Glossary and Vocabulary for Book of Wei 魏書, 卷19中 景穆十二王中 Volume 19b: Emperor Jingmu Twelve Princes 2

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 131 zhī to go 勗以戰伐之事
2 131 zhī to arrive; to go 勗以戰伐之事
3 131 zhī is 勗以戰伐之事
4 131 zhī to use 勗以戰伐之事
5 131 zhī Zhi 勗以戰伐之事
6 131 zhī winding 勗以戰伐之事
7 65 wéi to act as; to serve 並號為椒房
8 65 wéi to change into; to become 並號為椒房
9 65 wéi to be; is 並號為椒房
10 65 wéi to do 並號為椒房
11 65 wèi to support; to help 並號為椒房
12 65 wéi to govern 並號為椒房
13 63 to use; to grasp 勗以戰伐之事
14 63 to rely on 勗以戰伐之事
15 63 to regard 勗以戰伐之事
16 63 to be able to 勗以戰伐之事
17 63 to order; to command 勗以戰伐之事
18 63 used after a verb 勗以戰伐之事
19 63 a reason; a cause 勗以戰伐之事
20 63 Israel 勗以戰伐之事
21 63 Yi 勗以戰伐之事
22 59 yuē to speak; to say 諡曰幽
23 59 yuē Kangxi radical 73 諡曰幽
24 59 yuē to be called 諡曰幽
25 53 wáng Wang 陽平王
26 53 wáng a king 陽平王
27 53 wáng Kangxi radical 96 陽平王
28 53 wàng to be king; to rule 陽平王
29 53 wáng a prince; a duke 陽平王
30 53 wáng grand; great 陽平王
31 53 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 陽平王
32 53 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 陽平王
33 53 wáng the head of a group or gang 陽平王
34 53 wáng the biggest or best of a group 陽平王
35 49 kuāng to correct; to rectify 不能有所匡益
36 49 kuāng to help; to save 不能有所匡益
37 49 kuāng to approximate 不能有所匡益
38 49 kuāng eye socket 不能有所匡益
39 49 kuāng to envelop 不能有所匡益
40 49 kuāng crooked 不能有所匡益
41 49 kuāng to expect 不能有所匡益
42 49 kuāng Kuang 不能有所匡益
43 40 刺史 cìshǐ Regional Inspector 後除朔州刺史
44 40 yún cloud 詩云
45 40 yún Yunnan 詩云
46 40 yún Yun 詩云
47 40 yún to say 詩云
48 40 yún to have 詩云
49 40 to go; to 薨於青州刺史
50 40 to rely on; to depend on 薨於青州刺史
51 40 Yu 薨於青州刺史
52 40 a crow 薨於青州刺史
53 39 suǒ a few; various; some 朕所望也
54 39 suǒ a place; a location 朕所望也
55 39 suǒ indicates a passive voice 朕所望也
56 39 suǒ an ordinal number 朕所望也
57 39 suǒ meaning 朕所望也
58 39 suǒ garrison 朕所望也
59 38 child; son 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
60 38 egg; newborn 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
61 38 first earthly branch 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
62 38 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
63 38 Kangxi radical 39 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
64 38 pellet; something small and hard 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
65 38 master 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
66 38 viscount 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
67 38 zi you; your honor 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
68 38 masters 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
69 38 person 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
70 38 young 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
71 38 seed 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
72 38 subordinate; subsidiary 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
73 38 a copper coin 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
74 38 female dragonfly 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
75 38 constituent 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
76 38 offspring; descendants 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
77 38 dear 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
78 38 little one 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
79 36 ér Kangxi radical 126 既殯而發
80 36 ér as if; to seem like 既殯而發
81 36 néng can; able 既殯而發
82 36 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 既殯而發
83 36 ér to arrive; up to 既殯而發
84 34 to give 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
85 34 to accompany 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
86 34 to particate in 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
87 34 of the same kind 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
88 34 to help 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
89 34 for 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
90 33 hòu after; later 後為內都大官
91 33 hòu empress; queen 後為內都大官
92 33 hòu sovereign 後為內都大官
93 33 hòu the god of the earth 後為內都大官
94 33 hòu late; later 後為內都大官
95 33 hòu offspring; descendents 後為內都大官
96 33 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後為內都大官
97 33 hòu behind; back 後為內都大官
98 33 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後為內都大官
99 33 hòu Hou 後為內都大官
100 33 hòu after; behind 後為內都大官
101 33 hòu following 後為內都大官
102 33 hòu to be delayed 後為內都大官
103 33 hòu to abandon; to discard 後為內都大官
104 33 hòu feudal lords 後為內都大官
105 33 hòu Hou 後為內都大官
106 31 rén person; people; a human being 人之云亡
107 31 rén Kangxi radical 9 人之云亡
108 31 rén a kind of person 人之云亡
109 31 rén everybody 人之云亡
110 31 rén adult 人之云亡
111 31 rén somebody; others 人之云亡
112 31 rén an upright person 人之云亡
113 29 fāng fragrant 後因與太常劉芳議爭權量
114 29 fāng virtue 後因與太常劉芳議爭權量
115 29 fāng fragrant plants and flowers 後因與太常劉芳議爭權量
116 29 fāng a respectful form of address 後因與太常劉芳議爭權量
117 29 fāng beautiful 後因與太常劉芳議爭權量
118 29 zhōu a state; a province 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
119 29 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
120 29 zhōu a prefecture 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
121 29 zhōu a country 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
122 29 zhōu an island 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
123 29 zhōu Zhou 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
124 29 zhōu autonomous prefecture 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
125 29 zhōu a country 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
126 28 fēng to seal; to close off 太安三年封
127 28 fēng Feng 太安三年封
128 28 fēng to confer; to grant 太安三年封
129 28 fēng an envelope 太安三年封
