Glossary and Vocabulary for Er Ya 爾雅, 《釋訓》 Explanation of Instructions

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 9 wéi to act as; to serve 骭瘍為微
2 9 wéi to change into; to become 骭瘍為微
3 9 wéi to be; is 骭瘍為微
4 9 wéi to do 骭瘍為微
5 9 wèi to support; to help 骭瘍為微
6 9 wéi to govern 骭瘍為微
7 7 zhī to go 君之德也
8 7 zhī to arrive; to go 君之德也
9 7 zhī is 君之德也
10 7 zhī to use 君之德也
11 7 zhī Zhi 君之德也
12 7 zhī winding 君之德也
13 7 infix potential marker 不俟
14 4 zhì in order; in sequence 條條秩秩
15 4 zhì an official salary 條條秩秩
16 4 zhì decade 條條秩秩
17 4 zhì official rank or position 條條秩秩
18 4 zhì duties; regimen 條條秩秩
19 4 róu soft 柔也
20 4 róu gentle; pliant 柔也
21 4 宿 to lodge; to stay overnight 有客宿宿
22 4 宿 old 有客宿宿
23 4 宿 xiǔ night 有客宿宿
24 4 宿 xiù constellation 有客宿宿
25 4 宿 a room; a place to spend the night 有客宿宿
26 4 宿 to stop; to rest 有客宿宿
27 4 宿 State of Su 有客宿宿
28 4 宿 Su 有客宿宿
29 4 宿 from the previous night 有客宿宿
30 4 yàn late in the day 晏晏溫溫
31 4 yàn peaceful; quiet 晏晏溫溫
32 4 yàn clear 晏晏溫溫
33 4 wēi small; tiny 既微且尰
34 4 wēi trifling 既微且尰
35 4 wēi to decline; to wane 既微且尰
36 4 wēi profound 既微且尰
37 4 wēi to hide; to conceal 既微且尰
38 4 wéi is not 既微且尰
39 4 wéi lowly 既微且尰
40 4 wēi few 既微且尰
41 4 wēi unclear 既微且尰
42 4 wēi Wei 既微且尰
43 3 martial; military 武也
44 3 a battle; (military) force 武也
45 3 martial arts 武也
46 3 a footstep; a footprint; half a step 武也
47 3 a fighter; a warrior; a soldier 武也
48 3 half a step 武也
49 3 Wu; Sacrificial odes of Zhou 武也
50 3 Wu 武也
51 3 warlike; fierce; valiant; violent 武也
52 3 to continue; to succeed 武也
53 3 wàng to forget 勿忘也
54 3 wàng to ignore; neglect 勿忘也
55 3 wàng to abandon 勿忘也
56 3 residence; dwelling 居居究究
57 3 to be at a position 居居究究
58 3 to live; to dwell; to reside 居居究究
59 3 to stay put 居居究究
60 3 to claim; to assert 居居究究
61 3 to store up; to accumulate 居居究究
62 3 to sit down 居居究究
63 3 to possess 居居究究
64 3 to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor 居居究究
65 3 Ju 居居究究
66 3 apprentice; disciple 徒御不驚
67 3 follower; believer 徒御不驚
68 3 to go by foot; to walk 徒御不驚
69 3 empty 徒御不驚
70 3 a [bad] person 徒御不驚
71 3 infantry 徒御不驚
72 3 a pawn 徒御不驚
73 3 a conscript; a corvee; a convict doing forced labor 徒御不驚
74 3 a group; a crowd 徒御不驚
75 3 a companion; a colleague 徒御不驚
76 3 mǐn clever; smart 敏也
77 3 mǐn industrious; diligent 敏也
78 3 mǐn talent 敏也
79 3 mǐn quick; swift; agile 敏也
80 3 mǐn big toe 敏也
81 3 yán to speak; to say; said 言再宿也
82 3 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 言再宿也
83 3 yán Kangxi radical 149 言再宿也
84 3 yán phrase; sentence 言再宿也
85 3 yán a word; a syllable 言再宿也
86 3 yán a theory; a doctrine 言再宿也
87 3 yán to regard as 言再宿也
88 3 yán to act as 言再宿也
89 2 dawn; rising sun 旭旭蹻蹻
90 2 brilliance 旭旭蹻蹻
91 2 radiant 旭旭蹻蹻
92 2 suì to comply with; to follow along 烝烝遂遂
93 2 suì to advance 烝烝遂遂
94 2 suì to follow through; to achieve 烝烝遂遂
95 2 suì to follow smoothly 烝烝遂遂
96 2 suì an area the capital 烝烝遂遂
97 2 suì a dish underneath a chime; a ditch 烝烝遂遂
98 2 suì a flint 烝烝遂遂
99 2 suì to satisfy 烝烝遂遂
100 2 suì to propose; to nominate 烝烝遂遂
101 2 suì to grow 烝烝遂遂
102 2 suì to use up; to stop 烝烝遂遂
103 2 suì sleeve used in archery 烝烝遂遂
104 2 to be cautious; to be careful; to be fearful 忯忯惕惕
105 2 sāo \N 溞溞
106 2 yōu to worry; to be concerned 憂也
107 2 yōu a worry; a concern; grief 憂也
108 2 yōu sad; grieved 憂也
109 2 yōu funeral arrangements for parents 憂也
110 2 yōu a sickness; an ailment 憂也
111 2 hōng to die 薨薨增增
112 2 hōng swarming 薨薨增增
113 2 zhuì afraid; apprehensive; nervous 惴惴憢憢
114 2 tuán to be sad 慱慱
115 2 zēng to increase; to add to; to augment 薨薨增增
116 2 zēng duplicated; repeated 薨薨增增
117 2 藹藹 ǎiǎi luxuriant (vegetation) 藹藹濟濟
118 2 藹藹 ǎiǎi numerous 藹藹濟濟
119 2 藹藹 ǎiǎi to do one's best 藹藹濟濟
120 2 藹藹 ǎiǎi the moon when slightly obscured 藹藹濟濟
121 2 yīng calling of birds 丁丁嚶嚶
122 2 xu 徐也
123 2 Xu 徐也
124 2 Xuzhou 徐也
125 2 clothes; dress; garment 服也
