Glossary and Vocabulary for History of Jin 金史, 卷一百二十四 列傳第六十二: 忠義四 馬慶祥 商衡 朮甲脫魯灰 楊達夫 馮延登 烏古孫仲端 烏古孫奴申 蒲察琦 蔡八兒 溫敦昌孫 完顏絳山 畢資倫 郭蝦蟆 Volume 124 Biographies 62: Zhong Yisi, Ma Qingxiang, Shang Heng, Paijiatuoluhui, Yang Dafu, Feng Yandeng, Wugusunzhongduan, Wugusunnushen, Pu Chaqi, Cai Baer, Wendun Changsun, Wanyan Jiangshan, Bi Zilun, Guo Xiama

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 92 zhī to go 內城之役充應辦使
2 92 zhī to arrive; to go 內城之役充應辦使
3 92 zhī is 內城之役充應辦使
4 92 zhī to use 內城之役充應辦使
5 92 zhī Zhi 內城之役充應辦使
6 92 zhī winding 內城之役充應辦使
7 69 to use; to grasp 以馬為氏
8 69 to rely on 以馬為氏
9 69 to regard 以馬為氏
10 69 to be able to 以馬為氏
11 69 to order; to command 以馬為氏
12 69 used after a verb 以馬為氏
13 69 a reason; a cause 以馬為氏
14 69 Israel 以馬為氏
15 69 Yi 以馬為氏
16 56 rén person; people; a human being 人殊死戰
17 56 rén Kangxi radical 9 人殊死戰
18 56 rén a kind of person 人殊死戰
19 56 rén everybody 人殊死戰
20 56 rén adult 人殊死戰
21 56 rén somebody; others 人殊死戰
22 56 rén an upright person 人殊死戰
23 56 wéi to act as; to serve 以馬為氏
24 56 wéi to change into; to become 以馬為氏
25 56 wéi to be; is 以馬為氏
26 56 wéi to do 以馬為氏
27 56 wèi to support; to help 以馬為氏
28 56 wéi to govern 以馬為氏
29 47 yuē to speak; to say 上曰
30 47 yuē Kangxi radical 73 上曰
31 47 yuē to be called 上曰
32 43 nián year 年四十有六
33 43 nián New Year festival 年四十有六
34 43 nián age 年四十有六
35 43 nián life span; life expectancy 年四十有六
36 43 nián an era; a period 年四十有六
37 43 nián a date 年四十有六
38 43 nián time; years 年四十有六
39 43 nián harvest 年四十有六
40 43 nián annual; every year 年四十有六
41 42 Qi 命畫工肖其貌
42 40 zhōu a state; a province 後徙家淨州天山
43 40 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 後徙家淨州天山
44 40 zhōu a prefecture 後徙家淨州天山
45 40 zhōu a country 後徙家淨州天山
46 40 zhōu an island 後徙家淨州天山
47 40 zhōu Zhou 後徙家淨州天山
48 40 zhōu autonomous prefecture 後徙家淨州天山
49 40 zhōu a country 後徙家淨州天山
50 37 shì matter; thing; item 不擾而事集
51 37 shì to serve 不擾而事集
52 37 shì a government post 不擾而事集
53 37 shì duty; post; work 不擾而事集
54 37 shì occupation 不擾而事集
55 37 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 不擾而事集
56 37 shì an accident 不擾而事集
57 37 shì to attend 不擾而事集
58 37 shì an allusion 不擾而事集
59 37 shì a condition; a state; a situation 不擾而事集
60 37 shì to engage in 不擾而事集
61 37 shì to enslave 不擾而事集
62 37 shì to pursue 不擾而事集
63 37 shì to administer 不擾而事集
64 37 shì to appoint 不擾而事集
65 35 to die 竭力效死
66 35 to sever; to break off 竭力效死
67 35 dead 竭力效死
68 35 death 竭力效死
69 35 to sacrifice one's life 竭力效死
70 35 lost; severed 竭力效死
71 35 lifeless; not moving 竭力效死
72 35 stiff; inflexible 竭力效死
73 35 already fixed; set; established 竭力效死
74 35 damned 竭力效死
75 31 jūn army; military 軍擁以行
76 31 jūn soldiers; troops 軍擁以行
77 31 jūn an organized collective 軍擁以行
78 31 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 軍擁以行
79 31 jūn a garrison 軍擁以行
80 31 jūn a front 軍擁以行
81 31 jūn penal miltary service 軍擁以行
82 31 jūn to organize troops 軍擁以行
83 30 bīng soldier; troops 大元兵出陝右
84 30 bīng weapons 大元兵出陝右
85 30 bīng military; warfare 大元兵出陝右
86 27 蝦蟆 háma frog; toad 郭蝦蟆
87 27 infix potential marker 不擾而事集
88 26 lún human relationships 畢資倫
89 26 lún order; coherence; logic 畢資倫
90 26 lún tp be a peer; to be equal 畢資倫
91 26 lún fixed; prescribed 畢資倫
92 26 lún a category; a type 畢資倫
93 26 lún Lun 畢資倫
94 26 ér Kangxi radical 126 不擾而事集
95 26 ér as if; to seem like 不擾而事集
96 26 néng can; able 不擾而事集
97 26 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 不擾而事集
98 26 ér to arrive; up to 不擾而事集
99 26 sòng Song dynasty 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
100 26 sòng Song 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
101 26 sòng Liu Song Dynasty 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
102 25 wealth; capital; money; expenses 畢資倫
103 25 goods 畢資倫
104 25 qualifications; experience; seniority 畢資倫
105 25 a gift; an innate skill 畢資倫
106 25 Zi 畢資倫
107 25 data; material; information 畢資倫
108 25 grains 畢資倫
109 25 capability; ability; use 畢資倫
110 25 to subsidize; to help 畢資倫
111 25 to accord; to give; to show 畢資倫
112 25 to store up; to save up 畢資倫
113 25 to access; to make use of 畢資倫
114 25 sharp 畢資倫
115 25 to provide 畢資倫
116 25 to examine; to consult 畢資倫
117 25 a capitalist 畢資倫
118 24 chéng a city; a town 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
119 24 chéng a city wall 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
120 24 chéng to fortify 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
121 24 chéng a fort; a citadel 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
122 24 suǒ a few; various; some 餘亦無所考
123 24 suǒ a place; a location 餘亦無所考
124 24 suǒ indicates a passive voice 餘亦無所考
125 24 suǒ an ordinal number 餘亦無所考
126 24 suǒ meaning 餘亦無所考
127 24 suǒ garrison 餘亦無所考
128 24 one 但以一死報國耳
129 24 Kangxi radical 1 但以一死報國耳
130 24 pure; concentrated 但以一死報國耳
131 24 first 但以一死報國耳
132 24 the same 但以一死報國耳
133 24 sole; single 但以一死報國耳
134 24 a very small amount 但以一死報國耳
135 24 Yi 但以一死報國耳
136 24 other 但以一死報國耳
137 24 to unify 但以一死報國耳
138 24 accidentally; coincidentally 但以一死報國耳
139 24 abruptly; suddenly 但以一死報國耳
140 23 shí time; a point or period of time 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
141 23 shí a season; a quarter of a year 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
142 23 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
143 23 shí fashionable 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
144 23 shí fate; destiny; luck 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