130 28 fēng a border; a boundary 太安三年封
131 28 fēng to prohibit 太安三年封
132 28 fēng to limit 太安三年封
133 28 fēng to make an earth mound 太安三年封
134 28 fēng to increase 太安三年封
135 28 one 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
136 28 Kangxi radical 1 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
137 28 pure; concentrated 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
138 28 first 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
139 28 the same 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
140 28 sole; single 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
141 28 a very small amount 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
142 28 Yi 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
143 28 other 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
144 28 to unify 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
145 28 accidentally; coincidentally 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
146 28 abruptly; suddenly 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
147 27 尚書 shàng shū Book of Documents; Book of History; Shangshu 尚書右僕射
148 27 尚書 shàngshū a high official 尚書右僕射
149 27 infix potential marker 又不營產業
150 27 xiān first 先時
151 27 xiān early; prior; former 先時
152 27 xiān to go forward; to advance 先時
153 27 xiān to attach importance to; to value 先時
154 27 xiān to start 先時
155 27 xiān ancestors; forebears 先時
156 27 xiān before; in front 先時
157 27 xiān fundamental; basic 先時
158 27 xiān Xian 先時
159 27 xiān ancient; archaic 先時
160 27 xiān super 先時
161 27 xiān deceased 先時
162 26 sān three 太安三年封
163 26 sān third 太安三年封
164 26 sān more than two 太安三年封
165 26 sān very few 太安三年封
166 26 sān San 太安三年封
167 26 zhào an imperial decree 詔徵赴京
168 26 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔徵赴京
169 26 yuán Yuan Dynasty 元顥入洛
170 26 yuán first 元顥入洛
171 26 yuán origin; head 元顥入洛
172 26 yuán Yuan 元顥入洛
173 26 yuán large 元顥入洛
174 26 yuán good 元顥入洛
175 26 yuán fundamental 元顥入洛
176 26 to attack by surprise 襲爵
177 26 to inherit 襲爵
178 26 clothes of the dead 襲爵
179 26 Xi 襲爵
180 26 to put on clothes for the dead 襲爵
181 26 to put on an extra coat 襲爵
182 26 to wear; to put on 襲爵
183 26 to repeat 襲爵
184 26 to continue as before 襲爵
185 26 to rush at 襲爵
186 25 shí time; a point or period of time 肅宗時
187 25 shí a season; a quarter of a year 肅宗時
188 25 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 肅宗時
189 25 shí fashionable 肅宗時
190 25 shí fate; destiny; luck 肅宗時
191 25 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 肅宗時
192 25 shí tense 肅宗時
193 25 shí particular; special 肅宗時
194 25 shí to plant; to cultivate 肅宗時
195 25 shí an era; a dynasty 肅宗時
196 25 shí time [abstract] 肅宗時
197 25 shí seasonal 肅宗時
198 25 shí to wait upon 肅宗時
199 25 shí hour 肅宗時
200 25 shí appropriate; proper; timely 肅宗時
201 25 shí Shi 肅宗時
202 25 shí a present; currentlt 肅宗時
203 24 letter; symbol; character 字安樂
204 24 Zi 字安樂
205 24 to love 字安樂
206 24 to teach; to educate 字安樂
207 24 to be allowed to marry 字安樂
208 24 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 字安樂
209 24 diction; wording 字安樂
210 24 handwriting 字安樂
211 24 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 字安樂
212 24 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 字安樂
213 24 a font; a calligraphic style 字安樂
214 24 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 字安樂
215 24 zào to make; to build; to manufacture 悉令造籍
216 24 zào to arrive; to go 悉令造籍
217 24 zào to pay a visit; to call on 悉令造籍
218 24 zào to edit; to collect; to compile 悉令造籍
219 24 zào to attain; to achieve 悉令造籍
220 24 zào an achievement 悉令造籍
221 24 zào a crop 悉令造籍
222 24 zào a time; an age 悉令造籍
223 24 zào fortune; destiny 悉令造籍
224 24 zào to educate; to train 悉令造籍
225 24 zào to invent 悉令造籍
226 24 zào a party in a lawsuit 悉令造籍
227 24 zào to run wild; to overspend 悉令造籍
228 24 zào indifferently; negligently 悉令造籍
229 24 zào a woman moving to her husband's home 悉令造籍
230 24 zào imaginary 悉令造籍
231 24 zào to found; to initiate 悉令造籍
232 24 zào to contain 悉令造籍
233 23 shì matter; thing; item 都督三道諸軍事
234 23 shì to serve 都督三道諸軍事
235 23 shì a government post 都督三道諸軍事
236 23 shì duty; post; work 都督三道諸軍事
237 23 shì occupation 都督三道諸軍事
238 23 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 都督三道諸軍事
239 23 shì an accident 都督三道諸軍事
240 23 shì to attend 都督三道諸軍事
241 23 shì an allusion 都督三道諸軍事
242 23 shì a condition; a state; a situation 都督三道諸軍事
243 23 shì to engage in 都督三道諸軍事
244 23 shì to enslave 都督三道諸軍事
245 23 shì to pursue 都督三道諸軍事
246 23 shì to administer 都督三道諸軍事
247 23 shì to appoint 都督三道諸軍事
248 23 chú to dispel; to eliminate; to remove; to get rid of 後除朔州刺史
249 23 chú to divide 後除朔州刺史
250 23 chú to put in order 後除朔州刺史
251 23 chú to appoint to an official position 後除朔州刺史
252 23 chú door steps; stairs 後除朔州刺史
253 23 chú to replace an official 後除朔州刺史
254 23 chú to change; to replace 後除朔州刺史
255 23 chú to renovate; to restore 後除朔州刺史
256 23 chú division 後除朔州刺史
257 23 Kangxi radical 71 無傳
258 23 to not have; without 無傳
259 23 mo 無傳
260 23 to not have 無傳
261 23 Wu 無傳
262 23 Qi 其為帝所重如此
263 23 chén minister; statesman; official 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
264 23 chén Kangxi radical 131 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
265 23 chén a slave 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
266 23 chén Chen 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
267 23 chén to obey; to comply 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
268 23 chén to command; to direct 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
269 23 chén a subject 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
270 23 shì funerary name; posthumous name or title 諡曰幽
