Glossary and Vocabulary for Book of Sui 隋書, 卷4  帝紀第4 煬帝下 Volume 4 Annals 4: Emperor Yang 2

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 133 zhī to go 故知造化之有肅殺
2 133 zhī to arrive; to go 故知造化之有肅殺
3 133 zhī is 故知造化之有肅殺
4 133 zhī to use 故知造化之有肅殺
5 133 zhī Zhi 故知造化之有肅殺
6 133 zhī winding 故知造化之有肅殺
7 58 to use; to grasp 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
8 58 to rely on 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
9 58 to regard 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
10 58 to be able to 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
11 58 to order; to command 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
12 58 used after a verb 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
13 58 a reason; a cause 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
14 58 Israel 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
15 58 Yi 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
16 52 rén person; people; a human being 弔人問罪
17 52 rén Kangxi radical 9 弔人問罪
18 52 rén a kind of person 弔人問罪
19 52 rén everybody 弔人問罪
20 52 rén adult 弔人問罪
21 52 rén somebody; others 弔人問罪
22 52 rén an upright person 弔人問罪
23 51 wéi to act as; to serve 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
24 51 wéi to change into; to become 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
25 51 wéi to be; is 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
26 51 wéi to do 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
27 51 wèi to support; to help 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
28 51 wéi to govern 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
29 41 zéi thief 大軍為賊所拒
30 41 zéi to injure; to harm 大軍為賊所拒
31 41 zéi a traitor; an evildoer; an enemy 大軍為賊所拒
32 41 zéi evil 大軍為賊所拒
33 41 to go; to 降繁霜於秋令
34 41 to rely on; to depend on 降繁霜於秋令
35 41 Yu 降繁霜於秋令
36 41 a crow 降繁霜於秋令
37 39 jùn a commandery; a prefecture 淮南諸郡閱視民間童女
38 39 jùn Jun 淮南諸郡閱視民間童女
39 34 dào way; road; path 左第一軍可鏤方道
40 34 dào principle; a moral; morality 左第一軍可鏤方道
41 34 dào Tao; the Way 左第一軍可鏤方道
42 34 dào to say; to speak; to talk 左第一軍可鏤方道
43 34 dào to think 左第一軍可鏤方道
44 34 dào circuit; a province 左第一軍可鏤方道
45 34 dào a course; a channel 左第一軍可鏤方道
46 34 dào a method; a way of doing something 左第一軍可鏤方道
47 34 dào a doctrine 左第一軍可鏤方道
48 34 dào Taoism; Daoism 左第一軍可鏤方道
49 34 dào a skill 左第一軍可鏤方道
50 34 dào a sect 左第一軍可鏤方道
51 34 dào a line 左第一軍可鏤方道
52 32 jūn army; military 左第一軍可鏤方道
53 32 jūn soldiers; troops 左第一軍可鏤方道
54 32 jūn an organized collective 左第一軍可鏤方道
55 32 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 左第一軍可鏤方道
56 32 jūn a garrison 左第一軍可鏤方道
57 32 jūn a front 左第一軍可鏤方道
58 32 jūn penal miltary service 左第一軍可鏤方道
59 32 jūn to organize troops 左第一軍可鏤方道
60 30 Qi 不勝其弊
61 30 wáng Wang 周發成文王之志
62 30 wáng a king 周發成文王之志
63 30 wáng Kangxi radical 96 周發成文王之志
64 30 wàng to be king; to rule 周發成文王之志
65 30 wáng a prince; a duke 周發成文王之志
66 30 wáng grand; great 周發成文王之志
67 30 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 周發成文王之志
68 30 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 周發成文王之志
69 30 wáng the head of a group or gang 周發成文王之志
70 30 wáng the biggest or best of a group 周發成文王之志
71 29 ér Kangxi radical 126 兼三才而建極
72 29 ér as if; to seem like 兼三才而建極
73 29 néng can; able 兼三才而建極
74 29 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 兼三才而建極
75 29 ér to arrive; up to 兼三才而建極
76 29 can; may; permissible 非可勝圖
77 29 to approve; to permit 非可勝圖
78 29 to be worth 非可勝圖
79 29 to suit; to fit 非可勝圖
80 29 khan 非可勝圖
81 29 to recover 非可勝圖
82 29 to act as 非可勝圖
83 29 to be worth; to deserve 非可勝圖
84 29 used to add emphasis 非可勝圖
85 29 beautiful 非可勝圖
86 29 Ke 非可勝圖
87 28 zhòng many; numerous 凡此眾軍
88 28 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 凡此眾軍
89 28 zhòng general; common; public 凡此眾軍
90 28 wèi to guard; to protect; to defend 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
91 25 shuài handsome; graceful; smart 賊帥杜彥冰
92 25 shuài commander in chief 賊帥杜彥冰
93 25 shuài to command; to lead 賊帥杜彥冰
94 25 shuài Shuai 賊帥杜彥冰
95 25 shuài to follow; to comply with 賊帥杜彥冰
96 25 shuài beautiful 賊帥杜彥冰
97 24 shàng top; a high position 上御師
98 24 shang top; the position on or above something 上御師
99 24 shàng to go up; to go forward 上御師
100 24 shàng shang 上御師
101 24 shàng previous; last 上御師
102 24 shàng high; higher 上御師
103 24 shàng advanced 上御師
104 24 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上御師
105 24 shàng time 上御師
106 24 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上御師
107 24 shàng far 上御師
108 24 shàng big; as big as 上御師
109 24 shàng abundant; plentiful 上御師
110 24 shàng to report 上御師
111 24 shàng to offer 上御師
112 24 shàng to go on stage 上御師
113 24 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上御師
114 24 shàng to install; to erect 上御師
115 24 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上御師
116 24 shàng to burn 上御師
117 24 shàng to remember 上御師
118 24 shàng to add 上御師
119 24 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上御師
120 24 shàng to meet 上御師
121 24 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上御師
122 24 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上御師
123 24 shàng a musical note 上御師
124 21 Kangxi radical 71 無事君之心
125 21 to not have; without 無事君之心
126 21 mo 無事君之心
127 21 to not have 無事君之心
128 21 Wu 無事君之心
129 21 yòu right; right-hand 右第一軍可黏蟬道
130 21 yòu to help; to assist 右第一軍可黏蟬道
131 21 yòu to; respect; to revere; to admire; to honor; to venerate 右第一軍可黏蟬道
132 21 yòu to bless and protect 右第一軍可黏蟬道
133 21 yòu an official building 右第一軍可黏蟬道
134 21 yòu the west 右第一軍可黏蟬道
135 21 yòu right wing; conservative 右第一軍可黏蟬道
136 21 yòu super 右第一軍可黏蟬道
137 21 yòu right 右第一軍可黏蟬道
138 21 zhì Kangxi radical 133 聖哲至仁
139 21 zhì to arrive 聖哲至仁
140 21 to go; to 大軍集于涿郡
141 21 to rely on; to depend on 大軍集于涿郡
142 21 Yu 大軍集于涿郡
143 21 a crow 大軍集于涿郡
144 21 děng et cetera; and so on 勢等摧枯
145 21 děng to wait 勢等摧枯
146 21 děng to be equal 勢等摧枯
147 21 děng degree; level 勢等摧枯
148 21 děng to compare 勢等摧枯
149 20 infix potential marker 關柝以之不靜
150 20 suǒ a few; various; some 提封所漸
151 20 suǒ a place; a location 提封所漸
