Glossary and Vocabulary for Book of Jin 晉書, 卷四十六 列傳第十六 劉頌 李重 Volume 46 Biographies 16: Liu Song; Li Zhong

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 316 zhī to go 時人為之語曰
2 316 zhī to arrive; to go 時人為之語曰
3 316 zhī is 時人為之語曰
4 316 zhī to use 時人為之語曰
5 316 zhī Zhi 時人為之語曰
6 316 zhī winding 時人為之語曰
7 120 ér Kangxi radical 126 不待報而行
8 120 ér as if; to seem like 不待報而行
9 120 néng can; able 不待報而行
10 120 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 不待報而行
11 120 ér to arrive; up to 不待報而行
12 99 to use; to grasp 以奉使稱旨
13 99 to rely on 以奉使稱旨
14 99 to regard 以奉使稱旨
15 99 to be able to 以奉使稱旨
16 99 to order; to command 以奉使稱旨
17 99 used after a verb 以奉使稱旨
18 99 a reason; a cause 以奉使稱旨
19 99 Israel 以奉使稱旨
20 99 Yi 以奉使稱旨
21 87 Qi 皆出其下
22 80 suǒ a few; various; some 為時人所稱
23 80 suǒ a place; a location 為時人所稱
24 80 suǒ indicates a passive voice 為時人所稱
25 80 suǒ an ordinal number 為時人所稱
26 80 suǒ meaning 為時人所稱
27 80 suǒ garrison 為時人所稱
28 73 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 何則
29 73 a grade; a level 何則
30 73 an example; a model 何則
31 73 a weighing device 何則
32 73 to grade; to rank 何則
33 73 to copy; to imitate; to follow 何則
34 73 to do 何則
35 62 wéi to act as; to serve 世為名族
36 62 wéi to change into; to become 世為名族
37 62 wéi to be; is 世為名族
38 62 wéi to do 世為名族
39 62 wèi to support; to help 世為名族
40 62 wéi to govern 世為名族
41 61 infix potential marker 皆不就
42 50 Kangxi radical 71 功被無外
43 50 to not have; without 功被無外
44 50 mo 功被無外
45 50 to not have 功被無外
46 50 Wu 功被無外
47 47 chén minister; statesman; official 臣昔忝河內
48 47 chén Kangxi radical 131 臣昔忝河內
49 47 chén a slave 臣昔忝河內
50 47 chén Chen 臣昔忝河內
51 47 chén to obey; to comply 臣昔忝河內
52 47 chén to command; to direct 臣昔忝河內
53 47 chén a subject 臣昔忝河內
54 45 rán to approve; to endorse 公理然也
55 45 rán to burn 公理然也
56 45 rán to pledge; to promise 公理然也
57 45 rán Ran 公理然也
58 41 proper; suitable; appropriate 宜大小數以聞
59 41 to be amiable 宜大小數以聞
60 41 a suitable thing; arrangements 宜大小數以聞
61 41 to share 宜大小數以聞
62 41 should 宜大小數以聞
63 41 Yi 宜大小數以聞
64 41 cooking of meat and fish 宜大小數以聞
65 41 nearly; almost 宜大小數以聞
66 39 jīn today; present; now 今謹封上前事
67 39 jīn Jin 今謹封上前事
68 39 jīn modern 今謹封上前事
69 37 to go; to 奉使於蜀
70 37 to rely on; to depend on 奉使於蜀
71 37 Yu 奉使於蜀
72 37 a crow 奉使於蜀
73 35 zhì to create; to make; to manufacture 樹國全制
74 35 zhì to formulate; to regulate; to designate 樹國全制
75 35 zhì a system; laws; rules; regulations 樹國全制
76 35 zhì to overpower; to control; to restrict 樹國全制
77 35 zhì to cut 樹國全制
78 35 zhì a style 樹國全制
79 35 zhì zhi 樹國全制
80 35 zhì an imperial order 樹國全制
81 35 zhì to establish; to create; to make; to manufacture 樹國全制
82 35 zhì to consider and decide 樹國全制
83 35 zhì the funeral of a relative 樹國全制
84 35 zhì to tailor; to make clothes 樹國全制
85 35 zhì writing; literature 樹國全制
86 35 shì matter; thing; item 今謹封上前事
87 35 shì to serve 今謹封上前事
88 35 shì a government post 今謹封上前事
89 35 shì duty; post; work 今謹封上前事
90 35 shì occupation 今謹封上前事
91 35 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 今謹封上前事
92 35 shì an accident 今謹封上前事
93 35 shì to attend 今謹封上前事
94 35 shì an allusion 今謹封上前事
95 35 shì a condition; a state; a situation 今謹封上前事
96 35 shì to engage in 今謹封上前事
97 35 shì to enslave 今謹封上前事
98 35 shì to pursue 今謹封上前事
99 35 shì to administer 今謹封上前事
100 35 shì to appoint 今謹封上前事
101 34 fēi Kangxi radical 175 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
102 34 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
103 34 fēi different 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
104 34 fēi to not be; to not have 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
105 34 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
106 34 fēi Africa 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
107 34 fēi to slander 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
108 34 fěi to avoid 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
109 34 fēi must 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
110 34 fēi an error 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
111 34 fēi a problem; a question 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
112 34 fēi evil 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
113 34 zài in; at 在官嚴整
114 34 zài to exist; to be living 在官嚴整
115 34 zài to consist of 在官嚴整
116 34 zài to be at a post 在官嚴整
117 32 guó a country; a nation 臣雖才不經國
118 32 guó the capital of a state 臣雖才不經國
119 32 guó a feud; a vassal state 臣雖才不經國
120 32 guó a state; a kingdom 臣雖才不經國
121 32 guó a place; a land 臣雖才不經國
122 32 guó domestic; Chinese 臣雖才不經國
123 32 guó national 臣雖才不經國
124 32 guó top in the nation 臣雖才不經國
125 32 guó Guo 臣雖才不經國
126 31 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又內兵外守
127 31 sòng to praise; to laud; to acclaim 劉頌
128 31 sòng Song; Hymns 劉頌
129 31 sòng a hymn; an ode; a eulogy 劉頌
130 31 sòng a speech in praise of somebody 劉頌
131 31 sòng a divination 劉頌
132 31 sòng to recite 劉頌
133 29 to lift; to hold up; to raise 舉秀才
134 29 to move 舉秀才