271 23 shì to give a funerary name 諡曰幽
272 22 cháo to face 始經五朝
273 22 cháo dynasty 始經五朝
274 22 cháo Korea 始經五朝
275 22 zhāo morning; dawn 始經五朝
276 22 cháo the imperial court 始經五朝
277 22 zhāo a day 始經五朝
278 22 zhāo Zhao 始經五朝
279 22 zhāo having vitality 始經五朝
280 22 cháo to meet somebody; to visit 始經五朝
281 22 cháo to worship 始經五朝
282 22 zhāo early 始經五朝
283 21 nǎi to be 七日乃死
284 21 jué ancient bronze wine holder 襲爵
285 21 jué a feudal title or rank 襲爵
286 21 què a small bird 襲爵
287 21 jué to bestow a title 襲爵
288 21 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又不營產業
289 21 chuán to transmit 無傳
290 21 zhuàn a biography 無傳
291 21 chuán to teach 無傳
292 21 chuán to summon 無傳
293 21 chuán to pass on to later generations 無傳
294 21 chuán to spread; to propagate 無傳
295 21 chuán to express 無傳
296 21 chuán to conduct 無傳
297 21 zhuàn a posthouse 無傳
298 21 zhuàn a commentary 無傳
299 20 qiān to move; to shift 累遷懷朔鎮大將
300 20 qiān to transfer 累遷懷朔鎮大將
301 20 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 累遷懷朔鎮大將
302 20 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 累遷懷朔鎮大將
303 20 qiān to change; to transform 累遷懷朔鎮大將
304 19 juǎn to coil; to roll 四十卷
305 19 juǎn a coil; a roll; a scroll 四十卷
306 19 juàn a fascicle; a volume; a chapter; a scroll 四十卷
307 19 juǎn to sweep up; to carry away 四十卷
308 19 juǎn to involve; to embroil 四十卷
309 19 juǎn a break roll 四十卷
310 19 juàn an examination paper 四十卷
311 19 juàn a file 四十卷
312 19 quán crinkled; curled 四十卷
313 19 juǎn to include 四十卷
314 19 juǎn to store away 四十卷
315 19 juǎn to sever; to break off 四十卷
316 19 juǎn Juan 四十卷
317 19 juàn tired 四十卷
318 19 quán beautiful 四十卷
319 19 suì to comply with; to follow along 太興遂佛前乞願
320 19 suì to advance 太興遂佛前乞願
321 19 suì to follow through; to achieve 太興遂佛前乞願
322 19 suì to follow smoothly 太興遂佛前乞願
323 19 suì an area the capital 太興遂佛前乞願
324 19 suì a dish underneath a chime; a ditch 太興遂佛前乞願
325 19 suì a flint 太興遂佛前乞願
326 19 suì to satisfy 太興遂佛前乞願
327 19 suì to propose; to nominate 太興遂佛前乞願
328 19 suì to grow 太興遂佛前乞願
329 19 suì to use up; to stop 太興遂佛前乞願
330 19 suì sleeve used in archery 太興遂佛前乞願
331 19 chū rudimentary; elementary
332 19 chū original
333 19 to criticize 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
334 19 to discuss 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
335 19 to select; to choose 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
336 19 an idea; an opinion; a suggestion; an objection 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
337 19 to evaluate 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
338 19 views; remarks; arguments 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
339 19 argument 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
340 19 èr two 施帛二千匹
341 19 èr Kangxi radical 7 施帛二千匹
342 19 èr second 施帛二千匹
343 19 èr twice; double; di- 施帛二千匹
344 19 èr more than one kind 施帛二千匹
345 18 nián year 太安三年封
346 18 nián New Year festival 太安三年封
347 18 nián age 太安三年封
348 18 nián life span; life expectancy 太安三年封
349 18 nián an era; a period 太安三年封
350 18 nián a date 太安三年封
351 18 nián time; years 太安三年封
352 18 nián harvest 太安三年封
353 18 nián annual; every year 太安三年封
354 18 hōng to die 趙王深早薨
355 18 hōng swarming 趙王深早薨
356 18 chǐ a ruler; a tape-measure 準之為尺
357 18 chǐ small 準之為尺
358 18 chǐ a drawing tool 準之為尺
359 17 高祖 gāozǔ Han Gao Zu; Liu Bang 高祖賜名頤
360 17 高祖 gāozǔ great great grandfather 高祖賜名頤
361 17 高祖 gāozǔ Gaozu 高祖賜名頤
362 17 meaning; sense 宜從餘尊之義
363 17 justice; right action; righteousness 宜從餘尊之義
364 17 artificial; man-made; fake 宜從餘尊之義
365 17 chivalry; generosity 宜從餘尊之義
366 17 just; righteous 宜從餘尊之義
367 17 adopted 宜從餘尊之義
368 17 a relationship 宜從餘尊之義
369 17 volunteer 宜從餘尊之義
370 17 something suitable 宜從餘尊之義
371 17 a martyr 宜從餘尊之義
372 17 a law 宜從餘尊之義
373 17 Yi 宜從餘尊之義
374 17 zhì Kangxi radical 133 傳國至孫宗胤
375 17 zhì to arrive 傳國至孫宗胤
376 17 yáo distant; remote 太興弟遙
377 17 yáo long 太興弟遙
378 17 秦州 qínzhōu Qinzhou 遷秦州刺史
379 16 zhōng middle 於是中道出黑山
380 16 zhōng medium; medium sized 於是中道出黑山
381 16 zhōng China 於是中道出黑山
382 16 zhòng to hit the mark 於是中道出黑山
383 16 zhōng midday 於是中道出黑山
384 16 zhōng inside 於是中道出黑山
385 16 zhōng during 於是中道出黑山
386 16 zhōng Zhong 於是中道出黑山
387 16 zhōng intermediary 於是中道出黑山
388 16 zhōng half 於是中道出黑山
389 16 zhòng to reach; to attain 於是中道出黑山
390 16 zhòng to suffer; to infect 於是中道出黑山
391 16 zhòng to obtain 於是中道出黑山
392 16 zhòng to pass an exam 於是中道出黑山
393 16 biǎo clock; a wrist watch 表請假王
394 16 biǎo a coat; outer clothing 表請假王
395 16 biǎo a mark; a border 表請假王
396 16 biǎo appearance; exterior; bearing 表請假王
397 16 biǎo to show; to express; to manifest; to display 表請假王
398 16 biǎo a memorial; a memorial to the throne 表請假王
399 16 biǎo an example; a model 表請假王
400 16 biǎo a stele 表請假王
401 16 biǎo a grave inscription 表請假王
402 16 biǎo a record; a table; a report; a form 表請假王
403 16 biǎo an alias; an alternative name 表請假王
404 16 biǎo a meter; an instrument; a gauge 表請假王
405 16 biǎo a prostitute 表請假王
406 16 biǎo Biao 表請假王
407 16 biǎo to put on a coat 表請假王
408 16 biǎo to praise 表請假王
409 16 biǎo to tell; to declare 表請假王
410 16 biǎo to present a memorial 表請假王
411 16 biǎo to recommend 表請假王
412 16 biǎo to investigate; to review 表請假王
413 16 biǎo to mount [a frame]; to display [a picture] 表請假王
414 16 biǎo to give medicine for driving out cold 表請假王
415 16 biǎo to adorn 表請假王
416 16 biǎo to mark; to indicate 表請假王
417 16 biǎo part of a sundial that casts a shadown; gnomon 表請假王
418 16 zài in; at 酒肉俱在
419 16 zài to exist; to be living 酒肉俱在
420 16 zài to consist of 酒肉俱在
421 16 zài to be at a post 酒肉俱在
422 16 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
423 16 chéng to become; to turn into 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
