士承旨白敏中守本官
371 33 shū book 同中書門下平章事
372 33 shū document; manuscript 同中書門下平章事
373 33 shū letter 同中書門下平章事
374 33 shū the Cannon of Documents 同中書門下平章事
375 33 shū to write 同中書門下平章事
376 33 shū writing 同中書門下平章事
377 33 shū calligraphy; writing style 同中書門下平章事
378 33 shū Shu 同中書門下平章事
379 33 shū to record 同中書門下平章事
380 32 xià next 同中書門下平章事
381 32 xià bottom 同中書門下平章事
382 32 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 同中書門下平章事
383 32 xià measure word for time 同中書門下平章事
384 32 xià expresses completion of an action 同中書門下平章事
385 32 xià to announce 同中書門下平章事
386 32 xià to do 同中書門下平章事
387 32 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 同中書門下平章事
388 32 xià under; below 同中書門下平章事
389 32 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 同中書門下平章事
390 32 xià inside 同中書門下平章事
391 32 xià an aspect 同中書門下平章事
392 32 xià a certain time 同中書門下平章事
393 32 xià a time; an instance 同中書門下平章事
394 32 xià to capture; to take 同中書門下平章事
395 32 xià to put in 同中書門下平章事
396 32 xià to enter 同中書門下平章事
397 32 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 同中書門下平章事
398 32 xià to finish work or school 同中書門下平章事
399 32 xià to go 同中書門下平章事
400 32 xià to scorn; to look down on 同中書門下平章事
401 32 xià to modestly decline 同中書門下平章事
402 32 xià to produce 同中書門下平章事
403 32 xià to stay at; to lodge at 同中書門下平章事
404 32 xià to decide 同中書門下平章事
405 32 xià to be less than 同中書門下平章事
406 32 xià humble; lowly 同中書門下平章事
407 32 zhèng [state of] Zheng 母曰孝明皇后鄭氏
408 32 zhèng Zheng 母曰孝明皇后鄭氏
409 32 zhèng frequently; repeatedly 母曰孝明皇后鄭氏
410 32 zhèng catiously; solemnly 母曰孝明皇后鄭氏
411 32 to criticize 又下百僚議
412 32 to discuss 又下百僚議
413 32 to select; to choose 又下百僚議
414 32 an idea; an opinion; a suggestion; an objection 又下百僚議
415 32 to evaluate 又下百僚議
416 32 views; remarks; arguments 又下百僚議
417 32 argument 又下百僚議
418 32 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
419 32 suǒ an office; an institute 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
420 32 suǒ introduces a relative clause 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
421 32 suǒ it 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
422 32 suǒ if; supposing 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
423 32 suǒ a few; various; some 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
424 32 suǒ a place; a location 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
425 32 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
426 32 suǒ that which 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
427 32 suǒ an ordinal number 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
428 32 suǒ meaning 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
429 32 suǒ garrison 所司迎奉太微宮神主祔廟訖
430 31 yuē to speak; to say 母曰孝明皇后鄭氏
431 31 yuē Kangxi radical 73 母曰孝明皇后鄭氏
432 31 yuē to be called 母曰孝明皇后鄭氏
433 31 yuē particle without meaning 母曰孝明皇后鄭氏
434 31 wáng Wang 封光王
435 31 wáng a king 封光王
436 31 wáng Kangxi radical 96 封光王
437 31 wàng to be king; to rule 封光王
438 31 wáng a prince; a duke 封光王
439 31 wáng grand; great 封光王
440 31 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 封光王
441 31 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 封光王
442 31 wáng the head of a group or gang 封光王
443 31 wáng the biggest or best of a group 封光王
444 31 御史大夫 yùshǐ dàifu Imperial Secretary 兼御史大夫
445 30 cháo to face 會昌朝
446 30 cháo dynasty 會昌朝
447 30 cháo Korea 會昌朝
448 30 zhāo morning; dawn 會昌朝
449 30 cháo the imperial court 會昌朝
450 30 zhāo a day 會昌朝
451 30 zhāo Zhao 會昌朝
452 30 zhāo having vitality 會昌朝
453 30 cháo to meet somebody; to visit 會昌朝
454 30 cháo to worship 會昌朝
455 30 zhāo early 會昌朝