145 23 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
146 23 shí tense 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
147 23 shí particular; special 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
148 23 shí to plant; to cultivate 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
149 23 shí an era; a dynasty 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
150 23 shí time [abstract] 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
151 23 shí seasonal 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
152 23 shí to wait upon 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
153 23 shí hour 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
154 23 shí appropriate; proper; timely 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
155 23 shí Shi 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
156 23 shí a present; currentlt 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
157 23 big; huge; large 正大八年
158 23 Kangxi radical 37 正大八年
159 23 great; major; important 正大八年
160 23 size 正大八年
161 23 old 正大八年
162 23 oldest; earliest 正大八年
163 23 adult 正大八年
164 23 dài an important person 正大八年
165 23 senior 正大八年
166 22 shòu to teach 授開封府判官
167 22 shòu to award; to give 授開封府判官
168 22 shòu to appoint 授開封府判官
169 21 Ru River 非汝所知也
170 21 Ru 非汝所知也
171 21 zhì Kangxi radical 133 至甯元年
172 21 zhì to arrive 至甯元年
173 21 Kangxi radical 71 往必無辱也
174 21 to not have; without 往必無辱也
175 21 mo 往必無辱也
176 21 to not have 往必無辱也
177 21 Wu 往必無辱也
178 21 shàng top; a high position 上曰
179 21 shang top; the position on or above something 上曰
180 21 shàng to go up; to go forward 上曰
181 21 shàng shang 上曰
182 21 shàng previous; last 上曰
183 21 shàng high; higher 上曰
184 21 shàng advanced 上曰
185 21 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上曰
186 21 shàng time 上曰
187 21 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上曰
188 21 shàng far 上曰
189 21 shàng big; as big as 上曰
190 21 shàng abundant; plentiful 上曰
191 21 shàng to report 上曰
192 21 shàng to offer 上曰
193 21 shàng to go on stage 上曰
194 21 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上曰
195 21 shàng to install; to erect 上曰
196 21 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上曰
197 21 shàng to burn 上曰
198 21 shàng to remember 上曰
199 21 shàng to add 上曰
200 21 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上曰
201 21 shàng to meet 上曰
202 21 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上曰
203 21 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上曰
204 21 shàng a musical note 上曰
205 21 to go; to 民無所於糴
206 21 to rely on; to depend on 民無所於糴
207 21 Yu 民無所於糴
208 21 a crow 民無所於糴
209 19 Yi 胥謙及其子嗣亨亦不屈死
210 19 qiān to move; to shift 召遷
211 19 qiān to transfer 召遷
212 19 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 召遷
213 19 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 召遷
214 19 qiān to change; to transform 召遷
215 19 shān a mountain; a hill; a peak 完顏絳山
216 19 shān Shan 完顏絳山
217 19 shān Kangxi radical 46 完顏絳山
218 19 shān a mountain-like shape 完顏絳山
219 19 shān a gable 完顏絳山
220 18 cài Cai 蔡八兒
221 18 cài tortoise; large turtle 蔡八兒
222 18 cài shrubs; grasses 蔡八兒
223 18 cài Cai 蔡八兒
224 18 to exile; to banish 蔡八兒
225 18 to reduce; to dimiish 蔡八兒
226 18 使 shǐ to make; to cause 選使副
227 18 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 選使副
228 18 使 shǐ to indulge 選使副
229 18 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 選使副
230 18 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 選使副
231 18 使 shǐ to dispatch 選使副
232 18 使 shǐ to use 選使副
233 18 使 shǐ to be able to 選使副
234 18 nǎi to be 何乃為此不祥
235 17 an official institution; a state bureau 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
236 17 a prefecture; a prefect 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
237 17 a respectful reference to a residence 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
238 17 a repository 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
239 17 a meeting place 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
240 17 the residence of a high-ranking official; a prefect 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
241 17 Fu 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
242 17 guān an office 改樞密院經歷官
243 17 guān an official; a government official 改樞密院經歷官
244 17 guān official; state-run 改樞密院經歷官
245 17 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 改樞密院經歷官
246 17 guān an official rank; an official title 改樞密院經歷官
247 17 guān governance 改樞密院經歷官
248 17 guān a sense organ 改樞密院經歷官
249 17 guān office 改樞密院經歷官
250 17 guān public 改樞密院經歷官
251 17 guān an organ 改樞密院經歷官
252 17 guān a polite form of address 改樞密院經歷官
253 17 guān Guan 改樞密院經歷官
254 17 guān to appoint 改樞密院經歷官
255 17 guān to hold a post 改樞密院經歷官
256 16 to give 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
257 16 to accompany 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
258 16 to particate in 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
259 16 of the same kind 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
260 16 to help 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
261 16 for 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
262 16 zhōng middle 泰和中
263 16 zhōng medium; medium sized 泰和中
264 16 zhōng China 泰和中
265 16 zhòng to hit the mark 泰和中
266 16 zhōng midday 泰和中
267 16 zhōng inside 泰和中
268 16 zhōng during 泰和中
269 16 zhōng Zhong 泰和中
270 16 zhōng intermediary 泰和中
271 16 zhōng half 泰和中
272 16 zhòng to reach; to attain 泰和中