126 2 funary clothes 服也
127 2 to serve; to obey; to comply; to defer 服也
128 2 to take medicine; to eat 服也
129 2 to be suitable for; to be used to 服也
130 2 to take on; to undertake; to be responsible for 服也
131 2 to harness 服也
132 2 two of a four horse team 服也
133 2 to wear [clothes]; to dress 服也
134 2 morning; funeral arrangements 服也
135 2 Fu 服也
136 2 to cause to yield 服也
137 2 small 佌佌瑣瑣
138 2 sāo agitated 庸庸慅慅
139 2 jīn an axe 明明斤斤
140 2 jīn Kangxi radical 69 明明斤斤
141 2 jīn to chop 明明斤斤
142 2 jīn a hoe; a mattock 明明斤斤
143 2 jīn keen; shrewd 明明斤斤
144 2 chēng to state; to praise 偁偁格格
145 2 xiāo \N 惴惴憢憢
146 2 yún land 畇畇
147 2 威儀 wēiyí majestic presence; awe-inspiring manner 威儀也
148 2 威儀 wēiyí imperial procession 威儀也
149 2 suì an ear of grain 穟穟
150 2 suì ripe grain 穟穟
151 2 \N 忯忯惕惕
152 2 tiāo frivolous 佻佻契契
153 2 tiāo unsteady 佻佻契契
154 2 tiāo delay 佻佻契契
155 2 qiú ornamental cap 俅俅
156 2 a plough 畟畟
157 2 huì sharp 儵儵嘒嘒
158 2 xìn to believe; to trust 有客信信
159 2 xìn a letter 有客信信
160 2 xìn evidence 有客信信
161 2 xìn faith; confidence 有客信信
162 2 xìn honest; sincere; true 有客信信
163 2 xìn proof; a certificate; a receipt; a voucher 有客信信
164 2 xìn an official holding a document 有客信信
165 2 xìn a gift 有客信信
166 2 xìn credit 有客信信
167 2 xìn to lodge in one place two or more nights in a row 有客信信
168 2 xìn news; a message 有客信信
169 2 xìn arsenic 有客信信
170 2 yōng ordinary; normal 庸庸慅慅
171 2 yōng to use 庸庸慅慅
172 2 yōng to appoint 庸庸慅慅
173 2 yōng to work for 庸庸慅慅
174 2 yōng a large bell 庸庸慅慅
175 2 tiáo a strip 條條秩秩
176 2 tiáo a twig 條條秩秩
177 2 tiáo an item; an article 條條秩秩
178 2 tiáo striped 條條秩秩
179 2 tiáo an order 條條秩秩
180 2 tiáo a short note 條條秩秩
181 2 tiáo a string 條條秩秩
182 2 tiáo a silk suspension loop 條條秩秩
183 2 tiáo a withe; a cane splint 條條秩秩
184 2 tiáo long 條條秩秩
185 2 tiáo a mesh opening 條條秩秩
186 2 tiáo arrangement; orderliness 條條秩秩
187 2 tiáo to reach to 條條秩秩
188 2 tiáo catalpa tree 條條秩秩
189 2 tiáo discharge from hawks or falcons 條條秩秩
190 2 tiáo spring breeze 條條秩秩
191 2 tiáo Seleucia 條條秩秩
192 2 tiáo unimpeded 條條秩秩
193 2 xuàn scabbard 皋皋琄琄
194 2 xuàn traces; reins 皋皋琄琄
195 2 qióng troubled; worried; distressed 惸惸
196 2 shū sudden; abrupt 儵儵嘒嘒
197 2 to die in prison from cold and hunger 痯痯瘐瘐
198 2 to treat with cruelty 痯痯瘐瘐
199 2 hǎo Hao 郝郝
200 2 hǎo Hao 郝郝
201 2 訿 \N 翕翕訿訿
202 2 měi beautiful 美也
203 2 měi America 美也
204 2 měi good; pleasing 美也
205 2 měi United States of America 美也
206 2 měi to beautify 美也
207 2 měi to be satisfied with oneself 美也
208 2 měi tasty 美也
209 2 měi satisying; pleasing 美也
210 2 měi a beautiful lady 美也
211 2 měi a beautiful thing 美也
212 2 měi to exaggerate 美也
213 2 yàn a feast; a banquet 宴宴粲粲
214 2 yàn to entertain; to host a feast 宴宴粲粲
215 2 yàn calm; in comfort and at ease 宴宴粲粲
216 2 yàn joyful 宴宴粲粲
217 2 yàn to rest 宴宴粲粲
218 2 zūn cup 坎坎墫墫
219 2 é lofty 峨峨
220 2 xuè to jeer 謔謔謞謞
221 2 xuè joyful 謔謔謞謞
222 2 to dance; to posture; to prance 舞號
223 2 a dance 舞號
224 2 to brandish 舞號
225 2 to play 舞號
226 2 to fly; to hover 舞號
227 2 xiè to let out 憲憲洩洩
228 2 bǎn a block of printing; an edition 版版盪盪
229 2 bǎn page 版版盪盪
230 2 bǎn two pieces of wood of the same dimension and appearance facing each other 版版盪盪
231 2 bǎn a plank; a sheet 版版盪盪
232 2 bǎn a household register 版版盪盪
233 2 bǎn a unit of length equal to 8 chi 版版盪盪
234 2 bǎn a document 版版盪盪
235 2 bǎn printing blocks 版版盪盪
236 2 bǎn a placard 版版盪盪
237 2 bǎn an official's tablet; a writing tablet 版版盪盪
238 2 bǎn format; publication format 版版盪盪
239 2 ráng lush; abundant [harvest] 穰穰
240 2 ráng stalks of grain 穰穰
241 2 ráng the inner, edible part of fruit 穰穰
242 2 rǎng anxious; agitated 穰穰
243 2 rǎng to pray for blessings 穰穰
244 2 rǎng numerous 穰穰
245 2 méng a bud; a sprout 存存萌萌
246 2 méng to sprout 存存萌萌
247 2 méng to remove weeds 存存萌萌
248 2 méng common people 存存萌萌
249 2 méng the start or end of something 存存萌萌
250 2 méng Meng 存存萌萌