456 29 戶部 hùbù Ministry of Revenue 以戶部侍郎
457 29 qǐng to ask; to inquire 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
458 29 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
459 29 qǐng to beg; to entreat 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
460 29 qǐng please 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
461 29 qǐng to request 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
462 29 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
463 29 qǐng to make an appointment 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
464 29 qǐng to greet 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
465 29 qǐng to invite 禮儀使顏真卿堅請歸祔
466 29 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 俾令耕田以為業
467 29 lìng to issue a command 俾令耕田以為業
468 29 lìng rules of behavior; customs 俾令耕田以為業
469 29 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 俾令耕田以為業
470 29 lìng a season 俾令耕田以為業
471 29 lìng respected; good reputation 俾令耕田以為業
472 29 lìng good 俾令耕田以為業
473 29 lìng pretentious 俾令耕田以為業
474 29 lìng a transcending state of existence 俾令耕田以為業
475 29 lìng a commander 俾令耕田以為業
476 29 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 俾令耕田以為業
477 29 lìng lyrics 俾令耕田以為業
478 29 lìng Ling 俾令耕田以為業
479 28 such as; for example; for instance 如對臣僚
480 28 if 如對臣僚
481 28 in accordance with 如對臣僚
482 28 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 如對臣僚
483 28 this 如對臣僚
484 28 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 如對臣僚
485 28 to go to 如對臣僚
486 28 to meet 如對臣僚
487 28 to appear; to seem; to be like 如對臣僚
488 28 at least as good as 如對臣僚
489 28 and 如對臣僚
490 28 or 如對臣僚
491 28 but 如對臣僚
492 28 then 如對臣僚
493 28 naturally 如對臣僚
494 28 expresses a question or doubt 如對臣僚
495 28 you 如對臣僚
496 28 the second lunar month 如對臣僚
497 28 in; at 如對臣僚
498 28 Ru 如對臣僚
499 28 can; may; permissible 今兩都異廟可也
500 28 but 今兩都異廟可也

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安禄山 安祿山 196 An Lushan
安国 安國 196 Anguo
安乐 安樂 196
  1. peaceful and happy; content
  2. Anle
  3. Anle district
安南 196
  1. Annam
  2. Annan
安塞 196 Ansai
宝历 寶曆 98 Baoli
宝应 寶應 66
  1. Baoying
  2. Baoying
  3. Baoying
八月 98 August; the Eighth Month
北平 98 Beiping
北庭 98 Beiting
本州 98 Honshū
  1. Bian River
  2. Henan
  3. Bian
汴州 98 Bianzhou
98 Bin
兵部 98 Ministry of War
邠州 98 Binzhou
98 Bo
渤海 98 Bohai Sea
亳州 98 Bozhou
长安令 長安令 99 Prefect of Chang'an
长乐 長樂 99 Changle
常平 99 Changping
潮州 99
  1. Chaozhou
  2. Chaochou
成都 99 Chengdu
郴州 99 Chenzhou
崇礼 崇禮 99 Chongli
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
大内 大內 100 Main Imperial Palace
大中 100 Da Zhong reign
大安 100
  1. great peace
  2. Ta'an
  3. Da'an
  4. Da'an; Ta'an
大和 100
  1. Yamato
  2. Dahe
代州 100 Daizhou; Dai prefecture
大历 大曆 100 Dali
大理 100
  1. Dali [kingdom]
  2. Superintendent of Law Enforcement
  3. a major principle; a general truth
  4. Dali [county]
大明 100
  1. the sun
  2. the moon
  3. Da Ming
  4. Da Ming reign
  5. Ming dynasty
100 Dan
党项 黨項 100
  1. Dang Xiang; Tangut People
  2. Tangut
大宁 大寧 100 Daning
大学士 大學士 100 an ancient title for college professor
定远 定遠 100 Dingyuan
定州 100 Dingzhou
东都 東都 100 Luoyang
东川 東川 100 Dongchuan
东京 東京 100
  1. Tokyo
  2. Luoyang
  3. Dongjing Circuit
二月 195 February; the Second Month
鄂州 195 Ezhou
方士 70 a Taoist master; alchemist; necromancer
防御使 防禦使 102 Defense Commissioner
范阳 范陽 102 Fanyang
凤翔 鳳翔 102 Fengxiang
扶风 扶風 102 Fufeng
扶风县 扶風縣 102 Fufeng County
福建 102 Fujian
驸马都尉 駙馬都尉 102 Commandant Escort
福州 102 Fuzhou
宫人 宮人 103
  1. imperial concubine; palace maid
  2. imperial secretary