273 16 zhòng to suffer; to infect 泰和中
274 16 zhòng to obtain 泰和中
275 16 zhòng to pass an exam 泰和中
276 16 zōng school; sect 哀宗詔褒死節士
277 16 zōng ancestor 哀宗詔褒死節士
278 16 zōng to take as one's model as 哀宗詔褒死節士
279 16 zōng purpose 哀宗詔褒死節士
280 16 zōng an ancestral temple 哀宗詔褒死節士
281 16 zōng to respect; to revere; to admire; to honor 哀宗詔褒死節士
282 16 zōng clan; family 哀宗詔褒死節士
283 16 zōng a model 哀宗詔褒死節士
284 16 zōng a county 哀宗詔褒死節士
285 16 zōng religion 哀宗詔褒死節士
286 16 zōng essential; necessary 哀宗詔褒死節士
287 16 zōng summation 哀宗詔褒死節士
288 16 zōng a visit by feudal lords 哀宗詔褒死節士
289 16 zōng Zong 哀宗詔褒死節士
290 16 Wu 吾屬荷國厚恩
291 16 āi to be sad; to be mournful; to be pitiful 哀宗詔褒死節士
292 16 āi to pity 哀宗詔褒死節士
293 16 āi to grieve; to morn 哀宗詔褒死節士
294 16 āi to cherish; to treasure 哀宗詔褒死節士
295 16 āi orphaned 哀宗詔褒死節士
296 16 èr two 二人者逸其名
297 16 èr Kangxi radical 7 二人者逸其名
298 16 èr second 二人者逸其名
299 16 èr twice; double; di- 二人者逸其名
300 16 èr more than one kind 二人者逸其名
301 16 a gem; a precious stone; jade 蒲察琦
302 16 a curio 蒲察琦
303 16 excellent; admirable 蒲察琦
304 16 rare; unusual 蒲察琦
305 16 to enter 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
306 16 Kangxi radical 11 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
307 16 radical 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
308 16 income 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
309 16 to conform with 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
310 16 to descend 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
311 16 the entering tone 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
312 16 to pay 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
313 16 to join 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
314 15 zhōng loyalty; devotion 諡忠湣
315 15 zhōng Zhong 諡忠湣
316 15 zhōng to act wholeheartedly 諡忠湣
317 15 zhòng middle brother 烏古孫仲端
318 15 zhòng Zhong 烏古孫仲端
319 15 zhòng a go between; a mediator 烏古孫仲端
320 15 to reach 將及城
321 15 to attain 將及城
322 15 to understand 將及城
323 15 able to be compared to; to catch up with 將及城
324 15 to be involved with; to associate with 將及城
325 15 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 將及城
326 15 to break; to split; to smash 脫魯灰率本部屢摧宋兵破城寨
327 15 worn-out; broken 脫魯灰率本部屢摧宋兵破城寨
328 15 to destroy; to ruin 脫魯灰率本部屢摧宋兵破城寨
329 15 to break a rule; to allow an exception 脫魯灰率本部屢摧宋兵破城寨
330 15 to defeat 脫魯灰率本部屢摧宋兵破城寨
331 15 low quality; in poor condition 脫魯灰率本部屢摧宋兵破城寨
332 15 to strike; to hit 脫魯灰率本部屢摧宋兵破城寨
333 15 to spend [money]; to squander 脫魯灰率本部屢摧宋兵破城寨
334 15 to disprove [an argument] 脫魯灰率本部屢摧宋兵破城寨
335 15 finale 脫魯灰率本部屢摧宋兵破城寨
336 15 to use up; to exhaust 脫魯灰率本部屢摧宋兵破城寨
337 15 to penetrate 脫魯灰率本部屢摧宋兵破城寨
338 15 jiàng a general; a high ranking officer 聞大將萌古不花將攻鳳翔
339 15 jiāng to progress; to transmit; to convey; to send 聞大將萌古不花將攻鳳翔
340 15 jiàng to command; to lead 聞大將萌古不花將攻鳳翔
341 15 qiāng to request 聞大將萌古不花將攻鳳翔
342 15 jiāng to bring; to take; to use; to hold 聞大將萌古不花將攻鳳翔
343 15 jiāng to support; to wait upon; to take care of 聞大將萌古不花將攻鳳翔
344 15 jiāng to checkmate 聞大將萌古不花將攻鳳翔
345 15 jiāng to goad; to incite; to provoke 聞大將萌古不花將攻鳳翔
346 15 jiāng to do; to handle 聞大將萌古不花將攻鳳翔
347 15 jiàng backbone 聞大將萌古不花將攻鳳翔
348 15 jiàng king 聞大將萌古不花將攻鳳翔
349 15 jiāng to rest 聞大將萌古不花將攻鳳翔
350 15 jiàng a senior member of an organization 聞大將萌古不花將攻鳳翔
351 15 jiāng large; great 聞大將萌古不花將攻鳳翔
352 15 yán to speak; to say; said 衡上章極言
353 15 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 衡上章極言
354 15 yán Kangxi radical 149 衡上章極言
355 15 yán phrase; sentence 衡上章極言
356 15 yán a word; a syllable 衡上章極言
357 15 yán a theory; a doctrine 衡上章極言
358 15 yán to regard as 衡上章極言
359 15 yán to act as 衡上章極言
360 15 héng to weigh 商衡
361 15 héng scales 商衡
362 15 héng to judge; to consider 商衡
363 15 héng even 商衡
364 15 héng a compendium 商衡
365 15 héng poise 商衡
366 15 héng fairness 商衡
367 15 héng horizontal 商衡
368 15 héng a horizontally set astronomical sighting instrument 商衡
369 15 héng Heng 商衡
370 15 héng a yoke for an ox 商衡
371 15 héng a horizontal rail 商衡
372 15 héng a jade crosspiece 商衡
373 15 héng a chimebell shank 商衡
374 15 héng a carriage crossbar 商衡
375 15 héng area between the eyebrows 商衡
376 15 héng Hengshan; Mount Heng 商衡
377 15 héng Heng 商衡
378 15 héng to disobey 商衡
379 14 jiàng to descend; to fall; to drop 詔降慶山奴為定國軍節度使
380 14 jiàng to degrade 詔降慶山奴為定國軍節度使
381 14 jiàng Jiang [jupiter station] 詔降慶山奴為定國軍節度使
382 14 jiàng to confer; to bestow; to give 詔降慶山奴為定國軍節度使
383 14 jiàng to reduce; to decline 詔降慶山奴為定國軍節度使
384 14 jiàng to condescend 詔降慶山奴為定國軍節度使
385 14 jiàng to surrender 詔降慶山奴為定國軍節度使
386 14 jiàng Jiang 詔降慶山奴為定國軍節度使
387 14 xiáng to surrender 詔降慶山奴為定國軍節度使
388 14 xiáng to conquer; to subdue 詔降慶山奴為定國軍節度使
389 14 ā to groan 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
390 14 ā a 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
391 14 ē to flatter 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
392 14 ē river bank 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
393 14 ē beam; pillar 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
394 14 ē a hillslope; a mound 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
395 14 ē a turning point; a turn; a bend in a river 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
396 14 ē E 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
397 14 ē to depend on 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
398 14 ē e 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
