扣 kòu
to decorate a vessel with metal or jade inlay
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As a variant of 釦 (Guoyu '扣' v) -
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Clothing
Notes: (Han Dian '扣' 2; Guoyu '扣' n) -
to restrain
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 牵 or 勒住 (Guoyu '扣' v 1) -
to tie
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '扣' v 1) -
to hold firmly
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 抓住 or 贴紧 (Guoyu '扣' v 3) -
to arrest; to detain
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 押解 or 拘留 (Guoyu '扣' v 4) -
to strike; to hit
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 敲 or 擊 (Guoyu '扣' v 5) -
to attack
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 攻打 (Guoyu '扣' v 6) -
to pull
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 扳动 (Guoyu '扣' v 7) -
to subtract; to lose
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: TIn the sense of 减掉 or 减去 (Guoyu '扣' v 9)
Contained in
- 假扣押 to provisionally confiscate
- 扣折 to discount
- 尼龙搭扣(尼龍搭釦) nylon buckle; velcro
- 折扣 discount
- 扣押 to hold [a person] by force; to confiscate [goods]
- 紧扣(緊扣) to stick closely to (a topic or theme etc)
- 钥匙扣(鑰匙釦) a key ring
- 扣去 to deduct (points etc)
- 扣襻(釦襻) fastening
- 皮带扣(皮帶釦) belt buckle
- 扣屎盔子 to cap in excrement; to discredit with absurd unfounded accusations; to vilify
- 不折不扣(不折不釦) to the letter; to give no discount
- 扣发(扣發) to deprive; to withhold; to hold something back (and prevent it being known)
- 扣眼(釦眼) eyelet; buttonhole
- 扣缴率(扣繳率) proportion [of wages] withheld
- 扣篮(扣籃) slam dunk
- 衣扣 button
- 打折扣 to give a discount; to be of less value than anticipated
- 领扣(領釦) collar button
- 扣人心弦 to hold a person's heart like a string; thrilling
- 黏扣带(黏扣帶) velcro
- 扣带回(扣帶回) cingulum
- 扣留 to detain; to arrest
- 刷扣 to strum a chord
- 带扣(帶釦) a belt buckle
- 解扣(解釦) to unbutton; to solve a dispute
- 扣住 to detain; to hold back by force; to buckle; to hook
- 门扣(門釦) door latch
- 扣击(扣擊) to smash a ball
- 钩扣(鉤扣) hook
- 搭扣 a buckle or fastener for clothing that does not use a button and buttonhole
- 查扣 to seize; to confiscate
- 环环相扣(環環相扣) closely linked with one another; interlocked; to interrelate
- 扣分 to deduct marks (when grading school work); to have marks deducted; penalty points
- 扣缴(扣繳) to withhold; to garnish (wages etc)
- 认死扣儿(認死扣兒) stubborn
- 扣环(釦環) ring fastener; buckle; retainer strap
- 摁扣儿(摁釦兒) a popper; a snap fastener
- 扣帽子 to tag with an unfair label; power word
- 扣题(扣題) to stick to the topic
- 扣式电池(扣式電池) button cell; watch battery
- 扣查 to detain and question
- 扣屎盆子 to make a scapegoat of somebody; to defame; to slander
- 吊扣 to suspend (a licence etc)
- 扣应(扣應) to call in (to a broadcast program)
- 扣上 to buckle up; to fasten
- 卸扣 shackle (U-shaped link)
- 扣除 to deduct