152 20 suǒ indicates a passive voice 提封所漸
153 20 suǒ an ordinal number 提封所漸
154 20 suǒ meaning 提封所漸
155 20 suǒ garrison 提封所漸
156 20 gōng public; common; state-owned 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
157 20 gōng official 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
158 20 gōng male 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
159 20 gōng duke; lord 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
160 20 gōng fair; equitable 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
161 20 gōng Mr.; mister 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
162 20 gōng father-in-law 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
163 20 gōng form of address; your honor 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
164 20 gōng accepted; mutual 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
165 20 gōng metric 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
166 20 gōng to release to the public 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
167 20 gōng the common good 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
168 20 gōng to divide equally 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
169 20 gōng Gong 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
170 19 fǎn reverse; opposite; wrong side out or up 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
171 19 fǎn to rebel; to oppose 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
172 19 fǎn to go back; to return 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
173 19 fǎn to combat; to rebel 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
174 19 fǎn the fanqie phonetic system 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
175 19 fǎn a counter-revolutionary 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
176 19 fǎn to flip; to turn over 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
177 19 fǎn to take back; to give back 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
178 19 fǎn to reason by analogy 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
179 19 fǎn to introspect 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
180 19 fān to reverse a verdict 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
181 18 big; huge; large 大頓
182 18 Kangxi radical 37 大頓
183 18 great; major; important 大頓
184 18 size 大頓
185 18 old 大頓
186 18 oldest; earliest 大頓
187 18 adult 大頓
188 18 dài an important person 大頓
189 18 senior 大頓
190 17 將軍 jiāngjūn a general 右屯衞將軍辛世雄死之
191 17 將軍 jiāngjūn to capture the enemy; check 右屯衞將軍辛世雄死之
192 17 zuò to do 將作監
193 17 zuò to act as; to serve as 將作監
194 17 zuò to start 將作監
195 17 zuò a writing; a work 將作監
196 17 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 將作監
197 17 zuō to create; to make 將作監
198 17 zuō a workshop 將作監
199 17 zuō to write; to compose 將作監
200 17 zuò to rise 將作監
201 17 zuò to be aroused 將作監
202 17 zuò activity; action; undertaking 將作監
203 17 zuò to regard as 將作監
204 16 day of the month; a certain day 唯日不足
205 16 Kangxi radical 72 唯日不足
206 16 a day 唯日不足
207 16 Japan 唯日不足
208 16 sun 唯日不足
209 16 daytime 唯日不足
210 16 sunlight 唯日不足
211 16 everyday 唯日不足
212 16 season 唯日不足
213 16 available time 唯日不足
214 16 in the past 唯日不足
215 16 mi 唯日不足
216 15 shī teacher 於是親總六師
217 15 shī multitude 於是親總六師
218 15 shī a host; a leader 於是親總六師
219 15 shī an expert 於是親總六師
220 15 shī an example; a model 於是親總六師
221 15 shī master 於是親總六師
222 15 shī a capital city; a well protected place 於是親總六師
223 15 shī Shi 於是親總六師
224 15 shī to imitate 於是親總六師
225 15 shī troops 於是親總六師
226 15 shī shi 於是親總六師
227 15 shī an army division 於是親總六師
228 15 shī the 7th hexagram 於是親總六師
229 15 shī a lion 於是親總六師
230 15 chuán to transmit 傳越
231 15 zhuàn a biography 傳越
232 15 chuán to teach 傳越
233 15 chuán to summon 傳越
234 15 chuán to pass on to later generations 傳越
235 15 chuán to spread; to propagate 傳越
236 15 chuán to express 傳越
237 15 chuán to conduct 傳越
238 15 zhuàn a posthouse 傳越
239 15 zhuàn a commentary 傳越
240 15 大將軍 dàjiāngjūn General-in-Chief 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
241 15 大將軍 dàjiāngjūn generalissimo 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
242 15 舉兵 jǔbīng to send troops; to raise troops 餘杭人劉元進舉兵反
243 14 wàn ten thousand 總一百一十三萬三千八百
244 14 wàn many; myriad; innumerable 總一百一十三萬三千八百
245 14 wàn Wan 總一百一十三萬三千八百
246 14 Mo 總一百一十三萬三千八百
247 14 wàn scorpion dance 總一百一十三萬三千八百
248 13 hǎi the sea; a sea; the ocean 虔劉海戍
249 13 hǎi foreign 虔劉海戍
250 13 hǎi a large lake 虔劉海戍
251 13 hǎi a large mass 虔劉海戍
252 13 hǎi having large capacity 虔劉海戍
253 13 hǎi Hai 虔劉海戍
254 13 hǎi seawater 虔劉海戍
255 13 hǎi a field; an area 虔劉海戍
256 13 hǎi a large and barron area of land 虔劉海戍
257 13 hǎi a large container 虔劉海戍
258 13 wén writing; text 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
259 13 wén Kangxi radical 67 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
260 13 wén Wen 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
261 13 wén lines or grain on an object 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
262 13 wén culture 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
263 13 wén refined writings 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
264 13 wén civil; non-military 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
265 13 wén to conceal a fault; gloss over 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
266 13 wén wen 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
267 13 wén ornamentation; adornment 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
268 13 wén to ornament; to adorn 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
269 13 wén beautiful 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
270 13 wén a text; a manuscript 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
271 13 wén a group responsible for ritual and music 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
272 13 wén the text of an imperial order 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
273 13 wén liberal arts 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
274 13 wén a rite; a ritual 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