424 16 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
425 16 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
426 16 chéng a full measure of 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
427 16 chéng whole 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
428 16 chéng set; established 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
429 16 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
430 16 chéng to reconcile 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
431 16 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
432 16 chéng composed of 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
433 16 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
434 16 chéng capable; able; accomplished 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
435 16 chéng to help somebody achieve something 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
436 16 chéng Cheng 袁椒房生陽平幽王新成
437 16 zhào to establish; to found 匡與尚書令高肇不平
438 16 zhào to start; to begin; to cause 匡與尚書令高肇不平
439 16 zhào to design 匡與尚書令高肇不平
440 16 zhào to corect 匡與尚書令高肇不平
441 16 zhào Zhao 匡與尚書令高肇不平
442 16 wèi position; location; place 魏舊太子後庭未有位號
443 16 wèi bit 魏舊太子後庭未有位號
444 16 wèi a seat 魏舊太子後庭未有位號
445 16 wèi a post 魏舊太子後庭未有位號
446 16 wèi a rank; status 魏舊太子後庭未有位號
447 16 wèi a throne 魏舊太子後庭未有位號
448 16 wèi Wei 魏舊太子後庭未有位號
449 16 wèi the standard form of an object 魏舊太子後庭未有位號
450 16 wèi a polite form of address 魏舊太子後庭未有位號
451 16 wèi at; located at 魏舊太子後庭未有位號
452 16 wèi to arrange 魏舊太子後庭未有位號
453 15 běn to be one's own 本將軍
454 15 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 本將軍
455 15 běn the roots of a plant 本將軍
456 15 běn capital 本將軍
457 15 běn main; central; primary 本將軍
458 15 běn according to 本將軍
459 15 běn a version; an edition 本將軍
460 15 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 本將軍
461 15 běn a book 本將軍
462 15 běn trunk of a tree 本將軍
463 15 běn to investigate the root of 本將軍
464 15 běn a manuscript for a play 本將軍
465 15 běn Ben 本將軍
466 15 shǔ glutinous millet; broomcorn millet 以黍裁寸
467 15 shǔ Kangxi radical 202 以黍裁寸
468 15 shǔ an ancient kind of wine vessel 以黍裁寸
469 15 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 悉令造籍
470 15 lìng to issue a command 悉令造籍
471 15 lìng rules of behavior; customs 悉令造籍
472 15 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 悉令造籍
473 15 lìng a season 悉令造籍
474 15 lìng respected; good reputation 悉令造籍
475 15 lìng good 悉令造籍
476 15 lìng pretentious 悉令造籍
477 15 lìng a transcending state of existence 悉令造籍
478 15 lìng a commander 悉令造籍
479 15 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 悉令造籍
480 15 lìng lyrics 悉令造籍
481 15 lìng Ling 悉令造籍
482 14 to go back; to return 還復前爵
483 14 to resume; to restart 還復前爵
484 14 to do in detail 還復前爵
485 14 to restore 還復前爵
486 14 to respond; to reply to 還復前爵
487 14 Fu; Return 還復前爵
488 14 to retaliate; to reciprocate 還復前爵
489 14 to avoid forced labor or tax 還復前爵
490 14 Fu 還復前爵
491 14 doubled; to overlapping; folded 還復前爵
492 14 a lined garment with doubled thickness 還復前爵
493 14 xià bottom 世宗推之令下
494 14 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 世宗推之令下
495 14 xià to announce 世宗推之令下
496 14 xià to do 世宗推之令下
497 14 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 世宗推之令下
498 14 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 世宗推之令下
499 14 xià inside 世宗推之令下
500 14 xià an aspect 世宗推之令下

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1059

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 131 zhī him; her; them; that 勗以戰伐之事
2 131 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 勗以戰伐之事
3 131 zhī to go 勗以戰伐之事
4 131 zhī this; that 勗以戰伐之事
5 131 zhī genetive marker 勗以戰伐之事
6 131 zhī it 勗以戰伐之事
7 131 zhī in; in regards to 勗以戰伐之事
8 131 zhī all 勗以戰伐之事
9 131 zhī and 勗以戰伐之事
10 131 zhī however 勗以戰伐之事
11 131 zhī if 勗以戰伐之事
12 131 zhī then 勗以戰伐之事
13 131 zhī to arrive; to go 勗以戰伐之事
14 131 zhī is 勗以戰伐之事
15 131 zhī to use 勗以戰伐之事
16 131 zhī Zhi 勗以戰伐之事
17 131 zhī winding 勗以戰伐之事
18 65 wèi for; to 並號為椒房
19 65 wèi because of 並號為椒房
20 65 wéi to act as; to serve 並號為椒房
21 65 wéi to change into; to become 並號為椒房
22 65 wéi to be; is 並號為椒房
23 65 wéi to do 並號為椒房
24 65 wèi for 並號為椒房
25 65 wèi because of; for; to 並號為椒房
26 65 wèi to 並號為椒房
27 65 wéi in a passive construction 並號為椒房
28 65 wéi forming a rehetorical question 並號為椒房
29 65 wéi forming an adverb 並號為椒房
30 65 wéi to add emphasis 並號為椒房
31 65 wèi to support; to help 並號為椒房
32 65 wéi to govern 並號為椒房
33 63 so as to; in order to 勗以戰伐之事
34 63 to use; to regard as 勗以戰伐之事
35 63 to use; to grasp 勗以戰伐之事
36 63 according to 勗以戰伐之事
37 63 because of 勗以戰伐之事
38 63 on a certain date 勗以戰伐之事
39 63 and; as well as 勗以戰伐之事
40 63 to rely on 勗以戰伐之事
41 63 to regard 勗以戰伐之事
42 63 to be able to 勗以戰伐之事
43 63 to order; to command 勗以戰伐之事
44 63 further; moreover 勗以戰伐之事
45 63 used after a verb 勗以戰伐之事
46 63 very 勗以戰伐之事
47 63 already 勗以戰伐之事
48 63 increasingly 勗以戰伐之事
49 63 a reason; a cause 勗以戰伐之事
50 63 Israel 勗以戰伐之事
51 63 Yi 勗以戰伐之事
52 59 yuē to speak; to say 諡曰幽
53 59 yuē Kangxi radical 73 諡曰幽
54 59 yuē to be called 諡曰幽
55 59 yuē particle without meaning 諡曰幽
56 53 wáng Wang 陽平王
57 53 wáng a king 陽平王
58 53 wáng Kangxi radical 96 陽平王
59 53 wàng to be king; to rule 陽平王
60 53 wáng a prince; a duke 陽平王
61 53 wáng grand; great 陽平王
62 53 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 陽平王
63 53 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 陽平王
64 53 wáng the head of a group or gang 陽平王
65 53 wáng the biggest or best of a group 陽平王
66 49 kuāng to correct; to rectify 不能有所匡益
67 49 kuāng to help; to save 不能有所匡益
68 49 kuāng to approximate 不能有所匡益
69 49 kuāng eye socket 不能有所匡益
70 49 kuāng to envelop 不能有所匡益
71 49 kuāng crooked 不能有所匡益
72 49 kuāng to expect 不能有所匡益
73 49 kuāng Kuang 不能有所匡益