399 14 ē a buttress 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
400 14 ē be partial to 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
401 14 ē thick silk 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
402 14 chāng Chang 溫敦昌孫
403 14 chāng to prosper; to flourish; to be prosperous 溫敦昌孫
404 14 chāng bright; shining 溫敦昌孫
405 14 chāng good; wonderful 溫敦昌孫
406 14 chāng sunlight 溫敦昌孫
407 14 chāng exact 溫敦昌孫
408 14 chāng imprudence 溫敦昌孫
409 14 zhī to know 兵知不可誘
410 14 zhī to comprehend 兵知不可誘
411 14 zhī to inform; to tell 兵知不可誘
412 14 zhī to administer 兵知不可誘
413 14 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 兵知不可誘
414 14 zhī to be close friends 兵知不可誘
415 14 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 兵知不可誘
416 14 zhī to receive; to entertain 兵知不可誘
417 14 zhī knowledge 兵知不可誘
418 14 zhī consciousness; perception 兵知不可誘
419 14 zhī a close friend 兵知不可誘
420 14 zhì wisdom 兵知不可誘
421 14 zhì Zhi 兵知不可誘
422 14 zhī to appreciate 兵知不可誘
423 14 zhī to make known 兵知不可誘
424 14 zhī to have control over 兵知不可誘
425 14 zhī to expect; to foresee 兵知不可誘
426 14 ancient; old; palaeo- 烏古孫仲端
427 14 ancient; old 烏古孫仲端
428 14 out of date 烏古孫仲端
429 14 former times 烏古孫仲端
430 14 events in former times 烏古孫仲端
431 14 sincere; unpretentious 烏古孫仲端
432 14 an ancient style of poetry 烏古孫仲端
433 14 Gu 烏古孫仲端
434 14 sūn Sun 烏古孫仲端
435 14 sūn grandchildren 烏古孫仲端
436 14 sūn offspring [of plants] 烏古孫仲端
437 14 sūn small 烏古孫仲端
438 14 xùn humble 烏古孫仲端
439 14 xùn to flee 烏古孫仲端
440 14 to be near by; to be close to 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
441 14 at that time 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
442 14 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
443 14 supposed; so-called 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
444 14 to arrive at; to ascend 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
445 14 capital city 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
446 14 a city; a metropolis 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
447 14 dōu all 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
448 14 elegant; refined 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
449 14 Du 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
450 14 to establish a capital city 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
451 14 to reside 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
452 14 to total; to tally 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
453 14 huì can; be able to 會大兵邀其歸路
454 14 huì able to 會大兵邀其歸路
455 14 huì a meeting; a conference; an assembly 會大兵邀其歸路
456 14 kuài to balance an account 會大兵邀其歸路
457 14 huì to assemble 會大兵邀其歸路
458 14 huì to meet 會大兵邀其歸路
459 14 huì a temple fair 會大兵邀其歸路
460 14 huì a religious assembly 會大兵邀其歸路
461 14 huì an association; a society 會大兵邀其歸路
462 14 huì a national or provincial capital 會大兵邀其歸路
463 14 huì an opportunity 會大兵邀其歸路
464 14 huì to understand 會大兵邀其歸路
465 14 huì to be familiar with; to know 會大兵邀其歸路
466 14 huì to be possible; to be likely 會大兵邀其歸路
467 14 huì to be good at 會大兵邀其歸路
468 14 huì a moment 會大兵邀其歸路
469 14 huì to happen to 會大兵邀其歸路
470 14 huì to pay 會大兵邀其歸路
471 14 huì a meeting place 會大兵邀其歸路
472 14 kuài the seam of a cap 會大兵邀其歸路
473 14 huì in accordance with 會大兵邀其歸路
474 14 huì imperial civil service examination 會大兵邀其歸路
475 14 huì to have sexual intercourse 會大兵邀其歸路
476 14 huì Hui 會大兵邀其歸路
477 13 huī gray 朮甲脫魯灰
478 13 huī ash 朮甲脫魯灰
479 13 huī discouraged; dejected 朮甲脫魯灰
480 13 huī mortar; lime 朮甲脫魯灰
481 13 huī dust 朮甲脫魯灰
482 13 huī to burn 朮甲脫魯灰
483 13 huī to disintegrate; to shatter 朮甲脫魯灰
484 13 tuō to take off 朮甲脫魯灰
485 13 tuō to shed; to fall off 朮甲脫魯灰
486 13 tuō to depart; to leave; to evade 朮甲脫魯灰
487 13 tuō to omit; to overlook 朮甲脫魯灰
488 13 tuō to sell 朮甲脫魯灰
489 13 tuō rapid 朮甲脫魯灰
490 13 tuō unconstrained; free and easy 朮甲脫魯灰
491 13 tuì to shed 朮甲脫魯灰
492 13 tuì happy; carefree 朮甲脫魯灰
493 13 Kangxi radical 132 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
494 13 Zi 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
495 13 a nose 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
496 13 the beginning; the start 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
497 13 origin 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
498 13 to employ; to use 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
499 13 to be 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
500 12 a criteria; a norm; a standard; a rule; a law 不爾則無以謝天下

Frequencies of all Words

Top 957

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 92 zhī him; her; them; that 內城之役充應辦使
2 92 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 內城之役充應辦使
3 92 zhī to go 內城之役充應辦使
4 92 zhī this; that 內城之役充應辦使
5 92 zhī genetive marker 內城之役充應辦使
6 92 zhī it 內城之役充應辦使
7 92 zhī in; in regards to 內城之役充應辦使
8 92 zhī all 內城之役充應辦使
9 92 zhī and 內城之役充應辦使
10 92 zhī however 內城之役充應辦使
11 92 zhī if 內城之役充應辦使
12 92 zhī then 內城之役充應辦使
13 92 zhī to arrive; to go 內城之役充應辦使
14 92 zhī is 內城之役充應辦使
15 92 zhī to use 內城之役充應辦使
16 92 zhī Zhi 內城之役充應辦使
17 92 zhī winding 內城之役充應辦使
18 69 so as to; in order to 以馬為氏
19 69 to use; to regard as 以馬為氏
20 69 to use; to grasp 以馬為氏
21 69 according to 以馬為氏
22 69 because of 以馬為氏
23 69 on a certain date 以馬為氏
24 69 and; as well as 以馬為氏
25 69 to rely on 以馬為氏
26 69 to regard 以馬為氏
27 69 to be able to 以馬為氏
28 69 to order; to command 以馬為氏
29 69 further; moreover 以馬為氏
30 69 used after a verb 以馬為氏
31 69 very 以馬為氏
32 69 already 以馬為氏
33 69 increasingly 以馬為氏