135 29 to originate; to initiate; to start (a fire) 舉秀才
136 29 to recommend; to elect 舉秀才
137 29 to suggest 舉秀才
138 29 to fly 舉秀才
139 29 to bear; to give birth 舉秀才
140 29 actions; conduct 舉秀才
141 29 a successful candidate 舉秀才
142 29 to raise an example 舉秀才
143 29 zhèng government; administration 政荒眾散
144 29 zhèng politics 政荒眾散
145 29 zhèng organizational affairs 政荒眾散
146 29 zhèng to rule 政荒眾散
147 29 zhèng administrative affairs 政荒眾散
148 29 zhèng laws 政荒眾散
149 29 zhèng policy 政荒眾散
150 29 zhèng to correctons [a document] 政荒眾散
151 27 rén person; people; a human being 廣陵人
152 27 rén Kangxi radical 9 廣陵人
153 27 rén a kind of person 廣陵人
154 27 rén everybody 廣陵人
155 27 rén adult 廣陵人
156 27 rén somebody; others 廣陵人
157 27 rén an upright person 廣陵人
158 27 使 shǐ to make; to cause 詔使考竟
159 27 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 詔使考竟
160 27 使 shǐ to indulge 詔使考竟
161 27 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 詔使考竟
162 27 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 詔使考竟
163 27 使 shǐ to dispatch 詔使考竟
164 27 使 shǐ to use 詔使考竟
165 27 使 shǐ to be able to 詔使考竟
166 27 must 臣誠未自許所言必當
167 27 Bi 臣誠未自許所言必當
168 26 Kangxi radical 132 益思自竭
169 26 Zi 益思自竭
170 26 a nose 益思自竭
171 26 the beginning; the start 益思自竭
172 26 origin 益思自竭
173 26 to employ; to use 益思自竭
174 26 to be 益思自竭
175 25 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 寅遂得免
176 25 děi to want to; to need to 寅遂得免
177 25 děi must; ought to 寅遂得免
178 25 de 寅遂得免
179 25 de infix potential marker 寅遂得免
180 25 to result in 寅遂得免
181 25 to be proper; to fit; to suit 寅遂得免
182 25 to be satisfied 寅遂得免
183 25 to be finished 寅遂得免
184 25 děi satisfying 寅遂得免
185 25 to contract 寅遂得免
186 25 to hear 寅遂得免
187 25 to have; there is 寅遂得免
188 25 marks time passed 寅遂得免
189 25 yuē to speak; to say 時人為之語曰
190 25 yuē Kangxi radical 73 時人為之語曰
191 25 yuē to be called 時人為之語曰
192 24 wáng Wang 以王渾為上功
193 24 wáng a king 以王渾為上功
194 24 wáng Kangxi radical 96 以王渾為上功
195 24 wàng to be king; to rule 以王渾為上功
196 24 wáng a prince; a duke 以王渾為上功
197 24 wáng grand; great 以王渾為上功
198 24 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 以王渾為上功
199 24 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 以王渾為上功
200 24 wáng the head of a group or gang 以王渾為上功
201 24 wáng the biggest or best of a group 以王渾為上功
202 24 to go; to 不總棄于常案
203 24 to rely on; to depend on 不總棄于常案
204 24 Yu 不總棄于常案
205 24 a crow 不總棄于常案
206 24 陛下 bì xià your majesty 猶願陛下垂省
207 23 method; way 帝以頌持法失理
208 23 France 帝以頌持法失理
209 23 the law; rules; regulations 帝以頌持法失理
210 23 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 帝以頌持法失理
211 23 a standard; a norm 帝以頌持法失理
212 23 an institution 帝以頌持法失理
213 23 to emulate 帝以頌持法失理
214 23 magic; a magic trick 帝以頌持法失理
215 23 punishment 帝以頌持法失理
216 23 Fa 帝以頌持法失理
217 23 a precedent 帝以頌持法失理
218 23 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 帝以頌持法失理
219 23 relating to a ceremony or rite 帝以頌持法失理
220 23 shì a generation 世為名族
221 23 shì a period of thirty years 世為名族
222 23 shì the world 世為名族
223 23 shì years; age 世為名族
224 23 shì a dynasty 世為名族
225 23 shì secular; worldly 世為名族
226 23 shì over generations 世為名族
227 23 shì world 世為名族
228 23 shì an era 世為名族
229 23 shì from generation to generation; across generations 世為名族
230 23 shì to keep good family relations 世為名族
231 23 shì Shi 世為名族
232 23 shì a geologic epoch 世為名族
233 23 shì hereditary 世為名族
234 23 shì later generations 世為名族
235 23 shì a successor; an heir 世為名族
236 23 shì the current times 世為名族
237 22 desire 欲國之無危
238 22 to desire; to wish 欲國之無危
239 22 to desire; to intend 欲國之無危
240 22 lust 欲國之無危
241 22 yán to speak; to say; said 卿所言悉要事
242 22 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 卿所言悉要事
243 22 yán Kangxi radical 149 卿所言悉要事
244 22 yán phrase; sentence 卿所言悉要事
245 22 yán a word; a syllable 卿所言悉要事
246 22 yán a theory; a doctrine 卿所言悉要事
247 22 yán to regard as 卿所言悉要事
248 22 yán to act as 卿所言悉要事
249 22 shǐ beginning; start 始成於今
250 22 reason; logic; truth 撥煩理亂
251 22 to manage 撥煩理亂
252 22 to pay attention to; to take notice of; to regard others with a certain attitude 撥煩理亂
253 22 to work jade; to remove jade from ore 撥煩理亂
254 22 a natural science 撥煩理亂
255 22 law; principle; theory; inner principle or structure 撥煩理亂
256 22 to acknowledge; to respond; to answer 撥煩理亂
257 22 a judge 撥煩理亂
258 22 li; moral principle 撥煩理亂
259 22 to tidy up; to put in order 撥煩理亂
260 22 grain; texture 撥煩理亂
261 22 reason; logic; truth 撥煩理亂
262 22 a man; a male adult 夫豈不懷
263 22 husband 夫豈不懷
264 22 a person 夫豈不懷
265 22 someone who does manual work 夫豈不懷
266 22 a hired worker 夫豈不懷
267 21 ān calm; still; quiet; peaceful 使內外各安其舊
268 21 ān to calm; to pacify 使內外各安其舊
269 21 ān safe; secure 使內外各安其舊
270 21 ān comfortable; happy 使內外各安其舊
271 21 ān to find a place for 使內外各安其舊
272 21 ān to install; to fix; to fit 使內外各安其舊
273 21 ān to be content 使內外各安其舊
274 21 ān to cherish 使內外各安其舊
275 21 ān to bestow; to confer 使內外各安其舊
276 21 ān amphetamine 使內外各安其舊
277 21 ān ampere 使內外各安其舊
278 21 ān to add; to submit 使內外各安其舊
