Glossary and Vocabulary for Shuo Wen Jie Zi 說文解字, 《䇂部》 Qiān Radical

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 6 qiān a fault; a sin 䇂部
2 5 cóng to follow 从干
3 5 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 从干
4 5 cóng to participate in something 从干
5 5 cóng to use a certain method or principle 从干
6 5 cóng something secondary 从干
7 5 cóng remote relatives 从干
8 5 cóng secondary 从干
9 5 cóng to go on; to advance 从干
10 5 cōng at ease; informal 从干
11 5 zòng a follower; a supporter 从干
12 5 zòng to release 从干
13 5 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 从干
14 4 qiè consort; concubine 女曰妾
15 4 qiè handmaid; female servant 女曰妾
16 3 female; feminine 女曰妾
17 3 female 女曰妾
18 3 Kangxi radical 38 女曰妾
19 3 to marry off a daughter 女曰妾
20 3 daughter 女曰妾
21 3 soft; feminine 女曰妾
22 3 the Maiden lunar lodging 女曰妾
23 3 yuē to speak; to say 男有辠曰奴
24 3 yuē Kangxi radical 73 男有辠曰奴
25 3 yuē to be called 男有辠曰奴
26 3 zuì a crime; a sin; a vice 辠也
27 3 zuì evil 辠也
28 3 zuì a hardship 辠也
29 2 èr two
30 2 èr Kangxi radical 7
31 2 èr second
32 2 èr twice; double; di-
33 2 èr more than one kind
34 2 zhī to go 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
35 2 zhī to arrive; to go 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
36 2 zhī is 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
37 2 zhī to use 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
38 2 zhī Zhi 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
39 2 zhī winding 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
40 2 a slave 男有辠曰奴
41 2 a servant 男有辠曰奴
42 2 enslave 男有辠曰奴
43 2 assistant to a magician or scholar 男有辠曰奴
44 2 humble self 男有辠曰奴
45 2 lackey 男有辠曰奴
46 2 Nu 男有辠曰奴
47 2 tóng boy; child
48 2 tóng boy servant
49 2 tóng immature
50 2 tóng bare; bald
51 2 tóng pupil of the eye
52 2 tóng male child slave
53 2 tóng an ignorant person
54 2 tóng Tong
55 2 tóng young
56 2 tóng unmarried
57 1 給事 gěishì official (imperial) position 給事之得接於君者
58 1 to go; to 給事之得接於君者
59 1 to rely on; to depend on 給事之得接於君者
60 1 Yu 給事之得接於君者
61 1 a crow 給事之得接於君者
62 1 letter; symbol; character 古文上字
63 1 Zi 古文上字
64 1 to love 古文上字
65 1 to teach; to educate 古文上字
66 1 to be allowed to marry 古文上字
67 1 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 古文上字
68 1 diction; wording 古文上字
69 1 handwriting 古文上字
70 1 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 古文上字
71 1 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 古文上字
72 1 a font; a calligraphic style 古文上字
73 1 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 古文上字
74 1 女子 nǚzi a female 有辠女子
75 1 shēng sound 重省聲
76 1 shēng sheng 重省聲
77 1 shēng voice 重省聲
78 1 shēng music 重省聲
79 1 shēng language 重省聲
80 1 shēng fame; reputation; honor 重省聲
81 1 shēng a message 重省聲
82 1 shēng a consonant 重省聲
83 1 shēng a tone 重省聲
84 1 shēng to announce 重省聲
85 1 lín a wood; a forest; a grove 張林說
86 1 lín Lin 張林說
87 1 lín a group of people or tall things resembling a forest 張林說
88 1 zhòng heavy 重省聲
89 1 chóng to repeat 重省聲
90 1 zhòng significant; serious; important 重省聲
91 1 chóng layered; folded; tiered 重省聲
92 1 zhòng to attach importance to; to honor; to respect 重省聲
93 1 zhòng sad 重省聲
94 1 zhòng a weight 重省聲
95 1 zhòng large in amount; valuable 重省聲
96 1 zhòng thick; dense; strong 重省聲
97 1 zhòng to prefer 重省聲
98 1 zhòng to add 重省聲
99 1 fán ordinary; common 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
100 1 fán the ordinary world 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
101 1 fán an outline 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