275 13 wén a tattoo 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
276 13 wén a classifier for copper coins 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
277 13 dào to rob; to steal 濟北人韓進洛聚眾數萬為羣盜
278 13 dào a thief; a bandit 濟北人韓進洛聚眾數萬為羣盜
279 13 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 內史令元壽卒
280 13 lìng to issue a command 內史令元壽卒
281 13 lìng rules of behavior; customs 內史令元壽卒
282 13 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 內史令元壽卒
283 13 lìng a season 內史令元壽卒
284 13 lìng respected; good reputation 內史令元壽卒
285 13 lìng good 內史令元壽卒
286 13 lìng pretentious 內史令元壽卒
287 13 lìng a transcending state of existence 內史令元壽卒
288 13 lìng a commander 內史令元壽卒
289 13 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 內史令元壽卒
290 13 lìng lyrics 內史令元壽卒
291 13 lìng Ling 內史令元壽卒
292 13 Li 以右驍騎將軍李渾為右驍衞大將軍
293 13 plum 以右驍騎將軍李渾為右驍衞大將軍
294 13 envoy; judge 以右驍騎將軍李渾為右驍衞大將軍
295 13 光祿大夫 guāng lù dàifu Glorious grand master 光祿大夫觀王雄薨
296 13 to record 不知紀極
297 13 age; era; period; a century 不知紀極
298 13 laws; rules; discipline; order 不知紀極
299 13 Ji 不知紀極
300 13 to remember 不知紀極
301 13 silk thread; main threads 不知紀極
302 13 to run; to administer 不知紀極
303 13 an annal; a historical account; a chronicle; a record 不知紀極
304 13 a geological period 不知紀極
305 13 a group of threads 不知紀極
306 13 to untangle; to sort threads 不知紀極
307 13 to organize; to prepare 不知紀極
308 13 a principle 不知紀極
309 13 lineage 不知紀極
310 13 to attest 不知紀極
311 13 a sign; a mark 不知紀極
312 13 notes 不知紀極
313 13 to break; to split; to smash 擊賊破之
314 13 worn-out; broken 擊賊破之
315 13 to destroy; to ruin 擊賊破之
316 13 to break a rule; to allow an exception 擊賊破之
317 13 to defeat 擊賊破之
318 13 low quality; in poor condition 擊賊破之
319 13 to strike; to hit 擊賊破之
320 13 to spend [money]; to squander 擊賊破之
321 13 to disprove [an argument] 擊賊破之
322 13 finale 擊賊破之
323 13 to use up; to exhaust 擊賊破之
324 13 to penetrate 擊賊破之
325 13 kòu bandit; thief; pillager 寇掠城邑
326 13 kòu enemy; invader 寇掠城邑
327 13 kòu to invade; to plunder; to raid 寇掠城邑
328 13 kòu Kou 寇掠城邑
329 12 xiàn to submerge; to sink; to plunge; to fall into 九軍並陷
330 12 xiàn to make an error 九軍並陷
331 12 xiàn a trap; a pit 九軍並陷
332 12 xiàn an underground cave 九軍並陷
333 12 xiàn a fault; an error; a pitfall 九軍並陷
334 12 xiàn to harm 九軍並陷
335 12 xiàn to attack and occupy; to destroy; to capture 九軍並陷
336 12 xiàn to embed [jewels] 九軍並陷
337 12 xiàn to frame [with false charges] 九軍並陷
338 12 liú Liu 斬尚書右丞劉士龍以謝天下
339 12 liú an axe; a hatchet 斬尚書右丞劉士龍以謝天下
340 12 liú to massacre; to slaughter 斬尚書右丞劉士龍以謝天下
341 12 liú sparse; scattered 斬尚書右丞劉士龍以謝天下
342 12 yuē to speak; to say 下詔曰
343 12 yuē Kangxi radical 73 下詔曰
344 12 yuē to be called 下詔曰
345 12 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 亂離多阻
346 12 duó many; much 亂離多阻
347 12 duō more 亂離多阻
348 12 duō excessive 亂離多阻
349 12 duō abundant 亂離多阻
350 12 duō to multiply; to acrue 亂離多阻
351 12 duō Duo 亂離多阻
352 12 extra; surplus 高丈餘
353 12 odd; surplus over a round number 高丈餘
354 12 to remain 高丈餘
355 12 other 高丈餘
356 12 additional; complementary 高丈餘
357 12 remaining 高丈餘
358 12 incomplete 高丈餘
359 12 Yu 高丈餘
360 12 自稱 zìchēng to call oneself; to claim to be; to profess 自稱將軍
361 12 自稱 zìchēng to praise oneself 自稱將軍
362 12 zhào an imperial decree 詔曰
363 12 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔曰
364 12 shǔ to count 郡縣宜數存問
365 12 shù a number; an amount 郡縣宜數存問
366 12 shù mathenatics 郡縣宜數存問
367 12 shù an ancient calculating method 郡縣宜數存問
368 12 shù several; a few 郡縣宜數存問
369 12 shǔ to allow; to permit 郡縣宜數存問
370 12 shǔ to be equal; to compare to 郡縣宜數存問
371 12 shù numerology; divination by numbers 郡縣宜數存問
372 12 shù a skill; an art 郡縣宜數存問
373 12 shù luck; fate 郡縣宜數存問
374 12 shù a rule 郡縣宜數存問
375 12 shù legal system 郡縣宜數存問
376 12 shǔ to criticize; to enumerate shortcomings 郡縣宜數存問
377 12 fine; detailed; dense 郡縣宜數存問
378 12 prayer beads 郡縣宜數存問
379 12 zuǒ left 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
380 12 zuǒ unorthodox; improper 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
381 12 zuǒ east 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
382 12 zuǒ to bring 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
383 12 zuǒ to violate; to be contrary to 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
384 12 zuǒ Zuo 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
385 12 zuǒ extreme 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
386 11 xuán profound; mysterious; subtle 第八軍可玄菟道
387 11 xuán black 第八軍可玄菟道
388 11 xuán Kangxi radical 95 第八軍可玄菟道
389 11 xuán incredible; unreliable 第八軍可玄菟道
390 11 xuán occult; mystical 第八軍可玄菟道
391 11 xuán meditative and silent 第八軍可玄菟道
392 11 xuán pretending 第八軍可玄菟道
393 11 xuán Xuan 第八軍可玄菟道
394 11 尚書 shàng shū Book of Documents; Book of History; Shangshu 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
395 11 尚書 shàngshū a high official 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
396 11 fāng square; quadrilateral; one side 左第一軍可鏤方道
397 11 fāng Fang 左第一軍可鏤方道
398 11 fāng Kangxi radical 70 左第一軍可鏤方道
399 11 fāng square shaped 左第一軍可鏤方道
400 11 fāng prescription 左第一軍可鏤方道
401 11 fāng power; involution; abbreviation for a square meter or cubic meter 左第一軍可鏤方道
402 11 fāng local 左第一軍可鏤方道
403 11 fāng a way; a method 左第一軍可鏤方道
404 11 fāng a direction; a side; a position 左第一軍可鏤方道
405 11 fāng an area; a region 左第一軍可鏤方道
406 11 fāng a party; a side 左第一軍可鏤方道
407 11 fāng a principle; a formula 左第一軍可鏤方道
408 11 fāng honest; upright; proper 左第一軍可鏤方道
409 11 fāng magic 左第一軍可鏤方道
410 11 fāng earth 左第一軍可鏤方道
411 11 fāng earthly; mundane 左第一軍可鏤方道
412 11 fāng a scope; an aspect 左第一軍可鏤方道
413 11 fāng side-by-side; parallel 左第一軍可鏤方道
414 11 fāng agreeable; equable 左第一軍可鏤方道
415 11 fāng equal; equivalent 左第一軍可鏤方道
416 11 fāng to compare 左第一軍可鏤方道
417 11 fāng a wooden tablet for writing 左第一軍可鏤方道
418 11 fāng a convention; a common practice 左第一軍可鏤方道
419 11 fāng a law; a standard 左第一軍可鏤方道
420 11 fāng to own; to possess 左第一軍可鏤方道
421 11 fāng to disobey; to violate 左第一軍可鏤方道
422 11 fāng to slander; to defame 左第一軍可鏤方道
423 11 páng beside 左第一軍可鏤方道