279 21 ān to reside; to live at 使內外各安其舊
280 21 ān to be used to; to be familiar with 使內外各安其舊
281 21 ān an 使內外各安其舊
282 21 wèi Eighth earthly branch 猶未悉所見
283 21 wèi 1-3 p.m. 猶未悉所見
284 21 wèi to taste 猶未悉所見
285 20 to carry on the shoulder 何則
286 20 what 何則
287 20 He 何則
288 19 jìn to the greatest extent; utmost 任臣因所籍以盡公
289 19 jìn perfect; flawless 任臣因所籍以盡公
290 19 jìn to give priority to; to do one's utmost 任臣因所籍以盡公
291 19 jìn to vanish 任臣因所籍以盡公
292 19 jìn to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; to be finished 任臣因所籍以盡公
293 19 jìn to die 任臣因所籍以盡公
294 19 Kangxi radical 49 今大義已舉
295 19 to bring to an end; to stop 今大義已舉
296 19 to complete 今大義已舉
297 19 to demote; to dismiss 今大義已舉
298 19 to recover from an illness 今大義已舉
299 19 gōng merit 以王渾為上功
300 19 gōng service; work; effort 以王渾為上功
301 19 gōng skill 以王渾為上功
302 19 gōng an achievement; an accomplishment 以王渾為上功
303 19 gōng deserving praise 以王渾為上功
304 19 gōng level of morning ritual 以王渾為上功
305 19 gōng an effect; a result 以王渾為上功
306 19 gōng a kind of funeral dress 以王渾為上功
307 19 gōng work (physics) 以王渾為上功
308 19 xià bottom 皆出其下
309 19 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 皆出其下
310 19 xià to announce 皆出其下
311 19 xià to do 皆出其下
312 19 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 皆出其下
313 19 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 皆出其下
314 19 xià inside 皆出其下
315 19 xià an aspect 皆出其下
316 19 xià a certain time 皆出其下
317 19 xià to capture; to take 皆出其下
318 19 xià to put in 皆出其下
319 19 xià to enter 皆出其下
320 19 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 皆出其下
321 19 xià to finish work or school 皆出其下
322 19 xià to go 皆出其下
323 19 xià to scorn; to look down on 皆出其下
324 19 xià to modestly decline 皆出其下
325 19 xià to produce 皆出其下
326 19 xià to stay at; to lodge at 皆出其下
327 19 xià to decide 皆出其下
328 19 xià to be less than 皆出其下
329 19 xià humble; lowly 皆出其下
330 18 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 謂未盡善
331 18 shàn happy 謂未盡善
332 18 shàn good 謂未盡善
333 18 shàn kind-hearted 謂未盡善
334 18 shàn to be skilled at something 謂未盡善
335 18 shàn familiar 謂未盡善
336 18 shàn to repair 謂未盡善
337 18 shàn to admire 謂未盡善
338 18 shàn to praise 謂未盡善
339 18 shàn Shan 謂未盡善
340 18 shí time; a point or period of time 時人為之語曰
341 18 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時人為之語曰
342 18 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時人為之語曰
343 18 shí fashionable 時人為之語曰
344 18 shí fate; destiny; luck 時人為之語曰
345 18 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時人為之語曰
346 18 shí tense 時人為之語曰
347 18 shí particular; special 時人為之語曰
348 18 shí to plant; to cultivate 時人為之語曰
349 18 shí an era; a dynasty 時人為之語曰
350 18 shí time [abstract] 時人為之語曰
351 18 shí seasonal 時人為之語曰
352 18 shí to wait upon 時人為之語曰
353 18 shí hour 時人為之語曰
354 18 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時人為之語曰
355 18 shí Shi 時人為之語曰
356 18 shí a present; currentlt 時人為之語曰
357 18 to reach 夫聖明不世及
358 18 to attain 夫聖明不世及
359 18 to understand 夫聖明不世及
360 18 able to be compared to; to catch up with 夫聖明不世及
361 18 to be involved with; to associate with 夫聖明不世及
362 18 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 夫聖明不世及
363 18 shí mixed; miscellaneous 甚有政績
364 18 shí a group of ten sections in the Shijing 甚有政績
365 18 shí Shi 甚有政績
366 18 shí tenfold 甚有政績
367 18 shí one hundred percent 甚有政績
368 18 shí ten 甚有政績
369 18 rèn to bear; to undertake 轉任河內
370 18 rèn to trust to; to rely on 轉任河內
371 18 rèn duty; responsibility 轉任河內
372 18 rèn to allow; to permit 轉任河內
373 18 rèn to appoint 轉任河內
374 18 rén Ren 轉任河內
375 18 rèn to take office 轉任河內
376 18 rén Ren county 轉任河內
377 18 rèn an office; a post 轉任河內
378 18 rèn to be pregnant 轉任河內
379 18 rén crafty and fawning 轉任河內
380 18 nán difficult; arduous; hard 膏粱之性難正
381 18 nán to put someone in a difficult position; to have difficulty 膏粱之性難正
382 18 nán hardly possible; unable 膏粱之性難正
383 18 nàn disaster; calamity 膏粱之性難正
384 18 nàn enemy; foe 膏粱之性難正
385 18 nán bad; unpleasant 膏粱之性難正
386 18 nàn to blame; to rebuke 膏粱之性難正
387 18 nàn to object to; to argue against 膏粱之性難正
388 18 nàn to reject; to repudiate 膏粱之性難正
389 18 shí real; true 實是叔世
390 18 shí nut; seed; fruit 實是叔世
391 18 shí substance; content; material 實是叔世
392 18 shí honest; sincere 實是叔世
393 18 shí vast; extensive 實是叔世
394 18 shí solid 實是叔世
395 18 shí abundant; prosperous 實是叔世
396 18 shí reality; a fact; an event 實是叔世
397 18 shí wealth; property 實是叔世
398 18 shí effect; result 實是叔世
399 18 shí an honest person 實是叔世
400 18 shí to fill 實是叔世
401 18 shí complete 實是叔世
402 18 shí to strengthen 實是叔世
403 18 shí to practice 實是叔世
404 18 shí namely 實是叔世
405 18 shí to verify; to check; to confirm 實是叔世
406 18 shí full; at capacity 實是叔世
407 18 shí supplies; goods 實是叔世
408 18 shí Shichen 實是叔世
409 18 affairs; business; matter; activity 矯世眾務
410 18 to labor at 矯世眾務
411 18 to pursue; to seek; to strive for 矯世眾務
412 18 a necessity 矯世眾務
413 18 tax office 矯世眾務
414 18 Wu 矯世眾務
415 17 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 始成於今