102 1 fán secular 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
103 1 fán ordinary people 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
104 1 qiān a fault; a transgression 讀若愆
105 1 qiān to surpass; to overstep 讀若愆
106 1 qiān prolonged 讀若愆
107 1 qiān a debilitating medical problem 讀若愆
108 1 qiān disorderly behavior 讀若愆
109 1 nán male 男有辠曰奴
110 1 nán male 男有辠曰奴
111 1 nán a baron 男有辠曰奴
112 1 nán Nan 男有辠曰奴
113 1 zhāng Zhang 張林說
114 1 zhāng to open; to draw [a bow] 張林說
115 1 zhāng idea; thought 張林說
116 1 zhāng to fix strings 張林說
117 1 zhāng to unfold; to unroll; to stretch 張林說
118 1 zhāng to boast; to exaggerate 張林說
119 1 zhāng to expand; to magnify 張林說
120 1 zhāng to display; to exhibit; to publish 張林說
121 1 zhāng to catch animals with a net 張林說
122 1 zhāng to spy on; to look 張林說
123 1 zhāng large 張林說
124 1 zhàng swollen 張林說
125 1 zhāng Zhang [constellation] 張林說
126 1 zhāng to open a new business 張林說
127 1 zhāng to fear 張林說
128 1 infix potential marker 不娉也
129 1 pīng graceful 不娉也
130 1 shǔ to belong to; be subordinate to 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
131 1 shǔ category 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
132 1 zhǔ to join together; fix one's attention on; concentrate on 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
133 1 shǔ genus 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
134 1 shǔ to be born in the year of (one of the 12 animals) 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
135 1 shǔ genus 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
136 1 shǔ relatives 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
137 1 shǔ a subordinate 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
138 1 shǔ a subordinate 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
139 1 shǔ dependent 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
140 1 zhǔ to follow 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
141 1 zhǔ to assemble; to gather 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
142 1 zhǔ to write; to compose 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
143 1 zhǔ to entrust 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
144 1 古文 gǔwén Classical Chinese 古文上字
145 1 古文 gǔwén classical texts 古文上字
146 1 古文 gǔwén classical style of writing 古文上字
147 1 古文 gǔwén old Chinese; literary Chinese 古文上字
148 1 to read 讀若愆
149 1 to investigate 讀若愆
150 1 to pronounce; to read aloud 讀若愆
151 1 dòu comma; phrase marked by pause 讀若愆
152 1 yún cloud
153 1 yún Yunnan
154 1 yún Yun
155 1 yún to say
156 1 yún to have
157 1 shàng top; a high position 古文上字
158 1 shang top; the position on or above something 古文上字
159 1 shàng to go up; to go forward 古文上字
160 1 shàng shang 古文上字
161 1 shàng previous; last 古文上字
162 1 shàng high; higher 古文上字
163 1 shàng advanced 古文上字
164 1 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 古文上字
165 1 shàng time 古文上字
166 1 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 古文上字
167 1 shàng far 古文上字
168 1 shàng big; as big as 古文上字
169 1 shàng abundant; plentiful 古文上字
170 1 shàng to report 古文上字
171 1 shàng to offer 古文上字
172 1 shàng to go on stage 古文上字
173 1 shàng to take office; to assume a post 古文上字
174 1 shàng to install; to erect 古文上字
175 1 shàng to suffer; to sustain 古文上字
176 1 shàng to burn 古文上字
177 1 shàng to remember 古文上字
178 1 shàng to add 古文上字
179 1 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 古文上字
180 1 shàng to meet 古文上字
181 1 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 古文上字
182 1 shang used after a verb indicating a result 古文上字