424 11 壬午 rénwǔ nineteenth year I7 of the 60 year cycle 壬午
425 11 宇文 yǔwén Yuwen 宇文述等敗績于薩水
426 11 宇文 yǔwén Yuwen 宇文述等敗績于薩水
427 11 qiān one thousand 總一百一十三萬三千八百
428 11 qiān many; numerous; countless 總一百一十三萬三千八百
429 11 qiān a cheat; swindler 總一百一十三萬三千八百
430 11 qiān Qian 總一百一十三萬三千八百
431 11 zài in; at 義在無私
432 11 zài to exist; to be living 義在無私
433 11 zài to consist of 義在無私
434 11 zài to be at a post 義在無私
435 11 xíng to walk 莫匪龔行
436 11 xíng capable; competent 莫匪龔行
437 11 háng profession 莫匪龔行
438 11 xíng Kangxi radical 144 莫匪龔行
439 11 xíng to travel 莫匪龔行
440 11 xìng actions; conduct 莫匪龔行
441 11 xíng to do; to act; to practice 莫匪龔行
442 11 xíng all right; OK; okay 莫匪龔行
443 11 háng horizontal line 莫匪龔行
444 11 héng virtuous deeds 莫匪龔行
445 11 hàng a line of trees 莫匪龔行
446 11 hàng bold; steadfast 莫匪龔行
447 11 xíng to move 莫匪龔行
448 11 xíng to put into effect; to implement 莫匪龔行
449 11 xíng travel 莫匪龔行
450 11 xíng to circulate 莫匪龔行
451 11 xíng running script; running script 莫匪龔行
452 11 xíng temporary 莫匪龔行
453 11 háng rank; order 莫匪龔行
454 11 háng a business; a shop 莫匪龔行
455 11 xíng to depart; to leave 莫匪龔行
456 11 xíng to experience 莫匪龔行
457 11 xíng path; way 莫匪龔行
458 11 xíng xing; ballad 莫匪龔行
459 11 xíng Xing 莫匪龔行
460 11 yuán Yuan Dynasty 若高元泥首轅門
461 11 yuán first 若高元泥首轅門
462 11 yuán origin; head 若高元泥首轅門
463 11 yuán Yuan 若高元泥首轅門
464 11 yuán large 若高元泥首轅門
465 11 yuán good 若高元泥首轅門
466 11 yuán fundamental 若高元泥首轅門
467 11 èr two 見二大鳥
468 11 èr Kangxi radical 7 見二大鳥
469 11 èr second 見二大鳥
470 11 èr twice; double; di- 見二大鳥
471 11 èr more than one kind 見二大鳥
472 11 qiǎn to send; to dispatch 遣將軍范貴討之
473 11 qiǎn to banish; to exile 遣將軍范貴討之
474 11 qiǎn to release 遣將軍范貴討之
475 11 qiǎn to divorce 遣將軍范貴討之
476 11 qiǎn to eliminate 遣將軍范貴討之
477 11 qiǎn to cause 遣將軍范貴討之
478 11 qiǎn to use; to apply 遣將軍范貴討之
479 11 qiàn to bring to a grave 遣將軍范貴討之
480 10 yáng Yang 納言楊達卒
481 10 yáng willow 納言楊達卒
482 10 yáng poplar 納言楊達卒
483 10 yáng aspen 納言楊達卒
484 10 yuè month 是月
485 10 yuè moon 是月
486 10 yuè Kangxi radical 74 是月
487 10 yuè moonlight 是月
488 10 yuè monthly 是月
489 10 yuè shaped like the moon; crescent shaped 是月
490 10 yuè Tokharians 是月
491 10 yuè China rose 是月
492 10 yuè Yue 是月
493 10 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 于時諸將各奉旨
494 10 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 于時諸將各奉旨
495 10 jiàng to command; to lead 于時諸將各奉旨
496 10 qiāng to request 于時諸將各奉旨
497 10 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 于時諸將各奉旨
498 10 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 于時諸將各奉旨
499 10 jiāng to checkmate 于時諸將各奉旨
500 10 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 于時諸將各奉旨

Frequencies of all Words

Top 939

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 133 zhī him; her; them; that 故知造化之有肅殺
2 133 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 故知造化之有肅殺
3 133 zhī to go 故知造化之有肅殺
4 133 zhī this; that 故知造化之有肅殺
5 133 zhī genetive marker 故知造化之有肅殺
6 133 zhī it 故知造化之有肅殺
7 133 zhī in; in regards to 故知造化之有肅殺
8 133 zhī all 故知造化之有肅殺
9 133 zhī and 故知造化之有肅殺
10 133 zhī however 故知造化之有肅殺
11 133 zhī if 故知造化之有肅殺
12 133 zhī then 故知造化之有肅殺
13 133 zhī to arrive; to go 故知造化之有肅殺
14 133 zhī is 故知造化之有肅殺
15 133 zhī to use 故知造化之有肅殺
16 133 zhī Zhi 故知造化之有肅殺
17 133 zhī winding 故知造化之有肅殺
18 58 so as to; in order to 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
19 58 to use; to regard as 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
20 58 to use; to grasp 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
21 58 according to 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
22 58 because of 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
23 58 on a certain date 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
24 58 and; as well as 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
25 58 to rely on 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
26 58 to regard 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
27 58 to be able to 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
28 58 to order; to command 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
29 58 further; moreover 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
30 58 used after a verb 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
31 58 very 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
32 58 already 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
33 58 increasingly 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
34 58 a reason; a cause 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
35 58 Israel 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
36 58 Yi 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
37 52 rén person; people; a human being 弔人問罪
38 52 rén Kangxi radical 9 弔人問罪
39 52 rén a kind of person 弔人問罪
40 52 rén everybody 弔人問罪
41 52 rén adult 弔人問罪
42 52 rén somebody; others 弔人問罪
43 52 rén an upright person 弔人問罪
44 51 wèi for; to 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
45 51 wèi because of 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
46 51 wéi to act as; to serve 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
47 51 wéi to change into; to become 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
48 51 wéi to be; is 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
49 51 wéi to do 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
50 51 wèi for 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
51 51 wèi because of; for; to 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
52 51 wèi to 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
53 51 wéi in a passive construction 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
54 51 wéi forming a rehetorical question 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
55 51 wéi forming an adverb 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
56 51 wéi to add emphasis 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
57 51 wèi to support; to help 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
58 51 wéi to govern 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
59 41 zéi thief 大軍為賊所拒
60 41 zéi to injure; to harm 大軍為賊所拒