34 69 a reason; a cause 以馬為氏
35 69 Israel 以馬為氏
36 69 Yi 以馬為氏
37 56 rén person; people; a human being 人殊死戰
38 56 rén Kangxi radical 9 人殊死戰
39 56 rén a kind of person 人殊死戰
40 56 rén everybody 人殊死戰
41 56 rén adult 人殊死戰
42 56 rén somebody; others 人殊死戰
43 56 rén an upright person 人殊死戰
44 56 wèi for; to 以馬為氏
45 56 wèi because of 以馬為氏
46 56 wéi to act as; to serve 以馬為氏
47 56 wéi to change into; to become 以馬為氏
48 56 wéi to be; is 以馬為氏
49 56 wéi to do 以馬為氏
50 56 wèi for 以馬為氏
51 56 wèi because of; for; to 以馬為氏
52 56 wèi to 以馬為氏
53 56 wéi in a passive construction 以馬為氏
54 56 wéi forming a rehetorical question 以馬為氏
55 56 wéi forming an adverb 以馬為氏
56 56 wéi to add emphasis 以馬為氏
57 56 wèi to support; to help 以馬為氏
58 56 wéi to govern 以馬為氏
59 47 yuē to speak; to say 上曰
60 47 yuē Kangxi radical 73 上曰
61 47 yuē to be called 上曰
62 47 yuē particle without meaning 上曰
63 43 nián year 年四十有六
64 43 nián New Year festival 年四十有六
65 43 nián age 年四十有六
66 43 nián life span; life expectancy 年四十有六
67 43 nián an era; a period 年四十有六
68 43 nián a date 年四十有六
69 43 nián time; years 年四十有六
70 43 nián harvest 年四十有六
71 43 nián annual; every year 年四十有六
72 42 his; hers; its; theirs 命畫工肖其貌
73 42 to add emphasis 命畫工肖其貌
74 42 used when asking a question in reply to a question 命畫工肖其貌
75 42 used when making a request or giving an order 命畫工肖其貌
76 42 he; her; it; them 命畫工肖其貌
77 42 probably; likely 命畫工肖其貌
78 42 will 命畫工肖其貌
79 42 may 命畫工肖其貌
80 42 if 命畫工肖其貌
81 42 or 命畫工肖其貌
82 42 Qi 命畫工肖其貌
83 40 zhōu a state; a province 後徙家淨州天山
84 40 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 後徙家淨州天山
85 40 zhōu a prefecture 後徙家淨州天山
86 40 zhōu a country 後徙家淨州天山
87 40 zhōu an island 後徙家淨州天山
88 40 zhōu Zhou 後徙家淨州天山
89 40 zhōu autonomous prefecture 後徙家淨州天山
90 40 zhōu a country 後徙家淨州天山
91 37 shì matter; thing; item 不擾而事集
92 37 shì to serve 不擾而事集
93 37 shì a government post 不擾而事集
94 37 shì duty; post; work 不擾而事集
95 37 shì occupation 不擾而事集
96 37 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 不擾而事集
97 37 shì an accident 不擾而事集
98 37 shì to attend 不擾而事集
99 37 shì an allusion 不擾而事集
100 37 shì a condition; a state; a situation 不擾而事集
101 37 shì to engage in 不擾而事集
102 37 shì to enslave 不擾而事集
103 37 shì to pursue 不擾而事集
104 37 shì to administer 不擾而事集
105 37 shì to appoint 不擾而事集
106 37 shì a piece 不擾而事集
107 37 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 二人者逸其名
108 37 zhě that 二人者逸其名
109 37 zhě nominalizing function word 二人者逸其名
110 37 zhě used to mark a definition 二人者逸其名
111 37 zhě used to mark a pause 二人者逸其名
112 37 zhě topic marker; that; it 二人者逸其名
113 37 zhuó according to 二人者逸其名
114 35 to die 竭力效死
115 35 to sever; to break off 竭力效死
116 35 extremely; very 竭力效死
117 35 to do one's utmost 竭力效死
118 35 dead 竭力效死
119 35 death 竭力效死
120 35 to sacrifice one's life 竭力效死
121 35 lost; severed 竭力效死
122 35 lifeless; not moving 竭力效死
123 35 stiff; inflexible 竭力效死
124 35 already fixed; set; established 竭力效死
125 35 damned 竭力效死
126 31 jūn army; military 軍擁以行
127 31 jūn soldiers; troops 軍擁以行
128 31 jūn an organized collective 軍擁以行
129 31 jūn to garrison; to stay an an encampment 軍擁以行
130 31 jūn a garrison 軍擁以行
131 31 jūn a front 軍擁以行
132 31 jūn penal miltary service 軍擁以行
133 31 jūn to organize troops 軍擁以行
134 30 bīng soldier; troops 大元兵出陝右
135 30 bīng weapons 大元兵出陝右
136 30 bīng military; warfare 大元兵出陝右
137 29 yǒu is; are; to exist 年四十有六
138 29 yǒu to have; to possess 年四十有六
139 29 yǒu indicates an estimate 年四十有六
140 29 yǒu indicates a large quantity 年四十有六
141 29 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 年四十有六
142 29 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 年四十有六
143 29 yǒu used to compare two things 年四十有六
144 29 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 年四十有六
145 29 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 年四十有六
146 29 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 年四十有六
147 29 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 年四十有六
148 29 yǒu abundant 年四十有六
149 29 yǒu purposeful 年四十有六
150 29 yǒu You 年四十有六
151 27 蝦蟆 háma frog; toad 郭蝦蟆
152 27 not; no 不擾而事集
153 27 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不擾而事集
154 27 as a correlative 不擾而事集
155 27 no (answering a question) 不擾而事集
156 27 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不擾而事集
157 27 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不擾而事集
158 27 to form a yes or no question 不擾而事集
159 27 infix potential marker 不擾而事集
160 26 lún human relationships 畢資倫
161 26 lún order; coherence; logic 畢資倫
162 26 lún tp be a peer; to be equal 畢資倫
163 26 lún fixed; prescribed 畢資倫
164 26 lún a category; a type 畢資倫
165 26 lún Lun 畢資倫
166 26 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 不擾而事集
167 26 ér Kangxi radical 126 不擾而事集
168 26 ér you 不擾而事集
169 26 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 不擾而事集
170 26 ér right away; then 不擾而事集
171 26 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 不擾而事集
172 26 ér if; in case; in the event that 不擾而事集
173 26 ér therefore; as a result; thus 不擾而事集
174 26 ér how can it be that? 不擾而事集
175 26 ér so as to 不擾而事集
176 26 ér only then 不擾而事集
177 26 ér as if; to seem like 不擾而事集
178 26 néng can; able 不擾而事集
179 26 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 不擾而事集
180 26 ér me 不擾而事集
181 26 ér to arrive; up to 不擾而事集
182 26 ér possessive 不擾而事集
183 26 sòng Song dynasty 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
184 26 sòng Song 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
185 26 sòng Liu Song Dynasty 授北京路宋阿答阿猛安
186 25 wealth; capital; money; expenses 畢資倫