183 1 shàng a musical note 古文上字
184 1 shěng province 重省聲
185 1 shěng to save; to be frugal; to economize 重省聲
186 1 xǐng to introspect; to soul-search; to reflect 重省聲
187 1 shěng to simplify; to reduce; to omit 重省聲
188 1 xǐng to become aware; to realize; to understand 重省聲
189 1 xǐng to become conscious 重省聲
190 1 xǐng to visit 重省聲
191 1 shěng provincial capital 重省聲
192 1 xǐng to test; to take an examination 重省聲
193 1 xǐng to remember 重省聲
194 1 shěng a department; a government body 重省聲
195 1 shěng must not; do not 重省聲
196 1 春秋 chūnqiū Spring and Autumn Period 春秋
197 1 春秋 chūnqiū a person's age 春秋
198 1 春秋 chūnqiū Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn 春秋
199 1 春秋 chūnqiū spring and autumn 春秋
200 1 為人 wéirén behavior; personal conduct 女為人妾
201 1 為人 wéirén a person's external appearance 女為人妾
202 1 為人 wéirén to be human 女為人妾
203 1 為人 wéirén to have sexual intercourse 女為人妾
204 1 gān dry 从干
205 1 gān parched 从干
206 1 gān trunk 从干
207 1 gān like family 从干
208 1 gān Kangxi radical 51 从干
209 1 gān dried food 从干
210 1 gān to dry out 从干
211 1 gān to use up 从干
212 1 gān to slight; to look down on 从干
213 1 qián qian; the first of the Eight trigrams 从干
214 1 qián the male principle 从干
215 1 qián Qian 从干
216 1 qián Qian [symbol] 从干
217 1 qián Qian 从干
218 1 qián masculine; manly 从干
219 1 gān a shield 从干
220 1 gān gan [heavenly stem] 从干
221 1 gān shore 从干
222 1 gān a hoard [of people] 从干
223 1 gān to commit an offense 从干
224 1 gān to pursue; to seek 从干
225 1 gān to participate energetically 从干
226 1 gān to be related to; to concern 从干
227 1 jiē to join 給事之得接於君者
228 1 jiē to entertain; to host; to welcome 給事之得接於君者
229 1 jiē to receive 給事之得接於君者
230 1 jiē to accept 給事之得接於君者
231 1 jiē to be connected; to be in contact with 給事之得接於君者
232 1 jiē to extend; to continue 給事之得接於君者
233 1 jiē Jie 給事之得接於君者
234 1 jiē to catch 給事之得接於君者
235 1 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 張林說
236 1 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 張林說
237 1 shuì to persuade 張林說
238 1 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 張林說
239 1 shuō a doctrine; a theory 張林說
240 1 shuō to claim; to assert 張林說
241 1 shuō allocution 張林說
242 1 shuō to criticize; to scold 張林說
243 1 shuō to indicate; to refer to 張林說
244 1 ministry; department 䇂部
245 1 section; part 䇂部
246 1 troops 䇂部
247 1 a category; a kind 䇂部
248 1 to command; to control 䇂部
249 1 radical 䇂部
250 1 headquarters 䇂部
251 1 unit 䇂部
252 1 to put in order; to arrange 䇂部
253 1 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 給事之得接於君者
254 1 děi to want to; to need to 給事之得接於君者
255 1 děi must; ought to 給事之得接於君者
256 1 de 給事之得接於君者
257 1 de infix potential marker 給事之得接於君者
258 1 to result in 給事之得接於君者
259 1 to be proper; to fit; to suit 給事之得接於君者
260 1 to be satisfied 給事之得接於君者
261 1 to be finished 給事之得接於君者
262 1 děi satisfying 給事之得接於君者
263 1 to contract 給事之得接於君者
264 1 to hear 給事之得接於君者
265 1 to have; there is 給事之得接於君者
266 1 marks time passed 給事之得接於君者
267 1 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 給事之得接於君者
268 1 jūn a mistress 給事之得接於君者
269 1 jūn date-plum 給事之得接於君者
270 1 jūn the son of heaven 給事之得接於君者
271 1 jūn to rule 給事之得接於君者

Frequencies of all Words

Top 379

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 6 qiān a fault; a sin 䇂部
2 5 cóng from 从干
3 5 cóng to follow 从干
4 5 cóng past; through 从干
5 5 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 从干
6 5 cóng to participate in something 从干
7 5 cóng to use a certain method or principle 从干
8 5 cóng usually 从干
9 5 cóng something secondary 从干
10 5 cóng remote relatives 从干