61 41 zéi a traitor; an evildoer; an enemy 大軍為賊所拒
62 41 zéi evil 大軍為賊所拒
63 41 zéi extremely 大軍為賊所拒
64 41 in; at 降繁霜於秋令
65 41 in; at 降繁霜於秋令
66 41 in; at; to; from 降繁霜於秋令
67 41 to go; to 降繁霜於秋令
68 41 to rely on; to depend on 降繁霜於秋令
69 41 to go to; to arrive at 降繁霜於秋令
70 41 from 降繁霜於秋令
71 41 give 降繁霜於秋令
72 41 oppposing 降繁霜於秋令
73 41 and 降繁霜於秋令
74 41 compared to 降繁霜於秋令
75 41 by 降繁霜於秋令
76 41 and; as well as 降繁霜於秋令
77 41 for 降繁霜於秋令
78 41 Yu 降繁霜於秋令
79 41 a crow 降繁霜於秋令
80 41 whew; wow 降繁霜於秋令
81 39 jùn a commandery; a prefecture 淮南諸郡閱視民間童女
82 39 jùn Jun 淮南諸郡閱視民間童女
83 34 yǒu is; are; to exist 故知造化之有肅殺
84 34 yǒu to have; to possess 故知造化之有肅殺
85 34 yǒu indicates an estimate 故知造化之有肅殺
86 34 yǒu indicates a large quantity 故知造化之有肅殺
87 34 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 故知造化之有肅殺
88 34 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 故知造化之有肅殺
89 34 yǒu used to compare two things 故知造化之有肅殺
90 34 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 故知造化之有肅殺
91 34 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 故知造化之有肅殺
92 34 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 故知造化之有肅殺
93 34 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 故知造化之有肅殺
94 34 yǒu abundant 故知造化之有肅殺
95 34 yǒu purposeful 故知造化之有肅殺
96 34 yǒu You 故知造化之有肅殺
97 34 dào way; road; path 左第一軍可鏤方道
98 34 dào principle; a moral; morality 左第一軍可鏤方道
99 34 dào Tao; the Way 左第一軍可鏤方道
100 34 dào measure word for long things 左第一軍可鏤方道
101 34 dào to say; to speak; to talk 左第一軍可鏤方道
102 34 dào to think 左第一軍可鏤方道
103 34 dào times 左第一軍可鏤方道
104 34 dào circuit; a province 左第一軍可鏤方道
105 34 dào a course; a channel 左第一軍可鏤方道
106 34 dào a method; a way of doing something 左第一軍可鏤方道
107 34 dào measure word for doors and walls 左第一軍可鏤方道
108 34 dào measure word for courses of a meal 左第一軍可鏤方道
109 34 dào a centimeter 左第一軍可鏤方道
110 34 dào a doctrine 左第一軍可鏤方道
111 34 dào Taoism; Daoism 左第一軍可鏤方道
112 34 dào a skill 左第一軍可鏤方道
113 34 dào a sect 左第一軍可鏤方道
114 34 dào a line 左第一軍可鏤方道
115 32 jūn army; military 左第一軍可鏤方道
116 32 jūn soldiers; troops 左第一軍可鏤方道
117 32 jūn an organized collective 左第一軍可鏤方道
118 32 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 左第一軍可鏤方道
119 32 jūn a garrison 左第一軍可鏤方道
120 32 jūn a front 左第一軍可鏤方道
121 32 jūn penal miltary service 左第一軍可鏤方道
122 32 jūn to organize troops 左第一軍可鏤方道
123 30 his; hers; its; theirs 不勝其弊
124 30 to add emphasis 不勝其弊
125 30 used when asking a question in reply to a question 不勝其弊
126 30 used when making a request or giving an order 不勝其弊
127 30 he; her; it; them 不勝其弊
128 30 probably; likely 不勝其弊
129 30 will 不勝其弊
130 30 may 不勝其弊
131 30 if 不勝其弊
132 30 or 不勝其弊
133 30 Qi 不勝其弊
134 30 wáng Wang 周發成文王之志
135 30 wáng a king 周發成文王之志
136 30 wáng Kangxi radical 96 周發成文王之志
137 30 wàng to be king; to rule 周發成文王之志
138 30 wáng a prince; a duke 周發成文王之志
139 30 wáng grand; great 周發成文王之志
140 30 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 周發成文王之志
141 30 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 周發成文王之志
142 30 wáng the head of a group or gang 周發成文王之志
143 30 wáng the biggest or best of a group 周發成文王之志
144 29 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 兼三才而建極
145 29 ér Kangxi radical 126 兼三才而建極
146 29 ér you 兼三才而建極
147 29 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 兼三才而建極
148 29 ér right away; then 兼三才而建極
149 29 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 兼三才而建極
150 29 ér if; in case; in the event that 兼三才而建極
151 29 ér therefore; as a result; thus 兼三才而建極
152 29 ér how can it be that? 兼三才而建極
153 29 ér so as to 兼三才而建極
154 29 ér only then 兼三才而建極
155 29 ér as if; to seem like 兼三才而建極
156 29 néng can; able 兼三才而建極
157 29 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 兼三才而建極
158 29 ér me 兼三才而建極
159 29 ér to arrive; up to 兼三才而建極
160 29 ér possessive 兼三才而建極
161 29 can; may; permissible 非可勝圖
162 29 but 非可勝圖
163 29 such; so 非可勝圖
164 29 able to; possibly 非可勝圖
165 29 to approve; to permit 非可勝圖
166 29 to be worth 非可勝圖
167 29 to suit; to fit 非可勝圖
168 29 khan 非可勝圖
169 29 to recover 非可勝圖
170 29 to act as 非可勝圖
171 29 to be worth; to deserve 非可勝圖
172 29 approximately; probably 非可勝圖
173 29 expresses doubt 非可勝圖
174 29 really; truely 非可勝圖
175 29 used to add emphasis 非可勝圖
176 29 beautiful 非可勝圖
177 29 Ke 非可勝圖
178 29 used to ask a question 非可勝圖
179 28 zhòng many; numerous 凡此眾軍
180 28 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 凡此眾軍
181 28 zhòng general; common; public 凡此眾軍
182 28 wèi to guard; to protect; to defend 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
183 27 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 然則王者之師
184 27 zhě that 然則王者之師
185 27 zhě nominalizing function word 然則王者之師
186 27 zhě used to mark a definition 然則王者之師
187 27 zhě used to mark a pause 然則王者之師
188 27 zhě topic marker; that; it 然則王者之師
189 27 zhuó according to 然則王者之師
190 25 shuài handsome; graceful; smart 賊帥杜彥冰
191 25 shuài commander in chief 賊帥杜彥冰
192 25 shuài to command; to lead 賊帥杜彥冰
193 25 shuài Shuai 賊帥杜彥冰
194 25 shuài to follow; to comply with 賊帥杜彥冰
195 25 shuài beautiful 賊帥杜彥冰
196 24 shàng top; a high position 上御師
197 24 shang top; the position on or above something 上御師
198 24 shàng to go up; to go forward 上御師
199 24 shàng shang 上御師
200 24 shàng previous; last 上御師
201 24 shàng high; higher 上御師
202 24 shàng advanced 上御師
203 24 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上御師
204 24 shàng time 上御師
205 24 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上御師
206 24 shàng far 上御師
207 24 shàng big; as big as 上御師
208 24 shàng abundant; plentiful 上御師
209 24 shàng to report 上御師
210 24 shàng to offer 上御師
211 24 shàng to go on stage 上御師
212 24 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上御師
213 24 shàng to install; to erect 上御師
214 24 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上御師
215 24 shàng to burn 上御師
216 24 shàng to remember 上御師
217 24 shang on; in 上御師
218 24 shàng upward 上御師
219 24 shàng to add 上御師
220 24 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上御師
221 24 shàng to meet 上御師
222 24 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上御師
223 24 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上御師
224 24 shàng a musical note 上御師