251 2 méng to happen; to occur 存存萌萌
252 2 guest; visitor 有客宿宿
253 2 a customer 有客宿宿
254 2 a worker 有客宿宿
255 2 a servant 有客宿宿
256 2 a guide 有客宿宿
257 2 a person 有客宿宿
258 2 Ke 有客宿宿
259 2 to stay; to lodge 有客宿宿
260 2 to host a guest 有客宿宿
261 2 secondary 有客宿宿
262 2 not known to exist 有客宿宿
263 2 qīn to respect; to admire 欽欽
264 2 qīn imperial 欽欽
265 2 qīn Qin 欽欽
266 2 huān happy; pleased; glad; joyous 懽懽愮愮
267 2 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 善父母為孝
268 2 shàn happy 善父母為孝
269 2 shàn good 善父母為孝
270 2 shàn kind-hearted 善父母為孝
271 2 shàn to be skilled at something 善父母為孝
272 2 shàn familiar 善父母為孝
273 2 shàn to repair 善父母為孝
274 2 shàn to admire 善父母為孝
275 2 shàn to praise 善父母為孝
276 2 shàn Shan 善父母為孝
277 2 méng courageous 儚儚泂泂
278 2 méng fleeting; momentary; ephemeral 儚儚泂泂
279 2 méng vain; empty 儚儚泂泂
280 2 méng fickle 儚儚泂泂
281 2 bǐng be anxious, be grieved, be sad 怲怲
282 2 zhì to beat 挃挃
283 2 式微 shìwēi to decline; to wane 式微式微者
284 2 式微 shìwēi Shiwei 式微式微者
285 2 to press down 抑抑
286 2 to repress; to curb; to hinder 抑抑
287 2 to be depressed 抑抑
288 2 to lower the head; to bow 抑抑
289 2 to cede position 抑抑
290 2 to retire; to withdraw 抑抑
291 2 to prohibit 抑抑
292 2 a lever; a bracket 抑抑
293 2 deep; low 抑抑
294 2 to force; to control 抑抑
295 2 gāo the high land along a river 皋皋琄琄
296 2 great; grand; glorious; distinguished 丕丕簡簡
297 2 niè evil 蓁蓁孽孽
298 2 niè son of a concubine 蓁蓁孽孽
299 2 niè a ghost 蓁蓁孽孽
300 2 wěi to appoint; to commission 委委佗佗
301 2 wěi committee; committee member 委委佗佗
302 2 wěi to give up; to abandon 委委佗佗
303 2 wěi bent; crooked 委委佗佗
304 2 wěi to bend 委委佗佗
305 2 wěi lower course of a river 委委佗佗
306 2 wěi to pretend compliance; to use an excuse to decline 委委佗佗
307 2 wěi to accept a situation 委委佗佗
308 2 wěi to accumulate; to pile up 委委佗佗
309 2 wěi a wrongful act 委委佗佗
310 2 wěi the last part 委委佗佗
311 2 wěi to trust in 委委佗佗
312 2 wēi to droop 委委佗佗
313 2 wěi to wilt; to wither 委委佗佗
314 2 wěi to put 委委佗佗
315 2 wěi fatigued; dejected 委委佗佗
316 2 wěi fine; miniature 委委佗佗
317 2 wěi Wei 委委佗佗
318 2 go 弈弈
319 2 to play go 弈弈
320 2 jiū to examine; to investigate 居居究究
321 2 jiū to be used to; to be exhausted 居居究究
322 2 jiū to query; to question 居居究究
323 2 chóng \N 爞爞炎炎
324 2 jīng Beijing 京京
325 2 jīng Jing 京京
326 2 jīng capital city 京京
327 2 jīng to compare 京京
328 2 jīng a tall mound 京京
329 2 jīng a large square granary 京京
330 2 jīng ten billion 京京
331 2 jīng large 京京
332 2 yuán cemetery 京京
333 2 jué to stumble; to fail 蹶蹶踖踖
334 2 jué to step on 蹶蹶踖踖
335 2 jué to kick 蹶蹶踖踖
336 2 jué to run 蹶蹶踖踖
337 2 jué nimble 蹶蹶踖踖
338 2 jué exhausted 蹶蹶踖踖
339 2 guì vibrate 蹶蹶踖踖
340 2 jué to topple; to fall down 蹶蹶踖踖
341 2 dāo grieved 忉忉
342 2 dāo long winded 忉忉
343 2 dào way; road; path 不道也
344 2 dào principle; a moral; morality 不道也
345 2 dào Tao; the Way 不道也
346 2 dào to say; to speak; to talk 不道也
347 2 dào to think 不道也
348 2 dào circuit; a province 不道也
349 2 dào a course; a channel 不道也
350 2 dào a method; a way of doing something 不道也
351 2 dào a doctrine 不道也
352 2 dào Taoism; Daoism 不道也
353 2 dào a skill 不道也
354 2 dào a sect 不道也
355 2 dào a line 不道也
356 2 yáo distressed; agitated 懽懽愮愮
357 2 mào to be hardworking 懋懋慔慔
358 2 mào luxuriant; splendid 懋懋慔慔
359 2 xiàn constitution; statute; law 憲憲洩洩
360 2 huò to cascade down; dashing of water 是刈是濩
361 2 huò to look 是刈是濩
362 2 xiū to rest 瞿瞿休休
363 2 xiū to stop 瞿瞿休休
364 2 xiū to take leave 瞿瞿休休
365 2 xiū lucky; beneficial 瞿瞿休休
366 2 xiū to cast of one's wife 瞿瞿休休
367 2 xiū to retire 瞿瞿休休
368 2 xiū first-rate; best quality 瞿瞿休休
369 2 xiū shade from a tree 瞿瞿休休
370 2 xuān forget
371 2 xuān lie; cheat; deceive
372 2 zhùn \N 夢夢訰訰
373 2 \N 懋懋慔慔
374 2 liè intense; fierce 桓桓烈烈
375 2 liè grand 桓桓烈烈
376 2 liè ablaze 桓桓烈烈
377 2 liè to set on fire 桓桓烈烈
378 2 liè principled; upright 桓桓烈烈
379 2 liè violent 桓桓烈烈
380 2 liè devoted 桓桓烈烈
381 2 liè glorious 桓桓烈烈
382 2 liè famous 桓桓烈烈