公事 103 public affairs; official (matters, duties etc)
观察使 觀察使 103 Surveillence Commissioner
光禄大夫 光祿大夫 103 Glorious grand master
广德 廣德 103 Guangde
广州 廣州 103 Guangzhou
  1. Guangxi
  2. cassia; cinnamon
  3. Gui
归义军 歸義軍 103 Gui Yijun
  1. Guo
  2. Guo
国子祭酒 國子祭酒 103 Chancellor of the National University
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
汉文 漢文 104 written Chinese language
河东 河東 104
  1. Hedong
  2. Hedong
河南府 104 Hennan Provincial Capital
河西 104 Hexi
贺州 賀州 104 Hezhou
洪州 104 Hongzhou
华州 華州 104 Washington state
104 Huai River
淮南 104 Huainan
皇太子 104 Crown Prince
皇甫 104 Huangfu
黄河 黃河 104 Yellow River
黄门 黃門 104 Huangmen
华清宫 華清宮 104 HuaQing Palace
户部 戶部 104 Ministry of Revenue
户部尚书 戶部尚書 104 Minister of Revenue (from the Han dynasty onwards)
会昌 會昌 104 Huichang
回鹘 回鶻 104 Huihu
户口 戶口 104 Hukou; registered residence
湖南 104 Hunan
湖州 104 Huzhou
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
监察御史 監察御史 106 Investigating Censor
江都 106 Jiangdu
江陵 106
  1. Jiangling
  2. Gangneung
江南西道 106 Jiangnanxi Circuit
谏官 諫官 106
  1. Remonstrance Official
  2. Remonstrance Official
江西 106 Jiangxi
剑南 劍南 106 Jiannan
监修国史 監修國史 106 Director of National History
谏议大夫 諫議大夫 106 Remonstrance Official
建中 106 Jianzhong
甲戌 106 eleventh year A11 of the 60 year cycle
节度使 節度使 106 military commissioner; jiedushi
己亥 106 Jihai year; thirty sixth year
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
晋国 晉國 106 state of Jin
经略使 經略使 106 Commissioner for Pacification
京兆府 106 Jingzhao
京兆尹 106
  1. Jingzhao [capital]
  2. Capital Region Governor
荆州 荊州 106
  1. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
  2. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
金吾 106
  1. a metal club
  2. Imperial Guard
金吾卫 金吾衛 106 Imperial Insignia Guard
晋阳 晉陽 106 Jinyang
酒泉 106 Jiuquan
九月 106 September; the Ninth Month
集贤 集賢 106 Jixian
集贤院 集賢院 106 Academy of Scholarly Worthies
吉州 106
  1. Jizhou
  2. Kilju
开元 開元 107 Kai Yuan
康王 107 King Kang of Zhou
会稽 會稽 75 Kuaiji Mountain
库部 庫部 107 Chief of the Treasury
  1. black
  2. Li
  3. Lebanon
  4. Li People
  5. numerous; many
  6. at the time of
  7. State of Li
李德裕 李德裕 108 Li Deyu
李公佐 108 Li Gongzuo
礼记 禮記 108 The Book of Rites; Classic of Rites
两浙 兩浙 108 Liangzhe
礼部 禮部 108 Ministry of (Confucian) Rites
礼部尚书 禮部尚書 108 Director of Board of Rites
令狐 108
  1. Linghu
  2. Linghu
岭南 嶺南 108 Lingnan
灵武 靈武 108 Lingwu
陵县 陵縣 108 Ling county
骊山 驪山 108 Mt Li
刘玄 劉玄 108 Liu Xuan; Emperor Gengshi of Han
留后 留後 108 Provisional Governor
六月 108 June; the Sixth Month
澧州 108 Lizhou
108 Gansu
陇西 隴西 76 Longxi
陇西县 隴西縣 108 Longxi county
陇右 隴右 108 Longshi Circuit
108 Lu River
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
罗浮山 羅浮山 108 Mt Luofushan
洛阳 洛陽 108 Luoyang
潞州 108 Luzhou
律令 108 Ritsuryō
孟州 109 Mengzhou
109 Ming River
秘书监 秘書監 109 Director of the Palace Library
穆宗 109 Muzong
南蛮 南蠻 110 Nanman; Southern Man
牛僧孺 110 Niu Sengru
  1. water in which rice has been rinsed
  2. Pan River
  3. Pan
  1. Peng
  2. Peng
彭城 112 Pengcheng; City of Peng
彭阳县 彭陽縣 112 Pengyang
平阴县 平陰縣 112 Pingyin county
  1. Pu River
  2. Pu
仆射 僕射 80 Supervisor; Chief Administrator
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
青龙 青龍 113
  1. Azure Dragon
  2. Azure Dragon
清河 113 Qinghe
庆州 慶州 113
  1. Qingzhou
  2. Gyeongju
秦州 113 Qinzhou
七月 113 July; the Seventh Month
犬戎 81 Qianrong
曲江 113 Qujiang
日本国 日本國 114 Japan
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
睿宗 睿宗 114 Ruizong Zongyao
汝南县 汝南縣 114 Runan
汝州 114 Ruzhou
三史 115 Three Histories
色目 115 Semu
上都 115 Shangdu; Xanadu; Shangtu; Chandu; Xandu; Kemenfu; Kaipingfu