225 21 no 無事君之心
226 21 Kangxi radical 71 無事君之心
227 21 to not have; without 無事君之心
228 21 has not yet 無事君之心
229 21 mo 無事君之心
230 21 do not 無事君之心
231 21 not; -less; un- 無事君之心
232 21 regardless of 無事君之心
233 21 to not have 無事君之心
234 21 um 無事君之心
235 21 Wu 無事君之心
236 21 yòu right; right-hand 右第一軍可黏蟬道
237 21 yòu to help; to assist 右第一軍可黏蟬道
238 21 yòu to; respect; to revere; to admire; to honor; to venerate 右第一軍可黏蟬道
239 21 yòu to bless and protect 右第一軍可黏蟬道
240 21 yòu an official building 右第一軍可黏蟬道
241 21 yòu the west 右第一軍可黏蟬道
242 21 yòu right wing; conservative 右第一軍可黏蟬道
243 21 yòu super 右第一軍可黏蟬道
244 21 yòu right 右第一軍可黏蟬道
245 21 zhì to; until 聖哲至仁
246 21 zhì Kangxi radical 133 聖哲至仁
247 21 zhì extremely; very; most 聖哲至仁
248 21 zhì to arrive 聖哲至仁
249 21 in; at 大軍集于涿郡
250 21 in; at 大軍集于涿郡
251 21 in; at; to; from 大軍集于涿郡
252 21 to go; to 大軍集于涿郡
253 21 to rely on; to depend on 大軍集于涿郡
254 21 to go to; to arrive at 大軍集于涿郡
255 21 from 大軍集于涿郡
256 21 give 大軍集于涿郡
257 21 oppposing 大軍集于涿郡
258 21 and 大軍集于涿郡
259 21 compared to 大軍集于涿郡
260 21 by 大軍集于涿郡
261 21 and; as well as 大軍集于涿郡
262 21 for 大軍集于涿郡
263 21 Yu 大軍集于涿郡
264 21 a crow 大軍集于涿郡
265 21 whew; wow 大軍集于涿郡
266 21 děng et cetera; and so on 勢等摧枯
267 21 děng to wait 勢等摧枯
268 21 děng degree; kind 勢等摧枯
269 21 děng plural 勢等摧枯
270 21 děng to be equal 勢等摧枯
271 21 děng degree; level 勢等摧枯
272 21 děng to compare 勢等摧枯
273 20 not; no 關柝以之不靜
274 20 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 關柝以之不靜
275 20 as a correlative 關柝以之不靜
276 20 no (answering a question) 關柝以之不靜
277 20 forms a negative adjective from a noun 關柝以之不靜
278 20 at the end of a sentence to form a question 關柝以之不靜
279 20 to form a yes or no question 關柝以之不靜
280 20 infix potential marker 關柝以之不靜
281 20 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 提封所漸
282 20 suǒ an office; an institute 提封所漸
283 20 suǒ introduces a relative clause 提封所漸
284 20 suǒ it 提封所漸
285 20 suǒ if; supposing 提封所漸
286 20 suǒ a few; various; some 提封所漸
287 20 suǒ a place; a location 提封所漸
288 20 suǒ indicates a passive voice 提封所漸
289 20 suǒ that which 提封所漸
290 20 suǒ an ordinal number 提封所漸
291 20 suǒ meaning 提封所漸
292 20 suǒ garrison 提封所漸
293 20 gōng public; common; state-owned 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
294 20 gōng official 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
295 20 gōng male 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
296 20 gōng duke; lord 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
297 20 gōng fair; equitable 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
298 20 gōng Mr.; mister 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
299 20 gōng father-in-law 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
300 20 gōng form of address; your honor 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
301 20 gōng accepted; mutual 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
302 20 gōng metric 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
303 20 gōng to release to the public 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
304 20 gōng the common good 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
305 20 gōng to divide equally 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
306 20 gōng Gong 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
307 20 gōng publicly; openly 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
308 20 gōng publicly operated; state run 濟陰人孟海公起兵為盜
309 19 fǎn reverse; opposite; wrong side out or up 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
310 19 fǎn instead; anti- 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
311 19 fǎn to rebel; to oppose 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
312 19 fǎn to go back; to return 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
313 19 fǎn to combat; to rebel 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
314 19 fǎn the fanqie phonetic system 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
315 19 fǎn on the contrary 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
316 19 fǎn a counter-revolutionary 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
317 19 fǎn to flip; to turn over 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
318 19 fǎn to take back; to give back 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
319 19 fǎn to reason by analogy 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
320 19 fǎn to introspect 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
321 19 fān to reverse a verdict 禮部尚書楊玄感反於黎陽
322 18 big; huge; large 大頓
323 18 Kangxi radical 37 大頓
324 18 great; major; important 大頓
325 18 size 大頓
326 18 old 大頓
327 18 greatly; very 大頓
328 18 oldest; earliest 大頓
329 18 adult 大頓
330 18 tài greatest; grand 大頓
331 18 dài an important person 大頓
332 18 senior 大頓
333 18 approximately 大頓
334 18 tài greatest; grand 大頓
335 17 將軍 jiāngjūn a general 右屯衞將軍辛世雄死之
336 17 將軍 jiāngjūn to capture the enemy; check 右屯衞將軍辛世雄死之
337 17 zuò to do 將作監
338 17 zuò to act as; to serve as 將作監
339 17 zuò to start 將作監
340 17 zuò a writing; a work 將作監
341 17 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 將作監
342 17 zuō to create; to make 將作監
343 17 zuō a workshop 將作監
344 17 zuō to write; to compose 將作監
345 17 zuò to rise 將作監
346 17 zuò to be aroused 將作監
347 17 zuò activity; action; undertaking 將作監
348 17 zuò to regard as 將作監
349 16 day of the month; a certain day 唯日不足
350 16 Kangxi radical 72 唯日不足
351 16 a day 唯日不足
352 16 Japan 唯日不足
353 16 sun 唯日不足
354 16 daytime 唯日不足
355 16 sunlight 唯日不足
356 16 everyday 唯日不足
357 16 season 唯日不足
358 16 available time 唯日不足
359 16 a day 唯日不足
360 16 in the past 唯日不足
361 16 mi 唯日不足
362 15 shī teacher 於是親總六師
363 15 shī multitude 於是親總六師
364 15 shī a host; a leader 於是親總六師
365 15 shī an expert 於是親總六師
366 15 shī an example; a model 於是親總六師
367 15 shī master 於是親總六師
368 15 shī a capital city; a well protected place 於是親總六師
369 15 shī Shi 於是親總六師
370 15 shī to imitate 於是親總六師
371 15 shī troops 於是親總六師
372 15 shī shi 於是親總六師
373 15 shī an army division 於是親總六師
374 15 shī the 7th hexagram 於是親總六師
375 15 shī a lion 於是親總六師
376 15 chuán to transmit 傳越