11 5 cóng secondary 从干
12 5 cóng to go on; to advance 从干
13 5 cōng at ease; informal 从干
14 5 zòng a follower; a supporter 从干
15 5 zòng to release 从干
16 5 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 从干
17 4 qiè consort; concubine 女曰妾
18 4 qiè handmaid; female servant 女曰妾
19 3 female; feminine 女曰妾
20 3 female 女曰妾
21 3 Kangxi radical 38 女曰妾
22 3 to marry off a daughter 女曰妾
23 3 daughter 女曰妾
24 3 you; thou 女曰妾
25 3 soft; feminine 女曰妾
26 3 the Maiden lunar lodging 女曰妾
27 3 you 女曰妾
28 3 yuē to speak; to say 男有辠曰奴
29 3 yuē Kangxi radical 73 男有辠曰奴
30 3 yuē to be called 男有辠曰奴
31 3 yuē particle without meaning 男有辠曰奴
32 3 zuì a crime; a sin; a vice 辠也
33 3 zuì evil 辠也
34 3 zuì a hardship 辠也
35 2 èr two
36 2 èr Kangxi radical 7
37 2 èr second
38 2 èr twice; double; di-
39 2 èr another; the other
40 2 èr more than one kind
41 2 zhī him; her; them; that 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
42 2 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
43 2 zhī to go 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
44 2 zhī this; that 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
45 2 zhī genetive marker 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
46 2 zhī it 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
47 2 zhī in; in regards to 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
48 2 zhī all 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
49 2 zhī and 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
50 2 zhī however 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
51 2 zhī if 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
52 2 zhī then 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
53 2 zhī to arrive; to go 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
54 2 zhī is 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
55 2 zhī to use 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
56 2 zhī Zhi 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
57 2 zhī winding 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
58 2 also; too 辠也
59 2 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 辠也
60 2 either 辠也
61 2 even 辠也
62 2 used to soften the tone 辠也
63 2 used for emphasis 辠也
64 2 used to mark contrast 辠也
65 2 used to mark compromise 辠也
66 2 a slave 男有辠曰奴
67 2 a servant 男有辠曰奴
68 2 enslave 男有辠曰奴
69 2 assistant to a magician or scholar 男有辠曰奴
70 2 humble self 男有辠曰奴
71 2 lackey 男有辠曰奴
72 2 Nu 男有辠曰奴
73 2 yǒu is; are; to exist 男有辠曰奴
74 2 yǒu to have; to possess 男有辠曰奴
75 2 yǒu indicates an estimate 男有辠曰奴
76 2 yǒu indicates a large quantity 男有辠曰奴
77 2 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 男有辠曰奴
78 2 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 男有辠曰奴
79 2 yǒu used to compare two things 男有辠曰奴
80 2 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 男有辠曰奴
81 2 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 男有辠曰奴
82 2 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 男有辠曰奴
83 2 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 男有辠曰奴
84 2 yǒu abundant 男有辠曰奴
85 2 yǒu purposeful 男有辠曰奴
86 2 yǒu You 男有辠曰奴
87 2 tóng boy; child
88 2 tóng boy servant
89 2 tóng immature
90 2 tóng bare; bald
91 2 tóng pupil of the eye
92 2 tóng male child slave
93 2 tóng an ignorant person
94 2 tóng Tong
95 2 tóng young
96 2 tóng unmarried
97 1 給事 gěishì official (imperial) position 給事之得接於君者
98 1 in; at 給事之得接於君者
99 1 in; at 給事之得接於君者
100 1 in; at; to; from 給事之得接於君者
101 1 to go; to 給事之得接於君者
102 1 to rely on; to depend on 給事之得接於君者
103 1 to go to; to arrive at 給事之得接於君者
104 1 from 給事之得接於君者