416 17 chéng to become; to turn into 始成於今
417 17 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 始成於今
418 17 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 始成於今
419 17 chéng a full measure of 始成於今
420 17 chéng whole 始成於今
421 17 chéng set; established 始成於今
422 17 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 始成於今
423 17 chéng to reconcile 始成於今
424 17 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 始成於今
425 17 chéng composed of 始成於今
426 17 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 始成於今
427 17 chéng capable; able; accomplished 始成於今
428 17 chéng to help somebody achieve something 始成於今
429 17 chéng Cheng 始成於今
430 17 nǎi to be 須皇子長乃遣君之
431 17 nián year 在職六年
432 17 nián New Year festival 在職六年
433 17 nián age 在職六年
434 17 nián life span; life expectancy 在職六年
435 17 nián an era; a period 在職六年
436 17 nián a date 在職六年
437 17 nián time; years 在職六年
438 17 nián harvest 在職六年
439 17 nián annual; every year 在職六年
440 17 guān an office 在官嚴整
441 17 guān an official; a government official 在官嚴整
442 17 guān official; state-run 在官嚴整
443 17 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 在官嚴整
444 17 guān an official rank; an official title 在官嚴整
445 17 guān governance 在官嚴整
446 17 guān a sense organ 在官嚴整
447 17 guān office 在官嚴整
448 17 guān public 在官嚴整
449 17 guān an organ 在官嚴整
450 17 guān a polite form of address 在官嚴整
451 17 guān Guan 在官嚴整
452 17 guān to appoint 在官嚴整
453 17 guān to hold a post 在官嚴整
454 16 earth; soil; dirt 人饑土荒
455 16 Kangxi radical 32 人饑土荒
456 16 local; indigenous; native 人饑土荒
457 16 land; territory 人饑土荒
458 16 earth element 人饑土荒
459 16 ground 人饑土荒
460 16 homeland 人饑土荒
461 16 god of the soil 人饑土荒
462 16 a category of musical instrument 人饑土荒
463 16 unrefined; rustic; crude 人饑土荒
464 16 Tujia people 人饑土荒
465 16 Tu People; Monguor 人饑土荒
466 16 不可 bù kě cannot; should not; must not; forbidden; prohibited 此事情之不可易者也
467 16 不可 bù kě improbable 此事情之不可易者也
468 16 shàng top; a high position 以王渾為上功
469 16 shang top; the position on or above something 以王渾為上功
470 16 shàng to go up; to go forward 以王渾為上功
471 16 shàng shang 以王渾為上功
472 16 shàng previous; last 以王渾為上功
473 16 shàng high; higher 以王渾為上功
474 16 shàng advanced 以王渾為上功
475 16 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 以王渾為上功
476 16 shàng time 以王渾為上功
477 16 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 以王渾為上功
478 16 shàng far 以王渾為上功
479 16 shàng big; as big as 以王渾為上功
480 16 shàng abundant; plentiful 以王渾為上功
481 16 shàng to report 以王渾為上功
482 16 shàng to offer 以王渾為上功
483 16 shàng to go on stage 以王渾為上功
484 16 shàng to take office; to assume a post 以王渾為上功
485 16 shàng to install; to erect 以王渾為上功
486 16 shàng to suffer; to sustain 以王渾為上功
487 16 shàng to burn 以王渾為上功
488 16 shàng to remember 以王渾為上功
489 16 shàng to add 以王渾為上功
490 16 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 以王渾為上功
491 16 shàng to meet 以王渾為上功
492 16 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 以王渾為上功
493 16 shang used after a verb indicating a result 以王渾為上功
494 16 shàng a musical note 以王渾為上功
495 16 shǎo few 頌少能辨物理
496 16 shǎo to decrease; to lessen; to lose 頌少能辨物理
497 16 shǎo to be inadequate; to be insufficient 頌少能辨物理
498 16 shǎo to be less than 頌少能辨物理
499 16 shǎo to despise; to scorn; to look down on 頌少能辨物理
500 16 shào young 頌少能辨物理

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1073

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 316 zhī him; her; them; that 時人為之語曰
2 316 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 時人為之語曰
3 316 zhī to go 時人為之語曰
4 316 zhī this; that 時人為之語曰
5 316 zhī genetive marker 時人為之語曰
6 316 zhī it 時人為之語曰
7 316 zhī in; in regards to 時人為之語曰
8 316 zhī all 時人為之語曰
9 316 zhī and 時人為之語曰
10 316 zhī however 時人為之語曰
11 316 zhī if 時人為之語曰
12 316 zhī then 時人為之語曰
13 316 zhī to arrive; to go 時人為之語曰
14 316 zhī is 時人為之語曰
15 316 zhī to use 時人為之語曰
16 316 zhī Zhi 時人為之語曰
17 316 zhī winding 時人為之語曰
18 120 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 不待報而行
19 120 ér Kangxi radical 126 不待報而行
20 120 ér you 不待報而行
21 120 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 不待報而行
22 120 ér right away; then 不待報而行
23 120 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 不待報而行
24 120 ér if; in case; in the event that 不待報而行
25 120 ér therefore; as a result; thus 不待報而行
26 120 ér how can it be that? 不待報而行
27 120 ér so as to 不待報而行
28 120 ér only then 不待報而行
29 120 ér as if; to seem like 不待報而行
30 120 néng can; able 不待報而行
31 120 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 不待報而行
32 120 ér me 不待報而行
33 120 ér to arrive; up to 不待報而行
34 120 ér possessive 不待報而行
35 104 also; too 漢廣陵厲王胥之後也
36 104 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 漢廣陵厲王胥之後也
37 104 either 漢廣陵厲王胥之後也
38 104 even 漢廣陵厲王胥之後也
39 104 used to soften the tone 漢廣陵厲王胥之後也
40 104 used for emphasis 漢廣陵厲王胥之後也
41 104 used to mark contrast 漢廣陵厲王胥之後也
42 104 used to mark compromise 漢廣陵厲王胥之後也
43 99 so as to; in order to 以奉使稱旨
44 99 to use; to regard as 以奉使稱旨
45 99 to use; to grasp 以奉使稱旨
46 99 according to 以奉使稱旨
47 99 because of 以奉使稱旨