383 2 huáng a weapon 鍠鍠
384 2 suǒ trivial; trifling; petty; small 佌佌瑣瑣
385 2 suǒ troublesome; annoying 佌佌瑣瑣
386 2 suǒ a jade chain 佌佌瑣瑣
387 2 suǒ tinkling 佌佌瑣瑣
388 2 suǒ humble; lowly 佌佌瑣瑣
389 2 suǒ a palace gate 佌佌瑣瑣
390 2 suǒ a chain-like pattern 佌佌瑣瑣
391 2 suǒ a lock 佌佌瑣瑣
392 2 suǒ Suo 佌佌瑣瑣
393 2 yōu excellent; superior 廱廱優優
394 2 guāng sparkling water 洸洸赳赳
395 2 dàng to shake; to swing; to rock 版版盪盪
396 2 dàng a pond; a pool 版版盪盪
397 2 dàng to wash 版版盪盪
398 2 dàng to be unrestrained; to be willfull 版版盪盪
399 2 dàng vast 版版盪盪
400 2 dàng to assail 版版盪盪
401 2 dàng to clean; to eliminate 版版盪盪
402 2 dàng to alternate 版版盪盪
403 2 dàng to devastate; to ravage 版版盪盪
404 2 dàng unruffled; calm 版版盪盪
405 2 dàng to throw into chaos 版版盪盪
406 2 dàng to roam idly 版版盪盪
407 2 dàng smooth 版版盪盪
408 2 dàng Dang 版版盪盪
409 2 yōng \N 噰噰喈喈
410 2 qiāng to walk rapidly 戰戰蹌蹌
411 2 qiāng to in a dignified or rhythmic way 戰戰蹌蹌
412 2 qiàng to stagger 戰戰蹌蹌
413 2 mèng a dream 夢夢訰訰
414 2 mèng to dream 夢夢訰訰
415 2 mèng grassland 夢夢訰訰
416 2 mèng a fantasy; a delusion; wishful thinking 夢夢訰訰
417 2 zhàn war; fighting; battle 戰戰蹌蹌
418 2 zhàn to fight 戰戰蹌蹌
419 2 zhàn to shiver; to shudder; to tremble 戰戰蹌蹌
420 2 zhàn Zhan 戰戰蹌蹌
421 2 zhàn to debate; to dispute 戰戰蹌蹌
422 2 zhòng many; numerous 眾也
423 2 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 眾也
424 2 zhòng general; common; public 眾也
425 2 cǎn tragic; miserable; wretched 悄悄慘慘
426 2 cǎn cruel 悄悄慘慘
427 2 shì to release; to set free 釋訓
428 2 shì to explain; to interpret 釋訓
429 2 shì to remove; to dispell; to clear up 釋訓
430 2 shì to give up; to abandon 釋訓
431 2 shì to put down 釋訓
432 2 shì to resolve 釋訓
433 2 shì to melt 釋訓
434 2 shì Śākyamuni 釋訓
435 2 shì Buddhism 釋訓
436 2 shì Śākya; Shakya 釋訓
437 2 pleased; glad 釋訓
438 2 Qi 其虛其徐
439 2 yóng solemn; large; grand; majestic 顒顒
440 2 zhāng Zhang 張仲孝友
441 2 zhāng to open; to draw [a bow] 張仲孝友
442 2 zhāng idea; thought 張仲孝友
443 2 zhāng to fix strings 張仲孝友
444 2 zhāng to unfold; to unroll; to stretch 張仲孝友
445 2 zhāng to boast; to exaggerate 張仲孝友
446 2 zhāng to expand; to magnify 張仲孝友
447 2 zhāng to display; to exhibit; to publish 張仲孝友
448 2 zhāng to catch animals with a net 張仲孝友
449 2 zhāng to spy on; to look 張仲孝友
450 2 zhāng large 張仲孝友
451 2 zhàng swollen 張仲孝友
452 2 zhāng Zhang [constellation] 張仲孝友
453 2 zhāng to open a new business 張仲孝友
454 2 zhāng to fear 張仲孝友
455 2 shì at ease 懨懨媞媞
456 2 yōng harmonious 廱廱優優
457 2 yōng pool; hall 廱廱優優
458 2 zhǒng swell 既微且尰
459 2 zhǒng swelling of the legs 既微且尰
460 2 jiǒng clear and deep 儚儚泂泂
461 2 jiǒng wide 儚儚泂泂
462 2 past; former times 誰昔
463 2 Xi 誰昔
464 2 cuò rough; coarse 誰昔
465 2 night 誰昔
466 2 to grieve; to lament; to be anxious 速速蹙蹙
467 2 urgent 速速蹙蹙
468 2 wrinkled 速速蹙蹙
469 2 to force 速速蹙蹙
470 2 to kick; to tread 速速蹙蹙
471 2 to reduce 速速蹙蹙
472 2 to gather together 速速蹙蹙
473 2 respectful 速速蹙蹙
474 2 càn radiant; bright 宴宴粲粲
475 2 càn polish 宴宴粲粲
476 2 càn smiling 宴宴粲粲
477 2 chóu hatred; animosity; enmity 仇仇敖敖
478 2 qiú a match; a mate 仇仇敖敖
479 2 qiú Qiu 仇仇敖敖
480 2 guǎn sick 痯痯瘐瘐
481 2 chāo to cook by scalding 綽綽爰爰
482 2 chuò generous; ample; wide; spacious; well-off 綽綽爰爰
483 2 chuò to grip 綽綽爰爰
484 2 shéng \N 兢兢憴憴
485 2 \N 懪懪邈邈
486 2 肅肅 sùsù a respectful manner 穆穆肅肅
487 2 肅肅 sùsù rapid; hasty 穆穆肅肅
488 2 肅肅 sùsù a solemn manner 穆穆肅肅
489 2 肅肅 sùsù whirring 穆穆肅肅
490 2 míng fame; renown; reputation 猗嗟名兮
491 2 míng a name; personal name; designation 猗嗟名兮
492 2 míng rank; position 猗嗟名兮
493 2 míng an excuse 猗嗟名兮
494 2 míng life 猗嗟名兮
495 2 míng to name; to call 猗嗟名兮
496 2 míng to express; to describe 猗嗟名兮
497 2 míng to be called; to have the name 猗嗟名兮
498 2 míng to own; to possess 猗嗟名兮
499 2 míng famous; renowned 猗嗟名兮
500 2 míng moral 猗嗟名兮

Frequencies of all Words

Top 525

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 118 also; too 察也
2 118 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 察也
