Glossary and Vocabulary for Guanzi 管子, 霸言第二十三 Chapter 23: The Sovereign's Words

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 121 zhī to go 霸王之形
2 121 zhī to arrive; to go 霸王之形
3 121 zhī is 霸王之形
4 121 zhī to use 霸王之形
5 121 zhī Zhi 霸王之形
6 121 zhī winding 霸王之形
7 76 ér Kangxi radical 126 國修而鄰國無道
8 76 ér as if; to seem like 國修而鄰國無道
9 76 néng can; able 國修而鄰國無道
10 76 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 國修而鄰國無道
11 76 ér to arrive; up to 國修而鄰國無道
12 53 guó a country; a nation 曲國正之
13 53 guó the capital of a state 曲國正之
14 53 guó a feud; a vassal state 曲國正之
15 53 guó a state; a kingdom 曲國正之
16 53 guó a place; a land 曲國正之
17 53 guó domestic; Chinese 曲國正之
18 53 guó national 曲國正之
19 53 guó top in the nation 曲國正之
20 53 guó Guo 曲國正之
21 39 to use; to grasp 以威易危暴
22 39 to rely on 以威易危暴
23 39 to regard 以威易危暴
24 39 to be able to 以威易危暴
25 39 to order; to command 以威易危暴
26 39 used after a verb 以威易危暴
27 39 a reason; a cause 以威易危暴
28 39 Israel 以威易危暴
29 39 Yi 以威易危暴
30 32 a man; a male adult 夫豐國之謂霸
31 32 husband 夫豐國之謂霸
32 32 a person 夫豐國之謂霸
33 32 someone who does manual work 夫豐國之謂霸
34 32 a hired worker 夫豐國之謂霸
35 31 Qi 僇其罪
36 30 天下 tiānxià the territory ruled by the emperor; China 創制天下
37 30 天下 tiānxià authority over China 創制天下
38 30 天下 tiānxià the world 創制天下
39 28 gōng to attack; to assault 攻逆亂之國
40 28 gōng to discredit; to impugn; to criticize 攻逆亂之國
41 28 gōng to remedy; to cure 攻逆亂之國
42 28 gōng to work at; to handle 攻逆亂之國
43 28 gōng workmanship; expertise 攻逆亂之國
44 28 gōng exaction by the state 攻逆亂之國
45 28 gōng sturdy; strong 攻逆亂之國
46 28 gōng to govern; to administer 攻逆亂之國
47 28 gōng Gong 攻逆亂之國
48 27 qiáng strong; powerful 彊國弱之
49 27 jiàng stubborn; uncompromising 彊國弱之
50 27 qiǎng to strive; to be energetic 彊國弱之
51 24 wáng Wang 暴王殘之
52 24 wáng a king 暴王殘之
53 24 wáng Kangxi radical 96 暴王殘之
54 24 wàng to be king; to rule 暴王殘之
55 24 wáng a prince; a duke 暴王殘之
56 24 wáng grand; great 暴王殘之
57 24 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 暴王殘之
58 24 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 暴王殘之
59 24 wáng the head of a group or gang 暴王殘之
60 24 wáng the biggest or best of a group 暴王殘之
61 20 infix potential marker 德共者不取也
62 18 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 象天則地
63 18 a grade; a level 象天則地
64 18 an example; a model 象天則地
65 18 a weighing device 象天則地
66 18 to grade; to rank 象天則地
67 18 to copy; to imitate; to follow 象天則地
68 18 to do 象天則地
69 17 rén person; people; a human being 化人易代
70 17 rén Kangxi radical 9 化人易代
71 17 rén a kind of person 化人易代
72 17 rén everybody 化人易代
73 17 rén adult 化人易代
74 17 rén somebody; others 化人易代
75 17 rén an upright person 化人易代
76 16 zhòng many; numerous 得天下之眾者王
77 16 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 得天下之眾者王
78 16 zhòng general; common; public 得天下之眾者王
79 15 to cut down 而伐不謂貪者
80 15 to attack 而伐不謂貪者
81 15 to boast 而伐不謂貪者
82 15 to cut out 而伐不謂貪者
83 15 a feat; a contribution; an achievement 而伐不謂貪者
84 15 a matchmaker 而伐不謂貪者
85 15 suǒ a few; various; some 是故先王之所師者
86 15 suǒ a place; a location 是故先王之所師者
87 15 suǒ indicates a passive voice 是故先王之所師者
88 15 suǒ an ordinal number 是故先王之所師者
89 15 suǒ meaning 是故先王之所師者
90 15 suǒ garrison 是故先王之所師者
91 14 fēi Kangxi radical 175 國非其國也
92 14 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 國非其國也
93 14 fēi different 國非其國也
94 14 fēi to not be; to not have 國非其國也
95 14 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 國非其國也
96 14 fēi Africa 國非其國也
97 14 fēi to slander 國非其國也
98 14 fěi to avoid 國非其國也
99 14 fēi must 國非其國也
100 14 fēi an error 國非其國也
101 14 fēi a problem; a question 國非其國也
102 14 fēi evil 國非其國也
103 13 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 夫王者有所獨明
104 13 míng Ming 夫王者有所獨明
105 13 míng Ming Dynasty 夫王者有所獨明
106 13 míng obvious; explicit; clear 夫王者有所獨明
107 13 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 夫王者有所獨明
108 13 míng to illuminate; to shine 夫王者有所獨明
109 13 míng consecrated 夫王者有所獨明
110 13 míng to understand; to comprehend 夫王者有所獨明
111 13 míng to explain; to clarify 夫王者有所獨明
112 13 míng Souther Ming; Later Ming 夫王者有所獨明
113 13 míng the world; the human world; the world of the living 夫王者有所獨明
114 13 míng eyesight; vision 夫王者有所獨明
115 13 míng a god; a spirit 夫王者有所獨明
116 13 míng fame; renown 夫王者有所獨明
117 13 míng open; public 夫王者有所獨明
118 13 míng clear 夫王者有所獨明
119 13 míng to become proficient 夫王者有所獨明
120 13 míng to be proficient 夫王者有所獨明