187 25 goods 畢資倫
188 25 qualifications; experience; seniority 畢資倫
189 25 a gift; an innate skill 畢資倫
190 25 Zi 畢資倫
191 25 data; material; information 畢資倫
192 25 grains 畢資倫
193 25 capability; ability; use 畢資倫
194 25 to subsidize; to help 畢資倫
195 25 to accord; to give; to show 畢資倫
196 25 to store up; to save up 畢資倫
197 25 to access; to make use of 畢資倫
198 25 sharp 畢資倫
199 25 to provide 畢資倫
200 25 to examine; to consult 畢資倫
201 25 a capitalist 畢資倫
202 24 chéng a city; a town 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
203 24 chéng a city wall 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
204 24 chéng to fortify 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
205 24 chéng a fort; a citadel 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
206 24 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 餘亦無所考
207 24 suǒ an office; an institute 餘亦無所考
208 24 suǒ introduces a relative clause 餘亦無所考
209 24 suǒ it 餘亦無所考
210 24 suǒ if; supposing 餘亦無所考
211 24 suǒ a few; various; some 餘亦無所考
212 24 suǒ a place; a location 餘亦無所考
213 24 suǒ indicates a passive voice 餘亦無所考
214 24 suǒ that which 餘亦無所考
215 24 suǒ an ordinal number 餘亦無所考
216 24 suǒ meaning 餘亦無所考
217 24 suǒ garrison 餘亦無所考
218 24 one 但以一死報國耳
219 24 Kangxi radical 1 但以一死報國耳
220 24 as soon as; all at once 但以一死報國耳
221 24 pure; concentrated 但以一死報國耳
222 24 whole; all 但以一死報國耳
223 24 first 但以一死報國耳
224 24 the same 但以一死報國耳
225 24 each 但以一死報國耳
226 24 certain 但以一死報國耳
227 24 throughout 但以一死報國耳
228 24 used in between a reduplicated verb 但以一死報國耳
229 24 sole; single 但以一死報國耳
230 24 a very small amount 但以一死報國耳
231 24 Yi 但以一死報國耳
232 24 other 但以一死報國耳
233 24 to unify 但以一死報國耳
234 24 accidentally; coincidentally 但以一死報國耳
235 24 abruptly; suddenly 但以一死報國耳
236 24 or 但以一死報國耳
237 23 shí time; a point or period of time 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
238 23 shí a season; a quarter of a year 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
239 23 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
240 23 shí at that time 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
241 23 shí fashionable 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
242 23 shí fate; destiny; luck 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
243 23 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
244 23 shí tense 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
245 23 shí particular; special 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
246 23 shí to plant; to cultivate 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
247 23 shí hour (measure word) 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
248 23 shí an era; a dynasty 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
249 23 shí time [abstract] 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
250 23 shí seasonal 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
251 23 shí frequently; often 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
252 23 shí occasionally; sometimes 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
253 23 shí on time 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
254 23 shí this; that 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
255 23 shí to wait upon 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
256 23 shí hour 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
257 23 shí appropriate; proper; timely 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
258 23 shí Shi 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
259 23 shí a present; currentlt 命同簽樞密院事時全將大軍南伐
260 23 big; huge; large 正大八年
261 23 Kangxi radical 37 正大八年
262 23 great; major; important 正大八年
263 23 size 正大八年
264 23 old 正大八年
265 23 greatly; very 正大八年
266 23 oldest; earliest 正大八年
267 23 adult 正大八年
268 23 tài greatest; grand 正大八年
269 23 dài an important person 正大八年
270 23 senior 正大八年
271 23 approximately 正大八年
272 23 tài greatest; grand 正大八年
273 22 shòu to teach 授開封府判官
274 22 shòu to award; to give 授開封府判官
275 22 shòu to appoint 授開封府判官
276 21 you; thou 非汝所知也
277 21 Ru River 非汝所知也
278 21 Ru 非汝所知也
279 21 zhì to; until 至甯元年
280 21 zhì Kangxi radical 133 至甯元年
281 21 zhì extremely; very; most 至甯元年
282 21 zhì to arrive 至甯元年
283 21 no 往必無辱也
284 21 Kangxi radical 71 往必無辱也
285 21 to not have; without 往必無辱也
286 21 has not yet 往必無辱也
287 21 mo 往必無辱也
288 21 do not 往必無辱也
289 21 not; -less; un- 往必無辱也
290 21 regardless of 往必無辱也
291 21 to not have 往必無辱也
292 21 um 往必無辱也
293 21 Wu 往必無辱也
294 21 shàng top; a high position 上曰
295 21 shang top; the position on or above something 上曰
296 21 shàng to go up; to go forward 上曰
297 21 shàng shang 上曰
298 21 shàng previous; last 上曰
299 21 shàng high; higher 上曰
300 21 shàng advanced 上曰
301 21 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上曰
302 21 shàng time 上曰
303 21 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上曰
304 21 shàng far 上曰
305 21 shàng big; as big as 上曰
306 21 shàng abundant; plentiful 上曰
307 21 shàng to report 上曰
308 21 shàng to offer 上曰
309 21 shàng to go on stage 上曰
310 21 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上曰
311 21 shàng to install; to erect 上曰
312 21 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上曰
313 21 shàng to burn 上曰
314 21 shàng to remember 上曰
315 21 shang on; in 上曰
316 21 shàng upward 上曰
317 21 shàng to add 上曰
318 21 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上曰
319 21 shàng to meet 上曰
320 21 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上曰