3 118 either 察也
4 118 even 察也
5 118 used to soften the tone 察也
6 118 used for emphasis 察也
7 118 used to mark contrast 察也
8 118 used to mark compromise 察也
9 9 wèi for; to 骭瘍為微
10 9 wèi because of 骭瘍為微
11 9 wéi to act as; to serve 骭瘍為微
12 9 wéi to change into; to become 骭瘍為微
13 9 wéi to be; is 骭瘍為微
14 9 wéi to do 骭瘍為微
15 9 wèi for 骭瘍為微
16 9 wèi because of; for; to 骭瘍為微
17 9 wèi to 骭瘍為微
18 9 wéi in a passive construction 骭瘍為微
19 9 wéi forming a rehetorical question 骭瘍為微
20 9 wéi forming an adverb 骭瘍為微
21 9 wéi to add emphasis 骭瘍為微
22 9 wèi to support; to help 骭瘍為微
23 9 wéi to govern 骭瘍為微
24 7 zhī him; her; them; that 君之德也
25 7 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 君之德也
26 7 zhī to go 君之德也
27 7 zhī this; that 君之德也
28 7 zhī genetive marker 君之德也
29 7 zhī it 君之德也
30 7 zhī in; in regards to 君之德也
31 7 zhī all 君之德也
32 7 zhī and 君之德也
33 7 zhī however 君之德也
34 7 zhī if 君之德也
35 7 zhī then 君之德也
36 7 zhī to arrive; to go 君之德也
37 7 zhī is 君之德也
38 7 zhī to use 君之德也
39 7 zhī Zhi 君之德也
40 7 zhī winding 君之德也
41 7 not; no 不俟
42 7 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不俟
43 7 as a correlative 不俟
44 7 no (answering a question) 不俟
45 7 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不俟
46 7 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不俟
47 7 to form a yes or no question 不俟
48 7 infix potential marker 不俟
49 6 expresses affirmation, approval, or consent 瑟兮僴兮
50 5 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 式微式微者
51 5 zhě that 式微式微者
52 5 zhě nominalizing function word 式微式微者
53 5 zhě used to mark a definition 式微式微者
54 5 zhě used to mark a pause 式微式微者
55 5 zhě topic marker; that; it 式微式微者
56 5 zhuó according to 式微式微者
57 4 zhì in order; in sequence 條條秩秩
58 4 zhì an official salary 條條秩秩
59 4 zhì decade 條條秩秩
60 4 zhì official rank or position 條條秩秩
61 4 zhì duties; regimen 條條秩秩
62 4 róu soft 柔也
63 4 róu gentle; pliant 柔也
64 4 宿 to lodge; to stay overnight 有客宿宿
65 4 宿 old 有客宿宿
66 4 宿 xiǔ night 有客宿宿
67 4 宿 xiù constellation 有客宿宿
68 4 宿 a room; a place to spend the night 有客宿宿
69 4 宿 to stop; to rest 有客宿宿
70 4 宿 State of Su 有客宿宿
71 4 宿 Su 有客宿宿
72 4 宿 from the previous night 有客宿宿
73 4 宿 ordinarily 有客宿宿
74 4 宿 previously 有客宿宿
75 4 yǒu is; are; to exist 每有
76 4 yǒu to have; to possess 每有
77 4 yǒu indicates an estimate 每有
78 4 yǒu indicates a large quantity 每有
79 4 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 每有
80 4 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 每有
81 4 yǒu used to compare two things 每有
82 4 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 每有
83 4 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 每有
84 4 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 每有
85 4 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 每有
86 4 yǒu abundant 每有
87 4 yǒu purposeful 每有
88 4 yǒu You 每有
89 4 yàn late in the day 晏晏溫溫
90 4 yàn peaceful; quiet 晏晏溫溫
91 4 yàn clear 晏晏溫溫
92 4 wēi small; tiny 既微且尰
93 4 wēi trifling 既微且尰
94 4 wéi if it had not been for 既微且尰
95 4 wēi to decline; to wane 既微且尰
96 4 wēi profound 既微且尰
97 4 wēi slightly 既微且尰
98 4 wēi miro 既微且尰
99 4 wēi to hide; to conceal 既微且尰
100 4 wéi is not 既微且尰
101 4 wéi lowly 既微且尰
102 4 wēi few 既微且尰
103 4 wēi unclear 既微且尰
104 4 wēi secretly 既微且尰
105 4 wēi Wei 既微且尰
106 3 martial; military 武也
107 3 a battle; (military) force 武也
108 3 martial arts 武也
109 3 a footstep; a footprint; half a step 武也
110 3 a fighter; a warrior; a soldier 武也
111 3 half a step 武也
112 3 Wu; Sacrificial odes of Zhou 武也
113 3 Wu 武也
114 3 warlike; fierce; valiant; violent 武也
115 3 to continue; to succeed 武也
116 3 wàng to forget 勿忘也
117 3 wàng to ignore; neglect 勿忘也
118 3 wàng to abandon 勿忘也
119 3 residence; dwelling 居居究究
120 3 to be at a position 居居究究
121 3 to live; to dwell; to reside 居居究究
122 3 to stay put 居居究究
123 3 to claim; to assert 居居究究
124 3 to store up; to accumulate 居居究究
125 3 unexpectedly 居居究究
126 3 to sit down 居居究究