121 13 míng virtuous 夫王者有所獨明
122 13 míng open and honest 夫王者有所獨明
123 13 míng clean; neat 夫王者有所獨明
124 13 míng remarkable; outstanding; notable 夫王者有所獨明
125 13 míng next; afterwards 夫王者有所獨明
126 13 míng positive 夫王者有所獨明
127 13 xíng appearance 霸王之形
128 13 xíng adjective 霸王之形
129 13 xíng shape; form 霸王之形
130 13 xíng terrain 霸王之形
131 13 xíng circumstances; situation 霸王之形
132 13 xíng to form; to become 霸王之形
133 13 xíng to appear; to manifest 霸王之形
134 13 xíng to contrast; to compare 霸王之形
135 13 xíng to describe 霸王之形
136 13 xíng an entity 霸王之形
137 13 xíng formal 霸王之形
138 13 xíng punishment 霸王之形
139 13 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 鄰國得焉
140 13 děi to want to; to need to 鄰國得焉
141 13 děi must; ought to 鄰國得焉
142 13 de 鄰國得焉
143 13 de infix potential marker 鄰國得焉
144 13 to result in 鄰國得焉
145 13 to be proper; to fit; to suit 鄰國得焉
146 13 to be satisfied 鄰國得焉
147 13 to be finished 鄰國得焉
148 13 děi satisfying 鄰國得焉
149 13 to contract 鄰國得焉
150 13 to hear 鄰國得焉
151 13 to have; there is 鄰國得焉
152 13 marks time passed 鄰國得焉
153 13 quán authority; power 夫欲用天下之權者
154 13 quán authority; power 夫欲用天下之權者
155 13 quán a sliding weight 夫欲用天下之權者
156 13 quán Quan 夫欲用天下之權者
157 13 quán to assess; to weigh 夫欲用天下之權者
158 13 quán a right 夫欲用天下之權者
159 13 quán an advantage 夫欲用天下之權者
160 13 quán adaptive; flexible 夫欲用天下之權者
161 13 quán a kind of tree 夫欲用天下之權者
162 13 one 明一人之行
163 13 Kangxi radical 1 明一人之行
164 13 pure; concentrated 明一人之行
165 13 first 明一人之行
166 13 the same 明一人之行
167 13 sole; single 明一人之行
168 13 a very small amount 明一人之行
169 13 Yi 明一人之行
170 13 other 明一人之行
171 13 to unify 明一人之行
172 13 accidentally; coincidentally 明一人之行
173 13 abruptly; suddenly 明一人之行
174 12 諸侯 zhū hóu the feudal lords 等列諸侯
175 12 big; huge; large 破大而制地
176 12 Kangxi radical 37 破大而制地
177 12 great; major; important 破大而制地
178 12 size 破大而制地
179 12 old 破大而制地
180 12 oldest; earliest 破大而制地
181 12 adult 破大而制地
182 12 dài an important person 破大而制地
183 12 senior 破大而制地
184 11 to lift; to hold up; to raise 資鄰國之舉不當也
185 11 to move 資鄰國之舉不當也
186 11 to originate; to initiate; to start (a fire) 資鄰國之舉不當也
187 11 to recommend; to elect 資鄰國之舉不當也
188 11 to suggest 資鄰國之舉不當也
189 11 to fly 資鄰國之舉不當也
190 11 to bear; to give birth 資鄰國之舉不當也
191 11 actions; conduct 資鄰國之舉不當也
192 11 a successful candidate 資鄰國之舉不當也
193 11 to raise an example 資鄰國之舉不當也
194 11 xiǎo small; tiny 大國小之
195 11 xiǎo Kangxi radical 42 大國小之
196 11 xiǎo brief 大國小之
197 11 xiǎo small in amount 大國小之
198 11 xiǎo insignificant 大國小之
199 11 xiǎo small in ability 大國小之
200 11 xiǎo to shrink 大國小之
201 11 xiǎo to slight; to belittle 大國小之
202 11 xiǎo evil-doer 大國小之
203 11 xiǎo a child 大國小之
204 11 xiǎo concubine 大國小之
205 11 xiǎo young 大國小之
206 11 鄰國 línguó bordering country; neighboring country 國修而鄰國無道
207 11 xiān first 必先布德諸侯
208 11 xiān early; prior; former 必先布德諸侯
209 11 xiān to go forward; to advance 必先布德諸侯
210 11 xiān to attach importance to; to value 必先布德諸侯
211 11 xiān to start 必先布德諸侯
212 11 xiān ancestors; forebears 必先布德諸侯
213 11 xiān before; in front 必先布德諸侯
214 11 xiān fundamental; basic 必先布德諸侯
215 11 xiān Xian 必先布德諸侯
216 11 xiān ancient; archaic 必先布德諸侯
217 11 xiān super 必先布德諸侯
218 11 xiān deceased 必先布德諸侯
219 11 shí time; a point or period of time 時匡天下
220 11 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時匡天下
221 11 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時匡天下
222 11 shí fashionable 時匡天下
223 11 shí fate; destiny; luck 時匡天下
224 11 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時匡天下
225 11 shí tense 時匡天下
226 11 shí particular; special 時匡天下
227 11 shí to plant; to cultivate 時匡天下
228 11 shí an era; a dynasty 時匡天下
229 11 shí time [abstract] 時匡天下
230 11 shí seasonal 時匡天下
231 11 shí to wait upon 時匡天下
232 11 shí hour 時匡天下
233 11 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時匡天下
234 11 shí Shi 時匡天下
235 11 shí a present; currentlt 時匡天下
236 11 soil; ground; land 象天則地
237 11 floor 象天則地
238 11 the earth 象天則地
239 11 fields 象天則地
240 11 a place 象天則地
241 11 a situation; a position 象天則地
242 11 background 象天則地
243 11 terrain 象天則地
244 11 a territory; a region 象天則地
245 11 used after a distance measure 象天則地
246 11 coming from the same clan 象天則地
247 10 zhī to know 則聖人知矣
248 10 zhī to comprehend 則聖人知矣
249 10 zhī to inform; to tell 則聖人知矣
250 10 zhī to administer 則聖人知矣
251 10 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 則聖人知矣
252 10 zhī to be close friends 則聖人知矣