321 21 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上曰
322 21 shàng a musical note 上曰
323 21 chū to go out; to leave 大元兵出陝右
324 21 chū measure word for dramas, plays, operas, etc 大元兵出陝右
325 21 chū to produce; to put forth; to issue; to grow up 大元兵出陝右
326 21 chū to extend; to spread 大元兵出陝右
327 21 chū to appear 大元兵出陝右
328 21 chū to exceed 大元兵出陝右
329 21 chū to publish; to post 大元兵出陝右
330 21 chū to take up an official post 大元兵出陝右
331 21 chū to give birth 大元兵出陝右
332 21 chū a verb complement 大元兵出陝右
333 21 chū to occur; to happen 大元兵出陝右
334 21 chū to divorce 大元兵出陝右
335 21 chū to chase away 大元兵出陝右
336 21 chū to escape; to leave 大元兵出陝右
337 21 chū to give 大元兵出陝右
338 21 chū to emit 大元兵出陝右
339 21 chū quoted from 大元兵出陝右
340 21 in; at 民無所於糴
341 21 in; at 民無所於糴
342 21 in; at; to; from 民無所於糴
343 21 to go; to 民無所於糴
344 21 to rely on; to depend on 民無所於糴
345 21 to go to; to arrive at 民無所於糴
346 21 from 民無所於糴
347 21 give 民無所於糴
348 21 oppposing 民無所於糴
349 21 and 民無所於糴
350 21 compared to 民無所於糴
351 21 by 民無所於糴
352 21 and; as well as 民無所於糴
353 21 for 民無所於糴
354 21 Yu 民無所於糴
355 21 a crow 民無所於糴
356 21 whew; wow 民無所於糴
357 19 also; too 胥謙及其子嗣亨亦不屈死
358 19 but 胥謙及其子嗣亨亦不屈死
359 19 this; he; she 胥謙及其子嗣亨亦不屈死
360 19 although; even though 胥謙及其子嗣亨亦不屈死
361 19 already 胥謙及其子嗣亨亦不屈死
362 19 particle with no meaning 胥謙及其子嗣亨亦不屈死
363 19 Yi 胥謙及其子嗣亨亦不屈死
364 19 qiān to move; to shift 召遷
365 19 qiān to transfer 召遷
366 19 qiān to transfer job posting; to be promoted 召遷
367 19 qiān to displace; to remove; to banish; to demote 召遷
368 19 qiān to change; to transform 召遷
369 19 shān a mountain; a hill; a peak 完顏絳山
370 19 shān Shan 完顏絳山
371 19 shān Kangxi radical 46 完顏絳山
372 19 shān a mountain-like shape 完顏絳山
373 19 shān a gable 完顏絳山
374 18 cài Cai 蔡八兒
375 18 cài tortoise; large turtle 蔡八兒
376 18 cài shrubs; grasses 蔡八兒
377 18 cài Cai 蔡八兒
378 18 to exile; to banish 蔡八兒
379 18 to reduce; to dimiish 蔡八兒
380 18 使 shǐ to make; to cause 選使副
381 18 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 選使副
382 18 使 shǐ to indulge 選使副
383 18 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 選使副
384 18 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 選使副
385 18 使 shǐ to dispatch 選使副
386 18 使 shǐ if 選使副
387 18 使 shǐ to use 選使副
388 18 使 shǐ to be able to 選使副
389 18 nǎi thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 何乃為此不祥
390 18 nǎi to be 何乃為此不祥
391 18 nǎi you; yours 何乃為此不祥
392 18 nǎi also; moreover 何乃為此不祥
393 18 nǎi however; but 何乃為此不祥
394 18 nǎi if 何乃為此不祥
395 18 also; too 往必無辱也
396 18 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 往必無辱也
397 18 either 往必無辱也
398 18 even 往必無辱也
399 18 used to soften the tone 往必無辱也
400 18 used for emphasis 往必無辱也
401 18 used to mark contrast 往必無辱也
402 18 used to mark compromise 往必無辱也
403 17 an official institution; a state bureau 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
404 17 a prefecture; a prefect 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
405 17 a respectful reference to a residence 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
406 17 a repository 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
407 17 a meeting place 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
408 17 the residence of a high-ranking official; a prefect 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
409 17 Fu 即拜鳳翔府路兵馬都總管判官
410 17 guān an office 改樞密院經歷官
411 17 guān an official; a government official 改樞密院經歷官
412 17 guān official; state-run 改樞密院經歷官
413 17 guān an official body; a state organization; bureau 改樞密院經歷官
414 17 guān an official rank; an official title 改樞密院經歷官
415 17 guān governance 改樞密院經歷官
416 17 guān a sense organ 改樞密院經歷官
417 17 guān office 改樞密院經歷官
418 17 guān public 改樞密院經歷官
419 17 guān an organ 改樞密院經歷官
420 17 guān a polite form of address 改樞密院經歷官
421 17 guān Guan 改樞密院經歷官
422 17 guān to appoint 改樞密院經歷官
423 17 guān to hold a post 改樞密院經歷官
424 16 and 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
425 16 to give 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
426 16 together with 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
427 16 interrogative particle 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
428 16 to accompany 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
429 16 to particate in 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
430 16 of the same kind 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
431 16 to help 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
432 16 for 行省檄慶祥與治中胥謙分道清野
433 16 zhōng middle 泰和中
434 16 zhōng medium; medium sized 泰和中
435 16 zhōng China 泰和中
436 16 zhòng to hit the mark 泰和中
437 16 zhōng in; amongst 泰和中
438 16 zhōng midday 泰和中
439 16 zhōng inside 泰和中
440 16 zhōng during 泰和中
441 16 zhōng Zhong 泰和中
442 16 zhōng intermediary 泰和中
443 16 zhōng half 泰和中
444 16 zhōng just right; suitably 泰和中
445 16 zhōng while 泰和中
446 16 zhòng to reach; to attain 泰和中
447 16 zhòng to suffer; to infect 泰和中
448 16 zhòng to obtain 泰和中
449 16 zhòng to pass an exam 泰和中
450 16 zōng school; sect 哀宗詔褒死節士
451 16 zōng ancestor 哀宗詔褒死節士
452 16 zōng a measure word for transaction or business related things 哀宗詔褒死節士
453 16 zōng to take as one's model as 哀宗詔褒死節士
454 16 zōng purpose 哀宗詔褒死節士
455 16 zōng an ancestral temple 哀宗詔褒死節士
456 16 zōng to respect; to revere; to admire; to honor 哀宗詔褒死節士
457 16 zōng clan; family 哀宗詔褒死節士
458 16 zōng a model 哀宗詔褒死節士
459 16 zōng a county 哀宗詔褒死節士
460 16 zōng religion 哀宗詔褒死節士
461 16 zōng essential; necessary 哀宗詔褒死節士
462 16 zōng summation 哀宗詔褒死節士