48 99 on a certain date 以奉使稱旨
49 99 and; as well as 以奉使稱旨
50 99 to rely on 以奉使稱旨
51 99 to regard 以奉使稱旨
52 99 to be able to 以奉使稱旨
53 99 to order; to command 以奉使稱旨
54 99 further; moreover 以奉使稱旨
55 99 used after a verb 以奉使稱旨
56 99 very 以奉使稱旨
57 99 already 以奉使稱旨
58 99 increasingly 以奉使稱旨
59 99 a reason; a cause 以奉使稱旨
60 99 Israel 以奉使稱旨
61 99 Yi 以奉使稱旨
62 87 his; hers; its; theirs 皆出其下
63 87 to add emphasis 皆出其下
64 87 used when asking a question in reply to a question 皆出其下
65 87 used when making a request or giving an order 皆出其下
66 87 he; her; it; them 皆出其下
67 87 probably; likely 皆出其下
68 87 will 皆出其下
69 87 may 皆出其下
70 87 if 皆出其下
71 87 or 皆出其下
72 87 Qi 皆出其下
73 83 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 求富貴者取之於國內
74 83 zhě that 求富貴者取之於國內
75 83 zhě nominalizing function word 求富貴者取之於國內
76 83 zhě used to mark a definition 求富貴者取之於國內
77 83 zhě used to mark a pause 求富貴者取之於國內
78 83 zhě topic marker; that; it 求富貴者取之於國內
79 83 zhuó according to 求富貴者取之於國內
80 80 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 為時人所稱
81 80 suǒ an office; an institute 為時人所稱
82 80 suǒ introduces a relative clause 為時人所稱
83 80 suǒ it 為時人所稱
84 80 suǒ if; supposing 為時人所稱
85 80 suǒ a few; various; some 為時人所稱
86 80 suǒ a place; a location 為時人所稱
87 80 suǒ indicates a passive voice 為時人所稱
88 80 suǒ that which 為時人所稱
89 80 suǒ an ordinal number 為時人所稱
90 80 suǒ meaning 為時人所稱
91 80 suǒ garrison 為時人所稱
92 73 otherwise; but; however 何則
93 73 then 何則
94 73 measure word for short sections of text 何則
95 73 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 何則
96 73 a grade; a level 何則
97 73 an example; a model 何則
98 73 a weighing device 何則
99 73 to grade; to rank 何則
100 73 to copy; to imitate; to follow 何則
101 73 to do 何則
102 73 only 何則
103 73 immediately 何則
104 62 wèi for; to 世為名族
105 62 wèi because of 世為名族
106 62 wéi to act as; to serve 世為名族
107 62 wéi to change into; to become 世為名族
108 62 wéi to be; is 世為名族
109 62 wéi to do 世為名族
110 62 wèi for 世為名族
111 62 wèi because of; for; to 世為名族
112 62 wèi to 世為名族
113 62 wéi in a passive construction 世為名族
114 62 wéi forming a rehetorical question 世為名族
115 62 wéi forming an adverb 世為名族
116 62 wéi to add emphasis 世為名族
117 62 wèi to support; to help 世為名族
118 62 wéi to govern 世為名族
119 61 not; no 皆不就
120 61 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 皆不就
121 61 as a correlative 皆不就
122 61 no (answering a question) 皆不就
123 61 forms a negative adjective from a noun 皆不就
124 61 at the end of a sentence to form a question 皆不就
125 61 to form a yes or no question 皆不就
126 61 infix potential marker 皆不就
127 52 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 此故變釁之所出
128 52 old; ancient; former; past 此故變釁之所出
129 52 reason; cause; purpose 此故變釁之所出
130 52 to die 此故變釁之所出
131 52 so; therefore; hence 此故變釁之所出
132 52 original 此故變釁之所出
133 52 accident; happening; instance 此故變釁之所出
134 52 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 此故變釁之所出
135 52 something in the past 此故變釁之所出
136 52 deceased; dead 此故變釁之所出
137 52 still; yet 此故變釁之所出
138 50 no 功被無外
139 50 Kangxi radical 71 功被無外
140 50 to not have; without 功被無外
141 50 has not yet 功被無外
142 50 mo 功被無外
143 50 do not 功被無外
144 50 not; -less; un- 功被無外
145 50 regardless of 功被無外
146 50 to not have 功被無外
147 50 um 功被無外
148 50 Wu 功被無外
149 47 chén minister; statesman; official 臣昔忝河內
150 47 chén Kangxi radical 131 臣昔忝河內
151 47 chén a slave 臣昔忝河內
152 47 chén you 臣昔忝河內
153 47 chén Chen 臣昔忝河內
154 47 chén to obey; to comply 臣昔忝河內
155 47 chén to command; to direct 臣昔忝河內
156 47 chén a subject 臣昔忝河內
157 45 rán correct; right; certainly 公理然也
158 45 rán so; thus 公理然也
159 45 rán to approve; to endorse 公理然也
160 45 rán to burn 公理然也
161 45 rán to pledge; to promise 公理然也
162 45 rán but 公理然也
163 45 rán although; even though 公理然也
164 45 rán after; after that; afterwards 公理然也
165 45 rán used after a verb 公理然也
166 45 rán used at the end of a sentence 公理然也
167 45 rán expresses doubt 公理然也
168 45 rán ok; alright 公理然也
169 45 rán Ran 公理然也
170 45 yǒu is; are; to exist 同郡有雷
171 45 yǒu to have; to possess 同郡有雷
172 45 yǒu indicates an estimate 同郡有雷
173 45 yǒu indicates a large quantity 同郡有雷
174 45 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 同郡有雷
175 45 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 同郡有雷
176 45 yǒu used to compare two things 同郡有雷
177 45 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 同郡有雷
178 45 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 同郡有雷
179 45 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 同郡有雷
180 45 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 同郡有雷
181 45 yǒu abundant 同郡有雷
182 45 yǒu purposeful 同郡有雷
183 45 yǒu You 同郡有雷
184 41 proper; suitable; appropriate 宜大小數以聞
185 41 to be amiable 宜大小數以聞
186 41 a suitable thing; arrangements 宜大小數以聞
187 41 to share 宜大小數以聞
188 41 should 宜大小數以聞
189 41 no doubt; of course 宜大小數以聞
190 41 Yi 宜大小數以聞
191 41 cooking of meat and fish 宜大小數以聞
192 41 nearly; almost 宜大小數以聞
193 39 jīn today; present; now 今謹封上前事
194 39 jīn Jin 今謹封上前事
195 39 jīn modern 今謹封上前事