253 10 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 則聖人知矣
254 10 zhī to receive; to entertain 則聖人知矣
255 10 zhī knowledge 則聖人知矣
256 10 zhī consciousness; perception 則聖人知矣
257 10 zhī a close friend 則聖人知矣
258 10 zhì wisdom 則聖人知矣
259 10 zhì Zhi 則聖人知矣
260 10 zhī to appreciate 則聖人知矣
261 10 zhī to make known 則聖人知矣
262 10 zhī to have control over 則聖人知矣
263 10 zhī to expect; to foresee 則聖人知矣
264 10 must 必先布德諸侯
265 10 Bi 必先布德諸侯
266 10 ruò weak 彊國弱之
267 10 ruò little; young 彊國弱之
268 10 ruò to die 彊國弱之
269 10 ruò to decrease 彊國弱之
270 10 ruò almost 彊國弱之
271 10 ruò Ruo [river] 彊國弱之
272 10 ruò to fail 彊國弱之
273 10 ruò fragile; delicate 彊國弱之
274 10 reason; logic; truth 天下皆理
275 10 to manage 天下皆理
276 10 to pay attention to; to take notice of; to regard others with a certain attitude 天下皆理
277 10 to work jade; to remove jade from ore 天下皆理
278 10 a natural science 天下皆理
279 10 law; principle; theory; inner principle or structure 天下皆理
280 10 to acknowledge; to respond; to answer 天下皆理
281 10 a judge 天下皆理
282 10 li; moral principle 天下皆理
283 10 to tidy up; to put in order 天下皆理
284 10 grain; texture 天下皆理
285 10 reason; logic; truth 天下皆理
286 9 móu to plan 知者善謀
287 9 móu a strategem; a plan 知者善謀
288 9 móu to strive; to seek 知者善謀
289 9 móu to deliberate; to consult 知者善謀
290 9 móu to advise 知者善謀
291 9 móu to secretly plot [against somebody] 知者善謀
292 9 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令行諸侯而不拂
293 9 lìng to issue a command 令行諸侯而不拂
294 9 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令行諸侯而不拂
295 9 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令行諸侯而不拂
296 9 lìng a season 令行諸侯而不拂
297 9 lìng respected; good reputation 令行諸侯而不拂
298 9 lìng good 令行諸侯而不拂
299 9 lìng pretentious 令行諸侯而不拂
300 9 lìng a transcending state of existence 令行諸侯而不拂
301 9 lìng a commander 令行諸侯而不拂
302 9 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令行諸侯而不拂
303 9 lìng lyrics 令行諸侯而不拂
304 9 lìng Ling 令行諸侯而不拂
305 9 easy; simple 化人易代
306 9 to change 化人易代
307 9 Yi 化人易代
308 9 Book of Changes; Yijing; I Ching 化人易代
309 9 to exchange; to swap 化人易代
310 9 gentle; mild; moderate; nice; amiable 化人易代
311 9 to despise; to scorn; to belittle to disrespect 化人易代
312 9 to govern; to administer; to control 化人易代
313 9 to clear away weeds and bushes 化人易代
314 9 a border; a limit 化人易代
315 9 to lighten; to facilitate 化人易代
316 9 to be at ease 化人易代
317 9 flat [terrain] 化人易代
318 9 managed well; cultivated well 化人易代
319 9 [of a field] to lie fallow 化人易代
320 8 bīng soldier; troops 夫兵幸於權
321 8 bīng weapons 夫兵幸於權
322 8 bīng military; warfare 夫兵幸於權
323 8 Germany 德共者不取也
324 8 virtue; morality; ethics; character 德共者不取也
325 8 kindness; favor 德共者不取也
326 8 conduct; behavior 德共者不取也
327 8 to be grateful 德共者不取也
328 8 heart; intention 德共者不取也
329 8 De 德共者不取也
330 8 potency; natural power 德共者不取也
331 8 wholesome; good 德共者不取也
332 8 先王 xiānwáng former kings; sage-kings 夫先王所以王者
333 8 can; may; permissible 諸侯可得而臣
334 8 to approve; to permit 諸侯可得而臣
335 8 to be worth 諸侯可得而臣
336 8 to suit; to fit 諸侯可得而臣
337 8 khan 諸侯可得而臣
338 8 to recover 諸侯可得而臣
339 8 to act as 諸侯可得而臣
340 8 to be worth; to deserve 諸侯可得而臣
341 8 used to add emphasis 諸侯可得而臣
342 8 beautiful 諸侯可得而臣
343 8 Ke 諸侯可得而臣
344 8 bèi to prepare; get ready 是以聖王務具其備而慎守其時
345 8 gain; advantage; benefit 則聖王利也
346 8 profit 則聖王利也
347 8 sharp 則聖王利也
348 8 to benefit; to serve 則聖王利也
349 8 Li 則聖王利也
350 8 to be useful 則聖王利也
351 8 smooth; without a hitch 則聖王利也
352 7 zhòng heavy 重國輕之
353 7 chóng to repeat 重國輕之
354 7 zhòng significant; serious; important 重國輕之
355 7 chóng layered; folded; tiered 重國輕之
356 7 zhòng to attach importance to; to honor; to respect 重國輕之
357 7 zhòng sad 重國輕之
358 7 zhòng a weight 重國輕之
359 7 zhòng large in amount; valuable 重國輕之
360 7 zhòng thick; dense; strong 重國輕之
361 7 zhòng to prefer 重國輕之
362 7 zhòng to add 重國輕之
363 7 wéi dangerous; precarious 以威易危暴
364 7 wéi high 以威易危暴
365 7 qīng light; not heavy 重國輕之
366 7 qīng easy; relaxed; carefree 重國輕之
367 7 qīng simple; convenient 重國輕之
368 7 qīng small in number or degree 重國輕之
369 7 qīng gentle 重國輕之
370 7 qīng to belittle; to make light of 重國輕之
371 7 qīng nimble; agile; portable 重國輕之
372 7 qīng unimportant 重國輕之
373 7 qīng frivolous 重國輕之
374 7 qīng imprudent 重國輕之
375 7 qīng to smooth 重國輕之
376 7 qīng to soothe 重國輕之
377 7 qīng lowly 重國輕之
378 7 to give 是故先王有所取有所與
379 7 to accompany 是故先王有所取有所與
380 7 to particate in 是故先王有所取有所與
381 7 of the same kind 是故先王有所取有所與
382 7 to help 是故先王有所取有所與