105 1 give 給事之得接於君者
106 1 oppposing 給事之得接於君者
107 1 and 給事之得接於君者
108 1 compared to 給事之得接於君者
109 1 by 給事之得接於君者
110 1 and; as well as 給事之得接於君者
111 1 for 給事之得接於君者
112 1 Yu 給事之得接於君者
113 1 a crow 給事之得接於君者
114 1 whew; wow 給事之得接於君者
115 1 letter; symbol; character 古文上字
116 1 Zi 古文上字
117 1 to love 古文上字
118 1 to teach; to educate 古文上字
119 1 to be allowed to marry 古文上字
120 1 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 古文上字
121 1 diction; wording 古文上字
122 1 handwriting 古文上字
123 1 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 古文上字
124 1 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 古文上字
125 1 a font; a calligraphic style 古文上字
126 1 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 古文上字
127 1 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
128 1 jiē same; equally 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
129 1 女子 nǚzi a female 有辠女子
130 1 shēng sound 重省聲
131 1 shēng a measure word for sound (times) 重省聲
132 1 shēng sheng 重省聲
133 1 shēng voice 重省聲
134 1 shēng music 重省聲
135 1 shēng language 重省聲
136 1 shēng fame; reputation; honor 重省聲
137 1 shēng a message 重省聲
138 1 shēng an utterance 重省聲
139 1 shēng a consonant 重省聲
140 1 shēng a tone 重省聲
141 1 shēng to announce 重省聲
142 1 lín a wood; a forest; a grove 張林說
143 1 lín Lin 張林說
144 1 lín a group of people or tall things resembling a forest 張林說
145 1 lín many 張林說
146 1 zhòng heavy 重省聲
147 1 chóng to repeat 重省聲
148 1 chóng repetition; iteration; layer 重省聲
149 1 chóng again 重省聲
150 1 zhòng significant; serious; important 重省聲
151 1 chóng layered; folded; tiered 重省聲
152 1 zhòng to attach importance to; to honor; to respect 重省聲
153 1 zhòng sad 重省聲
154 1 zhòng a weight 重省聲
155 1 zhòng large in amount; valuable 重省聲
156 1 zhòng thick; dense; strong 重省聲
157 1 zhòng to prefer 重省聲
158 1 zhòng to add 重省聲
159 1 zhòng cautiously; prudently 重省聲
160 1 fán ordinary; common 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
161 1 fán the ordinary world 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
162 1 fán an outline 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
163 1 fán secular 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
164 1 fán all 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
165 1 fán altogether; in sum; in all; in total 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
166 1 fán ordinary people 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
167 1 qiān a fault; a transgression 讀若愆
168 1 qiān to surpass; to overstep 讀若愆
169 1 qiān prolonged 讀若愆
170 1 qiān a debilitating medical problem 讀若愆
171 1 qiān disorderly behavior 讀若愆
172 1 nán male 男有辠曰奴
173 1 nán male 男有辠曰奴
174 1 nán a baron 男有辠曰奴
175 1 nán Nan 男有辠曰奴
176 1 zhāng a sheet; a leaf 張林說
177 1 zhāng Zhang 張林說
178 1 zhāng to open; to draw [a bow] 張林說
179 1 zhāng idea; thought 張林說
180 1 zhāng to fix strings 張林說
181 1 zhāng to unfold; to unroll; to stretch 張林說
182 1 zhāng to boast; to exaggerate 張林說
183 1 zhāng to expand; to magnify 張林說
184 1 zhāng to display; to exhibit; to publish 張林說
185 1 zhāng to catch animals with a net 張林說
186 1 zhāng to spy on; to look 張林說
187 1 zhāng large 張林說
188 1 zhàng swollen 張林說
189 1 zhāng Zhang [constellation] 張林說
190 1 zhāng to open a new business 張林說
191 1 zhāng to fear 張林說
192 1 not; no 不娉也
193 1 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不娉也
194 1 as a correlative 不娉也
195 1 no (answering a question) 不娉也
196 1 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不娉也
197 1 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不娉也
198 1 to form a yes or no question 不娉也