127 3 to possess 居居究究
128 3 to hold in storage; to retain; to harbor 居居究究
129 3 Ju 居居究究
130 3 interrogative particle 居居究究
131 3 apprentice; disciple 徒御不驚
132 3 follower; believer 徒御不驚
133 3 only 徒御不驚
134 3 to go by foot; to walk 徒御不驚
135 3 empty 徒御不驚
136 3 a [bad] person 徒御不驚
137 3 infantry 徒御不驚
138 3 a pawn 徒御不驚
139 3 a conscript; a corvee; a convict doing forced labor 徒御不驚
140 3 a group; a crowd 徒御不驚
141 3 a companion; a colleague 徒御不驚
142 3 in vain 徒御不驚
143 3 unexpectedly 徒御不驚
144 3 mǐn clever; smart 敏也
145 3 mǐn industrious; diligent 敏也
146 3 mǐn talent 敏也
147 3 mǐn quick; swift; agile 敏也
148 3 mǐn big toe 敏也
149 3 shì is; are; am; to be 是刈是濩
150 3 shì is exactly 是刈是濩
151 3 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是刈是濩
152 3 shì this; that; those 是刈是濩
153 3 shì really; certainly 是刈是濩
154 3 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是刈是濩
155 3 shì true 是刈是濩
156 3 shì is; has; exists 是刈是濩
157 3 shì used between repetitions of a word 是刈是濩
158 3 shì a matter; an affair 是刈是濩
159 3 shì Shi 是刈是濩
160 3 yán to speak; to say; said 言再宿也
161 3 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 言再宿也
162 3 yán Kangxi radical 149 言再宿也
163 3 yán a particle with no meaning 言再宿也
164 3 yán phrase; sentence 言再宿也
165 3 yán a word; a syllable 言再宿也
166 3 yán a theory; a doctrine 言再宿也
167 3 yán to regard as 言再宿也
168 3 yán to act as 言再宿也
169 2 dawn; rising sun 旭旭蹻蹻
170 2 brilliance 旭旭蹻蹻
171 2 radiant 旭旭蹻蹻
172 2 suì to comply with; to follow along 烝烝遂遂
173 2 suì thereupon 烝烝遂遂
174 2 suì to advance 烝烝遂遂
175 2 suì to follow through; to achieve 烝烝遂遂
176 2 suì to follow smoothly 烝烝遂遂
177 2 suì an area the capital 烝烝遂遂
178 2 suì a dish underneath a chime; a ditch 烝烝遂遂
179 2 suì a flint 烝烝遂遂
180 2 suì to satisfy 烝烝遂遂
181 2 suì to propose; to nominate 烝烝遂遂
182 2 suì to grow 烝烝遂遂
183 2 suì to use up; to stop 烝烝遂遂
184 2 suì sleeve used in archery 烝烝遂遂
185 2 to be cautious; to be careful; to be fearful 忯忯惕惕
186 2 sāo \N 溞溞
187 2 yōu to worry; to be concerned 憂也
188 2 yōu a worry; a concern; grief 憂也
189 2 yōu sad; grieved 憂也
190 2 yōu funeral arrangements for parents 憂也
191 2 yōu a sickness; an ailment 憂也
192 2 hōng to die 薨薨增增
193 2 hōng swarming 薨薨增增
194 2 zhuì afraid; apprehensive; nervous 惴惴憢憢
195 2 tuán to be sad 慱慱
196 2 zēng to increase; to add to; to augment 薨薨增增
197 2 zēng duplicated; repeated 薨薨增增
198 2 藹藹 ǎiǎi luxuriant (vegetation) 藹藹濟濟
199 2 藹藹 ǎiǎi numerous 藹藹濟濟
200 2 藹藹 ǎiǎi to do one's best 藹藹濟濟
201 2 藹藹 ǎiǎi the moon when slightly obscured 藹藹濟濟
202 2 yīng calling of birds 丁丁嚶嚶
203 2 xu 徐也
204 2 slowly; gently 徐也
205 2 Xu 徐也
206 2 Xuzhou 徐也
207 2 do not 勿念
208 2 no 勿念
209 2 clothes; dress; garment 服也
210 2 funary clothes 服也
211 2 to serve; to obey; to comply; to defer 服也
212 2 to take medicine; to eat 服也
213 2 to be suitable for; to be used to 服也
214 2 to take on; to undertake; to be responsible for 服也
215 2 to harness 服也
216 2 two of a four horse team 服也
217 2 to wear [clothes]; to dress 服也
218 2 a dose 服也
219 2 morning; funeral arrangements 服也
220 2 Fu 服也
221 2 to cause to yield 服也
222 2 small 佌佌瑣瑣
223 2 sāo agitated 庸庸慅慅
224 2 jīn jin 明明斤斤
225 2 jīn an axe 明明斤斤
226 2 jīn Kangxi radical 69 明明斤斤
227 2 jīn to chop 明明斤斤
228 2 jīn a hoe; a mattock 明明斤斤
229 2 jīn keen; shrewd 明明斤斤
230 2 chēng to state; to praise 偁偁格格
231 2 xiāo \N 惴惴憢憢
232 2 yún land 畇畇
233 2 威儀 wēiyí majestic presence; awe-inspiring manner 威儀也
234 2 威儀 wēiyí imperial procession 威儀也
235 2 suì an ear of grain 穟穟
236 2 suì ripe grain 穟穟
237 2 \N 忯忯惕惕
238 2 tiāo frivolous 佻佻契契
239 2 tiāo unsteady 佻佻契契
240 2 tiāo delay 佻佻契契
241 2 qiú ornamental cap 俅俅
242 2 a plough 畟畟
243 2 huì sharp 儵儵嘒嘒
244 2 xìn to believe; to trust 有客信信
245 2 xìn a letter 有客信信
246 2 xìn evidence 有客信信
247 2 xìn faith; confidence 有客信信
248 2 xìn honest; sincere; true 有客信信
249 2 xìn proof; a certificate; a receipt; a voucher 有客信信