463 16 zōng a visit by feudal lords 哀宗詔褒死節士
464 16 zōng Zong 哀宗詔褒死節士
465 16 I 吾屬荷國厚恩
466 16 my 吾屬荷國厚恩
467 16 Wu 吾屬荷國厚恩
468 16 āi to be sad; to be mournful; to be pitiful 哀宗詔褒死節士
469 16 āi to pity 哀宗詔褒死節士
470 16 āi to grieve; to morn 哀宗詔褒死節士
471 16 āi alas 哀宗詔褒死節士
472 16 āi to cherish; to treasure 哀宗詔褒死節士
473 16 āi orphaned 哀宗詔褒死節士
474 16 èr two 二人者逸其名
475 16 èr Kangxi radical 7 二人者逸其名
476 16 èr second 二人者逸其名
477 16 èr twice; double; di- 二人者逸其名
478 16 èr another; the other 二人者逸其名
479 16 èr more than one kind 二人者逸其名
480 16 a gem; a precious stone; jade 蒲察琦
481 16 a curio 蒲察琦
482 16 excellent; admirable 蒲察琦
483 16 rare; unusual 蒲察琦
484 16 to enter 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
485 16 Kangxi radical 11 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
486 16 radical 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
487 16 income 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
488 16 to conform with 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
489 16 to descend 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
490 16 the entering tone 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
491 16 to pay 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
492 16 to join 先世自西城入居臨洮狄道
493 15 zhōng loyalty; devotion 諡忠湣
494 15 zhōng Zhong 諡忠湣
495 15 zhōng to act wholeheartedly 諡忠湣
496 15 zhòng middle brother 烏古孫仲端
497 15 zhòng Zhong 烏古孫仲端
498 15 zhòng a go between; a mediator 烏古孫仲端
499 15 this; these 此朕志也
500 15 in this way 此朕志也

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安平 196 Anping
保甲 98 historical Baojia
褒忠 98 Baozhong; Paochung
八月 98 August; the Eighth Month
北门 北門 98 North Gate
北京路 98 Beijing Circuit
  1. Bian River
  2. Henan
  3. Bian
汴京 98 Kaifeng; Bianjing
参知政事 參知政事 99 Assistant Administrator
99 Cheng
承安 99 Jōan
崇庆 崇慶 99 Chongqing
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
葱岭 葱嶺 67
  1. Pamirs
  2. Pamirs; Pamir high plateau
大安 100
  1. great peace
  2. Ta'an
  3. Da'an
  4. Da'an; Ta'an
大理 100
  1. Dali [kingdom]
  2. Superintendent of Law Enforcement
  3. a major principle; a general truth
  4. Dali [county]
大夏 100 Bactria
100 Deng
登闻鼓院 登聞鼓院 100 Admonishment Drum Court
  1. Di peoples
  2. Di
定西 100 Dingxi
东岳 東嶽 100 Mount Tai
都尉 100 Commander-in-Chief
二月 195 February; the Second Month
防城 102 Fangcheng
防御使 防禦使 102 Defense Commissioner
凤翔 鳳翔 102 Fengxiang
102 Fu
观察使 觀察使 103 Surveillence Commissioner
光州 103 Gwangju
龟山 龜山 103
  1. Guishan; Kueishan
  2. Tortoise Mountain
  1. Guo
  2. Guo
国军 國軍 103 National Revolutionary Army
国史院 國史院 103 History Office
国子祭酒 國子祭酒 103 Chancellor of the National University
海南 104 Hainan
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
翰林 104 Hanlin
  1. Hao
  2. Hao
河间 河間 104 Hejian
河平 104 Heping
河中 104 Hezhong
104 Hu
104 Huai River
户部 戶部 104 Ministry of Revenue
户部尚书 戶部尚書 104 Minister of Revenue (from the Han dynasty onwards)
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
谏议大夫 諫議大夫 106 Remonstrance Official
甲午 106 thirty-first year A7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1954 or 2014
节度使 節度使 106 military commissioner; jiedushi
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
九月 106 September; the Ninth Month
吉州 106
  1. Jizhou
  2. Kilju
开封府 開封府 107 Kaifeng
兰州 蘭州 108 Lanzhou
李全 108 Li Quan
  1. a bridge
  2. Liang Dynasty
  3. City of Liang
  4. State of Liang
  5. Liang
  6. a beam; rafters
  7. a fishing sluice
  8. to lose footing
  9. State of Liang
  10. a ridge
  11. later Liang
礼部 禮部 108 Ministry of (Confucian) Rites
临洮 臨洮 108 Lintao County
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
洛阳 洛陽 108 Luoyang
马可 馬可 109 Marco
109 Mei
梅林 109 Merlin
木华黎 木華黎 109 Muqali
南岸 110 Nanan
南城 110 Nancheng
南军 南軍 110 Southern Army
平凉 平涼 112 Pingliang
鄱阳 鄱陽 112 Poyang
  1. common; general; popular; everywhere; universal; extensive
  2. Prussia
  3. Pu
  1. type of rush; a vine
  2. Pu
  3. Pu
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
七月 113 July; the Seventh Month
  1. you; thou
  2. Ru River
  3. Ru
汝水 114 Ru River
汝州 114 Ruzhou
三原 115 Sanyuan
山东西路 山東西路 115 Shandong Xi Circuit
上京 115 Shangjing
尚书省 尚書省 115 Imperial Secretariat
上思 115 Shangsi
商州 115 Shangzhou
陕西 陝西 83 Shaanxi
陕西行省 陝西行省 115 Shaanxi province
十二月 115 December; the Twelfth Month
世爵 115 Spyker
十一月 115 November; the Eleventh Month
十月 115 October; the Tenth Month
枢密院 樞密院 115 Bureau of Military Affairs
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
绥德 綏德 115 Suide
遂平 115 Suiping
宿州 115 Suzhou
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
太学 太學 116 Taixue; Imperial Academy; Grand Academy
太常 116 Minister of Ceremonies; Rector of the Imperial Academy
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
台中 臺中 116 Taizhong; Taichung
天山 116 Tianshan
铁岭 鐵嶺 116 Tieling
潼关 潼關 116 Tongguan
同州 116 Tongzhou; Weinan
完颜 完顏 119 Wanyan clan
完颜氏 完顏氏 119 Wanyan
威远 威遠 119 Weiyuan
西域 120 Western Regions
刑部 120 Ministry of Justice
兴元 興元 120 Xingyuan
宣宗 120
  1. Xuanzong
  2. Seonjong of Goryeo
盱眙 120 Xuyi
阳信 陽信 121 Yangxin
耀州 121 Yaozhou
掖庭 121 Lateral Courts
玉兔 121 the Jade Hare; the Moon Rabbit; the moon
元好问 元好問 121 Yuan Haowen
元光 121 Yuanguang
御史大夫 121 Imperial Secretary
宰相 122 chancellor; prime minister
正月 122 first month of the lunar calendar
郑州 鄭州 122 Zhengzhou
镇江 鎮江 122 Zhenjiang
中都 122 Zhongdu; Dadu; Khanbaliq; Beijing
  1. daytime
  2. Zhou
  3. Zhou
主簿 122 official Registrar; Master of Records


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English