383 7 for 是故先王有所取有所與
384 7 zhēng to compete; to struggle; to fight; to contend; to strive 夫爭天下者
385 7 zhēng to snatch; to capture 夫爭天下者
386 7 zhēng to debate; to dispute 夫爭天下者
387 7 zhēng to lack; to differ; to vary 夫爭天下者
388 7 zhēng to advise against 夫爭天下者
389 6 jūn sovereign; monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 君人者有道
390 6 jūn a mistress 君人者有道
391 6 jūn date-plum 君人者有道
392 6 jūn the son of heaven 君人者有道
393 6 jūn to rule 君人者有道
394 6 zhèng government; administration 其所重者政與軍
395 6 zhèng politics 其所重者政與軍
396 6 zhèng organizational affairs 其所重者政與軍
397 6 zhèng to rule 其所重者政與軍
398 6 zhèng administrative affairs 其所重者政與軍
399 6 zhèng laws 其所重者政與軍
400 6 zhèng policy 其所重者政與軍
401 6 zhèng to correctons [a document] 其所重者政與軍
402 6 聖人 shèngrén a sage 則聖人知矣
403 6 聖人 shèngrén the Sage [Confucius] 則聖人知矣
404 6 聖人 shèngrén the Sage [Emperor] 則聖人知矣
405 6 聖人 shèngrén sake 則聖人知矣
406 6 聖人 shèngrén a saint 則聖人知矣
407 6 guān to look at; to watch; to observe 故觀國者觀君
408 6 guàn Taoist monastery; monastery 故觀國者觀君
409 6 guān to display; to show; to make visible 故觀國者觀君
410 6 guān Guan 故觀國者觀君
411 6 guān appearance; looks 故觀國者觀君
412 6 guān a sight; a view; a vista 故觀國者觀君
413 6 guān a concept; a viewpoint; a perspective 故觀國者觀君
414 6 guān to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire 故觀國者觀君
415 6 guàn an announcement 故觀國者觀君
416 6 guàn a high tower; a watchtower 故觀國者觀君
417 6 guān Surview 故觀國者觀君
418 6 霸王 bà wáng a hegemon 霸王之形
419 6 霸王 bà wáng a despot; a warlord 霸王之形
420 6 霸王 bà wáng a hegemon and kings 霸王之形
421 6 to go back; to return 大而不為者復小
422 6 to resume; to restart 大而不為者復小
423 6 to do in detail 大而不為者復小
424 6 to restore 大而不為者復小
425 6 to respond; to reply to 大而不為者復小
426 6 Fu; Return 大而不為者復小
427 6 to retaliate; to reciprocate 大而不為者復小
428 6 to avoid forced labor or tax 大而不為者復小
429 6 Fu 大而不為者復小
430 6 doubled; to overlapping; folded 大而不為者復小
431 6 a lined garment with doubled thickness 大而不為者復小
432 6 luàn chaotic; disorderly 亂國并之
433 6 luàn confused 亂國并之
434 6 luàn to disturb; to upset; to throw into chaos 亂國并之
435 6 luàn to be promiscuous 亂國并之
436 6 luàn finale 亂國并之
437 6 luàn to destroy 亂國并之
438 6 luàn to confuse 亂國并之
439 6 luàn agitated 亂國并之
440 6 luàn very 亂國并之
441 6 luàn unstable 亂國并之
442 6 luàn revolt; rebelion; riot 亂國并之
443 6 xián virtuous; worthy 是故聖王卑禮以下天下之賢而王之
444 6 xián able; capable 是故聖王卑禮以下天下之賢而王之
445 6 xián admirable 是故聖王卑禮以下天下之賢而王之
446 6 xián a talented person 是故聖王卑禮以下天下之賢而王之
447 6 xián India 是故聖王卑禮以下天下之賢而王之
448 6 xián to respect 是故聖王卑禮以下天下之賢而王之
449 6 xián to excel; to surpass 是故聖王卑禮以下天下之賢而王之
450 6 xíng punishment; penalty 以刑危之
451 6 xíng to punish; to penalize 以刑危之
452 6 xíng to execute 以刑危之
453 6 xíng convention; law 以刑危之
454 6 xíng to carry out the law 以刑危之
455 6 xíng to correct 以刑危之
456 6 shī to lose 審小計者失人
457 6 shī to violate; to go against the norm 審小計者失人
458 6 shī to fail; to miss out 審小計者失人
459 6 shī to be lost 審小計者失人
460 6 shī to make a mistake 審小計者失人
461 6 shī to let go of 審小計者失人
462 5 qīn relatives 結諸侯之親
463 5 qīn intimate 結諸侯之親
464 5 qīn a bride 結諸侯之親
465 5 qīn parents 結諸侯之親
466 5 qīn marriage 結諸侯之親
467 5 qīn someone intimately connected to 結諸侯之親
468 5 qīn friendship 結諸侯之親
469 5 qīn Qin 結諸侯之親
470 5 qīn to be close to 結諸侯之親
471 5 qīn to love 結諸侯之親
472 5 qīn to kiss 結諸侯之親
473 5 qīn related [by blood] 結諸侯之親
474 5 qìng relatives by marriage 結諸侯之親
475 5 qīn a hazelnut tree 結諸侯之親
476 5 shèng to beat; to win; to conquer 則兵勝敵
477 5 shèng victory; success 則兵勝敵
478 5 shèng wonderful; supurb; superior 則兵勝敵
479 5 shèng to surpass 則兵勝敵
480 5 shèng triumphant 則兵勝敵
481 5 shèng a scenic view 則兵勝敵
482 5 shèng a woman's hair decoration 則兵勝敵
483 5 shèng Sheng 則兵勝敵
484 5 cún to exist; to survive 夫國之存也
485 5 cún to store; to keep 夫國之存也
486 5 cún to collect; to accumulate 夫國之存也
487 5 cún to deposit; to save 夫國之存也
488 5 cún to retain 夫國之存也
489 5 cún on the balance; in stock 夫國之存也
490 5 cún to cherish 夫國之存也
491 5 cún to raise 夫國之存也
492 5 néng can; able 然後能用天下之權
493 5 néng ability; capacity 然後能用天下之權
494 5 néng a mythical bear-like beast 然後能用天下之權
495 5 néng energy 然後能用天下之權
496 5 néng function; use 然後能用天下之權
497 5 néng talent 然後能用天下之權
498 5 néng expert at 然後能用天下之權
499 5 néng to be in harmony 然後能用天下之權
500 5 néng to tend to; to care for 然後能用天下之權

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1023

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 121 zhī him; her; them; that 霸王之形