250 2 xìn an official holding a document 有客信信
251 2 xìn willfully; randomly 有客信信
252 2 xìn truly 有客信信
253 2 xìn a gift 有客信信
254 2 xìn credit 有客信信
255 2 xìn on time; regularly 有客信信
256 2 xìn to lodge in one place two or more nights in a row 有客信信
257 2 xìn news; a message 有客信信
258 2 xìn arsenic 有客信信
259 2 yōng ordinary; normal 庸庸慅慅
260 2 yōng interrogative particle 庸庸慅慅
261 2 yōng to use 庸庸慅慅
262 2 yōng to appoint 庸庸慅慅
263 2 yōng to work for 庸庸慅慅
264 2 yōng a large bell 庸庸慅慅
265 2 tiáo measure word for long thin things 條條秩秩
266 2 tiáo a strip 條條秩秩
267 2 tiáo a twig 條條秩秩
268 2 tiáo an item; an article 條條秩秩
269 2 tiáo striped 條條秩秩
270 2 tiáo an order 條條秩秩
271 2 tiáo a short note 條條秩秩
272 2 tiáo a string 條條秩秩
273 2 tiáo a silk suspension loop 條條秩秩
274 2 tiáo a withe; a cane splint 條條秩秩
275 2 tiáo long 條條秩秩
276 2 tiáo a mesh opening 條條秩秩
277 2 tiáo arrangement; orderliness 條條秩秩
278 2 tiáo to reach to 條條秩秩
279 2 tiáo catalpa tree 條條秩秩
280 2 tiáo discharge from hawks or falcons 條條秩秩
281 2 tiáo spring breeze 條條秩秩
282 2 tiáo Seleucia 條條秩秩
283 2 tiáo unimpeded 條條秩秩
284 2 xuàn scabbard 皋皋琄琄
285 2 xuàn traces; reins 皋皋琄琄
286 2 qióng troubled; worried; distressed 惸惸
287 2 shū sudden; abrupt 儵儵嘒嘒
288 2 to die in prison from cold and hunger 痯痯瘐瘐
289 2 to treat with cruelty 痯痯瘐瘐
290 2 hǎo Hao 郝郝
291 2 hǎo Hao 郝郝
292 2 訿 \N 翕翕訿訿
293 2 měi beautiful 美也
294 2 měi America 美也
295 2 měi good; pleasing 美也
296 2 měi United States of America 美也
297 2 měi to beautify 美也
298 2 měi to be satisfied with oneself 美也
299 2 měi tasty 美也
300 2 měi satisying; pleasing 美也
301 2 měi a beautiful lady 美也
302 2 měi a beautiful thing 美也
303 2 měi to exaggerate 美也
304 2 such as; for example; for instance 如琢如磨
305 2 if 如琢如磨
306 2 in accordance with 如琢如磨
307 2 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 如琢如磨
308 2 this 如琢如磨
309 2 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 如琢如磨
310 2 to go to 如琢如磨
311 2 to meet 如琢如磨
312 2 to appear; to seem; to be like 如琢如磨
313 2 at least as good as 如琢如磨
314 2 and 如琢如磨
315 2 or 如琢如磨
316 2 but 如琢如磨
317 2 then 如琢如磨
318 2 naturally 如琢如磨
319 2 expresses a question or doubt 如琢如磨
320 2 you 如琢如磨
321 2 the second lunar month 如琢如磨
322 2 in; at 如琢如磨
323 2 Ru 如琢如磨
324 2 yàn a feast; a banquet 宴宴粲粲
325 2 yàn to entertain; to host a feast 宴宴粲粲
326 2 yàn calm; in comfort and at ease 宴宴粲粲
327 2 yàn joyful 宴宴粲粲
328 2 yàn to rest 宴宴粲粲
329 2 zūn cup 坎坎墫墫
330 2 é lofty 峨峨
331 2 xuè to jeer 謔謔謞謞
332 2 xuè joyful 謔謔謞謞
333 2 to dance; to posture; to prance 舞號
334 2 a dance 舞號
335 2 to brandish 舞號
336 2 to play 舞號
337 2 to fly; to hover 舞號
338 2 xiè to let out 憲憲洩洩
339 2 bǎn a block of printing; an edition 版版盪盪
340 2 bǎn page 版版盪盪
341 2 bǎn two pieces of wood of the same dimension and appearance facing each other 版版盪盪
342 2 bǎn a plank; a sheet 版版盪盪
343 2 bǎn a household register 版版盪盪
344 2 bǎn a unit of length equal to 8 chi 版版盪盪
345 2 bǎn a document 版版盪盪
346 2 bǎn printing blocks 版版盪盪
347 2 bǎn a placard 版版盪盪
348 2 bǎn an official's tablet; a writing tablet 版版盪盪
349 2 bǎn format; publication format 版版盪盪
350 2 ráng lush; abundant [harvest] 穰穰
351 2 ráng stalks of grain 穰穰
352 2 ráng the inner, edible part of fruit 穰穰
353 2 rǎng anxious; agitated 穰穰
354 2 rǎng to pray for blessings 穰穰
355 2 rǎng numerous 穰穰
356 2 méng a bud; a sprout 存存萌萌
357 2 méng to sprout 存存萌萌
358 2 méng to remove weeds 存存萌萌
359 2 méng common people 存存萌萌
360 2 méng the start or end of something 存存萌萌
361 2 méng Meng 存存萌萌
362 2 méng to happen; to occur 存存萌萌
363 2 guest; visitor 有客宿宿
364 2 portion 有客宿宿
365 2 a customer 有客宿宿
366 2 a worker 有客宿宿
367 2 a servant 有客宿宿
368 2 a guide 有客宿宿
369 2 a person 有客宿宿
370 2 Ke 有客宿宿
371 2 to stay; to lodge 有客宿宿
372 2 to host a guest 有客宿宿
373 2 secondary 有客宿宿
374 2 not known to exist 有客宿宿
375 2 qīn to respect; to admire 欽欽
376 2 qīn imperial 欽欽
377 2 qīn Qin 欽欽
378 2 huān happy; pleased; glad; joyous 懽懽愮愮