199 1 infix potential marker 不娉也
200 1 pīng graceful 不娉也
201 1 shǔ to belong to; be subordinate to 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
202 1 shǔ category 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
203 1 zhǔ to join together; fix one's attention on; concentrate on 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
204 1 shǔ genus 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
205 1 shǔ to be born in the year of (one of the 12 animals) 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
206 1 shǔ genus 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
207 1 shǔ relatives 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
208 1 shǔ a subordinate 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
209 1 shǔ a subordinate 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
210 1 shǔ dependent 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
211 1 zhǔ to follow 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
212 1 zhǔ to assemble; to gather 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
213 1 zhǔ to write; to compose 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
214 1 zhǔ to entrust 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
215 1 zhǔ just now 凡䇂之屬皆从䇂
216 1 古文 gǔwén Classical Chinese 古文上字
217 1 古文 gǔwén classical texts 古文上字
218 1 古文 gǔwén classical style of writing 古文上字
219 1 古文 gǔwén old Chinese; literary Chinese 古文上字
220 1 to read 讀若愆
221 1 to investigate 讀若愆
222 1 to pronounce; to read aloud 讀若愆
223 1 dòu comma; phrase marked by pause 讀若愆
224 1 yún cloud
225 1 yún Yunnan
226 1 yún Yun
227 1 yún to say
228 1 yún to have
229 1 yún a particle with no meaning
230 1 yún in this way
231 1 shàng top; a high position 古文上字
232 1 shang top; the position on or above something 古文上字
233 1 shàng to go up; to go forward 古文上字
234 1 shàng shang 古文上字
235 1 shàng previous; last 古文上字
236 1 shàng high; higher 古文上字
237 1 shàng advanced 古文上字
238 1 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 古文上字
239 1 shàng time 古文上字
240 1 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 古文上字
241 1 shàng far 古文上字
242 1 shàng big; as big as 古文上字
243 1 shàng abundant; plentiful 古文上字
244 1 shàng to report 古文上字
245 1 shàng to offer 古文上字
246 1 shàng to go on stage 古文上字
247 1 shàng to take office; to assume a post 古文上字
248 1 shàng to install; to erect 古文上字
249 1 shàng to suffer; to sustain 古文上字
250 1 shàng to burn 古文上字
251 1 shàng to remember 古文上字
252 1 shang on; in 古文上字
253 1 shàng upward 古文上字
254 1 shàng to add 古文上字
255 1 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 古文上字
256 1 shàng to meet 古文上字
257 1 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 古文上字
258 1 shang used after a verb indicating a result 古文上字
259 1 shàng a musical note 古文上字
260 1 shěng province 重省聲
261 1 shěng to save; to be frugal; to economize 重省聲
262 1 xǐng to introspect; to soul-search; to reflect 重省聲
263 1 shěng to simplify; to reduce; to omit 重省聲
264 1 xǐng to become aware; to realize; to understand 重省聲
265 1 xǐng to become conscious 重省聲
266 1 xǐng to visit 重省聲
267 1 shěng provincial capital 重省聲
268 1 xǐng to test; to take an examination 重省聲
269 1 xǐng to remember 重省聲
270 1 shěng a department; a government body 重省聲
271 1 shěng must not; do not 重省聲
272 1 春秋 chūnqiū Spring and Autumn Period 春秋
273 1 春秋 chūnqiū a person's age 春秋
274 1 春秋 chūnqiū Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn 春秋
275 1 春秋 chūnqiū spring and autumn 春秋
276 1 為人 wéirén behavior; personal conduct 女為人妾
277 1 為人 wéirén a person's external appearance 女為人妾