- 抵扣 to deduct from; to compensate
- 钮扣(鈕釦) button ; button
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷十二 公孟 Book 12 - Gong Meng Mozi 墨子 — count: 8
- 卷四百八十 列傳第二百三十九 世家三 吳越錢氏錢俶(子:惟濬 惟治 惟濟 弟:儼 姪:昱 附:孫承祐 沈承禮) Volume 480 Biographies 239: Hereditary Houses 3 - Wu, Yue, and Qian clans Qian Chu (sons: Wei Jun, Wei Zhi, Wei Ji, younger brother: Yan, nephew: Yu, relatives: Sun Chengyou, Shen Chengli) History of Song 宋史 — count: 6
- 第七十六回 Chapter 76 Journey to the West 西遊記 — count: 5
- 卷四百五十八 列傳第二百十七 隱逸中 王樵 張愈 黃晞 周啟明 代淵 陳烈 孫侔 劉易 姜潛 連庶 章詧 俞汝尚 陽孝本 鄧考甫 宇文之邵 吳瑛 松江漁翁 杜生 順昌山人 南安翁 張𡒊 Volume 458 Biographies 217: Recluses 2 - Wang Qiao, Zhang Yu, Huang Xi, Zhou Qiming, Dai Yuan, Chen Lie, Sun Mou, Liu Yi, Jiang Qian, Lian Shu, Zhang Cha, Yu Rushang, Yang Xiaoben, Deng Kaofu, Yuwen Zhishao, Wu Ying, Songjiang Yuweng, Du Sheng, Shunchang Shanren, Nan Anweng, Zhang Yu History of Song 宋史 — count: 3
- 卷二十八 志第八: 音樂一 Volume 28 Treatises 8: Music 1 Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 3
- 卷三十五 Scroll 35 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 3
- 卷二百零七 列傳第一百三十二 宦者上 Volume 207 Biographies 132: Imperial Officials 1 New Book of Tang 新唐書 — count: 3
- 卷四十上 班彪列傳 Volume 40a: Biography of Ban Biao 1 Book of Later Han 後漢書 — count: 3
- 卷三百三十二 列傳第九十一 滕元發 李師中 陸詵 趙禼 孫路 游師雄 穆衍 Volume 332 Biographies 91: Teng Yuanfa, Li Shizhong, Lu Shen, Zhao Xie, Sun Lu, You Shixiong, Mu Yan History of Song 宋史 — count: 2
- 第五十二回 Chapter 52 The Scholars 儒林外史 — count: 2
- 扣马 (扣馬) 大子與郭榮扣馬曰 — The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左氏傳, 襄公 Lord Xiang — count: 17
- 扣门 (扣門) 扣門求水 — Huainanzi 淮南子, 卷十一 齊俗訓 Chapter 11: Combining Customs — count: 15
- 扣钟 (扣鐘) 乃扣鍾求其處 — Book of Southern Qi 南齊書, 卷二十四 列傳第五 柳世隆 張瑰 Volume 24 Biographies 5: Liu Shilong, Zhang Gui — count: 5
- 扣刀 (扣刀) 扣刀而入 — Book of Zhou 周書, 卷13 列傳第5 文閔明武宣諸子 Volume 13 Biographies 5: Princes of Wen, Xiaomin, Wu, and Xuan — count: 5
- 金扣 (金扣) 金扣七事 — New Book of Tang 新唐書, 卷一百一十 列傳第三十五 諸夷蕃將 Volume 110 Biographies 35: Zhu Yi Fan Jiang — count: 4
- 扣心 (扣心) 華夷扣心 — Book of Southern Qi 南齊書, 卷二十五 列傳第六 垣崇祖 張敬兒 Volume 25 Biographies 6: Yuan Chongzu, Zhang Jing Er — count: 4
- 民扣 (民扣) 汲郡吏民扣馬號哭於道 — Book of Sui 隋書, 卷65 列傳第30 周羅睺 周法尚 李景 慕容三藏 薛世雄 王仁恭 權武 吐萬緒 董純 趙才 Volume 65 Biographies 30: Zhou Luohou, Zhou Fashang, Li Jing, Murong Sancang, Xue Shixiong, Wang Rengong, Quan Wu, Tu Wanxu, Dong Chun, Zhao Cai — count: 3
- 扣鞍 (扣鞍) 扣鞍而進 — History of the Northern Dynasties 北史, 卷七 齊本紀中第七: 顯祖文宣帝 廢帝 孝昭帝 Volume 7 Northern Qi Annals 2: Emperor Xianzu Wenxuan, Deposed Emperor, Emperor Xiaozhao — count: 3
- 箸扣 (箸扣) 以箸扣之 — Book of Sui 隋書, 卷78 列傳第43 藝術 Volume 78 Biographies 43: Artists — count: 3
- 扣阁 (扣閣) 扣閣索婉兒 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷五十一 列傳第一: 后妃上 Volume 51 Biographies 1: Empresses and Consorts 1 — count: 3