377 15 zhuàn a biography 傳越
378 15 chuán to teach 傳越
379 15 chuán to summon 傳越
380 15 chuán to pass on to later generations 傳越
381 15 chuán to spread; to propagate 傳越
382 15 chuán to express 傳越
383 15 chuán to conduct 傳越
384 15 zhuàn a posthouse 傳越
385 15 zhuàn a commentary 傳越
386 15 大將軍 dàjiāngjūn General-in-Chief 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
387 15 大將軍 dàjiāngjūn generalissimo 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
388 15 舉兵 jǔbīng to send troops; to raise troops 餘杭人劉元進舉兵反
389 14 wàn ten thousand 總一百一十三萬三千八百
390 14 wàn absolutely 總一百一十三萬三千八百
391 14 wàn many; myriad; innumerable 總一百一十三萬三千八百
392 14 wàn Wan 總一百一十三萬三千八百
393 14 Mo 總一百一十三萬三千八百
394 14 wàn scorpion dance 總一百一十三萬三千八百
395 13 hǎi the sea; a sea; the ocean 虔劉海戍
396 13 hǎi foreign 虔劉海戍
397 13 hǎi a large lake 虔劉海戍
398 13 hǎi a large mass 虔劉海戍
399 13 hǎi having large capacity 虔劉海戍
400 13 hǎi Hai 虔劉海戍
401 13 hǎi seawater 虔劉海戍
402 13 hǎi a field; an area 虔劉海戍
403 13 hǎi a large and barron area of land 虔劉海戍
404 13 hǎi a large container 虔劉海戍
405 13 hǎi arbitrarily 虔劉海戍
406 13 hǎi ruthlessly 虔劉海戍
407 13 wén writing; text 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
408 13 wén Kangxi radical 67 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
409 13 wén Wen 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
410 13 wén lines or grain on an object 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
411 13 wén culture 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
412 13 wén refined writings 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
413 13 wén civil; non-military 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
414 13 wén to conceal a fault; gloss over 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
415 13 wén wen 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
416 13 wén ornamentation; adornment 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
417 13 wén to ornament; to adorn 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
418 13 wén beautiful 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
419 13 wén a text; a manuscript 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
420 13 wén a group responsible for ritual and music 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
421 13 wén the text of an imperial order 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
422 13 wén liberal arts 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
423 13 wén a rite; a ritual 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
424 13 wén a tattoo 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
425 13 wén a classifier for copper coins 以兵部尚書段文振為左候衞大將軍
426 13 dào to rob; to steal 濟北人韓進洛聚眾數萬為羣盜
427 13 dào a thief; a bandit 濟北人韓進洛聚眾數萬為羣盜
428 13 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 內史令元壽卒
429 13 lìng to issue a command 內史令元壽卒
430 13 lìng rules of behavior; customs 內史令元壽卒
431 13 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 內史令元壽卒
432 13 lìng a season 內史令元壽卒
433 13 lìng respected; good reputation 內史令元壽卒
434 13 lìng good 內史令元壽卒
435 13 lìng pretentious 內史令元壽卒
436 13 lìng a transcending state of existence 內史令元壽卒
437 13 lìng a commander 內史令元壽卒
438 13 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 內史令元壽卒
439 13 lìng lyrics 內史令元壽卒
440 13 lìng Ling 內史令元壽卒
441 13 Li 以右驍騎將軍李渾為右驍衞大將軍
442 13 plum 以右驍騎將軍李渾為右驍衞大將軍
443 13 envoy; judge 以右驍騎將軍李渾為右驍衞大將軍
444 13 光祿大夫 guāng lù dàifu Glorious grand master 光祿大夫觀王雄薨
445 13 to record 不知紀極
446 13 age; era; period; a century 不知紀極
447 13 laws; rules; discipline; order 不知紀極
448 13 Ji 不知紀極
449 13 to remember 不知紀極
450 13 silk thread; main threads 不知紀極
451 13 to run; to administer 不知紀極
452 13 an annal; a historical account; a chronicle; a record 不知紀極
453 13 a geological period 不知紀極
454 13 a group of threads 不知紀極
455 13 to untangle; to sort threads 不知紀極
456 13 to organize; to prepare 不知紀極
457 13 a principle 不知紀極
458 13 lineage 不知紀極
459 13 to attest 不知紀極
460 13 a sign; a mark 不知紀極
461 13 notes 不知紀極
462 13 a shot; a hit 不知紀極
463 13 to break; to split; to smash 擊賊破之
464 13 worn-out; broken 擊賊破之
465 13 to destroy; to ruin 擊賊破之
466 13 to break a rule; to allow an exception 擊賊破之
467 13 to defeat 擊賊破之
468 13 low quality; in poor condition 擊賊破之
469 13 to strike; to hit 擊賊破之
470 13 to spend [money]; to squander 擊賊破之
471 13 to disprove [an argument] 擊賊破之
472 13 finale 擊賊破之
473 13 to use up; to exhaust 擊賊破之
474 13 to penetrate 擊賊破之
475 13 kòu bandit; thief; pillager 寇掠城邑
476 13 kòu enemy; invader 寇掠城邑
477 13 kòu to invade; to plunder; to raid 寇掠城邑
478 13 kòu Kou 寇掠城邑
479 13 zhū all; many; various 諸行從一品以下
480 13 zhū Zhu 諸行從一品以下
481 13 zhū all; members of the class 諸行從一品以下
482 13 zhū interrogative particle 諸行從一品以下
483 13 zhū him; her; them; it 諸行從一品以下
484 13 zhū of; in 諸行從一品以下
485 12 xiàn to submerge; to sink; to plunge; to fall into 九軍並陷
486 12 xiàn to make an error 九軍並陷
487 12 xiàn a trap; a pit 九軍並陷
488 12 xiàn an underground cave 九軍並陷
489 12 xiàn a fault; an error; a pitfall 九軍並陷
490 12 xiàn to harm 九軍並陷
491 12 xiàn to attack and occupy; to destroy; to capture 九軍並陷
492 12 xiàn to embed [jewels] 九軍並陷
493 12 xiàn to frame [with false charges] 九軍並陷
494 12 liú Liu 斬尚書右丞劉士龍以謝天下
495 12 liú an axe; a hatchet 斬尚書右丞劉士龍以謝天下
496 12 liú to massacre; to slaughter 斬尚書右丞劉士龍以謝天下
497 12 liú sparse; scattered 斬尚書右丞劉士龍以謝天下
498 12 yuē to speak; to say 下詔曰
499 12 yuē Kangxi radical 73 下詔曰
500 12 yuē to be called 下詔曰

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安国 安國 196 Anguo
安乐 安樂 196
  1. peaceful and happy; content
  2. Anle
  3. Anle district
八月 98 August; the Eighth Month
北史 98 History of the Northern Dynasties
北斗 98
  1. Great Bear; Big Dipper
  2. Peitou
北海 98
  1. Bohai Sea
  2. Bei Hai
  3. the remote north
  4. North Sea [Europe]
  5. Beihai [Beijing]
北平 98 Beiping
本纪 本紀 66 Imperial Biographies
98 Bin county
兵部 98 Ministry of War
渤海 98 Bohai Sea
勃海 98 Bohai
苍山 蒼山 99 Cangshan
苍梧郡 蒼梧郡 99 Cangwu commandery
曹国 曹國 67 State of Cao
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
长白山 長白山 99 Changbaishan; Baekdu Mountains
长乐 長樂 99 Changle
单于 單于 99 Chanyu
朝鲜 朝鮮 99
  1. Korea; North Korea