2 121 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 霸王之形
3 121 zhī to go 霸王之形
4 121 zhī this; that 霸王之形
5 121 zhī genetive marker 霸王之形
6 121 zhī it 霸王之形
7 121 zhī in; in regards to 霸王之形
8 121 zhī all 霸王之形
9 121 zhī and 霸王之形
10 121 zhī however 霸王之形
11 121 zhī if 霸王之形
12 121 zhī then 霸王之形
13 121 zhī to arrive; to go 霸王之形
14 121 zhī is 霸王之形
15 121 zhī to use 霸王之形
16 121 zhī Zhi 霸王之形
17 121 zhī winding 霸王之形
18 83 also; too 德共者不取也
19 83 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 德共者不取也
20 83 either 德共者不取也
21 83 even 德共者不取也
22 83 used to soften the tone 德共者不取也
23 83 used for emphasis 德共者不取也
24 83 used to mark contrast 德共者不取也
25 83 used to mark compromise 德共者不取也
26 76 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 國修而鄰國無道
27 76 ér Kangxi radical 126 國修而鄰國無道
28 76 ér you 國修而鄰國無道
29 76 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 國修而鄰國無道
30 76 ér right away; then 國修而鄰國無道
31 76 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 國修而鄰國無道
32 76 ér if; in case; in the event that 國修而鄰國無道
33 76 ér therefore; as a result; thus 國修而鄰國無道
34 76 ér how can it be that? 國修而鄰國無道
35 76 ér so as to 國修而鄰國無道
36 76 ér only then 國修而鄰國無道
37 76 ér as if; to seem like 國修而鄰國無道
38 76 néng can; able 國修而鄰國無道
39 76 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 國修而鄰國無道
40 76 ér me 國修而鄰國無道
41 76 ér to arrive; up to 國修而鄰國無道
42 76 ér possessive 國修而鄰國無道
43 62 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 夫王者有所獨明
44 62 zhě that 夫王者有所獨明
45 62 zhě nominalizing function word 夫王者有所獨明
46 62 zhě used to mark a definition 夫王者有所獨明
47 62 zhě used to mark a pause 夫王者有所獨明
48 62 zhě topic marker; that; it 夫王者有所獨明
49 62 zhuó according to 夫王者有所獨明
50 53 guó a country; a nation 曲國正之
51 53 guó the capital of a state 曲國正之
52 53 guó a feud; a vassal state 曲國正之
53 53 guó a state; a kingdom 曲國正之
54 53 guó a place; a land 曲國正之
55 53 guó domestic; Chinese 曲國正之
56 53 guó national 曲國正之
57 53 guó top in the nation 曲國正之
58 53 guó Guo 曲國正之
59 39 so as to; in order to 以威易危暴
60 39 to use; to regard as 以威易危暴
61 39 to use; to grasp 以威易危暴
62 39 according to 以威易危暴
63 39 because of 以威易危暴
64 39 on a certain date 以威易危暴
65 39 and; as well as 以威易危暴
66 39 to rely on 以威易危暴
67 39 to regard 以威易危暴
68 39 to be able to 以威易危暴
69 39 to order; to command 以威易危暴
70 39 further; moreover 以威易危暴
71 39 used after a verb 以威易危暴
72 39 very 以威易危暴
73 39 already 以威易危暴
74 39 increasingly 以威易危暴
75 39 a reason; a cause 以威易危暴
76 39 Israel 以威易危暴
77 39 Yi 以威易危暴
78 32 a man; a male adult 夫豐國之謂霸
79 32 this; that; those 夫豐國之謂霸
80 32 now; still 夫豐國之謂霸
81 32 is it not?; final particle 夫豐國之謂霸
82 32 husband 夫豐國之謂霸
83 32 a person 夫豐國之謂霸
84 32 someone who does manual work 夫豐國之謂霸
85 32 a hired worker 夫豐國之謂霸
86 32 he 夫豐國之謂霸
87 31 his; hers; its; theirs 僇其罪
88 31 to add emphasis 僇其罪
89 31 used when asking a question in reply to a question 僇其罪
90 31 used when making a request or giving an order 僇其罪
91 31 he; her; it; them 僇其罪
92 31 probably; likely 僇其罪
93 31 will 僇其罪
94 31 may 僇其罪
95 31 if 僇其罪
96 31 or 僇其罪
97 31 Qi 僇其罪
98 30 天下 tiānxià the territory ruled by the emperor; China 創制天下
99 30 天下 tiānxià authority over China 創制天下
100 30 天下 tiānxià the world 創制天下
101 28 gōng to attack; to assault 攻逆亂之國
102 28 gōng to discredit; to impugn; to criticize 攻逆亂之國
103 28 gōng to remedy; to cure 攻逆亂之國
104 28 gōng to work at; to handle 攻逆亂之國
105 28 gōng workmanship; expertise 攻逆亂之國
106 28 gōng exaction by the state 攻逆亂之國
107 28 gōng sturdy; strong 攻逆亂之國
108 28 gōng to govern; to administer 攻逆亂之國
109 28 gōng Gong 攻逆亂之國
110 27 qiáng strong; powerful 彊國弱之
111 27 jiàng stubborn; uncompromising 彊國弱之
112 27 qiǎng to strive; to be energetic 彊國弱之
113 24 wáng Wang 暴王殘之
114 24 wáng a king 暴王殘之
115 24 wáng Kangxi radical 96 暴王殘之
116 24 wàng to be king; to rule 暴王殘之
117 24 wáng a prince; a duke 暴王殘之
118 24 wáng grand; great 暴王殘之
119 24 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 暴王殘之
120 24 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 暴王殘之
121 24 wáng the head of a group or gang 暴王殘之
122 24 wáng the biggest or best of a group 暴王殘之
123 20 not; no 德共者不取也
124 20 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 德共者不取也
125 20 as a correlative 德共者不取也
126 20 no (answering a question) 德共者不取也
127 20 forms a negative adjective from a noun 德共者不取也
128 20 at the end of a sentence to form a question 德共者不取也
129 20 to form a yes or no question 德共者不取也