278 1 為人 wéirén to be human 女為人妾
279 1 為人 wéirén to have sexual intercourse 女為人妾
280 1 gān dry 从干
281 1 gān parched 从干
282 1 gān trunk 从干
283 1 gān like family 从干
284 1 gān Kangxi radical 51 从干
285 1 gān dried food 从干
286 1 gān to dry out 从干
287 1 gān to use up 从干
288 1 gān to slight; to look down on 从干
289 1 gān with nothing remaining 从干
290 1 qián qian; the first of the Eight trigrams 从干
291 1 qián the male principle 从干
292 1 qián Qian 从干
293 1 gān in vain 从干
294 1 gān superficially 从干
295 1 qián Qian [symbol] 从干
296 1 qián Qian 从干
297 1 qián masculine; manly 从干
298 1 gān a shield 从干
299 1 gān gan [heavenly stem] 从干
300 1 gān shore 从干
301 1 gān a hoard [of people] 从干
302 1 gān to commit an offense 从干
303 1 gān to pursue; to seek 从干
304 1 gān to participate energetically 从干
305 1 gān to be related to; to concern 从干
306 1 ruò to seem; to be like; as 讀若愆
307 1 ruò seemingly 讀若愆
308 1 ruò if 讀若愆
309 1 ruò you 讀若愆
310 1 ruò this; that 讀若愆
311 1 ruò and; or 讀若愆
312 1 ruò as for; pertaining to 讀若愆
313 1 pomegranite 讀若愆
314 1 ruò to choose 讀若愆
315 1 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 讀若愆
316 1 ruò thus 讀若愆
317 1 ruò pollia 讀若愆
318 1 ruò Ruo 讀若愆
319 1 ruò only then 讀若愆
320 1 jiē to join 給事之得接於君者
321 1 jiē to entertain; to host; to welcome 給事之得接於君者
322 1 jiē to receive 給事之得接於君者
323 1 jiē to accept 給事之得接於君者
324 1 jiē to be connected; to be in contact with 給事之得接於君者
325 1 jiē to extend; to continue 給事之得接於君者
326 1 jiē Jie 給事之得接於君者
327 1 jiē to catch 給事之得接於君者
328 1 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 張林說
329 1 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 張林說
330 1 shuì to persuade 張林說
331 1 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 張林說
332 1 shuō a doctrine; a theory 張林說
333 1 shuō to claim; to assert 張林說
334 1 shuō allocution 張林說
335 1 shuō to criticize; to scold 張林說
336 1 shuō to indicate; to refer to 張林說
337 1 ministry; department 䇂部
338 1 section; part; measure word for films and books 䇂部
339 1 section; part 䇂部
340 1 troops 䇂部
341 1 a category; a kind 䇂部
342 1 to command; to control 䇂部
343 1 radical 䇂部
344 1 headquarters 䇂部
345 1 unit 䇂部
346 1 to put in order; to arrange 䇂部
347 1 de potential marker 給事之得接於君者
348 1 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 給事之得接於君者
349 1 děi must; ought to 給事之得接於君者
350 1 děi to want to; to need to 給事之得接於君者
351 1 děi must; ought to 給事之得接於君者
352 1 de 給事之得接於君者
353 1 de infix potential marker 給事之得接於君者
354 1 to result in 給事之得接於君者
355 1 to be proper; to fit; to suit 給事之得接於君者
356 1 to be satisfied 給事之得接於君者
357 1 to be finished 給事之得接於君者
358 1 de result of degree 給事之得接於君者
359 1 de marks completion of an action 給事之得接於君者
360 1 děi satisfying 給事之得接於君者
361 1 to contract 給事之得接於君者
362 1 marks permission or possibility 給事之得接於君者
363 1 expressing frustration 給事之得接於君者
364 1 to hear 給事之得接於君者
365 1 to have; there is 給事之得接於君者
366 1 marks time passed 給事之得接於君者
367 1 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 給事之得接於君者
368 1 jūn you 給事之得接於君者
369 1 jūn a mistress 給事之得接於君者
370 1 jūn date-plum 給事之得接於君者
371 1 jūn the son of heaven 給事之得接於君者
372 1 jūn to rule 給事之得接於君者
373 1 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 給事之得接於君者
374 1 zhě that 給事之得接於君者
375 1 zhě nominalizing function word 給事之得接於君者
376 1 zhě used to mark a definition 給事之得接於君者
377 1 zhě used to mark a pause 給事之得接於君者
378 1 zhě topic marker; that; it 給事之得接於君者
379 1 zhuó according to 給事之得接於君者

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
给事 給事 103 official (imperial) position


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English