196 37 this; these 此故變釁之所出
197 37 in this way 此故變釁之所出
198 37 otherwise; but; however; so 此故變釁之所出
199 37 at this time; now; here 此故變釁之所出
200 37 in; at 奉使於蜀
201 37 in; at 奉使於蜀
202 37 in; at; to; from 奉使於蜀
203 37 to go; to 奉使於蜀
204 37 to rely on; to depend on 奉使於蜀
205 37 to go to; to arrive at 奉使於蜀
206 37 from 奉使於蜀
207 37 give 奉使於蜀
208 37 oppposing 奉使於蜀
209 37 and 奉使於蜀
210 37 compared to 奉使於蜀
211 37 by 奉使於蜀
212 37 and; as well as 奉使於蜀
213 37 for 奉使於蜀
214 37 Yu 奉使於蜀
215 37 a crow 奉使於蜀
216 37 whew; wow 奉使於蜀
217 35 zhì to create; to make; to manufacture 樹國全制
218 35 zhì to formulate; to regulate; to designate 樹國全制
219 35 zhì a system; laws; rules; regulations 樹國全制
220 35 zhì to overpower; to control; to restrict 樹國全制
221 35 zhì to cut 樹國全制
222 35 zhì a style 樹國全制
223 35 zhì zhi 樹國全制
224 35 zhì an imperial order 樹國全制
225 35 zhì to establish; to create; to make; to manufacture 樹國全制
226 35 zhì to consider and decide 樹國全制
227 35 zhì the funeral of a relative 樹國全制
228 35 zhì to tailor; to make clothes 樹國全制
229 35 zhì writing; literature 樹國全制
230 35 shì matter; thing; item 今謹封上前事
231 35 shì to serve 今謹封上前事
232 35 shì a government post 今謹封上前事
233 35 shì duty; post; work 今謹封上前事
234 35 shì occupation 今謹封上前事
235 35 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 今謹封上前事
236 35 shì an accident 今謹封上前事
237 35 shì to attend 今謹封上前事
238 35 shì an allusion 今謹封上前事
239 35 shì a condition; a state; a situation 今謹封上前事
240 35 shì to engage in 今謹封上前事
241 35 shì to enslave 今謹封上前事
242 35 shì to pursue 今謹封上前事
243 35 shì to administer 今謹封上前事
244 35 shì to appoint 今謹封上前事
245 35 shì a piece 今謹封上前事
246 34 fēi not; non-; un- 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
247 34 fēi Kangxi radical 175 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
248 34 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
249 34 fēi different 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
250 34 fēi to not be; to not have 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
251 34 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
252 34 fēi Africa 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
253 34 fēi to slander 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
254 34 fěi to avoid 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
255 34 fēi must 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
256 34 fēi an error 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
257 34 fēi a problem; a question 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
258 34 fēi evil 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
259 34 fēi besides; except; unless 時尚書令史扈寅非罪下獄
260 34 zài in; at 在官嚴整
261 34 zài at 在官嚴整
262 34 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 在官嚴整
263 34 zài to exist; to be living 在官嚴整
264 34 zài to consist of 在官嚴整
265 34 zài to be at a post 在官嚴整
266 32 guó a country; a nation 臣雖才不經國
267 32 guó the capital of a state 臣雖才不經國
268 32 guó a feud; a vassal state 臣雖才不經國
269 32 guó a state; a kingdom 臣雖才不經國
270 32 guó a place; a land 臣雖才不經國
271 32 guó domestic; Chinese 臣雖才不經國
272 32 guó national 臣雖才不經國
273 32 guó top in the nation 臣雖才不經國
274 32 guó Guo 臣雖才不經國
275 31 yòu again; also 又內兵外守
276 31 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又內兵外守
277 31 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又內兵外守
278 31 yòu and 又內兵外守
279 31 yòu furthermore 又內兵外守
280 31 yòu in addition 又內兵外守
281 31 yòu but 又內兵外守
282 31 sòng to praise; to laud; to acclaim 劉頌
283 31 sòng Song; Hymns 劉頌
284 31 sòng a hymn; an ode; a eulogy 劉頌
285 31 sòng a speech in praise of somebody 劉頌
286 31 sòng a divination 劉頌
287 31 sòng to recite 劉頌
288 30 suī although; even though 臣雖才不經國
289 30 suī only 臣雖才不經國
290 29 to lift; to hold up; to raise 舉秀才
291 29 to move 舉秀才
292 29 to originate; to initiate; to start (a fire) 舉秀才
293 29 to recommend; to elect 舉秀才
294 29 all; entire 舉秀才
295 29 to suggest 舉秀才
296 29 to fly 舉秀才
297 29 to bear; to give birth 舉秀才
298 29 actions; conduct 舉秀才
299 29 a successful candidate 舉秀才
300 29 to raise an example 舉秀才
301 29 zhèng government; administration 政荒眾散
302 29 zhèng politics 政荒眾散
303 29 zhèng organizational affairs 政荒眾散
304 29 zhèng to rule 政荒眾散
305 29 zhèng administrative affairs 政荒眾散
306 29 zhèng laws 政荒眾散
307 29 zhèng policy 政荒眾散
308 29 zhèng to correctons [a document] 政荒眾散
309 27 rén person; people; a human being 廣陵人
310 27 rén Kangxi radical 9 廣陵人
311 27 rén a kind of person 廣陵人
312 27 rén everybody 廣陵人
313 27 rén adult 廣陵人
314 27 rén somebody; others 廣陵人
315 27 rén an upright person 廣陵人
316 27 使 shǐ to make; to cause 詔使考竟
317 27 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 詔使考竟
318 27 使 shǐ to indulge 詔使考竟
319 27 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 詔使考竟
320 27 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 詔使考竟
321 27 使 shǐ to dispatch 詔使考竟
322 27 使 shǐ if 詔使考竟
323 27 使 shǐ to use 詔使考竟
324 27 使 shǐ to be able to 詔使考竟
325 27 certainly; must; will; necessarily 臣誠未自許所言必當
326 27 must 臣誠未自許所言必當
327 27 if; suppose 臣誠未自許所言必當