130 20 infix potential marker 德共者不取也
131 18 otherwise; but; however 象天則地
132 18 then 象天則地
133 18 measure word for short sections of text 象天則地
134 18 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 象天則地
135 18 a grade; a level 象天則地
136 18 an example; a model 象天則地
137 18 a weighing device 象天則地
138 18 to grade; to rank 象天則地
139 18 to copy; to imitate; to follow 象天則地
140 18 to do 象天則地
141 18 only 象天則地
142 18 immediately 象天則地
143 17 rén person; people; a human being 化人易代
144 17 rén Kangxi radical 9 化人易代
145 17 rén a kind of person 化人易代
146 17 rén everybody 化人易代
147 17 rén adult 化人易代
148 17 rén somebody; others 化人易代
149 17 rén an upright person 化人易代
150 16 zhòng many; numerous 得天下之眾者王
151 16 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 得天下之眾者王
152 16 zhòng general; common; public 得天下之眾者王
153 15 to cut down 而伐不謂貪者
154 15 to attack 而伐不謂貪者
155 15 to boast 而伐不謂貪者
156 15 to cut out 而伐不謂貪者
157 15 a feat; a contribution; an achievement 而伐不謂貪者
158 15 a matchmaker 而伐不謂貪者
159 15 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 是故先王之所師者
160 15 suǒ an office; an institute 是故先王之所師者
161 15 suǒ introduces a relative clause 是故先王之所師者
162 15 suǒ it 是故先王之所師者
163 15 suǒ if; supposing 是故先王之所師者
164 15 suǒ a few; various; some 是故先王之所師者
165 15 suǒ a place; a location 是故先王之所師者
166 15 suǒ indicates a passive voice 是故先王之所師者
167 15 suǒ that which 是故先王之所師者
168 15 suǒ an ordinal number 是故先王之所師者
169 15 suǒ meaning 是故先王之所師者
170 15 suǒ garrison 是故先王之所師者
171 14 fēi not; non-; un- 國非其國也
172 14 fēi Kangxi radical 175 國非其國也
173 14 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 國非其國也
174 14 fēi different 國非其國也
175 14 fēi to not be; to not have 國非其國也
176 14 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 國非其國也
177 14 fēi Africa 國非其國也
178 14 fēi to slander 國非其國也
179 14 fěi to avoid 國非其國也
180 14 fēi must 國非其國也
181 14 fēi an error 國非其國也
182 14 fēi a problem; a question 國非其國也
183 14 fēi evil 國非其國也
184 14 fēi besides; except; unless 國非其國也
185 13 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 夫王者有所獨明
186 13 míng Ming 夫王者有所獨明
187 13 míng Ming Dynasty 夫王者有所獨明
188 13 míng obvious; explicit; clear 夫王者有所獨明
189 13 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 夫王者有所獨明
190 13 míng to illuminate; to shine 夫王者有所獨明
191 13 míng consecrated 夫王者有所獨明
192 13 míng to understand; to comprehend 夫王者有所獨明
193 13 míng to explain; to clarify 夫王者有所獨明
194 13 míng Souther Ming; Later Ming 夫王者有所獨明
195 13 míng the world; the human world; the world of the living 夫王者有所獨明
196 13 míng eyesight; vision 夫王者有所獨明
197 13 míng a god; a spirit 夫王者有所獨明
198 13 míng fame; renown 夫王者有所獨明
199 13 míng open; public 夫王者有所獨明
200 13 míng clear 夫王者有所獨明
201 13 míng to become proficient 夫王者有所獨明
202 13 míng to be proficient 夫王者有所獨明
203 13 míng virtuous 夫王者有所獨明
204 13 míng open and honest 夫王者有所獨明
205 13 míng clean; neat 夫王者有所獨明
206 13 míng remarkable; outstanding; notable 夫王者有所獨明
207 13 míng next; afterwards 夫王者有所獨明
208 13 míng positive 夫王者有所獨明
209 13 xíng appearance 霸王之形
210 13 xíng adjective 霸王之形
211 13 xíng shape; form 霸王之形
212 13 xíng terrain 霸王之形
213 13 xíng circumstances; situation 霸王之形
214 13 xíng to form; to become 霸王之形
215 13 xíng to appear; to manifest 霸王之形
216 13 xíng to contrast; to compare 霸王之形
217 13 xíng to describe 霸王之形
218 13 xíng an entity 霸王之形
219 13 xíng formal 霸王之形
220 13 xíng punishment 霸王之形
221 13 de potential marker 鄰國得焉
222 13 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 鄰國得焉
223 13 děi must; ought to 鄰國得焉
224 13 děi to want to; to need to 鄰國得焉
225 13 děi must; ought to 鄰國得焉
226 13 de 鄰國得焉
227 13 de infix potential marker 鄰國得焉
228 13 to result in 鄰國得焉
229 13 to be proper; to fit; to suit 鄰國得焉
230 13 to be satisfied 鄰國得焉
231 13 to be finished 鄰國得焉
232 13 de result of degree 鄰國得焉
233 13 de marks completion of an action 鄰國得焉
234 13 děi satisfying 鄰國得焉
235 13 to contract 鄰國得焉
236 13 marks permission or possibility 鄰國得焉
237 13 expressing frustration 鄰國得焉
238 13 to hear 鄰國得焉
239 13 to have; there is 鄰國得焉
240 13 marks time passed 鄰國得焉
241 13 quán authority; power 夫欲用天下之權者
242 13 quán authority; power 夫欲用天下之權者
243 13 quán a sliding weight 夫欲用天下之權者
244 13 quán Quan 夫欲用天下之權者
245 13 quán to assess; to weigh 夫欲用天下之權者
246 13 quán a right 夫欲用天下之權者
247 13 quán an advantage 夫欲用天下之權者
248 13 quán tentatively; temporarily 夫欲用天下之權者
249 13 quán adaptive; flexible 夫欲用天下之權者
250 13 quán a kind of tree 夫欲用天下之權者
251 13 one 明一人之行