上官 115 high-ranking official; superior
尚书省 尚書省 115 Imperial Secretariat
山南东道 山南東道 115 Shannandong Circuit
山南西道 115 Shannanxi Circuit
  1. Shao
  2. Shao
韶州 115 Shaozhou
沙陀 115 Shatuo
沙州 115 Shazhou; Dunhuang
83 She County
圣武 聖武 115
  1. Shengwu
  2. Shōmu
神龙 神龍 115 Shenlong
深州 115 Shenzhou
史思明 115 Shi Siming; Shih Ssu-ming
十二月 115 December; the Twelfth Month
史馆 史館 115 Historiography Institute
石门 石門 115 Shimen; Shihmen
十一月 115 November; the Eleventh Month
十月 115 October; the Tenth Month
枢密使 樞密使 115 Commissioner of Military Affairs
朔州 115 Shuozhou
司空 115
  1. Minster of Land and Water
  2. Sikong
司马 司馬 115
  1. Minister of War
  2. Sima [star]
  3. Sima [surname]
  4. Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
四月 115 April; the Fourth Month
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
115 Sui Dynasty
隋朝 115 Sui Dynasty
苏州 蘇州 115 Suzhou
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
太保 116 Grand Protector
太常 116 Minister of Ceremonies; Rector of the Imperial Academy
太傅 116 Grand Tutor; Grand Mentor
太仆 太僕 116 Grand Servant
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
太微 116 Taiwei; Grand Subtlety
太原 116 Taiyuan
太中大夫 116 Taizhong Daifu; Superior Grand Master of the Palace
太宗 116
  1. Emperor Taizong
  2. Tai Zong; Minister of Rites
唐人 116 Chinese; expatriate Chinese
天宝 天寶 116 Tianbao
天宁 天寧 116 Tianning
天长 天長 116 Tianchang
潼关 潼關 116 Tongguan
通州 84 Tongzhou District
吐蕃 116 Tibetan Empire; Tubo
119 Wei River
119 Wen River
文宣王 119 Xiao Zi Liang; Wenxuan Wang
文宗 119 Emperor Wenzong of Tang
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
武后 119 Wu Zetian; Empress Wu; Wu Hou; Wu Zhao
武宗 119
  1. Emperor Zhengde; Wu Zong
  2. Emperor Wuzong of Tang
武功县 武功縣 119 Wugong County
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
  1. Hunan
  2. Xiang dialect
县尉 縣尉 120 County Commandant
献文 獻文 120 Emperor Xianwen of Northern Wei
萧关 蕭關 120 Xiao Pass
孝明 120
  1. Xiaoming; Emperor Xiaoming of Northern Wei
  2. Xiaoming; Emperor Ming of Han
校书郎 校書郎 120 Secretary; Clerk; Collator
夏州 120 Xiazhou
辛亥 120 Xin Hai year
  1. Xing
  2. Xing
刑部 120 Ministry of Justice
荥阳县 滎陽縣 88 Xingyang county
兴元 興元 120 Xingyuan
西山 120 Western Hills
宣德 120 Emperor Xuande
宣慰使 120 Commissioner for Pacification
宣武 120 Xuanwu; Emperor Xuanwu of Northern Wei
轩辕 軒轅 120 Xuanyuan
宣州 120 Xuanzhou
宣宗 120
  1. Xuanzong
  2. Seonjong of Goryeo
许昌县 許昌縣 120 Xuchang
  1. Xue
  2. Xue
颜真卿 顏真卿 121 Yan Zhenqing
扬州 揚州 121 Yangzhou
崖州 121 Yazhou
  1. Ye
  2. Ye
121 Yi
议郎 議郎 121 Yilang
121 Ying
以太 121 Ether-
121 Yong; Nanning
永泰 121 Yongtai
永州 121 Yongzhou
幽州 121 Youzhou; Fanyang
原州 121 Wonju
元和 121 Yuanhe
越州 121 Yuezhou
岳州 121 Yuezhou
羽林 121
  1. Yu Lin; Palace Guards
  2. Yu Lin [star]
121 Yun
云南 雲南 121 Yunnan
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
御史大夫 121 Imperial Secretary
宰相 122 chancellor; prime minister
赞皇 贊皇 122 Zanhuang
长吏 長吏 122 Senior Functionary; Chief Official
长庆 長慶 122 Changqing
詹事 122 Supply Official
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
昭王 122 King Zhao of Zhou
浙江 122
  1. Zhejiang
  2. Zhe River; Qiantang River
贞观 貞觀 122 Zhen Guan Reign; Emperor Taizong of Tang
镇国 鎮國 122 Zhenguo
正月 122 first month of the lunar calendar
郑州 鄭州 122 Zhengzhou
贞元 貞元 122
  1. Zhenyuan
  2. Jōgen
至德 122 Zhide reign
中大夫 122 Grand Master of the Palace
中书侍郎 中書侍郎 122 Attendant to the Palace Secretary; Attendant Gentleman of the Secretariat
122 Zhu River
转运使 轉運使 90 Shipping Administrator
紫金 122 Zijin
梓州 122 Zizhou Circuit


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English