328 27 Bi 臣誠未自許所言必當
329 26 naturally; of course; certainly 益思自竭
330 26 from; since 益思自竭
331 26 self; oneself; itself 益思自竭
332 26 Kangxi radical 132 益思自竭
333 26 Zi 益思自竭
334 26 a nose 益思自竭
335 26 the beginning; the start 益思自竭
336 26 origin 益思自竭
337 26 originally 益思自竭
338 26 still; to remain 益思自竭
339 26 in person; personally 益思自竭
340 26 in addition; besides 益思自竭
341 26 if; even if 益思自竭
342 26 but 益思自竭
343 26 because 益思自竭
344 26 to employ; to use 益思自竭
345 26 to be 益思自竭
346 25 de potential marker 寅遂得免
347 25 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 寅遂得免
348 25 děi must; ought to 寅遂得免
349 25 děi to want to; to need to 寅遂得免
350 25 děi must; ought to 寅遂得免
351 25 de 寅遂得免
352 25 de infix potential marker 寅遂得免
353 25 to result in 寅遂得免
354 25 to be proper; to fit; to suit 寅遂得免
355 25 to be satisfied 寅遂得免
356 25 to be finished 寅遂得免
357 25 de result of degree 寅遂得免
358 25 de marks completion of an action 寅遂得免
359 25 děi satisfying 寅遂得免
360 25 to contract 寅遂得免
361 25 marks permission or possibility 寅遂得免
362 25 expressing frustration 寅遂得免
363 25 to hear 寅遂得免
364 25 to have; there is 寅遂得免
365 25 marks time passed 寅遂得免
366 25 yuē to speak; to say 時人為之語曰
367 25 yuē Kangxi radical 73 時人為之語曰
368 25 yuē to be called 時人為之語曰
369 25 yuē particle without meaning 時人為之語曰
370 24 wáng Wang 以王渾為上功
371 24 wáng a king 以王渾為上功
372 24 wáng Kangxi radical 96 以王渾為上功
373 24 wàng to be king; to rule 以王渾為上功
374 24 wáng a prince; a duke 以王渾為上功
375 24 wáng grand; great 以王渾為上功
376 24 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 以王渾為上功
377 24 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 以王渾為上功
378 24 wáng the head of a group or gang 以王渾為上功
379 24 wáng the biggest or best of a group 以王渾為上功
380 24 in; at 不總棄于常案
381 24 in; at 不總棄于常案
382 24 in; at; to; from 不總棄于常案
383 24 to go; to 不總棄于常案
384 24 to rely on; to depend on 不總棄于常案
385 24 to go to; to arrive at 不總棄于常案
386 24 from 不總棄于常案
387 24 give 不總棄于常案
388 24 oppposing 不總棄于常案
389 24 and 不總棄于常案
390 24 compared to 不總棄于常案
391 24 by 不總棄于常案
392 24 and; as well as 不總棄于常案
393 24 for 不總棄于常案
394 24 Yu 不總棄于常案
395 24 a crow 不總棄于常案
396 24 whew; wow 不總棄于常案
397 24 final particle to express a completed action 固已漸穨矣
398 24 particle to express certainty 固已漸穨矣
399 24 would; particle to indicate a future condition 固已漸穨矣
400 24 to form a question 固已漸穨矣
401 24 to indicate a command 固已漸穨矣
402 24 sigh 固已漸穨矣
403 24 陛下 bì xià your majesty 猶願陛下垂省
404 23 method; way 帝以頌持法失理
405 23 France 帝以頌持法失理
406 23 the law; rules; regulations 帝以頌持法失理
407 23 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 帝以頌持法失理
408 23 a standard; a norm 帝以頌持法失理
409 23 an institution 帝以頌持法失理
410 23 to emulate 帝以頌持法失理
411 23 magic; a magic trick 帝以頌持法失理
412 23 punishment 帝以頌持法失理
413 23 Fa 帝以頌持法失理
414 23 a precedent 帝以頌持法失理
415 23 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 帝以頌持法失理
416 23 relating to a ceremony or rite 帝以頌持法失理
417 23 shì a generation 世為名族
418 23 shì a period of thirty years 世為名族
419 23 shì the world 世為名族
420 23 shì years; age 世為名族
421 23 shì a dynasty 世為名族
422 23 shì secular; worldly 世為名族
423 23 shì over generations 世為名族
424 23 shì always 世為名族
425 23 shì world 世為名族
426 23 shì a life; a lifetime 世為名族
427 23 shì an era 世為名族
428 23 shì from generation to generation; across generations 世為名族
429 23 shì to keep good family relations 世為名族
430 23 shì Shi 世為名族
431 23 shì a geologic epoch 世為名族
432 23 shì hereditary 世為名族
433 23 shì later generations 世為名族
434 23 shì a successor; an heir 世為名族
435 23 shì the current times 世為名族
436 22 desire 欲國之無危
437 22 to desire; to wish 欲國之無危
438 22 almost; nearly; about to occur 欲國之無危
439 22 to desire; to intend 欲國之無危
440 22 lust 欲國之無危
441 22 yán to speak; to say; said 卿所言悉要事
442 22 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 卿所言悉要事
443 22 yán Kangxi radical 149 卿所言悉要事
444 22 yán a particle with no meaning 卿所言悉要事
445 22 yán phrase; sentence 卿所言悉要事
446 22 yán a word; a syllable 卿所言悉要事
447 22 yán a theory; a doctrine 卿所言悉要事
448 22 yán to regard as 卿所言悉要事
449 22 yán to act as 卿所言悉要事
450 22 shǐ beginning; start 始成於今
451 22 shǐ just now; then; only then 始成於今
452 22 shǐ first; for the first time 始成於今
453 22 shǐ exactly; just 始成於今
454 22 shǐ formerly 始成於今
455 22 reason; logic; truth 撥煩理亂
456 22 to manage 撥煩理亂
457 22 to pay attention to; to take notice of; to regard others with a certain attitude 撥煩理亂
458 22 to work jade; to remove jade from ore 撥煩理亂
459 22 a natural science 撥煩理亂
460 22 law; principle; theory; inner principle or structure 撥煩理亂
461 22 to acknowledge; to respond; to answer 撥煩理亂
462 22 a judge 撥煩理亂
463 22 li; moral principle 撥煩理亂
464 22 to tidy up; to put in order 撥煩理亂
465 22 grain; texture 撥煩理亂
466 22 reason; logic; truth 撥煩理亂
467 22 a man; a male adult 夫豈不懷
468 22 this; that; those 夫豈不懷
469 22 now; still 夫豈不懷
470 22 is it not?; final particle 夫豈不懷
471 22 husband 夫豈不懷
472 22 a person 夫豈不懷
473 22 someone who does manual work 夫豈不懷
474 22 a hired worker 夫豈不懷
475 22 he 夫豈不懷
476 21 ān calm; still; quiet; peaceful 使內外各安其舊