252 13 Kangxi radical 1 明一人之行
253 13 as soon as; all at once 明一人之行
254 13 pure; concentrated 明一人之行
255 13 whole; all 明一人之行
256 13 first 明一人之行
257 13 the same 明一人之行
258 13 each 明一人之行
259 13 certain 明一人之行
260 13 throughout 明一人之行
261 13 used in between a reduplicated verb 明一人之行
262 13 sole; single 明一人之行
263 13 a very small amount 明一人之行
264 13 Yi 明一人之行
265 13 other 明一人之行
266 13 to unify 明一人之行
267 13 accidentally; coincidentally 明一人之行
268 13 abruptly; suddenly 明一人之行
269 13 or 明一人之行
270 12 諸侯 zhū hóu the feudal lords 等列諸侯
271 12 big; huge; large 破大而制地
272 12 Kangxi radical 37 破大而制地
273 12 great; major; important 破大而制地
274 12 size 破大而制地
275 12 old 破大而制地
276 12 greatly; very 破大而制地
277 12 oldest; earliest 破大而制地
278 12 adult 破大而制地
279 12 tài greatest; grand 破大而制地
280 12 dài an important person 破大而制地
281 12 senior 破大而制地
282 12 approximately 破大而制地
283 12 tài greatest; grand 破大而制地
284 11 to lift; to hold up; to raise 資鄰國之舉不當也
285 11 to move 資鄰國之舉不當也
286 11 to originate; to initiate; to start (a fire) 資鄰國之舉不當也
287 11 to recommend; to elect 資鄰國之舉不當也
288 11 all; entire 資鄰國之舉不當也
289 11 to suggest 資鄰國之舉不當也
290 11 to fly 資鄰國之舉不當也
291 11 to bear; to give birth 資鄰國之舉不當也
292 11 actions; conduct 資鄰國之舉不當也
293 11 a successful candidate 資鄰國之舉不當也
294 11 to raise an example 資鄰國之舉不當也
295 11 xiǎo small; tiny 大國小之
296 11 xiǎo Kangxi radical 42 大國小之
297 11 xiǎo brief 大國小之
298 11 xiǎo small in amount 大國小之
299 11 xiǎo less than; nearly 大國小之
300 11 xiǎo insignificant 大國小之
301 11 xiǎo small in ability 大國小之
302 11 xiǎo to shrink 大國小之
303 11 xiǎo to slight; to belittle 大國小之
304 11 xiǎo evil-doer 大國小之
305 11 xiǎo a child 大國小之
306 11 xiǎo concubine 大國小之
307 11 xiǎo young 大國小之
308 11 xiǎo indicates lack of seniority or brief tenure 大國小之
309 11 鄰國 línguó bordering country; neighboring country 國修而鄰國無道
310 11 xiān first 必先布德諸侯
311 11 xiān early; prior; former 必先布德諸侯
312 11 xiān to go forward; to advance 必先布德諸侯
313 11 xiān to attach importance to; to value 必先布德諸侯
314 11 xiān to start 必先布德諸侯
315 11 xiān ancestors; forebears 必先布德諸侯
316 11 xiān earlier 必先布德諸侯
317 11 xiān before; in front 必先布德諸侯
318 11 xiān fundamental; basic 必先布德諸侯
319 11 xiān Xian 必先布德諸侯
320 11 xiān ancient; archaic 必先布德諸侯
321 11 xiān super 必先布德諸侯
322 11 xiān deceased 必先布德諸侯
323 11 shí time; a point or period of time 時匡天下
324 11 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時匡天下
325 11 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時匡天下
326 11 shí at that time 時匡天下
327 11 shí fashionable 時匡天下
328 11 shí fate; destiny; luck 時匡天下
329 11 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時匡天下
330 11 shí tense 時匡天下
331 11 shí particular; special 時匡天下
332 11 shí to plant; to cultivate 時匡天下
333 11 shí hour (measure word) 時匡天下
334 11 shí an era; a dynasty 時匡天下
335 11 shí time [abstract] 時匡天下
336 11 shí seasonal 時匡天下
337 11 shí frequently; often 時匡天下
338 11 shí occasionally; sometimes 時匡天下
339 11 shí on time 時匡天下
340 11 shí this; that 時匡天下
341 11 shí to wait upon 時匡天下
342 11 shí hour 時匡天下
343 11 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時匡天下
344 11 shí Shi 時匡天下
345 11 shí a present; currentlt 時匡天下
346 11 soil; ground; land 象天則地
347 11 de subordinate particle 象天則地
348 11 floor 象天則地
349 11 the earth 象天則地
350 11 fields 象天則地
351 11 a place 象天則地
352 11 a situation; a position 象天則地
353 11 background 象天則地
354 11 terrain 象天則地
355 11 a territory; a region 象天則地
356 11 used after a distance measure 象天則地
357 11 coming from the same clan 象天則地
358 10 zhī to know 則聖人知矣
359 10 zhī to comprehend 則聖人知矣
360 10 zhī to inform; to tell 則聖人知矣
361 10 zhī to administer 則聖人知矣
362 10 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 則聖人知矣
363 10 zhī to be close friends 則聖人知矣
364 10 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 則聖人知矣
365 10 zhī to receive; to entertain 則聖人知矣
366 10 zhī knowledge 則聖人知矣
367 10 zhī consciousness; perception 則聖人知矣
368 10 zhī a close friend 則聖人知矣
369 10 zhì wisdom 則聖人知矣
370 10 zhì Zhi 則聖人知矣
371 10 zhī to appreciate 則聖人知矣
372 10 zhī to make known 則聖人知矣
373 10 zhī to have control over 則聖人知矣
374 10 zhī to expect; to foresee 則聖人知矣
375 10 certainly; must; will; necessarily 必先布德諸侯
376 10 must 必先布德諸侯
377 10 if; suppose 必先布德諸侯
378 10 Bi 必先布德諸侯
379 10 ruò weak 彊國弱之
380 10 ruò little; young 彊國弱之
381 10 ruò to die 彊國弱之
382 10 ruò to decrease 彊國弱之
383 10 ruò almost 彊國弱之
384 10 ruò Ruo [river] 彊國弱之
385 10 ruò to fail 彊國弱之
386 10 ruò fragile; delicate 彊國弱之