  2. Joseon; Chosŏn; Choson; Chosun; Cho-sen
99 Cheng
成汤 成湯 99 Tang of Shang
成公 99 Lord Cheng
楚王 99 Prince of Chu
大唐 100 Tang Dynasty
代王 100 Prince of Dai
丹阳 丹陽 100 Danyang County
大禹 100 Yu the Great
德仁 100 Naruhito
定州 100 Dingzhou
  1. Dong
  2. to supervise; to direct
东岸 東岸 100 East Bank; East Coast
东都 東都 100 Luoyang
东海 東海 100
  1. East China Sea
  2. Donghae
  3. Donghai [commandery]
东平 東平 100 Dongping
东阳 東陽 100 Dongyang
二月 195 February; the Second Month
丰都 豐都 102 Fengdu
汾阳 汾陽 70 Fenyang
扶风 扶風 102 Fufeng
夫余 夫餘 102 Pu'yo, Korean Buyeo
扶馀 扶餘 102 Buyeo
高昌 103 Gaochang; Qara-hoja
高丽 高麗 103 Korean Goryeo Dynasty
高阳 高陽 103 Gaoyang
高祖 103
  1. Han Gao Zu; Liu Bang
  2. great great grandfather
  3. Gaozu
庚申 103 Gengshen year; fifty seventh year G9 of the 60 year cycle
宫人 宮人 103
  1. imperial concubine; palace maid
  2. imperial secretary
光禄大夫 光祿大夫 103 Glorious grand master
光武 103 Guangwu
关中 關中 103 Guanzhong
龟兹 龜茲 103 Kucha; Kuqa
103 Gou
海东 海東 104 Haidong
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
汉南 漢南 104 Hannan
河间 河間 104 Hejian
河西 104 Hexi
104 Huai River
淮南 104 Huainan
淮阳 淮陽 104 Huaiyang
黄帝 黃帝 104 The Yellow Emperor
皇太子 104 Crown Prince
皇甫 104 Huangfu
黄枝 黃枝 104 Kingdom of Huangzhi
华容 華容 104 Huarong
  1. quickly; suddenly
  2. cholera
  3. Huo [mountain]
  4. Huo [state]
  5. Huo
建安 106 Jianan
建德 106 Jiande
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
江都 106 Jiangdu
谏官 諫官 106
  1. Remonstrance Official
  2. Remonstrance Official
江左 106 Jiangzuo
建武 106 Jianwu reign
建元 106
  1. Jian Yuan reign
  2. Jian Yuan reign
  3. Jian Yuan reign
甲午 106 thirty-first year A7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1954 or 2014
济北 濟北 106 Jibei commandery
济北郡 濟北郡 106 Jibei commandery
己亥 106 Jihai year; thirty sixth year
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
金富轼 金富軾 106 Kim Busik
京兆尹 106
  1. Jingzhao [capital]
  2. Capital Region Governor
旧唐书 舊唐書 106 Old Book of Tang
九江 106 Jiujiang
九月 106 September; the Ninth Month
  1. wolf
  2. Lang peoples
  3. Sirius
  4. Lang
琅邪 108 Langye
  1. black
  2. Li
  3. Lebanon
  4. Li People
  5. numerous; many
  6. at the time of
  7. State of Li
李轨 李軌 108 Li Gui
李三 108 Li San
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
辽东 遼東 108 Liaodong Peninsula
辽西 遼西 108 west of Liaoning
礼部尚书 禮部尚書 108 Director of Board of Rites
李德 108 Otto Braun
李密 108 Li Mi
岭南 嶺南 108 Lingnan
灵丘 靈丘 108 Lingqiu
灵武 靈武 108 Lingwu
临海 臨海 108 Linhai
临屯 臨屯 108 Lintun
历山 歷山 76 Mount Li
离石 離石 108 Lishi
柳城 108 Liucheng
留后 留後 108 Provisional Governor
六月 108 June; the Sixth Month
108 Gansu
陇右 隴右 108 Longshi Circuit
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
庐江 廬江 108 Lujiang
庐陵郡 廬陵郡 108 Luyin Prefecture
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
马邑 馬邑 109 Mayi
靺鞨 109 the Tungusic tribe
穆国 穆國 109 Parthia
南平 110 Nanping
纳言 納言 110 Neiyan; Palace Attendant
内史 內史 110 Censor; Administrator
  1. water in which rice has been rinsed
  2. Pan River
  3. Pan
𬇙 浿 80 Pei River
𬇙水 浿水 112 Pei River
  1. Peng
  2. Peng
彭城 112 Pengcheng; City of Peng
平江 112
  1. Pingjiang
  2. Pingjiang
平壤 112 Pyongyang
鄱阳 鄱陽 112 Poyang
  1. type of rush; a vine
  2. Pu
  3. Pu
  1. Pu River
  2. Pu
  1. common; general; popular; everywhere; universal; extensive
  2. Prussia
  3. Pu
齐王 齊王 113 Qi Wang; Cao Fang
契丹 113 Khitan
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
清河 113 Qinghe
七月 113 July; the Seventh Month
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
如东 如東 114 Rudong
115 Sa
山东 山東 115 Shandong
十二月 115 December; the Twelfth Month
始兴 始興 115 Shixing
十一月 115 November; the Eleventh Month
十月 115 October; the Tenth Month
世宗 115
  1. King Sejong the Great; Sejong Daewang
  2. Sejong
  3. Shizong
司空 115
  1. Minster of Land and Water
  2. Sikong
司马 司馬 115
  1. Minister of War
  2. Sima [star]
  3. Sima [surname]
  4. Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
四月 115 April; the Fourth Month
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
115 Sui Dynasty
隋炀帝 隋煬帝 115 Emperor Yang of Sui
肃慎 肅慎 115 Sushen
太守 116 Governor
太仆 太僕 116 Grand Servant
太微 116 Taiwei; Grand Subtlety
太原 116 Taiyuan
唐人 116 Chinese; expatriate Chinese
唐王 116 Tang Wang; Zhu Yujian; Emperor Longwu; Emperor Shaozong
天方 116 Arabia; Arabian
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
通鑑 通鑑 116 Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance
通志 116 Comprehensive Records; Tongzhi
吐火罗 吐火羅 116 Tocharian
突厥 116 Turk; Tujie; Göktürks; proto-Turkic ethnic group
王世充 119 Wang Shichong
119 Wen County
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
吴郡 吳郡 119 Wu Commandery
乌那曷 烏那曷 119 Wunahe
武威 119 Wuwei
无逸 無逸 119 Against Luxurious Ease
五月 119 May; the Fifth Month
  1. what?; where?; why?
  2. a slave; a servant
  3. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  4. Kumo Xi; Xi; Tatabi
  5. Xi
西京 120
  1. Western Capital
  2. Kyoto
西秦 120 Western Qin
咸兴 咸興 120 Hamhung
新唐书 新唐書 120 New Book of Tang
刑部 120 Ministry of Justice
新罗 新羅 120 Silla
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
  1. Xue
  2. Xue
延安 121 Yan'an
炀帝 煬帝 121 Emperor Yang of Sui
阳门 陽門 121 Yangmen
扬州 揚州 121 Yangzhou
雁门 雁門 121 Yanmen
义宁 義寧 121 Yining
永安 121 Yong'an reign
有子 121 Master You
于都 於都 121 Yudu
  1. Yue; abbreviation for Guangdong
  2. Yue Dialect; Cantonese dialect
  3. an initial particle
越裳 121 Yuechang people
余杭 餘杭 121 Yuhang; Hangzhou
榆林 121 Yulin
羽林 121
  1. Yu Lin; Palace Guards
  2. Yu Lin [star]
玉门 玉門 121 Yumen
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
于阗 于闐 121 Yutian
宇文 121
  1. Yuwen
  2. Yuwen
豫章郡 121 Yuzhang Commandery
张衡 張衡 122 Zhang Heng
长平 長平 122 Changping, place name in Gaoping County 高平縣|高平县, southern Shanxi, the scene of the great battle of 262-260 BC between Qin and Zhao
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
赵佗 趙佗 122 Zhao Tuo
正月 122 first month of the lunar calendar
真腊 真臘 122 Khmer Empire
直道 122 Straight Road; Jiuyuan to Yunyang Road
中土 122
  1. China
  2. the Central Plains of China
  3. level ground
涿郡 122 Zhuojun; Zhuozhou
子路 122 Zi Lu


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English