74 40 刺史 cìshǐ Regional Inspector 後除朔州刺史
75 40 yún cloud 詩云
76 40 yún Yunnan 詩云
77 40 yún Yun 詩云
78 40 yún to say 詩云
79 40 yún to have 詩云
80 40 yún a particle with no meaning 詩云
81 40 yún in this way 詩云
82 40 in; at 薨於青州刺史
83 40 in; at 薨於青州刺史
84 40 in; at; to; from 薨於青州刺史
85 40 to go; to 薨於青州刺史
86 40 to rely on; to depend on 薨於青州刺史
87 40 to go to; to arrive at 薨於青州刺史
88 40 from 薨於青州刺史
89 40 give 薨於青州刺史
90 40 oppposing 薨於青州刺史
91 40 and 薨於青州刺史
92 40 compared to 薨於青州刺史
93 40 by 薨於青州刺史
94 40 and; as well as 薨於青州刺史
95 40 for 薨於青州刺史
96 40 Yu 薨於青州刺史
97 40 a crow 薨於青州刺史
98 40 whew; wow 薨於青州刺史
99 39 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 朕所望也
100 39 suǒ an office; an institute 朕所望也
101 39 suǒ introduces a relative clause 朕所望也
102 39 suǒ it 朕所望也
103 39 suǒ if; supposing 朕所望也
104 39 suǒ a few; various; some 朕所望也
105 39 suǒ a place; a location 朕所望也
106 39 suǒ indicates a passive voice 朕所望也
107 39 suǒ that which 朕所望也
108 39 suǒ an ordinal number 朕所望也
109 39 suǒ meaning 朕所望也
110 39 suǒ garrison 朕所望也
111 38 child; son 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
112 38 egg; newborn 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
113 38 first earthly branch 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
114 38 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
115 38 Kangxi radical 39 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
116 38 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
117 38 pellet; something small and hard 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
118 38 master 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
119 38 viscount 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
120 38 zi you; your honor 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
121 38 masters 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
122 38 person 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
123 38 young 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
124 38 seed 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
125 38 subordinate; subsidiary 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
126 38 a copper coin 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
127 38 bundle 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
128 38 female dragonfly 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
129 38 constituent 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
130 38 offspring; descendants 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
131 38 dear 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
132 38 little one 尉椒房生京兆康王子推
133 37 yǒu is; are; to exist 皆有稱績
134 37 yǒu to have; to possess 皆有稱績
135 37 yǒu indicates an estimate 皆有稱績
136 37 yǒu indicates a large quantity 皆有稱績
137 37 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 皆有稱績
138 37 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 皆有稱績
139 37 yǒu used to compare two things 皆有稱績
140 37 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 皆有稱績
141 37 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 皆有稱績
142 37 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 皆有稱績
143 37 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 皆有稱績
144 37 yǒu abundant 皆有稱績
145 37 yǒu purposeful 皆有稱績
146 37 yǒu You 皆有稱績
147 36 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 既殯而發
148 36 ér Kangxi radical 126 既殯而發
149 36 ér you 既殯而發
150 36 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 既殯而發
151 36 ér right away; then 既殯而發
152 36 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 既殯而發
153 36 ér if; in case; in the event that 既殯而發
154 36 ér therefore; as a result; thus 既殯而發
155 36 ér how can it be that? 既殯而發
156 36 ér so as to 既殯而發
157 36 ér only then 既殯而發
158 36 ér as if; to seem like 既殯而發
159 36 néng can; able 既殯而發
160 36 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 既殯而發
161 36 ér me 既殯而發
162 36 ér to arrive; up to 既殯而發
163 36 ér possessive 既殯而發
164 34 and 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
165 34 to give 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
166 34 together with 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
167 34 interrogative particle 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
168 34 to accompany 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
169 34 to particate in 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
170 34 of the same kind 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
171 34 to help 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
172 34 for 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
173 33 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 恭宗宮人有子者
174 33 zhě that 恭宗宮人有子者
175 33 zhě nominalizing function word 恭宗宮人有子者
176 33 zhě used to mark a definition 恭宗宮人有子者
177 33 zhě used to mark a pause 恭宗宮人有子者
178 33 zhě topic marker; that; it 恭宗宮人有子者
179 33 zhuó according to 恭宗宮人有子者
180 33 hòu after; later 後為內都大官
181 33 hòu empress; queen 後為內都大官
182 33 hòu sovereign 後為內都大官
183 33 hòu behind 後為內都大官
184 33 hòu the god of the earth 後為內都大官
185 33 hòu late; later 後為內都大官
186 33 hòu arriving late 後為內都大官
187 33 hòu offspring; descendents 後為內都大官
188 33 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後為內都大官
189 33 hòu behind; back 後為內都大官
190 33 hòu then 後為內都大官
191 33 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後為內都大官
192 33 hòu Hou 後為內都大官
193 33 hòu after; behind 後為內都大官
194 33 hòu following 後為內都大官
195 33 hòu to be delayed 後為內都大官
196 33 hòu to abandon; to discard 後為內都大官
197 33 hòu feudal lords 後為內都大官
198 33 hòu Hou 後為內都大官
199 31 rén person; people; a human being 人之云亡
200 31 rén Kangxi radical 9 人之云亡
201 31 rén a kind of person 人之云亡
202 31 rén everybody 人之云亡
203 31 rén adult 人之云亡