387 10 reason; logic; truth 天下皆理
388 10 to manage 天下皆理
389 10 to pay attention to; to take notice of; to regard others with a certain attitude 天下皆理
390 10 to work jade; to remove jade from ore 天下皆理
391 10 a natural science 天下皆理
392 10 law; principle; theory; inner principle or structure 天下皆理
393 10 to acknowledge; to respond; to answer 天下皆理
394 10 a judge 天下皆理
395 10 li; moral principle 天下皆理
396 10 to tidy up; to put in order 天下皆理
397 10 grain; texture 天下皆理
398 10 reason; logic; truth 天下皆理
399 9 móu to plan 知者善謀
400 9 móu a strategem; a plan 知者善謀
401 9 móu to strive; to seek 知者善謀
402 9 móu to deliberate; to consult 知者善謀
403 9 móu to advise 知者善謀
404 9 móu to secretly plot [against somebody] 知者善謀
405 9 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令行諸侯而不拂
406 9 lìng to issue a command 令行諸侯而不拂
407 9 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令行諸侯而不拂
408 9 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令行諸侯而不拂
409 9 lìng a season 令行諸侯而不拂
410 9 lìng respected; good reputation 令行諸侯而不拂
411 9 lìng good 令行諸侯而不拂
412 9 lìng pretentious 令行諸侯而不拂
413 9 lìng a transcending state of existence 令行諸侯而不拂
414 9 lìng a commander 令行諸侯而不拂
415 9 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令行諸侯而不拂
416 9 lìng lyrics 令行諸侯而不拂
417 9 lìng Ling 令行諸侯而不拂
418 9 easy; simple 化人易代
419 9 to change 化人易代
420 9 Yi 化人易代
421 9 Book of Changes; Yijing; I Ching 化人易代
422 9 to exchange; to swap 化人易代
423 9 gentle; mild; moderate; nice; amiable 化人易代
424 9 to despise; to scorn; to belittle to disrespect 化人易代
425 9 to govern; to administer; to control 化人易代
426 9 to clear away weeds and bushes 化人易代
427 9 a border; a limit 化人易代
428 9 to lighten; to facilitate 化人易代
429 9 to be at ease 化人易代
430 9 flat [terrain] 化人易代
431 9 managed well; cultivated well 化人易代
432 9 [of a field] to lie fallow 化人易代
433 8 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 故諸侯之得地利者
434 8 old; ancient; former; past 故諸侯之得地利者
435 8 reason; cause; purpose 故諸侯之得地利者
436 8 to die 故諸侯之得地利者
437 8 so; therefore; hence 故諸侯之得地利者
438 8 original 故諸侯之得地利者
439 8 accident; happening; instance 故諸侯之得地利者
440 8 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 故諸侯之得地利者
441 8 something in the past 故諸侯之得地利者
442 8 deceased; dead 故諸侯之得地利者
443 8 still; yet 故諸侯之得地利者
444 8 bīng soldier; troops 夫兵幸於權
445 8 bīng weapons 夫兵幸於權
446 8 bīng military; warfare 夫兵幸於權
447 8 Germany 德共者不取也
448 8 virtue; morality; ethics; character 德共者不取也
449 8 kindness; favor 德共者不取也
450 8 conduct; behavior 德共者不取也
451 8 to be grateful 德共者不取也
452 8 heart; intention 德共者不取也
453 8 De 德共者不取也
454 8 potency; natural power 德共者不取也
455 8 wholesome; good 德共者不取也
456 8 先王 xiānwáng former kings; sage-kings 夫先王所以王者
457 8 can; may; permissible 諸侯可得而臣
458 8 but 諸侯可得而臣
459 8 such; so 諸侯可得而臣
460 8 able to; possibly 諸侯可得而臣
461 8 to approve; to permit 諸侯可得而臣
462 8 to be worth 諸侯可得而臣
463 8 to suit; to fit 諸侯可得而臣
464 8 khan 諸侯可得而臣
465 8 to recover 諸侯可得而臣
466 8 to act as 諸侯可得而臣
467 8 to be worth; to deserve 諸侯可得而臣
468 8 approximately; probably 諸侯可得而臣
469 8 expresses doubt 諸侯可得而臣
470 8 really; truely 諸侯可得而臣
471 8 used to add emphasis 諸侯可得而臣
472 8 beautiful 諸侯可得而臣
473 8 Ke 諸侯可得而臣
474 8 used to ask a question 諸侯可得而臣
475 8 bèi to prepare; get ready 是以聖王務具其備而慎守其時
476 8 gain; advantage; benefit 則聖王利也
477 8 profit 則聖王利也
478 8 sharp 則聖王利也
479 8 to benefit; to serve 則聖王利也
480 8 Li 則聖王利也
481 8 to be useful 則聖王利也
482 8 smooth; without a hitch 則聖王利也
483 7 zhòng heavy 重國輕之
484 7 chóng to repeat 重國輕之
485 7 chóng repetition; iteration; layer 重國輕之
486 7 chóng again 重國輕之
487 7 zhòng significant; serious; important 重國輕之
488 7 chóng layered; folded; tiered 重國輕之
489 7 zhòng to attach importance to; to honor; to respect 重國輕之
490 7 zhòng sad 重國輕之
491 7 zhòng a weight 重國輕之
492 7 zhòng large in amount; valuable 重國輕之
493 7 zhòng thick; dense; strong 重國輕之
494 7 zhòng to prefer 重國輕之
495 7 zhòng to add 重國輕之
496 7 zhòng cautiously; prudently 重國輕之
497 7 wéi dangerous; precarious 以威易危暴
498 7 wéi high 以威易危暴
499 7 qīng light; not heavy 重國輕之
500 7 qīng easy; relaxed; carefree 重國輕之

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
广明 廣明 103 Guangming
国大 國大 103 National Assembly of the Republic of China
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
刑天 120 Xingtian
战国 戰國 122
  1. Warring States Period
  2. one of the seven warring states
正使 122 Chief Envoy


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English