477 21 ān to calm; to pacify 使內外各安其舊
478 21 ān where 使內外各安其舊
479 21 ān safe; secure 使內外各安其舊
480 21 ān comfortable; happy 使內外各安其舊
481 21 ān to find a place for 使內外各安其舊
482 21 ān to install; to fix; to fit 使內外各安其舊
483 21 ān to be content 使內外各安其舊
484 21 ān to cherish 使內外各安其舊
485 21 ān to bestow; to confer 使內外各安其舊
486 21 ān amphetamine 使內外各安其舊
487 21 ān ampere 使內外各安其舊
488 21 ān to add; to submit 使內外各安其舊
489 21 ān to reside; to live at 使內外各安其舊
490 21 ān to be used to; to be familiar with 使內外各安其舊
491 21 ān how; why 使內外各安其舊
492 21 ān thus; so; therefore 使內外各安其舊
493 21 ān deliberately 使內外各安其舊
494 21 ān naturally 使內外各安其舊
495 21 ān an 使內外各安其舊
496 21 wèi Eighth earthly branch 猶未悉所見
497 21 wèi not yet; still not 猶未悉所見
498 21 wèi not; did not; have not 猶未悉所見
499 21 wèi or not? 猶未悉所見
500 21 wèi 1-3 p.m. 猶未悉所見

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
班固 98 Ban Gu
北海 98
  1. Bohai Sea
  2. Bei Hai
  3. the remote north
  4. North Sea [Europe]
  5. Beihai [Beijing]
  1. Bian River
  2. Henan
  3. Bian
昌邑 67 Changyi
朝战 朝戰 99 Korean War
成王 99 King Cheng of Zhou
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
大通 100 Da Tong reign
大中 100 Da Zhong reign
大安 100
  1. great peace
  2. Ta'an
  3. Da'an
  4. Da'an; Ta'an
大理 100
  1. Dali [kingdom]
  2. Superintendent of Law Enforcement
  3. a major principle; a general truth
  4. Dali [county]
大同 100
  1. Datong
  2. datong; Grand Unity
典客 100 Grand Herald; Director of the Messenger Office
董卓 100 Dong Zhuo
凤翔 鳳翔 102 Fengxiang
光禄大夫 光祿大夫 103 Glorious grand master
广陵 廣陵 103 Guangling
光武 103 Guangwu
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
邯郸 邯鄲 104 Handan
河内 河內 104
  1. Hanoi
  2. Henei
104 Huai River
淮南 104 Huainan
皇甫谧 皇甫謐 104 Huangfu Mi
黄门 黃門 104 Huangmen
  1. quickly; suddenly
  2. cholera
  3. Huo [mountain]
  4. Huo [state]
  5. Huo
霍光 104 Huo Guang
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
贾谊 賈誼 106 Jia Yi
践阼 踐阼 106 Jian Zuo Ceremony
江夏 106 Jiangxia
建久 106 Kenkyū
建明 106
  1. Jianming
  2. Jianming
  3. Jianming
嘉平 106
  1. the twelfth month
  2. Jiaping reign
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
晋代 晉代 106 Jin Dynasty
京兆 106
  1. Jingzhao; Xi'an
  2. capital municipal area
  3. Capital Region Governor
荆州 荊州 106
  1. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
  2. Jingzhou; Ching-chou
九卿 106 nine ministers
琅邪 108 Langye
厉王 厲王 108
  1. King Li
  2. King Li of Zhou
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
洛阳 洛陽 108 Luoyang
律令 108 Ritsuryō
赧王 78 King Shenjing of Zhou
南安 110 Nan'an
南海 110
  1. South China Sea
  2. Nanhai
  3. southern waters; Southern Ocean
  4. Nanhai [lake]
  5. Nanhai [district and county]
内史 內史 110 Censor; Administrator
平王 112 King Ping of Zhou
平阳 平陽 112 Pingyang; Linfen
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
秦州 113 Qinzhou
三公 115 Three Ducal Ministers; Three Excellencies
尚书郎 尚書郎 115
  1. ancient official title
  2. Secretarial Court Gentleman
善化 115 Shanhua
芍陂 115 Quepi lake (irrigation project in Han to Tang times on Huai river 淮河 in modern Anhui)
侍中 115 Shizhong; Palace Attendant
  1. Sichuan
  2. Shu Kingdom
115 Emperor Shun
司马 司馬 115
  1. Minister of War
  2. Sima [star]
  3. Sima [surname]
  4. Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
太守 116 Governor
太康 116
  1. Taikang
  2. Taikang reign
泰始 116 Taishi reign
太中大夫 116 Taizhong Daifu; Superior Grand Master of the Palace
太子中 116 Crown Prince Zhong; Li Xian
天朝 116 Heavenly Dynasty
天命 116 tianming; Mandate of Heaven
天顺 天順 116 Emperor Tianshun; Emperor Zhengtong
天子 116 the rightful Emperor; the Son of Heaven
廷尉 84 Tingwei; Commandant of Justice
王莽 119 Wang Mang
王戎 119 Wang Rong
王制 119
  1. monarchy
  2. Wangzhi
  3. Wangzhi
万载 萬載 119 Wanzai
微臣 119 this small official; humble servant
文帝 119
  1. Emperor Wen of Han
  2. Emperor Wen of Liu Song
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
五帝 119 Five Emperors
武帝 119
  1. Emperor Wu of Han
  2. Emperor Wu of Southern Qi
  3. Emperor Wu of Song
武王 119 Wu Wang; King Wu of Zhou
西京 120
  1. Western Capital
  2. Kyoto
相国 相國 120 Chancellor of State
咸宁 咸寧 120 Xianning
孝文 120 Emperor Xiaowen of Wei
荥阳 滎陽 88 Xingyang
习水 習水 120 Xishui
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
宣王 120 King Xuan of Zhou
  1. Xun
  2. Xun [state]
  3. a kind of plant
燕国 燕國 121 Yan
宜都 121 Yidu
议郎 議郎 121 Yilang
以太 121 Ether-
永安 121 Yong'an reign
永康 121 Yongkang
幽州 121 Youzhou; Fanyang
元康 121
  1. Yuankang
  2. Yuankang
于都 於都 121 Yudu
郁林 121 Yulin [commandery]
御史 121
  1. Royal Scribe
  2. Censor
战国 戰國 122
  1. Warring States Period
  2. one of the seven warring states
张华 張華 122 Zhang Hua
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
镇国 鎮國 122 Zhenguo
至大 122 Zhida reign
中书侍郎 中書侍郎 122 Attendant to the Palace Secretary; Attendant Gentleman of the Secretariat
周官 122
  1. Zhou Li; Zhou Guan; Rites of Zhou
  2. Zhou Guan; Officers of Zhou
周勃 122 Zhou Bo
邹县 鄒縣 122 Zou county


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English