204 31 rén somebody; others 人之云亡
205 31 rén an upright person 人之云亡
206 29 fāng fragrant 後因與太常劉芳議爭權量
207 29 fāng virtue 後因與太常劉芳議爭權量
208 29 fāng fragrant plants and flowers 後因與太常劉芳議爭權量
209 29 fāng a respectful form of address 後因與太常劉芳議爭權量
210 29 fāng beautiful 後因與太常劉芳議爭權量
211 29 zhōu a state; a province 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
212 29 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
213 29 zhōu a prefecture 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
214 29 zhōu a country 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
215 29 zhōu an island 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
216 29 zhōu Zhou 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
217 29 zhōu autonomous prefecture 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
218 29 zhōu a country 及恒州刺史穆泰謀反遣使推頤為主
219 28 fēng to seal; to close off 太安三年封
220 28 fēng a measure word for sealed objects 太安三年封
221 28 fēng Feng 太安三年封
222 28 fēng to confer; to grant 太安三年封
223 28 fēng an envelope 太安三年封
224 28 fēng a border; a boundary 太安三年封
225 28 fēng to prohibit 太安三年封
226 28 fēng to limit 太安三年封
227 28 fēng to make an earth mound 太安三年封
228 28 fēng to increase 太安三年封
229 28 one 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
230 28 Kangxi radical 1 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
231 28 as soon as; all at once 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
232 28 pure; concentrated 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
233 28 whole; all 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
234 28 first 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
235 28 the same 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
236 28 each 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
237 28 certain 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
238 28 throughout 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
239 28 used in between a reduplicated verb 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
240 28 sole; single 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
241 28 a very small amount 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
242 28 Yi 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
243 28 other 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
244 28 to unify 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
245 28 accidentally; coincidentally 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
246 28 abruptly; suddenly 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
247 28 or 有一沙門方云乞齋餘食
248 27 尚書 shàng shū Book of Documents; Book of History; Shangshu 尚書右僕射
249 27 尚書 shàngshū a high official 尚書右僕射
250 27 not; no 又不營產業
251 27 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 又不營產業
252 27 as a correlative 又不營產業
253 27 no (answering a question) 又不營產業
254 27 forms a negative adjective from a noun 又不營產業
255 27 at the end of a sentence to form a question 又不營產業
256 27 to form a yes or no question 又不營產業
257 27 infix potential marker 又不營產業
258 27 xiān first 先時
259 27 xiān early; prior; former 先時
260 27 xiān to go forward; to advance 先時
261 27 xiān to attach importance to; to value 先時
262 27 xiān to start 先時
263 27 xiān ancestors; forebears 先時
264 27 xiān earlier 先時
265 27 xiān before; in front 先時
266 27 xiān fundamental; basic 先時
267 27 xiān Xian 先時
268 27 xiān ancient; archaic 先時
269 27 xiān super 先時
270 27 xiān deceased 先時
271 26 sān three 太安三年封
272 26 sān third 太安三年封
273 26 sān more than two 太安三年封
274 26 sān very few 太安三年封
275 26 sān repeatedly 太安三年封
276 26 sān San 太安三年封
277 26 zhào an imperial decree 詔徵赴京
278 26 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔徵赴京
279 26 yuán monetary unit; dollar 元顥入洛
280 26 yuán Yuan Dynasty 元顥入洛
281 26 yuán first 元顥入洛
282 26 yuán origin; head 元顥入洛
283 26 yuán a variable representing an unknown quantity 元顥入洛
284 26 yuán Yuan 元顥入洛
285 26 yuán large 元顥入洛
286 26 yuán good 元顥入洛
287 26 yuán fundamental 元顥入洛
288 26 to attack by surprise 襲爵
289 26 to inherit 襲爵
290 26 clothes of the dead 襲爵
291 26 a set of clothes or bedding 襲爵
292 26 Xi 襲爵
293 26 to put on clothes for the dead 襲爵
294 26 to put on an extra coat 襲爵
295 26 to wear; to put on 襲爵
296 26 to repeat 襲爵
297 26 to continue as before 襲爵
298 26 to rush at 襲爵
299 25 shí time; a point or period of time 肅宗時
300 25 shí a season; a quarter of a year 肅宗時
301 25 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 肅宗時
302 25 shí at that time 肅宗時
303 25 shí fashionable 肅宗時
304 25 shí fate; destiny; luck 肅宗時
305 25 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 肅宗時
306 25 shí tense 肅宗時
307 25 shí particular; special 肅宗時
308 25 shí to plant; to cultivate 肅宗時
309 25 shí hour (measure word) 肅宗時
310 25 shí an era; a dynasty 肅宗時
311 25 shí time [abstract] 肅宗時
312 25 shí seasonal 肅宗時
313 25 shí frequently; often 肅宗時
314 25 shí occasionally; sometimes 肅宗時
315 25 shí on time 肅宗時
316 25 shí this; that 肅宗時
317 25 shí to wait upon 肅宗時
318 25 shí hour 肅宗時
319 25 shí appropriate; proper; timely 肅宗時
320 25 shí Shi 肅宗時
321 25 shí a present; currentlt 肅宗時
322 24 letter; symbol; character 字安樂
323 24 Zi 字安樂
324 24 to love 字安樂
325 24 to teach; to educate 字安樂
326 24 to be allowed to marry 字安樂
327 24 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 字安樂
328 24 diction; wording 字安樂
329 24 handwriting 字安樂
330 24 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 字安樂
331 24 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 字安樂
332 24 a font; a calligraphic style 字安樂
333 24 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 字安樂
334 24 zào to make; to build; to manufacture 悉令造籍
335 24 zào to arrive; to go 悉令造籍
336 24 zào to pay a visit; to call on 悉令造籍
337 24 zào to edit; to collect; to compile 悉令造籍