379 2 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 善父母為孝
380 2 shàn happy 善父母為孝
381 2 shàn good 善父母為孝
382 2 shàn kind-hearted 善父母為孝
383 2 shàn to be skilled at something 善父母為孝
384 2 shàn familiar 善父母為孝
385 2 shàn to repair 善父母為孝
386 2 shàn to admire 善父母為孝
387 2 shàn to praise 善父母為孝
388 2 shàn numerous; frequent; easy 善父母為孝
389 2 shàn Shan 善父母為孝
390 2 méng courageous 儚儚泂泂
391 2 méng fleeting; momentary; ephemeral 儚儚泂泂
392 2 méng vain; empty 儚儚泂泂
393 2 méng fickle 儚儚泂泂
394 2 bǐng be anxious, be grieved, be sad 怲怲
395 2 zhì to beat 挃挃
396 2 式微 shìwēi to decline; to wane 式微式微者
397 2 式微 shìwēi Shiwei 式微式微者
398 2 to press down 抑抑
399 2 or 抑抑
400 2 moreover 抑抑
401 2 but 抑抑
402 2 to repress; to curb; to hinder 抑抑
403 2 to be depressed 抑抑
404 2 to lower the head; to bow 抑抑
405 2 to cede position 抑抑
406 2 to retire; to withdraw 抑抑
407 2 to prohibit 抑抑
408 2 a lever; a bracket 抑抑
409 2 ah 抑抑
410 2 deep; low 抑抑
411 2 to force; to control 抑抑
412 2 zhū all; many; various 諸諸便便
413 2 zhū Zhu 諸諸便便
414 2 zhū all; members of the class 諸諸便便
415 2 zhū interrogative particle 諸諸便便
416 2 zhū him; her; them; it 諸諸便便
417 2 zhū of; in 諸諸便便
418 2 gāo the high land along a river 皋皋琄琄
419 2 great; grand; glorious; distinguished 丕丕簡簡
420 2 niè evil 蓁蓁孽孽
421 2 niè son of a concubine 蓁蓁孽孽
422 2 niè a ghost 蓁蓁孽孽
423 2 wěi to appoint; to commission 委委佗佗
424 2 wěi committee; committee member 委委佗佗
425 2 wěi to give up; to abandon 委委佗佗
426 2 wěi bent; crooked 委委佗佗
427 2 wěi to bend 委委佗佗
428 2 wěi lower course of a river 委委佗佗
429 2 wěi indeed; really 委委佗佗
430 2 wěi to pretend compliance; to use an excuse to decline 委委佗佗
431 2 wěi to accept a situation 委委佗佗
432 2 wěi to accumulate; to pile up 委委佗佗
433 2 wěi a wrongful act 委委佗佗
434 2 wěi the last part 委委佗佗
435 2 wěi to trust in 委委佗佗
436 2 wēi to droop 委委佗佗
437 2 wěi to wilt; to wither 委委佗佗
438 2 wěi to put 委委佗佗
439 2 wěi fatigued; dejected 委委佗佗
440 2 wěi fine; miniature 委委佗佗
441 2 wěi Wei 委委佗佗
442 2 go 弈弈
443 2 to play go 弈弈
444 2 jiū to examine; to investigate 居居究究
445 2 jiū to be used to; to be exhausted 居居究究
446 2 jiū to query; to question 居居究究
447 2 jiū eventually 居居究究
448 2 chóng \N 爞爞炎炎
449 2 jīng Beijing 京京
450 2 jīng Jing 京京
451 2 jīng capital city 京京
452 2 jīng to compare 京京
453 2 jīng a tall mound 京京
454 2 jīng a large square granary 京京
455 2 jīng ten billion 京京
456 2 jīng large 京京
457 2 yuán cemetery 京京
458 2 jué to stumble; to fail 蹶蹶踖踖
459 2 jué to step on 蹶蹶踖踖
460 2 jué to kick 蹶蹶踖踖
461 2 jué to run 蹶蹶踖踖
462 2 jué nimble 蹶蹶踖踖
463 2 jué exhausted 蹶蹶踖踖
464 2 guì vibrate 蹶蹶踖踖
465 2 jué to topple; to fall down 蹶蹶踖踖
466 2 dāo grieved 忉忉
467 2 dāo long winded 忉忉
468 2 dào way; road; path 不道也
469 2 dào principle; a moral; morality 不道也
470 2 dào Tao; the Way 不道也
471 2 dào measure word for long things 不道也
472 2 dào to say; to speak; to talk 不道也
473 2 dào to think 不道也
474 2 dào times 不道也
475 2 dào circuit; a province 不道也
476 2 dào a course; a channel 不道也
477 2 dào a method; a way of doing something 不道也
478 2 dào measure word for doors and walls 不道也
479 2 dào measure word for courses of a meal 不道也
480 2 dào a centimeter 不道也
481 2 dào a doctrine 不道也
482 2 dào Taoism; Daoism 不道也
483 2 dào a skill 不道也
484 2 dào a sect 不道也
485 2 dào a line 不道也
486 2 yáo distressed; agitated 懽懽愮愮
487 2 mào to be hardworking 懋懋慔慔
488 2 mào luxuriant; splendid 懋懋慔慔
489 2 xiàn constitution; statute; law 憲憲洩洩
490 2 huò to cascade down; dashing of water 是刈是濩
491 2 huò to look 是刈是濩
492 2 xiū to rest 瞿瞿休休
493 2 xiū to stop 瞿瞿休休
494 2 xiū to take leave 瞿瞿休休
495 2 xiū lucky; beneficial 瞿瞿休休
496 2 xiū to not 瞿瞿休休
497 2 xiū to cast of one's wife 瞿瞿休休
498 2 xiū to retire 瞿瞿休休
499 2 xiū first-rate; best quality 瞿瞿休休
500 2 xiū shade from a tree 瞿瞿休休

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
北方 98 The North
格格 103 Gege
  1. Hao
  2. Hao
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English