338 24 zào to attain; to achieve 悉令造籍
339 24 zào an achievement 悉令造籍
340 24 zào a crop 悉令造籍
341 24 zào a time; an age 悉令造籍
342 24 zào fortune; destiny 悉令造籍
343 24 zào suddenly 悉令造籍
344 24 zào to educate; to train 悉令造籍
345 24 zào to invent 悉令造籍
346 24 zào a party in a lawsuit 悉令造籍
347 24 zào to run wild; to overspend 悉令造籍
348 24 zào indifferently; negligently 悉令造籍
349 24 zào a woman moving to her husband's home 悉令造籍
350 24 zào imaginary 悉令造籍
351 24 zào to found; to initiate 悉令造籍
352 24 zào to contain 悉令造籍
353 23 shì matter; thing; item 都督三道諸軍事
354 23 shì to serve 都督三道諸軍事
355 23 shì a government post 都督三道諸軍事
356 23 shì duty; post; work 都督三道諸軍事
357 23 shì occupation 都督三道諸軍事
358 23 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 都督三道諸軍事
359 23 shì an accident 都督三道諸軍事
360 23 shì to attend 都督三道諸軍事
361 23 shì an allusion 都督三道諸軍事
362 23 shì a condition; a state; a situation 都督三道諸軍事
363 23 shì to engage in 都督三道諸軍事
364 23 shì to enslave 都督三道諸軍事
365 23 shì to pursue 都督三道諸軍事
366 23 shì to administer 都督三道諸軍事
367 23 shì to appoint 都督三道諸軍事
368 23 shì a piece 都督三道諸軍事
369 23 chú except; besides 後除朔州刺史
370 23 chú to dispel; to eliminate; to remove; to get rid of 後除朔州刺史
371 23 chú to divide 後除朔州刺史
372 23 chú to put in order 後除朔州刺史
373 23 chú to appoint to an official position 後除朔州刺史
374 23 chú door steps; stairs 後除朔州刺史
375 23 chú to replace an official 後除朔州刺史
376 23 chú to change; to replace 後除朔州刺史
377 23 chú to renovate; to restore 後除朔州刺史
378 23 chú division 後除朔州刺史
379 23 no 無傳
380 23 Kangxi radical 71 無傳
381 23 to not have; without 無傳
382 23 has not yet 無傳
383 23 mo 無傳
384 23 do not 無傳
385 23 not; -less; un- 無傳
386 23 regardless of 無傳
387 23 to not have 無傳
388 23 um 無傳
389 23 Wu 無傳
390 23 his; hers; its; theirs 其為帝所重如此
391 23 to add emphasis 其為帝所重如此
392 23 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其為帝所重如此
393 23 used when making a request or giving an order 其為帝所重如此
394 23 he; her; it; them 其為帝所重如此
395 23 probably; likely 其為帝所重如此
396 23 will 其為帝所重如此
397 23 may 其為帝所重如此
398 23 if 其為帝所重如此
399 23 or 其為帝所重如此
400 23 Qi 其為帝所重如此
401 23 chén minister; statesman; official 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
402 23 chén Kangxi radical 131 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
403 23 chén a slave 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
404 23 chén you 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
405 23 chén Chen 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
406 23 chén to obey; to comply 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
407 23 chén to command; to direct 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
408 23 chén a subject 詔遣侍臣以金革敦喻
409 23 this; these 必此人也
410 23 in this way 必此人也
411 23 otherwise; but; however; so 必此人也
412 23 at this time; now; here 必此人也
413 23 shì funerary name; posthumous name or title 諡曰幽
414 23 shì to give a funerary name 諡曰幽
415 22 cháo to face 始經五朝
416 22 cháo dynasty 始經五朝
417 22 cháo Korea 始經五朝
418 22 zhāo morning; dawn 始經五朝
419 22 cháo the imperial court 始經五朝
420 22 zhāo a day 始經五朝
421 22 zhāo Zhao 始經五朝
422 22 zhāo having vitality 始經五朝
423 22 cháo to meet somebody; to visit 始經五朝
424 22 cháo to worship 始經五朝
425 22 zhāo early 始經五朝
426 21 nǎi thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 七日乃死
427 21 nǎi to be 七日乃死
428 21 nǎi you; yours 七日乃死
429 21 nǎi also; moreover 七日乃死
430 21 nǎi however; but 七日乃死
431 21 nǎi if 七日乃死
432 21 jué ancient bronze wine holder 襲爵
433 21 jué a feudal title or rank 襲爵
434 21 què a small bird 襲爵
435 21 jué to bestow a title 襲爵
436 21 yòu again; also 又不營產業
437 21 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又不營產業
438 21 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又不營產業
439 21 yòu and 又不營產業
440 21 yòu furthermore 又不營產業
441 21 yòu in addition 又不營產業
442 21 yòu but 又不營產業
443 21 chuán to transmit 無傳
444 21 zhuàn a biography 無傳
445 21 chuán to teach 無傳
446 21 chuán to summon 無傳
447 21 chuán to pass on to later generations 無傳
448 21 chuán to spread; to propagate 無傳
449 21 chuán to express 無傳
450 21 chuán to conduct 無傳
451 21 zhuàn a posthouse 無傳
452 21 zhuàn a commentary 無傳
453 20 qiān to move; to shift 累遷懷朔鎮大將
454 20 qiān to transfer 累遷懷朔鎮大將
455 20 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 累遷懷朔鎮大將
456 20 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 累遷懷朔鎮大將
457 20 qiān to change; to transform 累遷懷朔鎮大將
458 19 juǎn to coil; to roll 四十卷
459 19 juǎn a coil; a roll; a scroll 四十卷
460 19 juàn a fascicle; a volume; a chapter; a scroll 四十卷
461 19 juǎn roll 四十卷
462 19 juǎn to sweep up; to carry away 四十卷
463 19 juǎn to involve; to embroil 四十卷
464 19 juǎn a break roll 四十卷
465 19 juàn an examination paper 四十卷
466 19 juàn a file 四十卷
467 19 quán crinkled; curled 四十卷
468 19 juǎn to include 四十卷
469 19 juǎn to store away 四十卷
470 19 juǎn to sever; to break off 四十卷
471 19 juǎn Juan 四十卷
472 19 juàn a scroll 四十卷
473 19 juàn tired 四十卷
474 19 quán beautiful 四十卷
475 19 suì to comply with; to follow along 太興遂佛前乞願
476 19 suì thereupon 太興遂佛前乞願
477 19 suì to advance 太興遂佛前乞願
478 19 suì to follow through; to achieve 太興遂佛前乞願
479 19 suì to follow smoothly 太興遂佛前乞願
480 19 suì an area the capital 太興遂佛前乞願
481 19 suì a dish underneath a chime; a ditch 太興遂佛前乞願
482 19 suì a flint 太興遂佛前乞願
483 19 suì to satisfy 太興遂佛前乞願
484 19 suì to propose; to nominate 太興遂佛前乞願
485 19 suì to grow 太興遂佛前乞願
486 19 suì to use up; to stop 太興遂佛前乞願
487 19 suì sleeve used in archery 太興遂佛前乞願
488 19 chū at first; at the beginning; initially
489 19 chū used to prefix numbers
490 19 chū used as a prefix incidating the first time or part of something
491 19 chū just now
492 19 chū thereupon
493 19 chū an intensifying adverb
494 19 chū rudimentary; elementary
495 19 chū original
496 19 to criticize 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
497 19 to discuss 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
498 19 to select; to choose 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
499 19 an idea; an opinion; a suggestion; an objection 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣
500 19 to evaluate 與陸叡集三道諸將議軍途所詣

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安乐 安樂 196
  1. peaceful and happy; content
  2. Anle
  3. Anle district
安南 196
  1. Annam
  2. Annan
八月 98 August; the Eighth Month
北大 66 Peking University
北史 98 History of the Northern Dynasties
勃海 98 Bohai
勃海郡 98 Bohai commandery
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
阊阖门 閶闔門 67 Changhemen
城阳 城陽 99 Chengyang
敕勒 99 Chile; Tiele people; Gaoche
出帝 99 the Emperor tht fled
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
大乘 100 Mahayana
  1. Dong
  2. to supervise; to direct
东堂 東堂 100 Saint Joseph's Church
东城 東城 100 Dongcheng
东平 東平 100 Dongping
东至 東至 100 Dongzhi
阜城 102 Fucheng
高阳 高陽 103 Gaoyang
高宗 103
  1. Emperor Gaozong of Song
  2. Emperor Gaozong of Tang
  3. Gaozong
高祖 103
  1. Han Gao Zu; Liu Bang
  2. great great grandfather
  3. Gaozu
给事 給事 103 official (imperial) position
宫人 宮人 103
  1. imperial concubine; palace maid
  2. imperial secretary
公孙 公孫 103 Gongsun
恭宗 103 Gongzong
光禄大夫 光祿大夫 103 Glorious grand master
广陵 廣陵 103 Guangling
光禄勋 光祿勳 103 Supervisor of Attendants
广平 廣平 103 Guangping
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
汉王 漢王 104 Han Wang
黑山 104 Montenegro
黑水 104 Heishui
和龙 和龍 104 Helong
合浦 104 Hepu
河阴 河陰 104 Heyin
后汉 後漢 104
  1. Later Han
  2. Later Han
104 Huai River
黄帝 黃帝 104 The Yellow Emperor
皇太子 104 Crown Prince
黄门 黃門 104 Huangmen
惠公 104 Lord Hui
惠王 104
  1. King Hui of Zhou
  2. King Hui of Zhou
  1. quickly; suddenly
  2. cholera
  3. Huo [mountain]
  4. Huo [state]
  5. Huo
建明 106
  1. Jianming
  2. Jianming
  3. Jianming
建义 建義 106 Jianyi reign
谏议大夫 諫議大夫 106 Remonstrance Official
己亥 106 Jihai year; thirty sixth year
济南 濟南 106 Jinan
敬王 106 King Jing of Zhou
景明 106 Jingming reign
景穆 106 Jingmu
景穆皇帝 106 Emperor Jingmu
京兆 106
  1. Jingzhao; Xi'an
  2. capital municipal area
  3. Capital Region Governor
晋阳 晉陽 106 Jinyang
晋中 晉中 106 Jinzhong
记室 記室 106 Record Keeper; Secretary
康王 107 King Kang of Zhou
库莫奚 庫莫奚 107 Kumo Xi
乐浪 樂浪 76 Lelang
乐陵 樂陵 108 Leling
乐平 樂平 76 Leping
厉王 厲王 108
  1. King Li
  2. King Li of Zhou
凉州 涼州 108 Liangzhou
梁州 108 Liangzhou
灵太后 靈太后 108 Empress Ling
灵王 靈王 108 King Ling of Zhou
六月 108 June; the Sixth Month
108 Gansu
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
洛南 108 Luonan
洛阳 洛陽 108 Luoyang
109 the Pleiades
秘书监 秘書監 109
  1. Director of the Palace Library
  2. Records Supervisor; Secretary
慕容 109 Murong
南大 110 Nanjing University (NJU)
南安 110 Nan'an
仆射 僕射 80 Supervisor; Chief Administrator
普泰 80 Putai reign
普安 112 Puan
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
清河 113 Qinghe
青州 113
  1. Qingzhou
  2. Qingzhou
秦州 113 Qinzhou
七月 113 July; the Seventh Month
饶阳 饒陽 114 Raoyang
任城 114 Rencheng
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
汝阳 汝陽 114 Ruyang
三公 115 Three Ducal Ministers; Three Excellencies
尚书仆射 尚書僕射 115 Shang Shu Pu She
上党郡 上黨郡 115 Shangdang prefecture
十一月 115 November; the Eleventh Month
侍中 115 Shizhong; Palace Attendant
世宗 115
  1. King Sejong the Great; Sejong Daewang
  2. Sejong
  3. Shizong
  1. Sichuan
  2. Shu Kingdom
朔州 115 Shuozhou
司空 115
  1. Minster of Land and Water
  2. Sikong
四月 115 April; the Fourth Month
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
嵩山 115 Mount Song
肃宗 肅宗 115
  1. Emperor Suzong of Tang
  2. Suzong
太安 116 Tai'an reign
太昌 116 Taichang reign
太常 116 Minister of Ceremonies; Rector of the Imperial Academy
太傅 116 Grand Tutor; Grand Mentor
太和 116
  1. Taihe reign
  2. Taihe reign
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
太原 116 Taiyuan
太中大夫 116 Taizhong Daifu; Superior Grand Master of the Palace
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
廷尉 84 Tingwei; Commandant of Justice
通志 116 Comprehensive Records; Tongzhi
王莽 119 Wang Mang
王五 119 Wang Wu
119 Wei River
魏收 119 Wei Shou
魏书 魏書 119 Book of Wei
魏晋 魏晉 119 Wei and Jin dynasties
文成 119 Princess Wen Cheng; Princess Wencheng
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
武王 119 Wu Wang; King Wu of Zhou
武定 119
  1. Wuding
  2. Wuding
武泰 119 Wutai reign
  1. what?; where?; why?
  2. a slave; a servant
  3. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  4. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  5. Xi
项城 項城 120 Xiangcheng
孝昌 120
  1. Xiaochang
  2. Xiaochang reign
孝文 120 Emperor Xiaowen of Wei
孝庄 孝莊 120 Xiaozhuang; Emperor Xiaozhuang of Northern Wei
夏州 120 Xiazhou
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
宣公 120 Xuangong; Lord Wen
  1. Xun
  2. Xun [state]
  3. a kind of plant
徐州 88
  1. Xuzhou
  2. Xuzhou
延昌 121 Yanchang reign
兖州 兗州 89
  1. Yanzhou
  2. Yanzhou
以太 121 Ether-
121 Yong; Nanning
永安 121 Yong'an reign
雍州 121 Yongzhou
幽王 121 King You of Zhou
有子 121 Master You
元和 121 Yuanhe
元子攸 莊帝 121 Emperor Xiaozhuang of Wei; Yuan Ziyou
于都 於都 121 Yudu
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
豫州 121 Yuzhou
宰相 122 chancellor; prime minister
章武 122 Zhangwu
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
赵高 趙高 122 Zhao Gao
正光 122 Zhengxing reign
正始 122 Zhengshi reign
正月 122 first month of the lunar calendar
中都 122 Zhongdu; Dadu; Khanbaliq; Beijing
周礼 周禮 122 Zhou Li; Rites of Zhou
莊王 90 King Zhuang of Zhou
主簿 122 official Registrar; Master of Records
诸城 諸城 122 Zhucheng
子长 子長 122 Zichang
左将军 左將軍 122 General of the Left; Commander of the Left


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English